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Do you preview your comments before posting?


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I usually preview (unless I'm particularly animated) but still screw up on the grammar and spelling.

It's like adding up a list of numbers.

If you added them wrong first time, chances are you'll add them wrong the second time (cuz you'll make just the same error as you did the first time).

Errrmmm.....If that makes sense (it does to me, but we all think differently, so I'll let anyone off who hasn't the faintest idea what I'm rambling on about).

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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon? smile.png

And go back and read it again straight after posting, whilst you still have time to edit the mistake you missed first time around.

Agree 100% Simon, but reading some of the tripe we see (and as mods we see rather more than you) I have my doubts that some of our members could actually count to 100.

Don't go into politics, Crossy.

Paxman would be gutted that you actually answered his question first time of asking (the rest of us would admire you for it, but such would be forgotten in an instant).


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Long posts without paragraph breaks I skip immediately, so actually it makes things go faster. Posts with more words than I can fit in the screen are also skipped.

I have found that both types of posts are a good indication that the poster has no idea how to present an argument and are not worth the time.

Short bad posts are skimmed quickly and easily forgotten.

There are occasions where long posts are well written, you just have to go with your instinct on these.

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I dont you 'preview'.

Spell check works with just typing the post, and grammar...well, try my best to be as close to a native as second language can.

Sometimes work, sometimes not :)

In any case, I dont think 'preview' would improve anyone's grammar...

counting to 100 ( slowly) might help a bit for some -not so Thai yet- who still knows how to do it without a calculator,

the realization is the root of the problem,

but there is a good chance that often is already affected by one (or more) too many beers to be bothered about the grammar.

Being an open forum, and not a literature one, it is inevitable that even natives slip up on spellings...my native language forum is the same.

As for cutting the BS, a different story....wai2.gif

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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon?

Er yes indeed. That's not the only typo that I made smile.png

No it's not, therefore making the only thing that is utter garbage the fact that you created the thread in the first place. Why oh why do people continue to raise issues concerning grammar or spelling, and in this case additionally, the use of the preview function, when they cannot be bothered in the slightest to use it themselves? Clown.

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I plead old age and bad eyesight for my spelling mistakes......

But I never made any criticism of spelling and grammar in my OP

Old age and bad eyesight is not an excuse for writing a wall of text without paragraphs. How can the poster even read it themselves?

Edited by simon43
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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon?

Er yes indeed. That's not the only typo that I made smile.png

Everyone spotted that, Simon....!!!

Good thing is that not all of us judge according to the odd (usually obvious, as that was) error.

At least you weren't called a "Troll".

I, personally, hope that calling someone a "Troll" will soon be as valid as calling someone a "Nazi" on the boards.

Each is usually(not always) more a reflection of the accuser rather than the accused.

But it's yet to be seen that way because of the common vernacular and the general fear and awe of the web in the general populace.

But then... I could be trolling, I guess (if trolling means exchanging views on the occasional oddball subject as well as the popular ones makes me a troll then so be it).

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Before you get into a grumpy old man rage about grammar you should stop yourself and count to 100 and think.

Pigeon jake is one who cops endless criticism over posts, no one considers he is dyslexic and cannot help it.

I myself who had a thread answered with wall of text today was warned for replying he is a tool,true I was wrong but the warning states do not flame other members yet right here in this post is a mod stating most tv members could not count to 100.

I never completed school, and as I have stated I was on the streets for reasons that are not important however at the time it was the safest place to be.

Since I have done quite well and achieved quite a lot, I would have loved to have finished school to live up to your forum standards but not everyone has the choice sometimes.

I understand you say your a grumpy old man,I understand them well that's why we avoided home,I don't have sympathy for grumpy old men.

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Kangawallafox, I appreciate your reply but STOP!

Look at what you've written. Can you honestly tell me your wall of text is easy to read?

Please add a line return here and there to help other posters to read your comment.

This is not a personal attack on you whatsoever - I am campaigning for those of us with bad eyesight smile.png

Chrome comes with a highlighter built in

Good news, but Puppy Linux Sea Monkey browser does not.....

As I stated in this post, I am not moaning about spelling mistakes or bad grammar. I am pleading for a few carriage returns....

Edited by simon43
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I like posting here.I try to check as for a possible.I was pretty good at school and at work.I read my posts before I send,but sometimes I get a reply and when I read the reply I realize I have made a terrible mistake in my original mistake in my original.This comes from 3 crainotomys,cut open the head 5 times now full of scar tissue.When a mod tells me I am making to many mistakes I will quit the group,thank you

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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon? smile.png

And go back and read it again straight after posting, whilst you still have time to edit the mistake you missed first time around.

Agree 100% Simon, but reading some of the tripe we see (and as mods we see rather more than you) I have my doubts that some of our members could actually count to 100.

care to point out those members ?

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I don’t write directly into the comment box on TV. I draft a response in TextEdit on my iMac and then take a good look at it before a quick copy/paste to TV.

Maybe it shouldn’t make a difference how badly one mangles the english language, but we nonetheless make judgements about people based on how they present themselves. Without visual clues online, we tend to put more emphasis on the way words and ideas are presented on the page.

Even when we try, mistakes can be made, but clearly many posters make no effort at all to consider the reader, which begs the question of whether the reader should bother to consider the posters ideas.

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I make 'a lot' of mistakes, I do try to make a good preview before posting. Even then I find typos.

For things I feel are more important, I make a draft in another program first.

I also read it again after it is posted. You will see a lot of mine have been edited.

I don't explain the edits, because I am just fixing mistakes.

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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon?

Er yes indeed. That's not the only typo that I made :)

i found the andrew drummond story about youre so called succesfull life in Thailand very entertaining..........
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Isnt that what the "edit" button is for ? Correcting obvious mistakes, but then posting at all can sometimes be the biggest mistake on TVf.

Yes, and that's why my posts are often edited. The problem is that many of us have crappy internet connections. By the time we can get back to fix up the formatting, we have missed the window of opportunity. Or in my case, I get a call or have to get back to work and I forget. I am often embarrassed by some of my typos. The other day I used root instead of route. I often type their when I mean there and vica versa. Sometimes the poor formatting doesn't show up in preview mode. In any case, many people don't read my posts so it's no biggie. tongue.png

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I usually preview and review before I post. but, I know if I make any huge errors, Simon will catch them for me!

Did you preview before you " hiot the cancel button" this time Simon??cheesy.gif

Edited by willyumiii
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And take notice of the spell checker 'Hiot' Simon?

Er yes indeed. That's not the only typo that I made smile.png

i found the andrew drummond story about youre so called succesfull life in Thailand very entertaining..........

Wheres that then ????

Linky...in code....cos jealousy rains down....

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