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Bangkok taxi drivers demand end to protests


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Come to think of it, who does he represent, really?

Suthep represents tax payers. IOW hardly anyone in Thailand.

From the size of the protests, less than 1% of the population.

Everybody in thailand pays taxes.

As for the protests representing less than 1% of Thailand. Protesters are a subset of people with a specific opinion. My wife is anti govt but has not taken to the streets. You cant presume that the people in the streets represent everyone that is sick of the ramant corruption of the Thaksinites

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


except I am sending it from my ailing 6 year old HP desk computer.

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At last.

The real "populace" are speaking.

Those who stand to lose the very daily rice they put on their families tables due to the selfish actions of an elite minority and its paid canon-fodder, should the capital be further disrupted.

Forget the Army and forget the Police, you really, really, really don't wanna upset the taxi/MC brigade.

You'll barely be able to sit down for a week, if you do.

Nice 1.

The real populace are starting to speak.

All we need now are the street-vendors who don't have their carts insured, in order to be smashed by protestors and the bar owners who are in similar position to join them. Not to mention the street girls workers.

Who would voluntarily face down that lot?

Thusep and his ilk will be heading for Dubai, in quick order.

the most stupid post of the week ,20 taxi drivers is the real populace..hahahahahahahaha their broke because theres too many of them its an easy lazy job .

Edited by winstonc
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Here's a simple test for the people who don't know what racism is. Answer these two questions :

1. Do you think the people of Thailand (all of them, not just Sutheps laughable "The People") are intelligent enough to elect the government they want in a democratic election?

2. Same question, but this time about the people of your home country.


Now if your answer to both questions is 'no', then you'd probably be happier living in North Korea.

If your answer is 'no' to the first and 'yes' to the second, then you are indeed a racist, you just don't admit it to yourself.

If your answer to both questions is 'yes' then you'll join with me in condemning the so-called 'Democrat' party which has given two fingers to about 12 million people who voted for them in the last election.

Racism isn't just international either. The attitude of the pale skinned Bangkok Thai-Chinese to the native people of rural Thailand is every bit as racist as some of the comments posted in this thread.


So which is it? Are you a 'no-yes' racist or a 'yes-yes' democrat?

You missed the third question. Do people have the right to protest against corrupt, nepotistic, self serving govts, who once they achieved power ruled in a criminaly inept manner, destroying a major export industry in the process, while ramming legislation through parliament designed to prevent criminal politicians serving their gaol time? Rather a long question I know, but relevant.

Don't get me wrong, I have no time for suthep, his fascist council or lunatic plans, but the original protests against PT and their misrule are part of the democratic process, and would be anywhere.


Do people have the right to protest if they don't like the government? Yes, absolutely, if it's within the law. But if a government was elected in a free and fair election then the only legitimate way to remove it is by another free and fair election. There's a huge difference between legitimate, if noisy, protest on the one hand, and insurrection on the other, which involves seizing government offices, blocking roads and calling for military coup no.19.

Also, if you think that the government is "corrupt, nepotistic, self serving" in your words - and I wouldn't question that it is, to some extent - then do you seriously think that Suthep and his cronies would be honest, decent and public spirited? Ever heard the expression "Better the (democratically elected) devil you know....".

I made it very clear what I thought of suthep in my post.

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This is a good start. If more people were to wake up and smell the roses they would see what he is trying to do. If he does shut down Bangkok, more then just the taxi driver's will loose - many shop owners will also loose. If this is what Bangkok wants ok go for it. But then you can only blame yourself and no one else.

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Hey Mr. Dangerfield, calm down a bit.

The populace is not speaking, 20 red shirt sympathisers are speaking.

While I agree that not all taxi drivers are red shirts, I would stake my life that these 20 taxi drivers have an allegiance to the red faction.

I’m pretty sure that the taxi drivers lost more revenue during the 2010 riots but they were not so worried about loosing their money then.

