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Are we maids destined to be treated unfairly?


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Some idiotic, curmudgeonly comments here. Some of the best native Thai speakers I know happen to work as nannies in Bangkok, often for the diplomatic set or NGO's . They draw down good salaries and pick and choose their jobs, often going back to Europe or the USA with the families for extended periods which further improves their English. Obviously the OP being Filipino will have good language skills and her work opportunities are limited, no doubt she is capable of better work but getting it is another thing altogether.

You are right!

There are now many Thais who can speak fluent English and can do the accent of their teachers. If those negative commentators here saw Ruamrudee International School (and other international schools) and see how students even in grades level speak English.

The OP had worked as maid for English people and mingles with many other English people around the world in their religion. So she improves her English aside from what she learnt in her own education.

So we must not underestimate other people's ability to speak English especially just because they are maids or nannies

If i have to guess, you are trying to spread Christianity , I guess Justicia stepped on too many toes in the house hold with her strong christian opinion.

The scary thing about this is!

you are now looking for advise on how to use the Violence of the state to go after her former employer

You made a loss, your contractual agreement was not sound if any agreement was made at all. Learn from it and get a new job.

Many people here have made dumb mistakes and lost money, you have to learn from mistakes! then you can defend from this.

Uhurmm...I started to sense something..with you willia....

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Some idiotic, curmudgeonly comments here. Some of the best native Thai speakers I know happen to work as nannies in Bangkok, often for the diplomatic set or NGO's . They draw down good salaries and pick and choose their jobs, often going back to Europe or the USA with the families for extended periods which further improves their English. Obviously the OP being Filipino will have good language skills and her work opportunities are limited, no doubt she is capable of better work but getting it is another thing altogether.

You are right!

There are now many Thais who can speak fluent English and can do the accent of their teachers. If those negative commentators here saw Ruamrudee International School (and other international schools) and see how students even in grades level speak English.

The OP had worked as maid for English people and mingles with many other English people around the world in their religion. So she improves her English aside from what she learnt in her own education.

So we must not underestimate other people's ability to speak English especially just because they are maids or nannies

If i have to guess, you are trying to spread Christianity , I guess Justicia stepped on too many toes in the house hold with her strong christian opinion.

The scary thing about this is!

you are now looking for advise on how to use the Violence of the state to go after her former employer

You made a loss, your contractual agreement was not sound if any agreement was made at all. Learn from it and get a new job.

Many people here have made dumb mistakes and lost money, you have to learn from mistakes! then you can defend from this.

And if I had to guess then my money is on the fact her ex employer wouldn't recognise a Christian belief if it bit her on the bum. Probably not into Buddhist Karma either.

I think so. The employer and william...believe in that black man with tail like this in photo


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Where are you from your English is very good? If you have worked for someone and can prove it, the department of labour will take your case, they are not really interested if you have a WP or not.....if you are owed money they will get it for you

the OP is quite obviously a Filipina.

How does that diminish her in any way?

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Where are you from your English is very good? If you have worked for someone and can prove it, the department of labour will take your case, they are not really interested if you have a WP or not.....if you are owed money they will get it for you

the OP is quite obviously a Filipina.

How does that diminish her in any way?

Was it supposed to?

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There are two sides to every story and my feeling is that Justica with her very strong belief in the bible was a complete misfit in the house where the children freely used expletives. A parting had to happen, sooner the better. But the employer should have reasonably explained to her, paid her the wages due with a little extra as a tip, and closed the matter.

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There are two sides to every story and my feeling is that Justica with her very strong belief in the bible was a complete misfit in the house where the children freely used expletives. A parting had to happen, sooner the better. But the employer should have reasonably explained to her, paid her the wages due with a little extra as a tip, and closed the matter.

agreed, employer was stupid, these people are dangerous, you can see that they want revenge, they are not really asking advice here they are doing something else, i cant explain it yet

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Quoting this because people didn't seem to notice.

It is the full story from someone else, including more specific details (names).

Yap! It's good you still have the link!

I was the one inserted the maid's story in that topic. Still incomplete because the maid narrated her story long. The dialogue is from the text messages of the employer to the maid which the maid showed me

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There are two sides to every story and my feeling is that Justica with her very strong belief in the bible was a complete misfit in the house where the children freely used expletives. A parting had to happen, sooner the better. But the employer should have reasonably explained to her, paid her the wages due with a little extra as a tip, and closed the matter.

There are only two sides to a story if more than one person is involved.

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I am very confused how can a non Thai be a maid. You cannot get a work permit for a job that is illegal for foreigners. So it looks like ou are SOL.

Surprise to you and to the amateur lawyers here, Thai labour offices does not look at immigration or work permit status. One that has worked - as to be paid, no questions.

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You are lucky you were not beaten.

Or raped.

There is not much protection offered to domestic workers anywhere.

No one cares.

This is the way it has always been.

This is the way it always shall be.

Welcome to the world created not by god but by humanity.

Or beaten and raped while forced to wear a proper maids uniform.

