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Yingluck asks Suthep to help settle crisis


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She has asked the lunatic Suthep from day one to talk and sort out the problem, Suthep has always refused to try and settle the mess he caused like an adult but wants to carry on like a spoilt little rich kid throwing a tantrum.

Suthep wants to talk publicly.

Not behind closed doors in a sneaky manner

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I still can't see those millions of protestors people speak of. last I heard he has gathered 35,000 that he is going to place at 7 sites during the shutdown.

DOH! Today is the 10th, the protest is on the 13th.

look at what I was responding to and you may understand what I was saying. facepalm.gif

Monday Monday, so good to me,

Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be

Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee

That Monday evening you would still be here with me.

Every other day, every other day,

Every other day of the week is fine, yeah

But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes

I'll can find you cryin' all of the time

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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

There is no need for vulgarity. Please stay on topic and stop with the toilet references. She is still the PM. And in any case, she appears to be holding out an olive branch. Why are you so keen on seeing chaos?

Holding out an olive branch, by let 5 Members of the Shinawatra be elected, 3 at the first 5 positions.

And charge Suthep with "revolt" charges on which there is the dead penalty?

If Suthep gets the death penalty I would have to say there is some justice in Thailand.

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She has asked the lunatic Suthep from day one to talk and sort out the problem, Suthep has always refused to try and settle the mess he caused like an adult but wants to carry on like a spoilt little rich kid throwing a tantrum.

Suthep wants to talk publicly.

Not behind closed doors in a sneaky manner

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you mean not behind closed doors in a civilised manner. The guys just a blagger, he has no interest in democracy, the general Thai public. He's just an attack dog for the rich and powerful of BKK who don't want to lose a sinlge baht to the great unwashed (as Arthur Daley would say)

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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

There is no need for vulgarity. Please stay on topic and stop with the toilet references. She is still the PM. And in any case, she appears to be holding out an olive branch. Why are you so keen on seeing chaos?

Holding out an olive branch, by let 5 Members of the Shinawatra be elected, 3 at the first 5 positions.

And charge Suthep with "revolt" charges on which there is the dead penalty?

If Suthep gets the death penalty I would have to say there is some justice in Thailand.

Then you would need to seriously question your ability to rationalize.

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She has asked the lunatic Suthep from day one to talk and sort out the problem, Suthep has always refused to try and settle the mess he caused like an adult but wants to carry on like a spoilt little rich kid throwing a tantrum.

Why demean your post by referring to Suthep as a lunatic? This may be your unqualified view, you may not like him, his politics or methods, but he is hardly a lunatic. Referring to people with different views as being mentally ill is a facet of oppressive far left regimes.

Yingluck constantly refuses public debate. She is only interested in back room deals, as per her brothers style. Suthep knows full well he cannot trust a single word the Shinawatras say. That's the problem when you constantly lie and break promises and agreements. People wise up to you. (This doesn't suggest any other politicians are trustworthy here, but look at the Shin's track record).

Would Suthep be any better - maybe, maybe not. Hard to imagine he could be worse.

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I find it quite disturbing how so many TV members are content to see this as a black and white situation - "Yingluck bad therefore Suthep good".

This ultra simplistic view which sees only the flaws (real and perceived) in Yingluck's administration, overlooks how incredibly dangerous any government involving Suthep would be; someone who apart from having his own huge corruption record, has absolutely no record of respecting either democracy or human rights.

Edited by wilcopops
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If the caretaker PM is truly serious about the concerns of the citizens, she would hold a Public Town Hall or something like it where the public can express the discontent. Instead of arguing with the opposition. Because the root of the protest is not with Suthep, it is with the people. Suthep is just the voice of those frustrated with the abuse and misconduct of this administration. So to truly understand how to solve the problem is to understand the peoples problem. Unless YS recognizes that, she will never truly understand the problem facing Thailand. As as a leader she can not be partial to only a certain group of people. The King travelled everywhere and listened to many of his subject. And heard directly from the people. Maybe she needs to do this and release the chains that bounds her to her brother.


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Anyway, it is pretty clear that Suthep is scared to debate her and that says a lot about him.

It would say a lot about a primary school child to be scared of debating her.
Are there debates scheduled?

Thais are not suited for debates. Here is a prime reason:

>>>> They're too sensitive and subjective, which translates to; easily offended.

Where does 'being offended' come from? It comes from ego. It comes from some insecurity about one's clan/affiliations.

A person with nothing to hide, and no ethnic/religious allegiances will not be readily offended.

Ms Yingluck is also a woman, so that adds a trainload of baggage in regard to being offended.

You might wonder, what sort of people can discuss anything, without being offended? Top of the list: stand-up comics. Next on the list; jazz musicians. Top of the list of people who are very easily offended: religionists/deists, die-hard nationalists, red-necks, gun-lovers, bike gang members.

That's also a reason why Thailand has no tradition of open political debates: Thais are too thin-skinned (and quick to slap defamation suits).

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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

There is no need for vulgarity. Please stay on topic and stop with the toilet references. She is still the PM. And in any case, she appears to be holding out an olive branch. Why are you so keen on seeing chaos?

No she's not. She's 'caretaker PM' as was her brother when he was given the bum's rush in 2006. And if you can't see through this faux plea for conciliation, you are naive to the max. As are many of this family's followers.

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Not 100% sure she understands Suthep wants violence so the military will step in. He has no intention

of accepting anything but total capitulation and a anointment of himself as supreme leader. I would find

it quite amusing if the military stepped in and jailed the lot of them and formed a military government.

Suthep, be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

BTW Yingluck is looking pretty hot in that photo. whistling.gif

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She has asked the lunatic Suthep from day one to talk and sort out the problem, Suthep has always refused to try and settle the mess he caused like an adult but wants to carry on like a spoilt little rich kid throwing a tantrum.