OR maybe they are just tired of all the BS caused by suthep.

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

Who are you talking about? You are only talking about the south. When the south wanted new schools - they went and burned them down. The north and northeast cannot get good books nevermind new schools. And the rice scam???? These farmers are getting their money because I see them getting new tractors all the time and new harvesting equipment also. So they are getting their money maybe slow but it is there. Suthep and his mob dont want a democratic government they want a dictaorship.

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

Don't fool yourself. You may be right if they don't care about the direction is going towards. You have to say if these people did not demonstrate and put a halt to the government, they would have done more damage that would last for over many years.

Edited by aimbc
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Here's a simple test for the people who don't know what racism is. Answer these two questions :

1. Do you think the people of Thailand (all of them, not just Sutheps laughable "The People") are intelligent enough to elect the government they want in a democratic election?

2. Same question, but this time about the people of your home country.


Now if your answer to both questions is 'no', then you'd probably be happier living in North Korea.

If your answer is 'no' to the first and 'yes' to the second, then you are indeed a racist, you just don't admit it to yourself.

If your answer to both questions is 'yes' then you'll join with me in condemning the so-called 'Democrat' party which has given two fingers to about 12 million people who voted for them in the last election.

Racism isn't just international either. The attitude of the pale skinned Bangkok Thai-Chinese to the native people of rural Thailand is every bit as racist as some of the comments posted in this thread.


So which is it? Are you a 'no-yes' racist or a 'yes-yes' democrat?

You missed the third question. Do people have the right to protest against corrupt, nepotistic, self serving govts, who once they achieved power ruled in a criminaly inept manner, destroying a major export industry in the process, while ramming legislation through parliament designed to prevent criminal politicians serving their gaol time? Rather a long question I know, but relevant.

Don't get me wrong, I have no time for suthep, his fascist council or lunatic plans, but the original protests against PT and their misrule are part of the democratic process, and would be anywhere.


Do people have the right to protest if they don't like the government? Yes, absolutely, if it's within the law. But if a government was elected in a free and fair election then the only legitimate way to remove it is by another free and fair election. There's a huge difference between legitimate, if noisy, protest on the one hand, and insurrection on the other, which involves seizing government offices, blocking roads and calling for military coup no.19.

Also, if you think that the government is "corrupt, nepotistic, self serving" in your words - and I wouldn't question that it is, to some extent - then do you seriously think that Suthep and his cronies would be honest, decent and public spirited? Ever heard the expression "Better the (democratically elected) devil you know....".

And if that government cheats and lies, then what?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here's a simple test for the people who don't know what racism is. Answer these two questions :

1. Do you think the people of Thailand (all of them, not just Sutheps laughable "The People") are intelligent enough to elect the government they want in a democratic election?

2. Same question, but this time about the people of your home country.


Now if your answer to both questions is 'no', then you'd probably be happier living in North Korea.

If your answer is 'no' to the first and 'yes' to the second, then you are indeed a racist, you just don't admit it to yourself.

If your answer to both questions is 'yes' then you'll join with me in condemning the so-called 'Democrat' party which has given two fingers to about 12 million people who voted for them in the last election.

Racism isn't just international either. The attitude of the pale skinned Bangkok Thai-Chinese to the native people of rural Thailand is every bit as racist as some of the comments posted in this thread.


So which is it? Are you a 'no-yes' racist or a 'yes-yes' democrat?

You really are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

If you spent as much time trying to get an education as you do spouting crap then you might have something of value to add to this thread.

By your argument, everyone who does not agree with your political beliefs is a racist.

Following Mark Twain's advice, I have no other option but to abandon this argument, as he said "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

I consider myself well beaten.


Dodged the question, so that would make you a typical 'no-yes' racist in denial.

No I did not dodge the question, I made it quite clear that I am arguing with an idiot and as such you held the advantage, which you have just proven.

At no point since I have been posting on TV have I stated that I agree with Supeth but I do agree with the people who are sick of being ripped off by this corrupt government.

