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Suthep: We won't shut down airports


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No need to occupy the airports as 'judicial coup' is coming soon.

Suthep has the necessary backers in the military, police, judiciary, business field and upper echelons of the civil service (all unelected note wink.png ) to do what he wants (or what he is told to do smile.png ) with impunity. Police can't and won't touch him.

The goal is not to screw the economy but to take firm hold of the reins of the power. However if shutting down the airport is deemed necessary to achieve this, then it will be done and there will no police or army opposition, guaranteed.

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How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP is the future of Thailand.

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I cannot understand how they came to the conclusion to include the word DEMOCRACY into there party name if they get there way democracy in Thailand will be non existent the country will be ruled by only the elitist of the country North Korea comes to mind.

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How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP is the future of Thailand.

Kim Jong-il of North Korea was able to control the weather, sun and moon according to North Korean state media. I wouldn't be surprised if Suthep had equal powers to control everything with his "people's council"!

Never underestimate a madman.

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No need to occupy the airports as 'judicial coup' is coming soon.

Suthep has the necessary backers in the military, police, judiciary, business field and upper echelons of the civil service (all unelected note wink.png ) to do what he wants (or what he is told to do smile.png ) with impunity. Police can't and won't touch him.

The goal is not to screw the economy but to take firm hold of the reins of the power. However if shutting down the airport is deemed necessary to achieve this, then it will be done and there will no police or army opposition, guaranteed.

Animating credence for perceiving someone could be above the law, when his intention is to achieve fairness and clean reforms, that's confidence operator.

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Suthep has the support of the people who are making decisions in key organs of the state, in particular the courts and the military. That is why these protests go on and why the protestors can do what they do.

Have you noticed any arrests being made for breaking into govt. buildings, attacking the police or other public order offences? No? That's because the police do not dare to arrest them. There would be a career backlash for any officer ordering such run-of-the-miill arrests.

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How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP is the future of Thailand.

How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep Thaksin have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens farmers actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. hang on to power. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP PCAD is the future of Thailand.

Works both ways.

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Quote: "If we can do this, I guarantee you, we will win fair and clean. And the world will record this". last week he didn't care what the World thought, I guess now he understand's the World thinks he's a mental case?

Yes, the world considers him an egomaniacal fascist. Power without the vote, is a scary prospect to a lot of us, who are used to at least a semblance of democracy. Thankfully, he exhibits the good sense to leave the airports alone. As far as I am concerned the airports, ministries, transport system, main boulevards, and highways are the sacred cows. Once you touch them, you are subject to the law, and you have gone from being a peaceful demonstrator to an anarchist. If the govt. moved in and starting arresting, and jailing the protestors once this happened, and imposing massive fines on the families, the protests would break up overnight, and everyone who thought they were out for a big party, would just go home.

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Suthep has the support of the people who are making decisions in key organs of the state, in particular the courts and the military. That is why these protests go on and why the protestors can do what they do.

Have you noticed any arrests being made for breaking into govt. buildings, attacking the police or other public order offences? No? That's because the police do not dare to arrest them. There would be a career backlash for any officer ordering such run-of-the-miill arrests.

Timing is the factor.

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How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP is the future of Thailand.

How can one trust a person that lies with a straight face. You Suthep Thaksin have very little control of what will happen over the next few weeks. Can you control the red shirts response, can you control every member of your mob, can you control pis...f citizens farmers actions. The truth is that you want chaos as this is the only way you can win. hang on to power. The truth is that you are prepared to destroy your country rather than to backdown. Tell your lies to the brainwashed minority that you represent. Neither you nor the PTP PCAD is the future of Thailand.

Works both ways.

Agree accept for the chaos part. Thaksin dont need chaos to be in power as they can win ellections.

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Yes Suthep that may be the plan but can you be sure that all some of your followers won't decide that it might be a good idea ?

With a large crowd on the street protesting and hyping themselves up / being hyped up it doesn't take much for plans and reason to go out the window.

The problem is also that that street events of a rebellious nature, including overthrow-movements (such as this one), inevitably draw in younger and sometimes more volatile people who are by nature of age alone less mature and more liable to hot-headed actions. This is always the danger of calling people out to overthrow something, you will always get people who just like to rebel and wreck stuff because they don't know better. Mature leaders should try to resolve things "off the streets" so to speak, to prevent pushing people who are already near the edge, over it.

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400,000....so we can expect about 10% of that.

Agree. Last time the spin doctors tried to turn the real number ( 75000 or so) into 6 million...even producing some seriously delusional/deceitful youtube material to try to con the rest of the world. AP, AFP, reuters, BBC, ABC, SBS, Deutche Welle, CNN, not fooled. Not even Fox. Maybe Michael Yon believes it

I would be interested in where you got your 75,000 or so figure. I have heard lot's of different figures.

You mentioned BBC, CNN and FOX Those are three news sources with a pretty dubious reporting record on Thailand. I am not sure they even have reporters here or if they do they are sitting in a bar discussing it. FOX is just plain a joke for open minded facts. More of a advertisement for the books the various announcers have written.