(sorry, I couldn't help it)

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Fir maybe the first time on Thai Visa ... without reading through all the posts ... I'm simply going to say TROLL.


"I am just a maid. I posted my ads looking for a nanny job here in thaivisa and I was happy when there were immediate responses to my ads."

"I work one month and that was my first month to work."

The OP joined a few hours ago.

You can post on TV, wait a reasonable amount of time, get hired, work for some time ... but have joined a few hours ago ... facepalm.gif

Happy to be proven wrong.

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This is the way it always shall be.

"shall be" ?!? In Elgish this expression denotes approval.

Anyway, you are wrong, example


Also in the US some princess got arrested for abusing domestic workers,, there have been many cases times.

And in civilized countrye, domestic workers enjoy all the rights.

Edited by paz
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Where are you from your English is very good? If you have worked for someone and can prove it, the department of labour will take your case, they are not really interested if you have a WP or not.....if you are owed money they will get it for you

Thanks Sout...for you nice advice.

I am a Filipina and have worked for English and German people in china and Hongkong for long years before I come here. So we spoke English.

What I can prove is that I know exactly the name of my employer and her children. Her exact address and the school of her children.

I saved her sms when she asked me for interview and when she told me that I didn't work for her , etc

Unfair people will treat unfairly anyone if they think they can get away with it, being a maid doesn't directly have something to do with it, they just like to take advantage of people.

The best is probably to not put oneself in an illegal situation and have proof of the employment. Then go to labor department incase of abuse.

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This is the way it always shall be.

"shall be" ?!? In Elgish this expression denotes approval.

Anyway, you are wrong, example


Also in the US some princess got arrested for abusing domestic workers,, there have been many cases times.

And in civilized countrye, domestic workers enjoy all the rights.

Elgish lessons?


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You are lucky you were not beaten.

Or raped.

There is not much protection offered to domestic workers anywhere.

No one cares.

This is the way it has always been.

This is the way it always shall be.

Welcome to the world created not by god but by humanity.

Been beaten and raped a few times have you?

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If in fact you are pursuing this matter in earnest, though I really hate to say this, you should consider yourself fortunate in the grand scheme of domestic workers in this country. I have witnessed, in my everyday workplaces, unsuspecting foreign women get caught up in far, far worse circumstances than yours. For example, and for the sake of avoiding hell on earth, please also learn from the following story:

A lowly educated Burmese woman, whom I'm certain was trafficked (tricked and/or forced against her will into servitude for little or no money), was made to work all day long at the beck and humiliating call of my supervisor, a disgustingly haughty and wealthy Chinese-Thai woman - ie. the Burmese woman's owner. The poor woman had to live by herself in what was basically a storage closet of the language school where I taught. The poor woman was nothing short of a slave and was treated with disparagement and cruelty on a daily basis, by the Thai office staff as well. She often had to come running immediately when 'my boss / her owner' rang a bell attached to a button under her desk. After the woman lived like that for so many years in fear and probably in constant debt to her owner, she was depressed and defenceless and utterly pathetic. I still cringe with rage when I hear that call bell in my mind.

Perhaps it's time now to take the sound advice and sympathy that's been offered to you here!

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There are two sides to every story and my feeling is that Justica with her very strong belief in the bible was a complete misfit in the house where the children freely used expletives. A parting had to happen, sooner the better. But the employer should have reasonably explained to her, paid her the wages due with a little extra as a tip, and closed the matter.

There are only two sides to a story if more than one person is involved.

There are myriad sides to a story, and then there is the truth.

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You are lucky you were not beaten.

Or raped.

There is not much protection offered to domestic workers anywhere.

No one cares.

This is the way it has always been.

This is the way it always shall be.

Welcome to the world created not by god but by humanity.

agreed, you are so smart, I bet you read the news every day.... I cant read the news its tooo hard for me.

employers are so evil, every time I go to buy a coffee I see them beating there workers .... with whips and chains!!!

they even hit me if I dont tip them enough.

I was in the super market the other day and I was raped twice by the owner

I know!!! lets triple the taxes.

lets paint them pink so we know who are the ones providing goods and services to us!!

workers are not forced to work for an employee they are free to <deleted> off back to the shit hole they came from!

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God never told you that you should not work without a work permit, work without paying taxes ?

Taxes are theft, u dont need god to tell you that, its common sense, and a work permit <- that is just sick, I would be very sympathetic towards the OP there

but wat is most disturbing Is the fact that you and most of humanity are trying to lick the soles of the boots that are stomping on your heads and squishing your faces into the mud!!!

nazi is a bad word right, well its means national socialism

maybe there is no soul in the body, maybe you are just non-thinking robots, but then who programmed you.....

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This is the way it always shall be.

"shall be" ?!? In Elgish this expression denotes approval.

Anyway, you are wrong, example


Also in the US some princess got arrested for abusing domestic workers,, there have been many cases times.

And in civilized countrye, domestic workers enjoy all the rights.

""shall be" ?!?"

Or, are you actually thinking of the Shelby?


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