Bluespunk offered you a third option and I will offer a fourth option (mine).

Do you think that the people of Thaialnd are entitled to fair elections?

Why, that would be a yes.

Since I have lived in Thailand (for the last 4 elections) i have personally witnessed corruption leading up to the vote.

For the last election, the people of my wife's village were told that if they did not vote for the reds then they would be the last on the list when any government help was given out (whether health care or another loan scheme).

I personally think that all Thais should have the right to a fair election and government, that is all.

Nobody mentioned colour of skin or enthicity apart from you.

This whole thread has nothing to do with racism apart from the fact that you wanted to turn it into a race issue.

By the way, my wife is from Sakhonakorn, so do you think that I am racist against my own wife for wanting her to be able to vote for whoever she wants to?

Edited by tonytigerbkk
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These protests are in the center of bangkok. Bangkok area is a big area and you have the expressways. So you can still get around. Taxi drivers can scirt around the problems and make fares outside the center.

So true. Sometimes they won't even pick you up if you want to go to a busy area. So what's the 40 taxi guy gripe? Out of how many taxis? And we won't talk about not picking you up when its raining (a bit off topic sorry)

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This is a good start. If more people were to wake up and smell the roses they would see what he is trying to do. If he does shut down Bangkok, more then just the taxi driver's will loose - many shop owners will also loose. If this is what Bangkok wants ok go for it. But then you can only blame yourself and no one else.

Not entirely true. Actually some of these shop owners will never ever witness this many foot traffic. :D

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Taxi drivers protesting. Next it will be the farmers!!!!

They seem to be under the illusion that their opinion matters. Suthep has made it quite clear that uneducated, poor people cannot be trusted with democracy.

I would like to add that the farmers WILL also join the protest. Already confirmed by the pres. of Rice Farmer Assoc. a couple of days ago.

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At last.

Forget the Army and forget the Police, you really, really, really don't wanna upset the taxi/MC brigade.


Given their historical penchant for robbing or raping or murdering unsuspecting customers, there's some validity in that.

Evidence please.

Not "I know a man who knew a man who had a brother who's second sister's cousin twice-removed" hearsay.

And even if so, until and unless they are convicted (en-masse according to the tone of your post), their votes are as good as any and their livelihoods equally important to anyone else's.

Or you could maybe say it to their faces.

No need to provide any links / evidence etc., incidents have been reported in the press more times than you can count on a regular basis for decades.

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Here's a simple test for the people who don't know what racism is. Answer these two questions :

1. Do you think the people of Thailand (all of them, not just Sutheps laughable "The People") are intelligent enough to elect the government they want in a democratic election?

2. Same question, but this time about the people of your home country.


Now if your answer to both questions is 'no', then you'd probably be happier living in North Korea.

If your answer is 'no' to the first and 'yes' to the second, then you are indeed a racist, you just don't admit it to yourself.

If your answer to both questions is 'yes' then you'll join with me in condemning the so-called 'Democrat' party which has given two fingers to about 12 million people who voted for them in the last election.

Racism isn't just international either. The attitude of the pale skinned Bangkok Thai-Chinese to the native people of rural Thailand is every bit as racist as some of the comments posted in this thread.


So which is it? Are you a 'no-yes' racist or a 'yes-yes' democrat?

You missed the third question. Do people have the right to protest against corrupt, nepotistic, self serving govts, who once they achieved power ruled in a criminaly inept manner, destroying a major export industry in the process, while ramming legislation through parliament designed to prevent criminal politicians serving their gaol time? Rather a long question I know, but relevant.

Don't get me wrong, I have no time for suthep, his fascist council or lunatic plans, but the original protests against PT and their misrule are part of the democratic process, and would be anywhere.