It is one step up from Animation. In fact Animation might be better.

The others I have not seen and have no idea of their accuracy in reporting facts. Not sure but doesn't Reuters get most of their information on line. Do they have reporters all over the world on the scene.

I find it interesting that all sources come out with figures that are hard to compile with the various demonstration points but never with the one main point that iss 24 hours a day day after day. Especially at night. Why do they ignore that and just choose sensationalism times. Seems to me they are more interested in selling their story than reporting facts.

In short are any of therm on the scene reporting it? Or just sitting around a bar?

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There is no 'democracy' in Asia, in the Western sense. The term 'democracy' is used to placate gullible Westerners in order to obtain trade advantages and various forms of monetary and military assistance.

Government in Asia consists of competing elite patronage networks. They just hide this a bit better in Japan and the RoK, but it's the same throughout the region. This is also the case in India.

The clashes in Thailand are between elite patronage networks. There are no 'good guys'; they're all equally villainous. The only difference is that Thaksin figured out how to reinvent himself into the Huey Long of Thailand, and so was able to leverage the electoral process accordingly.

Thais (nor other Asians) aren't opposed to corruption; they just want to get their fair share of the spoils. Asian society is tribal-/clan-based, and there's no concept of impartial justice, 'human rights' in the Western sense, etc., except amongst a thin scattering of Western-educated academics.

It's highly unlikely that Suvarnabhumi will be shut down again, as this severely damaged the business interests of the protest backers in 2008; quite apart from passenger traffic, Suvarnabhumi is a major logistics hub, and its is vital for the export of electronics, auto parts, and other things manufactured in Thailand. They learned their lesson about that in 2008.

They also learned their lesson with regards to mucking around with Thailand's international Internet peering; a few weeks ago, the protestors learned that if they disrupted Thailand's international Internet peering connectivity, they could no longer use Facebook to coordinate their protest activities, post cat pictures, etc. They'll likely leave the Internet peering alone, as well.

There is no 'democracy' in Asia, in the Western sense. The term 'democracy' is used to placate gullible Westerners in order to obtain trade advantages and various forms of monetary and military assistance.

Wow you really think the westerner Governments are stupid. Do you figure you and a handful of others are the only ones who are able to see through this smoke screen?

Name me one country in the west that is Democratic. I will help you by pointing out that the United States is a Republic not a Democracy. In a Democracy Gore would have been President.

There may be some countries but I am not aware of them they many claim it like Thailand but in practice have a different system.wai.gif

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There is no 'democracy' in Asia, in the Western sense. The term 'democracy' is used to placate gullible Westerners in order to obtain trade advantages and various forms of monetary and military assistance.

Government in Asia consists of competing elite patronage networks. They just hide this a bit better in Japan and the RoK, but it's the same throughout the region. This is also the case in India.

The clashes in Thailand are between elite patronage networks. There are no 'good guys'; they're all equally villainous. The only difference is that Thaksin figured out how to reinvent himself into the Huey Long of Thailand, and so was able to leverage the electoral process accordingly.

Thais (nor other Asians) aren't opposed to corruption; they just want to get their fair share of the spoils. Asian society is tribal-/clan-based, and there's no concept of impartial justice, 'human rights' in the Western sense, etc., except amongst a thin scattering of Western-educated academics.

It's highly unlikely that Suvarnabhumi will be shut down again, as this severely damaged the business interests of the protest backers in 2008; quite apart from passenger traffic, Suvarnabhumi is a major logistics hub, and its is vital for the export of electronics, auto parts, and other things manufactured in Thailand. They learned their lesson about that in 2008.

They also learned their lesson with regards to mucking around with Thailand's international Internet peering; a few weeks ago, the protestors learned that if they disrupted Thailand's international Internet peering connectivity, they could no longer use Facebook to coordinate their protest activities, post cat pictures, etc. They'll likely leave the Internet peering alone, as well.

There is no 'democracy' in Asia, in the Western sense. The term 'democracy' is used to placate gullible Westerners in order to obtain trade advantages and various forms of monetary and military assistance.

Wow you really think the westerner Governments are stupid. Do you figure you and a handful of others are the only ones who are able to see through this smoke screen?

Name me one country in the west that is Democratic. I will help you by pointing out that the United States is a Republic not a Democracy. In a Democracy Gore would have been President.

There may be some countries but I am not aware of them they many claim it like Thailand but in practice have a different system.wai.gif

Although I agree with Mr. Disambiguated I can't help but also agree with you Dolly.

Norway and Iceland?

Norway's loaded so it can afford democracy and Iceland is the model of a humane government after they jailed some bankers and told the rest to sod off. Highest quality of life in the World now.

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A lot of people have thrown the word "fascist" around lately. It seems to me that opposing the return of a rich, corrupt ex-PM through shady parliamentary procedures and nepotism does not necessarily make you a "fascist".