Chooka, I really do enjoy reading your well-balanced, unbiased comments...!

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I find it quite disturbing how so many TV members are content to see this as a black and white situation - "Yingluck bad therefore Suthep good".

This ultra simplistic view which sees only the flaws (real and perceived) in Yingluck's administration, overlooks how incredibly dangerous any government involving Suthep would be; someone who apart from having his own huge corruption record, has absolutely no record of respecting either democracy or human rights.

In fact it is "Yingluck good and Suthep bad"

Everyone realize that now :rolleyes:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

There is no need for vulgarity. Please stay on topic and stop with the toilet references. She is still the PM. And in any case, she appears to be holding out an olive branch. Why are you so keen on seeing chaos?

Yingluck is great! Always looking for a peaceful solution and Buddhist approach. She well deserves a Nobel peace price. Her family including her minor son threatened, false accusations of running a 'regime'. That Thaksin fled the scene, his choice. perhaps he suffers claustrofobia. Or he thought better to work from abroad for a better Thailand. Because one thing for sure; no better Thailand with a Suthep 1st in line. Then I really prepare my suitcases and take my family out of here (another tax payer less running a +1000 employee factory).

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I don't know what is there more of - stupidity or weakness - in such a proposal.

Suthep + yingluck = friends! Unnatural and impossible combination.

This Lady is good in every respect except she's got no balls.

I'm no M. L. King, but I also have a dream...

I would love to the Coup happen ASAP. Fear not, - we had a lot of them - and they always end up well.

My dream is that Army rounds off 20,000 'yellows' and 20,000 'reds', strip them all naked and lets them go home, so that on their way they could see that they are all brown under the clothing.

Not a Thai sense of humor, but I would love to see that. cheesy.gif

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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

Unless you are a Thai citizen, you should mind your own business.

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She stands up on stage looking all nice and pretty talking peace and reconciliation while her dogs surround her barking and snarling hate, threats and intimidation.

Now Chalerm has joined the pack, with his record of lawlessness telling others to obey the law.

She knows how to settle the crisis, what does she want him to do, help her pack her bags ?

I sincerely hope Thaksin does not get the civil war he thinks is the way for him to come back the hero to unite the country.

That despicable little coward hiding overseas knows now he can never get back but his greed and lust for power means more to him than the lives of the Thai people or even his own family so he carries on.

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My dear friends .... gaining advantage is what democracy is all about. In my country (The United States) the votes are also "bought." The votes are bought by making promises in advance, and then paying off the constituency with goodies (business; government contracts; construction projects; reforms) after the election.

Some countries just put the cart in front of the horse. Those who don't support a majority elected government are indirectly begging for fascism.


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Its about time The Reds realised they do not need the Shinawatras to form their own party. Everyone else can see it. Can't they..The poor represented by the Extremely rich never seems to work. More like manipulation.

Being rich is a common trait of all those in power. The US President and almost all the members of the US Congress are millionaires.

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Nice pic above of YL.....

But.....Suthep has offered her an Olive branch many times.....all she has to do is resign...along with the rest in the Shinawatra clan in politics.....it's not hard....

Yes indeed.For some reason she persists in thinking that the confidence of the Thai people as expressed in the last election gives her some kind of mandate.

Still there is some evidence the strain is also getting to Suthep.

"The confidence of the Thai people" ?

come on, jayboy, you can do better than this

I'm not straining for rhetorical heights here nor looking to score debating points,simply stating a fact.As potential Prime Minister her party won an easy victory at the last general election.The old guard, Abhisit, Suthep etc know that the Thai people would still show enough confidence in her to give her another election victory should a contest be held now.That is why they are resorting to their current tactics, hoping (Plan A) to provoke violence thus enabing a military intervention or - more likely - (Plan cool.png judicial intervention in a drawn out slow motion death by a thousand cuts.The joke is that even if their plans result in this government falling, they still will not be able to squeeze the toothpaste back in the tube.

When I speak of the THai people I do of course mean all the THai people not just the "good very educate" people.Perhaps that distinction is what confused you.

Indeed I thought you meant 'the confidence of the Thai who voted Pheu Thai' rather than 'THE confidence of THE Thai people".

One of the things that keep on surprising me though is the suggestion that democracy means 'winning elections'. One would think that there is more to democracy then just that. If 'winning elections' would be the most important aspect one could sent commissions to study how that's done in countries like Zimbabwe or North Korea. They've got it down pat as it were.

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The PM makes a request for dialogue and discussion before the situation gets worse, is trying to calm the situation and invites cooperation and dialogue to diffuse the bomb that could seriously damage the country and the nutters on here ridicule her for her commonsense, statesmanship and concern for what can happen.

Difficult to credit that there are expat fools on here who seem to want more bloodshed.

The PM with her cabinet and Pheu Thai MPs sneakily modified an amnesty bill into a 'blanket amnesty bill' and pushed it through two readings and two votes in hardly more than 24 hours. The PM tried to suggest "please stay calm, more process to follow, go home". If all had gone home the senate without hearing protests would probably have voted OK.

So, tell me again, how helpful was / is the caretaking PM ?

Irrelevant to the point and you know it.

What's Dutch for " Red Herring....." and i think i used to know the origin of that expression.

The PM and her caretaking cabinet and her fellow Pheu Thai MPs and members keep on zigzagging along. 'want to talk', 'want to arrest', 'want peace', 'want my bill', 'others to blame', 'all to blame', etc., etc.

Now if you want to call that statemanship and commonsense I think you are trying to mislead or distract from the relevant or important issues.


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Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

Unless you are a Thai citizen, you should mind your own business.

Only me or the hundreds of others here on TV who post their opinions about this country and its political woes? If you don't like what's written here, leave this forum and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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