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Heckler tells Abhisit to 'respect my vote'


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As was mentioned earlier (page 1 of this thread), it is likely the heckler is a rather angry Dem voter who, because his spineless leader wouldn't front, decided that the Dems would not participate in the election, which effectively means he has been disenfranchised. Nothing to do with YL....and maybe now he feels forced to follow Suthep, which as a clearly intelligent and educated guy he finds that prospect unappealing.

Abhisit's response to the guy was dreadful - clearly no respect for anyone except for the small gathering of 'yes people' in the room. Arrogance beyond belief!

As an aside....while many here seem to be Suthep/Dem supporters..... what happened to the 47 billion baht (or whatever it was) that the Dems 'confiscated' from Thaksin? I bet it didn't go to 'the people'......only a few certain people I guess. Ironically probably helping to finance Suthep!

Well, actually a court confiscated, not the Democrat Party. The money went to the 'people' in the sense that it became 'state' money. The government hands it out at occasions, like the 400 billion lost in rice price pledgingrolleyes.gif

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So the hecklers stopping parties from lodging their nominations for the elections, we now have an admission from Abihist that it is unfair.... oh dear will some one please rein in Suthep and Abihist. The reason he wont make it is that in many Thai eyes he now lacks credibility. Oh and they had to remove this seemingly educated person, who stated, I'am not your rival, I'am the people. Well said young son. Respect my vote, now if only all Thai people thought in this educated manner. Spoken in English as well. Hmm, yes one must agree with all the nay sayers on this forum who claim and state that Thais are uneducated and imply they have no grey matter. One voice can make a difference, unfortunately at the moment it is Suthep. bah.gif

Suthep is behind the current series of protests not Abhisit. He is not the one blocking voter party registration (not the same as blocking a voter by the way, but I can see a connection) nor does he need reigning in as he is not doing anything that needs to be reigned in.

Still at least the protestor said Abhisit was not a rival of the people, if he is not Abhisit's rival and he is the people then Abhisit is not a rival of the people.


Abhsit cannot speak like Hitler,hence his henchman Suthep,the mouth piece and rioter.

Nonsense. Abhisit is foolish for not contesting the election, but suthep and his fascist council are not the Dems.

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An article in the other newspaper quotes Abhisit as saying "This shows that people can express opinion at one of our activities" after the guy was removed by security. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Conveniently you forgot a few bits like when he said this was the pattern of the dems competitors and the all important part when he said that there was always disturbances at his (dems) forums and that is the reason why the election is not fair. What was happening was not the right set up (apparently).

So yes, you can express opinions at the dems activities, but their Party Leader will use that as an excuse as to why they were going to boycott elections.

abhisit it seems, is not made of what the Yanks would say is, "The Right Stuff". The less charitable used to say he was only good at talking, well, it looks like he's lost the knack for that as well.

Edited by fab4
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You don't need 20 measures to end corruption in Thailand. You just need one. Require all politicians, senior public officials and generals to open their personal finances to public scrutiny. Then we can see who's living far beyond the means of their salary.

Fair enough.

Question: Why didn't Abhisit and his Democrats do this when they were in power?

Question: Why was one of the most powerful men in the Democrat party, Khun Suthep made Deputy PM when Khun Suthep had a questionable record?

Probably because his ass was up against the wall trying to fend of violent protests in the center of bangkok.

....yep...aaaaaaaaall the time, they were in power!

From Day 1!


...and now: back to bed and take your medicine!

He came to power Dec 2008 and faced protests during 2009 and the big one in Q1-Q2 2010.

So not from day 1, i concur, but for a large amount of time in office he faced protests

And thanks for your comments, but its neither my bedtime and i am not in need of any medication, seems like perhaps you should take your own advice...

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Fair enough.

Question: Why didn't Abhisit and his Democrats do this when they were in power?

Question: Why was one of the most powerful men in the Democrat party, Khun Suthep made Deputy PM when Khun Suthep had a questionable record?

Probably because his ass was up against the wall trying to fend of violent protests in the center of bangkok.

....yep...aaaaaaaaall the time, they were in power!

From Day 1!


...and now: back to bed and take your medicine!

He came to power Dec 2008 and faced protests during 2009 and the big one in Q1-Q2 2010.