Do people have the right to protest if they don't like the government? Yes, absolutely, if it's within the law. But if a government was elected in a free and fair election then the only legitimate way to remove it is by another free and fair election. There's a huge difference between legitimate, if noisy, protest on the one hand, and insurrection on the other, which involves seizing government offices, blocking roads and calling for military coup no.19.

Also, if you think that the government is "corrupt, nepotistic, self serving" in your words - and I wouldn't question that it is, to some extent - then do you seriously think that Suthep and his cronies would be honest, decent and public spirited? Ever heard the expression "Better the (democratically elected) devil you know....".

And if that government cheats and lies, then what?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


<deleted>! What planet do you come from? Name one government on the entire planet that doesn't lie and cheat. Even the Vatican has been put under embargo for its involvement in money laundering.

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At last.

The real "populace" are speaking.

Those who stand to lose the very daily rice they put on their families tables due to the selfish actions of an elite minority and its paid canon-fodder, should the capital be further disrupted.

Forget the Army and forget the Police, you really, really, really don't wanna upset the taxi/MC brigade.

You'll barely be able to sit down for a week, if you do.

Nice 1.

The real populace are starting to speak.

All we need now are the street-vendors who don't have their carts insured, in order to be smashed by protestors and the bar owners who are in similar position to join them. Not to mention the street girls workers.

Who would voluntarily face down that lot?

Thusep and his ilk will be heading for Dubai, in quick order.

I agree

Suthep has been rambling on how the Majority "The real People" are on his side. Looks like the real people (Not the rich elite) are fed up with him and are hurting and maybe about to give him a far old spanking. There is now a 500K incentive.

How interesting that you can claim that the "real populace" are speaking. A handful of disgruntled taxi drivers is a far cry from the voice of the people..

I think you will find they are just the beginning of those realizing just how much a shutdown will affect Bangkokians ? I am sure the taxi drivers will not be the only ones whose living and lifestyle will be affected.

Don't be surprised to see more and more of these "little protests.

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I personally think that all Thais should have the right to a fair election and government, that is all.



Good to see that you've finally laid your cards on the table and come out firmly in favour of the Feb.2nd election. I guess that makes you a 'yes-yes' democrat.

Incidentally, before you bandy about abusive terms like 'idiotic' and 'stupid' again you may want to refresh your memory on ThaiVisa Forum Rule No.1.

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Taxi drivers protesting. Next it will be the farmers!!!!

They seem to be under the illusion that their opinion matters. Suthep has made it quite clear that uneducated, poor people cannot be trusted with democracy.

I would like to add that the farmers WILL also join the protest. Already confirmed by the pres. of Rice Farmer Assoc. a couple of days ago.

Dear oh dear!! Don't they realise that their role is to support the elite without complaint? Grow rice, drive taxis, work on dangerous sites, sell daughters, live in debt, etc.

They are acting like they think they have the same rights as Bangkokians. I bet they don't even own brand name clothes!!

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Evidence? LOL

Google searches of,

Bangkok taxi driver robbery

Bangkok taxi driver rape

Bangkok taxi driver murder

will give dozens of examples of evidence.

Are you really that unaware of their history?


No one questioned the validity of their votes.

Try and keep a grip on things.

I asked you.

I already have Google.

I can seek and validate pretty much any stance I want to take on pretty much any given subject with Google.

Evidence, please.


If you are wholly unaware of the many instances of wrong-doing by taxi drivers as you purport, there's not much point in continuing as the educational process is too involved and at this point, we can just write off your posts.

I think the point he's making is that you simply can't make such sweeping statements. Saying "their penchant" implies just that and it's really not fair. Many taxi drivers - the overwhelming majority - are decent and very hard working people.

The point he's making is that he's supposedly unaware that various taxi drivers have been involved in some quite despicable actions.

The point he's making is that he is wholly unaware of multiple highly reported on incidents.

The point he's making is that because of the aforementioned reasons, we can easily dismiss all his tripe.

Edited by Maha Sarakham Marty
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I personally think that all Thais should have the right to a fair election and government, that is all.