I suggest that those labeling the current anti-government protest movement as "fascist" have a close look at the tactics and beliefs of the governing party and its red shirt supporters.

Suthep may be calling for his supporters to "shut down" Bangkok. At least he is not calling for them to "BURN down" Bangkok like the red shirt leader did a few years ago.

I think if you check you might find out that it was one the anti protester people back then that did that.

And for his "penalty" for doing that he was made a Deputy Minister in the PTP government where he still is abusing his parliamentary immunity from prosecution.

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Quote: "If we can do this, I guarantee you, we will win fair and clean. And the world will record this". last week he didn't care what the World thought, I guess now he understand's the World thinks he's a mental case?

Yes, the world considers him an egomaniacal fascist. Power without the vote, is a scary prospect to a lot of us, who are used to at least a semblance of democracy. Thankfully, he exhibits the good sense to leave the airports alone. As far as I am concerned the airports, ministries, transport system, main boulevards, and highways are the sacred cows. Once you touch them, you are subject to the law, and you have gone from being a peaceful demonstrator to an anarchist. If the govt. moved in and starting arresting, and jailing the protestors once this happened, and imposing massive fines on the families, the protests would break up overnight, and everyone who thought they were out for a big party, would just go home.

Sorry to disappoint you but the world does not care in the slightest about a small insignificant country in Asia nor in who runs it.

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We should all be thankful to Suthep - Jolly decent of him not to close the airports. It again shows his limited understanding of how things work - He's been shouting about shutting down Bangkok for a month - folk have got the message large numbers have already cancelled their trips / visits. Causing massive traffic jams - which is going to happen during the "Shutdown" (it happens normally without protestors) is going to slow down deliveries between suppliers and factories, delay the packing of containers and their on-ward movement to the ports. Keep it up and soon some mega manufacturers are going to have to shut their component factories here - in the world of JIT delivery unreliability is the kiss of death. The fact that he can do what he is trying to do and apparently get away with it further adds to the slipping reputation of Thailand as a reliable supplier of choice. Folk need to wake up, their local political situation is slowing the growth of this country and that effects everyone even the money bag backers of the political system - yellow and red and pink and .....

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Just thinking out loud..

If the ailing baht continues...

What would it take to bankrupt a country?

Is this ongoing fiasco going to end soon or will it bankrupt the country before reform?

How would it bankrupt the country and what will its aftermath be?

Last I heard was Greece but I haven't been there to witness the aftermath.

Anyone with insights?

"keyboard warrior" was here!

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A lot of people have thrown the word "fascist" around lately. It seems to me that opposing the return of a rich, corrupt ex-PM through shady parliamentary procedures and nepotism does not necessarily make you a "fascist".

I suggest that those labeling the current anti-government protest movement as "fascist" have a close look at the tactics and beliefs of the governing party and its red shirt supporters.

Suthep may be calling for his supporters to "shut down" Bangkok. At least he is not calling for them to "BURN down" Bangkok like the red shirt leader did a few years ago.

I think if you check you might find out that it was one the anti protester people back then that did that.

Uh ... no. I think if you did even a few seconds research you might find out that it was red shirt leader Nattawut (and others) who made repeated calls in speeches at the red shirt protest sites to burn Bangkok down.

There is plenty of video of these speeches available so it is a little hard to deny.

Again, shutting down seven major intersections in Bangkok and laying siege to government buildings is going to cause great hardship to many people in Bangkok, but at least it isn't mass arson.

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Quote: "If we can do this, I guarantee you, we will win fair and clean. And the world will record this". last week he didn't care what the World thought, I guess now he understand's the World thinks he's a mental case?

Yes, the world considers him an egomaniacal fascist. Power without the vote, is a scary prospect to a lot of us, who are used to at least a semblance of democracy. Thankfully, he exhibits the good sense to leave the airports alone. As far as I am concerned the airports, ministries, transport system, main boulevards, and highways are the sacred cows. Once you touch them, you are subject to the law, and you have gone from being a peaceful demonstrator to an anarchist. If the govt. moved in and starting arresting, and jailing the protestors once this happened, and imposing massive fines on the families, the protests would break up overnight, and everyone who thought they were out for a big party, would just go home.

Sorry to disappoint you but the world does not care in the slightest about a small insignificant country in Asia nor in who runs it.

you need to go back to school and read up about America/Vietnam and what America did to Cambodia and Laos because of the little insignificant country called Vietnam.. How about Korea? Another insignificant country in Asia? What a retard you are mush

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Airport in krabi springs up

Indeed....and in any case, they don't have to physically close the airports...so many tourists have cancelled, at least to bangkok, that their aim of hurting the economy is working. Pity the working poor who need tourist money to survive .

Good for the poor in Vietnam, Cambodia, laos, Indonesia...the tourists will be going there instead

Yes and the government also hurts the people by overcommitting the country.

I have stated in SO MANY POSTS that both sides are hurting the peope by their actions and corruption.

I see so many businesses suffering and this WILL flow down to all sectors of Thai society

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