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Been Asked if i know Any Good man for A Thai lady


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I have been ask a question, By a Thai friend who lives in England, Before the doubters come in with the typical remarks,, This friend is married to a Thai man, They have a good business, They have lived in the UK for about 10 years, The lady in question lives In Thailand, She works for the Thai Government in the Legal system. At one time for the priminister of Thailand, She has been single for along time, She is about 40 but looks younger to me. She says that she is totally disillusioned with Thailand and wants a new start, hence the question. The down side is she can read and write in English, but can speak only a little English, Not a problem for some one who can have patience and time to teach her. Which a lot of men have done in the past. She is very down to earth and a good person, I thought what a catch for some Guy, But I really don't know any one, You think you do, but when it comes down to it you have to think hard, She is not stupid and would not entertain any man who disrespects her. And maybe even if she knew they had been to Pattaya. So any constructive views on this, don't need the typical, bargirl views

She is a genuine catch for some guy. And no i will not give her name and phone number, or picture out thanks.

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I have been asked that question many times, by Thai women friends, but I to do not know many "Good" falang men, that I could recommend. They are looking for security, some have never married, others are widowed or divorced and many have had problems with Thai male's that want more than one women.

I only know of one old friend that lives in Arizona that I could recommend as a good man, I would not recommend any one I felt might be good!

Many of the Thai lady friends I could recommend to a Falang that asked me if I knew a good Thai lady, as I have lived in the same village with most for (9) years, let them decide if she is for them, the friend would have to agree with the recommendation, as only referring someone, I do not vouch for his character.


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There is a real problem here because there is no definitive answer possible,............ is there?

Who are we to make assumptions on the compatibility of any one person for another!

I have met many (What I thought anyway) nice and apparently good Thai ladies who have been bereaved or made single looking for a "good Farang man"

I think that to introduce one person to another on the basis of possible future matrimony is problematic.

I always remember the old saying that "No man is a gentleman to his Valet"

In other words you need to have lived or known a person for a long time to know know their true"character"

Introducing one lonely person to another on the face of it seems to be a nice thing to do but the odds of them being compatible are just the same as if they had met in the street.

Edited by n210mp
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So, let's see.....your asking how a normal, intelligent, good looking person can meet a mate? (AND your asking on TV...REALLY?)

Obviously at 40 she has't been successful in that quest yet!

She probably is also SET in her ways. (wants it HER way or no way. Also probably one of these women who has a checklist for their "perfect" man......why else has she not met a man yet)

Kinda feel sorry for her as there are MANY women who have gotten older pursing their career and haven't had a decent relationship because their job is more important to them (and by extension ....haven't had children either ....time clock moving). Says a lot about a person when they pursue a career over "life"

Biggest problem for her (if she has really been looking) is she has been looking in all the wrong places and has the wrong attitude.

Nothing wrong with Thai men ...she just hasn't found the right one!

Wish her luck anyway .....as everybody deserves a slice of heaven!

I was with you all the way there beachproperty..........................thumbsup.gif

Right up to the 'slice of heaven' bit.....................sad.png


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So, let's see.....your asking how a normal, intelligent, good looking person can meet a mate? (AND your asking on TV...REALLY?)

Obviously at 40 she has't been successful in that quest yet!

She probably is also SET in her ways. (wants it HER way or no way. Also probably one of these women who has a checklist for their "perfect" man......why else has she not met a man yet)

Kinda feel sorry for her as there are MANY women who have gotten older pursing their career and haven't had a decent relationship because their job is more important to them (and by extension ....haven't had children either ....time clock moving). Says a lot about a person when they pursue a career over "life"

Biggest problem for her (if she has really been looking) is she has been looking in all the wrong places and has the wrong attitude.

Nothing wrong with Thai men ...she just hasn't found the right one!

Wish her luck anyway .....as everybody deserves a slice of heaven!

Seriously, you have hit on a very good point that has affected so many women, and further, their attitudes. Applies to the men as well.

When people are driven by their careers and not their social lives, a lot fall by the wayside. Nobodies fault really, just that they get caught-up and trapped in that phase of their lives.

Prospective partners should watch out for that...............wink.png

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photo are really an integral part of dating. one needs to be physically attracted to the other person. bikini shots would suffice. also whats she got against guys who have been to pattaya-many good guys go there----lol. on the flip side i know many good thai girls who hang out in pattaya...............doubble lol.

2nd thought-no photo means girl is butt ugly. really doesnt matter as most thias who marry falangs are butt ugly...........lol.

Edited by oogster8
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What can she bring to the table that a 25YO Thai girl with nothing can't?

Thais guys don't want her cos she's too old, most foreigners will think the same.

And finally,

A woman who reached 40 without finding a husband probably isn't gonna be the best wife material.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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If I am understanding you correctly she wants a new start. Thailand is a big country. Her being in the government suggests she is in Bangkok. Has she considered another place in Thailand. Being a government worker tells me she is more concerned with security than doing a job.

Is she looking for a man to take her to another country where there is a whole new culture? Visa could make that very hard especially in Canada. The States is a little easier. I think it would be best to look for a European. My understanding is they are easier to get into.

Sounds to me like she is to picky. The fact that she can read and write English but not speak it suggests to me that she might try to broaden her circle of acquaintances.

the Pattaya bit is a bit over the top. I have been there several times and not used the services it is famous for.

Not all forangs there are sexpats.

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I'm intrigued by this statement that the woman in question can read and write english - but doesn't know how to speak english.

Fascinating, to say the least.

Not really, most Thai English teachers can read and write but not speak English.

Different vowel sounds, different pronunciation rules.

I can read and write Thai, but am rubbish speaking it.

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What can she bring to the table that a 25YO Thai girl with nothing can't?

Thais guys don't want her cos she's too old, most foreigners will think the same.

And finally,

A woman who reached 40 without finding a husband probably isn't gonna be the best wife material.

What can she bring to the table? You mean besides maturity, stability, independence, education and an outlook more rounded than that of a 25 year old? Well, put that way, not much I suppose.

My own personal opinion FWIW of course (!), is that there are some absolute diamonds in the 35 to 40 (or even 45) year old age bracket. Thai (and asian) women seem to have a short window on the local market. Those that study too high, or seek to establish a career often miss that window for their local peers, who yes, will go after that 20 to 25 year old.

So you end up with a number of bright, intelligent, mature women who start to look around and say "hold on, something more maybe?". They are not closed to the idea of dating a foreign man, but of course, leave the singlet at home.

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If I am understanding you correctly she wants a new start. Thailand is a big country. Her being in the government suggests she is in Bangkok. Has she considered another place in Thailand. Being a government worker tells me she is more concerned with security than doing a job.

Is she looking for a man to take her to another country where there is a whole new culture? Visa could make that very hard especially in Canada. The States is a little easier. I think it would be best to look for a European. My understanding is they are easier to get into.

Sounds to me like she is to picky. The fact that she can read and write English but not speak it suggests to me that she might try to broaden her circle of acquaintances.

the Pattaya bit is a bit over the top. I have been there several times and not used the services it is famous for.

Not all forangs there are sexpats.

1. For UK, just put a scarf on her head and walk in........no visa rubbish necessary.

2. Nudge nudge, grin grin, wink wink...........say no more squire!!

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