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Suthep threatens to capture five caretaker Cabinet members, Pheu Thai secretary-general

Lite Beer

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Sop at last, his statement was 'detained' a far cry from 'kidnapped'.....lol

Considering they are going to blockade their homes and offices, detained also means 'house arrest' or 'immobilized' and I commend Suthep for having the integrity to issue advice to remove their loved ones unlike the red shirt leaders who would just incite supporters to kill and maim and burn their houses with their children inside.

Spot the difference?

What was that about turning off the water and electricity. .? Must of got lost in translation.

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Thai opposition protesters threaten to capture PM

by William DAVIES

BANGKOK, January 14, 2014 (AFP) - Thai opposition protesters occupying central Bangkok threatened Tuesday to take the prime minister captive and close down all government offices in an increasingly bold bid to force her from office.

While well known for their blustery rhetoric, the belligerent tone reflects an air of impunity surrounding rally leaders who travel freely around the city despite warrants for their arrest for their role in civil unrest that has left eight dead and hundreds injured.

The protesters, backed by the kingdom's royalist establishment, want Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to resign to make way for an unelected "people's council" that would oversee reforms to curb the political dominance of her billionaire family.

Her supporters say the rallies are a threat to the country's fragile democracy and want the dispute to be settled at the ballot box but the opposition is boycotting a February 2 election.

Demonstrators marched on several key government ministries Tuesday to stop officials from going to work as part of what they are calling a "shutdown" of Bangkok.

Their firebrand leader Suthep Thaugsuban -- a former opposition MP -- vowed from a rally stage in the heart of Bangkok's commercial district to "capture" the premier and her cabinet ministers "one by one" if they do not quit within days.

Suthep himself faces an arrest warrant for insurrection for his role in the seizure of government ministries in November, as well as a murder charge in connection with a military crackdown on opposition protesters that left dozens dead when he was deputy premier in 2010.

But there has been no attempt to detain him and police have been largely invisible during the "shutdown" -- the latest twist of a political crisis that has gripped Thailand since Yingluck's brother Thaksin was ousted in a military coup seven years ago.

The rallies were triggered by a failed amnesty bill that could have allowed Thaksin to return without going to jail for a past corruption conviction.
The billionaire tycoon-turned-politician has strong electoral support in northern Thailand, but he is reviled by many southerners, Bangkok's middle class and members of the royalist establishment.

Democracy or autocracy?
"This is not democracy. It is autocracy... it is a one-man rule," said one of the rally leaders, Satish Sehgal.

"There's massive, rampant corruption in this country. Nepotism. Our objective is to try and get rid of all this," he said after leading several thousand demonstrators to mass outside the customs department.

Demonstrators also temporarily surrounded the ministries of commerce, labour and information and communications technology.

It is a tactic they have deployed several times during the months-long protests, which have so far failed in their goal of forcing Yingluck from office.

A defiant premier urged the opposition -- whose MPs resigned en masse from parliament last month -- to join talks on Wednesday about a possible delay to the election as a way out of the deadlock.

"I am not clinging to office or consolidating my political position," she told reporters. "I am trying to preserve democracy."
Many key junctions remained blocked in the Thai capital with loudspeakers broadcasting bombastic speeches into the city air after protesters launched the shutdown on Monday, causing widespread disruption to Bangkok's central retail and hotel districts.

But the number of demonstrators on the streets appeared to have declined as some returned to work.

The well-organised protest movement has vowed to occupy parts of the city of 12 million people until Yingluck quits, threatening to disrupt the February election which it fears will only return the Shinawatra clan to power.

A hardcore faction of the movement has said it will besiege the stock exchange and even air traffic control if Yingluck does not step down within days, although the mainstream movement has distanced itself from that threat.

The government has not tried to stop the protests, despite warnings that they could take a heavy toll on the economy and local businesses if they drag on.

In a small side street close to the siege of the customs department, some people bemoaned the damage to their livelihoods and expressed support for the embattled government.

"Thaksin helps us. Before he was in government he was already rich," said Supin Nonpayom, a cleaner at a bus terminal, expressing confidence that the Shinawatras are not corrupt.
"They give money to the elderly. They help every group have a better life."