So not from day 1, i concur, but for a large amount of time in office he faced protests

And thanks for your comments, but its neither my bedtime and i am not in need of any medication, seems like perhaps you should take your own advice...

So what happened in Q3, Q4 of 2010 and Q1 2011?

Too busy setting up reconcilliation committees and avoiding holding inquests or any meaningful investigations other than jail as many UDD supporters as possible regardless of evidence?

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To Munterhunter:

All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

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To Munterhunter:

All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

Well i guess as he didnt initiate this fight against corruption back in 2009 he shouldnt be allowed to do so now? Thats what you are suggesting right? No wonder this country doesnt move forward with a mindset like that!

After all, PTP wont tackle corruption, courruption and graft is their bread and butter, their entire reason for being in politics from the get-go.

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"Former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has been heckled by a man who told the former leader to respect his rights to vote."

Abihist is showing any disrespect for this guys right to vote. Did he go to this guys work place and heckle him? Did he deny the guys right to vote?

If this guy was a PTP voter then is was the PTP that disrespected his vote by dissolving parliament before the end of their mandated term.

No, the guy is showing disrespect for Abihist by protesting his right to not participate in an election.

Your theory though is based on a premise or possibly a hypothises and you dont know if he was a PTP... Think, really think about what this person is saying and look at the respect to lodge candidates and the right to vote. Who were they stopped by? Do you even comprehend why PTP yielded to the Dems, it was so that people could go to the polls once more. If Abihist doesn't want to be part of the next government or participate in elections, what is he doing as their leader? Is this post very well thought out? I think not.wai.gif

As an afterthought could it not be a dem who wants to cast his vote, though cant as the dems have pulled out of the elections? So he says respect my vote.. who does he vote for now... Way too many assertians for my liking.

...as opposed to your non-assertive assertion...?!

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So the hecklers stopping parties from lodging their nominations for the elections, we now have an admission from Abihist that it is unfair.... oh dear will some one please rein in Suthep and Abihist. The reason he wont make it is that in many Thai eyes he now lacks credibility. Oh and they had to remove this seemingly educated person, who stated, I'am not your rival, I'am the people. Well said young son. Respect my vote, now if only all Thai people thought in this educated manner. Spoken in English as well. Hmm, yes one must agree with all the nay sayers on this forum who claim and state that Thais are uneducated and imply they have no grey matter. One voice can make a difference, unfortunately at the moment it is Suthep. bah.gif

Suthep is behind the current series of protests not Abhisit. He is not the one blocking voter party registration (not the same as blocking a voter by the way, but I can see a connection) nor does he need reigning in as he is not doing anything that needs to be reigned in.

Still at least the protestor said Abhisit was not a rival of the people, if he is not Abhisit's rival and he is the people then Abhisit is not a rival of the people.

If A is not B; and C is not B; that doesn't mean that A = C

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So the hecklers stopping parties from lodging their nominations for the elections, we now have an admission from Abihist that it is unfair.... oh dear will some one please rein in Suthep and Abihist. The reason he wont make it is that in many Thai eyes he now lacks credibility. Oh and they had to remove this seemingly educated person, who stated, I'am not your rival, I'am the people. Well said young son. Respect my vote, now if only all Thai people thought in this educated manner. Spoken in English as well. Hmm, yes one must agree with all the nay sayers on this forum who claim and state that Thais are uneducated and imply they have no grey matter. One voice can make a difference, unfortunately at the moment it is Suthep. bah.gif

Suthep is behind the current series of protests not Abhisit. He is not the one blocking voter party registration (not the same as blocking a voter by the way, but I can see a connection) nor does he need reigning in as he is not doing anything that needs to be reigned in.

Still at least the protestor said Abhisit was not a rival of the people, if he is not Abhisit's rival and he is the people then Abhisit is not a rival of the people.

If A is not B; and C is not B; that doesn't mean that A = C
Doesn't mean it doesn't either. Edited by Bluespunk
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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

True but he has never expressed a desire for any of those things you outline. Suthep and his fascist council's plans are suthep's, not Abhisit's.

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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

True but he has never expressed a desire for any of those things you outline. Suthep and his fascist council's plans are suthep's, not Abhisit's.

