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I want a table saw for a project lining and insulating the upstairs of a typical older style house. Down-stairs is all nice but upstairs is unlined timber with no ceiling and gets unbearably hot.and unusable for most of the year. I could use a new circular saw but would prefer one that I can buy with a an accessory saw table. I want to be able to use mitre cuts, timber guides and adjust my cutting depth etc. As the need for a table saw is not long term I don't want to invest a lot of money & storage space on a stand-alone dedicated table saw. I want one I can fold up and store until needed again & meantime use the circular saw for usual tasks.

I am in Chonburi - Chacheongsao area. Any useful info on brands, shops, prices, availability etc?

Or a place to buy an reasonably good but inexpensive proper table saw & electric planer. (Homepro sell circular saws not table saws, & I never saw any at Global house.)


By the way, on the link that Farma provided has a table saw you can add a hand-held saw to. I have never seen that work well as it is always a kludge of some kind. Best thing to do it to have a real table saw with easily movable fences and accessory slots cut into the table, plus a blade guard so you can have a better chance of keeping your digits.

Here is the table for your own saw..... http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.thaicarpenter.com/%25E0%25B8%25AA%25E0%25B8%25B4%25E0%25B8%2599%25E0%25B8%2584%25E0%25B9%2589%25E0%25B8%25B2%25E0%25B9%2581%25E0%25B8%2599%25E0%25B8%25B0%25E0%25B8%2599%25E0%25B8%25B3_cpage2_view1&usg=ALkJrhghYv3AQJY60j8HZ_M-8vnkR3HVrQ

The 9000 baht table saw they have is a Jet which is great for light duty. They also have a lot of other Jet tools and various clamps so that is a good find for 2014 thanks to Farma!


For the depth you specified, a 10" saw should do the trick. This is a damned nice saw for the money: Makita 10" Table Saw, 1,500W, w/Stand, Model no.: MLT100S. You can Google it for more specifications; it is sold the world over an gets good reviews. I paid 19,450 in Phitsanulok. It should be available by order through any dealer that sells Makita. The price may very, depending on how far they want you to bend over.. Here's a picture:


For miters, the Makita compound miter with laser guide is a very, very sweet unit, but will set you back around 28,890 baht (Phitsanulok), double the cost in the west:



Hey, also, since you are putting in a ceiling to stop the "unbearable" heat, before you do so, it would be a good time to spray the underside of your roof with PU foam insulation. It is some nice stuff. It not only insulates against heat, but also against sound and it stops leaks. There are several companies installing the stuff. Here is one of them: http://www.lohr-trade.com/

If you contact that one, feel free to tell him "John from Phitsanulok" sent you.

Some people will tell you that if you get a leak with PU foam, you can't find it. All the companies guarantee against leaks for 5-10 years and stand behind the warranties (they are farang). If you don't have a leak in five years, you probably will not have one. In any event, I have NEVER been able to find a naysayer that has actually used the material, and I will comment no further on it. I will not be involved in a TV style debate over the merits of the foam.


Re Makita saw. I'd rather buy another car.(LOL). I also have a mitre saw & a wooden mitre box. Hoped a standard table saw would have a mitre attachment. Do any budget brand models have them?


Hi , dont know where you live, but I bought a 10 " table saw for 6800baht in Chiang Mai 6 weeks ago , it's not as good as my friends Maketa but does the job of a compleat new kitchen refit Name of shop is MonTree ,Phone 053212311, this shop carries thousand's of different tools at reasonable prices , its on the supper highway on the corner with trafic lights 1km up from the big tesco's going towards Chiang Mai view hotel


This is the eastern Thailand Forum. I am in Chonburi province. Now a name and address for a shop like that in Chonburi or Chaeonsao would be helpful.... anyone????????????? PS Can you turn the fence at 45 degrees to cut corner mouldings on that one you have?


Maybe something of a trek for you to Global House in Rayong but they always have stock of table and drop saws which seems to change every time I go there.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

Maybe something of a trek for you to Global House in Rayong but they always have stock of table and drop saws which seems to change every time I go there.

Yeap in there a couple weeks ago debating whether to buy one or not


hardware house have a new store on the a36 close to ban chang turn, on the left heading towards koh chang, the range of tools and building materials is huge, i can spend hours there just looking around, they even have an airless paint sprayer there.plenty of table saws and mitre saws as well as a combination mitre/table, a bit far from chon buri , but maybe a hardware house close to you will have a similar range.


I built myself a table saw using steel frame and table top and putting a 16" Makita circular saw under it. It has it flaws in design but hey... I was able to rip some 4 meter long 6" diameter Mai Deng logs in half with it and also cut some nice 2" by 1cm thick teakwood strips from immature trees. Not bad for a rookie welder and carpenter. haha

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