Good to see that you've finally laid your cards on the table and come out firmly in favour of the Feb.2nd election. I guess that makes you a 'yes-yes' democrat.

Incidentally, before you bandy about abusive terms like 'idiotic' and 'stupid' again you may want to refresh your memory on ThaiVisa Forum Rule No.1.

Why do you constantly change things around.

I said that all Thais should have the right to a fair election I did not say that I was in favour of a Feb 2nd Election, which everyone knows woould not be fair.

Try making yourself familiar with the meaning of democratic elections and when you have learned what that means do some research on how the Shinawtra clan win their elections and why the people of Thailand cannot have democratical elections while this dynasty is on the scene.

With reference to rule # 1:

Don't bark and wag your tail like a dog and I won't call you a dog

Anyway, I'm just on my way out now, so if you reply to my post I will not see it till tomorrow morning.

However, I will be back tomorrow (around the time thta the big hand is on the 12 and the small hand is also on the 12), so if you like, I can continue your education about the big wide world then.

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

It appears that you are the one who seems to have no clue at all, I would ask that YOU go out on the street and talk to people, countrywide, not locally, and I guarantee you will see that there is more support for this ELECTED government that you can possibly imagine, wipe your little yellow specs and stop listening to people that tell you that they are educated, believe me, they are the worst!

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I guess Sutheps "The People" doesn't include taxi drivers with hungry families. Or people on the minimum wage, which he wants to cut. Or stock market investors, who are currently losing money. Or rice farmers. Or Bangkok commuters.

Come to think of it, who does he represent, really?

Perhaps you would care to re-read what you have just written.

Why are rice farmers not getting paid? Why are people on the minimum wage? If all of the corruption in Thailand were to be brought to an end, all of these people would prosper.

And when you have the gall to mention the rice farmers, really...? If it wasn't for this crooked government, there wouldn't be a problem with Thailand's once burgeoning rice market...!!

Are you shure?

There's a world wide glut of rice and rubber.

In europe we have the CAP.

In Thailand you have the rice cartels.

Under Abhisit the farmers were being paid 6000 baht per ton despite being promised 12000.

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Try making yourself familiar with the meaning of democratic elections and when you have learned what that means do some research on how the Shinawtra clan win their elections and why the people of Thailand cannot have democratical elections while this dynasty is on the scene.


Walking on very thin ice there. Very thin indeed. I certainly wouldn't have mentioned the 'D' word.

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Hey Mr. Dangerfield, calm down a bit.

The populace is not speaking, 20 red shirt sympathisers are speaking.

While I agree that not all taxi drivers are red shirts, I would stake my life that these 20 taxi drivers have an allegiance to the red faction.

I’m pretty sure that the taxi drivers lost more revenue during the 2010 riots but they were not so worried about loosing their money then.

And why would that be, exactly?

Maybe cuz the real populace is tired of the Army continually sticking their collective hand up the backside of their glove puppet and elitist enforced governmental administration for the better good of the few rather than the many.

And please don't tell me to calm down.

I'll do that in my own time, thank you.

Well the army's hand is up the backside of the PTP caretaker government that was elected by the majority at the moment. That would be why the government's own puppet the DSI is ignoring the killings by the army in 2010 and trying to blame Abhisit and Suthep instead.

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

It's not the elected government that's the problem it's the unelected person who seems to be controlling them. It was the amnesty for him that angered many red shirts because of the allied amnesty for Abhisit and Suthep. It also angered those against Thaksin who seeing a break in the support for the government probably thought this was as good a time as any to protest.

Before this all the disagreements were dealt with in parliament. Not that the PM would know much about that. The exception to this was where anything was thought to be illegal or unconstitutional when the relevant courts dealt with it.

My wife has been to the protest and she isn't what I'd call one of the elite. She doesn't agree with Suthep either but she doesn't want Thaksin running the government which is what seems to be happening.

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At last.