You're right any link between suthep and abhisit is purely based on the friendship and camaraderie between them which is all now in the past


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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

True but he has never expressed a desire for any of those things you outline. Suthep and his fascist council's plans are suthep's, not Abhisit's.

You're right any link between suthep and abhisit is purely based on the friendship and camaraderie between them which is all now in the past


Can't see suthep there, as I couldn't when you used this picture on another thread. Supporting the protests against PT's corruption is not the same as supporting suthep's fascism.

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"When you were the government, why didn′t you do it?

That is my question as well?

Why did you not reform Thailand when you were in power then Ex PM Abhisit as well as your Deputy Khun Suthep?

You had the chance and you both blew it, post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg hence the whistles this time around is it? Ex PM Abhisit 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

Win coffee1.gif

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To Munterhunter:

All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

Well i guess as he didnt initiate this fight against corruption back in 2009 he shouldnt be allowed to do so now? Thats what you are suggesting right? No wonder this country doesnt move forward with a mindset like that!

After all, PTP wont tackle corruption, courruption and graft is their bread and butter, their entire reason for being in politics from the get-go.

First of all a mindset like mine don't do sh!t for the country, because I am not allowed to vote here.

But I guess, you don't find it strange, that the most pressuring issue that is suddenly on the agenda now...was never even close to any agenda, when the DEMS had the chance to adress it?!

And I don't know, ho w the minset is, on your homeplanet, but...care to point out, what Abisith and Suthep are actually are planning in the fight against corruption?

Let me help you: a) get rid of the Shin- clan and b ) "we will tell you later"!

Fighting corruption, my backside!

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To Munterhunter:

All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

Well i guess as he didnt initiate this fight against corruption back in 2009 he shouldnt be allowed to do so now? Thats what you are suggesting right? No wonder this country doesnt move forward with a mindset like that!

After all, PTP wont tackle corruption, courruption and graft is their bread and butter, their entire reason for being in politics from the get-go.

Abhisit is fully allowed to try to tackle corruption whenever he wants from his opposition' seat.

Even if he did not do anything at all when he had the power to do something, he indeed should be allowed to help the problem now. Nobody will be against it.

What he certainly should NOT be allowed to do is to try to gain power by supporting a movement that wants to illegally overthrow an elected government and destroy democracy. And that is what is happening now. It has nothing to do with corruption.

In any case, Abhisit does not really care about corruption. He, Suthep and the Dems are just after power. That's it.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

True but he has never expressed a desire for any of those things you outline. Suthep and his fascist council's plans are suthep's, not Abhisit's.

A fine line indeed.

They are one and the same and have been political bedfellows for years.

Each complicit in each others maneuvering.

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Abhisit has never denied the Democratic party platform expressed by Suthep that a one man - one vote" election is undesirable and must be reformed into some voter "quaification" to assure that only an "intelligent" voter is allowed to vote in order to eliminate electing corrupt officials. The underlying intent of this "reform" would be to disqualify the majority of the Pheu Thai Party voters, allowing only the "royalists," "elists," and "educated" (aka the Democrat voter base) to qualify to vote in the national election. The Heckler was correct in his criticism, regardless of what party he favors.

True but he has never expressed a desire for any of those things you outline. Suthep and his fascist council's plans are suthep's, not Abhisit's.

A fine line indeed.

They are one and the same and have been political bedfellows for years.

Each complicit in each others maneuvering.

Lines split and divide and we each go our different ways. Suthep has drifted into the megalomaniac right. Abhisit hasn't.

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I have watched the youtube video and, of course, the protest is 'staged' but it is no less valid for that.

There are multiple comments on youtube regarding the video and the vast majority see the heckler as a 'hero'. Perhaps that's going a bit far but it does take guts to stand up at a meeting and forcibly make one's point of view known.

Abhisit was clearly thrown by the interruption and seemed unable to say anything but 'thank you very much' to every point the heckler raised.

'Change yourself before you try to change the country' shouts the heckler. 'Thank you very much' responds Abhisit meekly

'You had the chance to change the country but did nothing' continues the heckler. 'Thank you very much' replies Abhisit and the whole exchange continued in this vein.