Forget the Army and forget the Police, you really, really, really don't wanna upset the taxi/MC brigade.


Given their historical penchant for robbing or raping or murdering unsuspecting customers, there's some validity in that.

Evidence please.

Not "I know a man who knew a man who had a brother who's second sister's cousin twice-removed" hearsay.

And even if so, until and unless they are convicted (en-masse according to the tone of your post), their votes are as good as any and their livelihoods equally important to anyone else's.

Or you could maybe say it to their faces.

Well, I'm sure most taxi drivers are good, law-abiding citizens, but I can guarantee you that there are some sleazebags (and worse) among them. Just this past Thursday night, my gf was coming back to our Bangkok hotel in a taxi after an evening spent with some high school friends. The driver apparently suggested quite insistently that they go off somewhere and 'have some fun', but she flashed the temper that I've come to know all too well and the guy backed down. But when she arrived at our room, she was still shaking. She can play the tough well enough, but there's a lot of acting involved. I was initially angry at her for not staying the night at her friend's house as initially agreed, but that became secondary. Anyway, the point is that there are some serious sleazebags in the 'taxi corps' and my gf has told me this a number of times (though this is only her second direct experience of it ... but two too many).

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At last.

Forget the Army and forget the Police, you really, really, really don't wanna upset the taxi/MC brigade.


Given their historical penchant for robbing or raping or murdering unsuspecting customers, there's some validity in that.

Evidence please.

Not "I know a man who knew a man who had a brother who's second sister's cousin twice-removed" hearsay.

And even if so, until and unless they are convicted (en-masse according to the tone of your post), their votes are as good as any and their livelihoods equally important to anyone else's.

Or you could maybe say it to their faces.

Well, I'm sure most taxi drivers are good, law-abiding citizens, but I can guarantee you that there are some sleazebags (and worse) among them. Just this past Thursday night, my gf was coming back to our Bangkok hotel in a taxi after an evening spent with some high school friends. The driver apparently suggested quite insistently that they go off somewhere and 'have some fun', but she flashed the temper that I've come to know all too well and the guy backed down. But when she arrived at our room, she was still shaking. She can play the tough well enough, but there's a lot of acting involved. I was initially angry at her for not staying the night at her friend's house as initially agreed, but that became secondary. Anyway, the point is that there are some serious sleazebags in the 'taxi corps' and my gf has told me this a number of times (though this is only her second direct experience of it ... but two too many).

not nice.

I have suggested to my wife she take down taxi numbers and text.

Also many farang get lulled into a false sense of security.

A couple of years ago I dragged my suitcase to the street for a taxi for the airport.

Someone was watching.

That night at 5 am a motorcycle taxi was ringing our bell to see if anyone was at home.

The local brigands who played loud music outdoors every night were the suspects.

The rent on that house now is 75000 baht per month I'm told.

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

It appears that you are the one who seems to have no clue at all, I would ask that YOU go out on the street and talk to people, countrywide, not locally, and I guarantee you will see that there is more support for this ELECTED government that you can possibly imagine, wipe your little yellow specs and stop listening to people that tell you that they are educated, believe me, they are the worst!

I don't believe you.

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Oh dear, no sex last night? biggrin.png

typing one-handed is difficult.

As evidenced by your clear inability to hold down the shift button, with the one hand in order to use the other to commence your witticism with a capital "T".

You sure proved your point.....perfectly. laugh.png

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A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

For "hypocritical" read democratic.

The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

It appears that you are the one who seems to have no clue at all, I would ask that YOU go out on the street and talk to people, countrywide, not locally, and I guarantee you will see that there is more support for this ELECTED government that you can possibly imagine, wipe your little yellow specs and stop listening to people that tell you that they are educated, believe me, they are the worst!

All anti-government farangs on this forum know very well that there is more support for this elected government than for Suthep, his yellow thugs, the ever losing Dems, or the "people's council's nonsense thing"... That is why you can witness so much anger from their part.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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