'I slept with your wife last night' shouts the heckler . 'Khob Khun Kraap'smiles Abhisit

Abhisit clearly can't cope with anyone opposing his views in reasoned argument. Clearly a very weak man and not someone I would like running my country

Ten years ago, i thought AV might be great for the future of Thailand and that he could represent a new generation of politicians that could move Thailand forwards, with the use of policies, economics, public discourse, change, innovation, social and political creativity.

Instead, we have a man complicit in a coup, complicit in the use of snipers for riot control and who purports to be a democrat whilst refusing elections and supporting an insurrection against an elected, majority government.

Thaksins wrong doings ( which are real ) look small in comparison.

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Instead, we have a man complicit in a coup, complicit in the use of snipers for riot control and who purports to be a democrat whilst refusing elections and supporting an insurrection against an elected, majority government.

Thaksins wrong doings ( which are real ) look small in comparison.

Upton Sinclair: 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'

A lot of farangs in Bangkok area earn their income by working for the crooked yellow elite. Whether it is a sports car importer or a luxury restaurant owner, they follow obediently the party line. So naturally, they see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!

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Corruption costs the country Bt300 bn every year, claims Abhisit

Hataikarn Treesuwan

The Nation


Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of the anti-government People

The Democrat Party yesterday unveiled its anti-corruption proposal as part of its national reform blueprint.

BANGKOK: -- Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said corruption is costing Thailand Bt300 billion per year, or 2 per cent of gross domestic product. With that amount of money, the country could build 30 Parliament Houses, 201 BTS stations, or 5,100 large secondary schools, he said.

The party yesterday held a press conference to announce its blueprint for national reform after it decided to boycott the February 2 election and spend time considering the reform measures.

Abhisit declared the anti-corruption mechanism as the first point in a seven-point national reform blueprint. He said the proposal has 20 measures.

For example, laws should be amended so that corruption cases have no statute of limitations, National Anti-Corruption Commission investigations should be increased, and so too the role of the Office of the State Audit and the Auditor-General. Moreover, there should be retroactive examination of politicians' and senior government officials' tax payments.

Laws should be amended to control the government's use of advertising budget, and judicial officers should be banned from sitting on state-enterprises' boards of directors, the party's proposal said.

Information related to state enterprises should be transparent in the same way as listed companies. The party also proposed setting up a fund to support civil movements against corruption.

While Abhisit was speaking, a man who declined to be named blew a whistle at him. "I respect my vote. Please stop creating political speeches because your party [the Democrat Party] has never won an election," the man said. Abhisit replied by saying "Thank you", before the Democrats’ supporters took the protesting man out of the room.


-- The Nation 2014-01-08

See this is the real suthep! He hates foreigners so much he's reduced to giving the farang baby a slap...............whistling.gif

This is really the act of a low level coward. Poor baby sad.png

And look at the yellow thugs behind on the picture... They seem to wait till Suthep finishes to slap the poor baby before to strangle him viciously.

It's really horrifying to what extent these criminal anti-government mobs can go to reach their insane goals.


Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I usually call for a bit of middle-ground when talking politics, but ... this is really the act of a low level idiot.

Up to you to decide who I'm talking about - after all not all opinions are the same.

It's really horrifying to what extent some people can go to reach their insane goals.

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Quotes from the previous article....did the "Nation" miss something...again?

"If you cannot even reform yourself, how can you reform the country?".

Mr. Abhisit was visibly surprised by the incident, but the former leader tried to manage the confrontation by thanking the man for his remarks.

"When you were the government, why didn′t you do it? Stop the discourse about anti-corruption.

You have intimidated other people, so can they not intimidate you as well?".

"I am not your rival, I am the people!".

The 74% of Thais that agree with corruption, if they could participate. But this game have only a few winners. The dark side...

What about the other 26%?

Corruption is not a peccadillo, its like cancer, and the 26% have a right to fight against it.

So now is a chance to work it out, and millions of Thais want a clean Government.

We will see, if the democrats able to heal themself. For the future elections, after reform, I hope the voters have a choose between more honest politicans and parties. But it not working, when parties can not appear in the whole country without violence. Its an opportunity for the North and the South to work together in a peaceful manner, without Taksin. smile.png

Why should they get a clean gov't if they're not clean themselves. 95% of people in this country are looking to game the system however possible. They get what they deserve with their politicians.

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