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-01-14

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"He added, "The game must end. Therefore, that each Minister sends their children and wives to somewhere else, so they can escape in the case of emergency,"

Oh, how delightful of him - I control the protestors and I will not stop them from harming your families..... class, pure class....

An eye for an eye.

The Red shirt should not have threaten similar thing to the general's twin daughter in Phitsanulok.

A bit of a difference when its some red shirt who most people have never heard off and is running a splinter group AND the leader and chairman of the PDRC.

Or should we compare things Thida of the UDD says with the leader of the students who wants to shut down the SET and the airports...................

Also if you work on the principle of an eye for an eye, soon everyone is blind..................

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One day a red loon threatens to kidnap General Prayuth's daughters, and now yellow Suthep threatens to 'capture' cabinet members because he 'suspects' they recommended she not resign.

Both marionettes have lost all credibility to me in this Puppet Show.

Its apples to oranges.

Keep in mind one is a random looney, the other is looney who leads thousands of protesters.

Compare this to Yingluck the PM who has maintained dignity and maturity through out this very difficult time.

The thug who made threat to the generals daughters is the leader of the friends of thaksin. A fascist to the core as is suthep. No difference between either scum sucking piece of crap.

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And now he is threatening children. Time to send in the troops.

And the threat of abducting Gen Prayuth's nieces either dead or alive is acceptable?

Show ne the link about the "dead and alive" part please.

I bet you get it from your friend's friend's friend FACEBOOK.



OK Spare 1. Here are the links (courtesy of Ratcatcher).

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How many times can this buffon be so hopelessly outwitted???

Whilst hes calling to kidnap people the reds are calling for everyone to wear white and light candles! World opinion, and at home, shifts further away again. I just cant fathom why the Dems keep playing their hand so unbelievably badly.

The Dems aren't behind this protest. Suthep is. Suthep isn't a dem.

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Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

You need to think of Suthep as Thailand's Jim Jones and the mindless chants of 'the man in Dubai" as the Koolaid. Suthep's as broken and corrupt as any of them, and far worse than most - just look at his record and the way the world's governments have regarded him in the past. And yet somehow he's managed to turn himself into an infallible rock star to the devoted. His every word is hung on as some sort of divine utterance from above. Women are lining up to have their photos taken with him - just to touch him or be in his presence. People throw money at him as part of the religious ritual - with no way of knowing who and where it is going to. He can threaten to kill and kidnap and yet he does no wrong. He says something and - fact free or not - it becomes divine lore to the faithful. You see the ritual over and over in these forums.

Welcome to Georgetown, Bangkok. Line up for your whistle ..

Equally loony is Thaksin, a billionaire, portraying himself as a champion of the rights

of Isan farmers living in bamboo shacks..... Just another day in Amazing Thailand.. :-)

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Nothing surprises me any longer in Thailand. The dangerous precedent was made in 2010 when the authorities (wrongly) let off the hook criminals, thugs and terrorists, characters like Arisman, Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai etc... What did you expect? They were rewarded for their criminal actions and they continued with their criminal actions and intimidation of political opponents.

Suthep is all talk but those red thugs actually take direct terrorist actions. Throwing bombs around, shooting people, intimidating opposition and even threatening an army general etc...etc...

The way I see it, the reds overstepped the mark by threating the army general and the message has been delivered via Suthep. Don't even think about it. Incidentally, let's not forget, the red shirts introduced violence to Thai politics.

Is that s? Try reading up on the last 60 years of Thai history before reinventing the wheel.

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If Suthep or any of his alter egos the PDRC, etc., even attempt such kidnapings, they will bear the notoriety of being designated Terrorist organizations in most Western democractic countries. I am sure the Head of State might not be pleased with that in the Kingdom.

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Perhaps I'm reading/interpreting things differently based on past "quotes" from Thai Politicians, but I don't believe he is saying to "kidnap" people per se, merely to blockade their residences and cause inconvenience.

Also, with reference to the children, I again read/interpret this as suggesting they be removed away from these areas of potential conflict before or in case things escalate.

WOW nice, "Read/interpret, Nice spin, mate,,,

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Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

You think he has said and done more than enough for men in white coats to come a and take him away and then he STILL manages something even more outrageous. 1508564.GIF

Its not just support either, the man can do no wrong in some of these people eyes. It's borderline creepy how much support this guy has by some people on here. I can only imagine what his unelected peoples council would look like at this point, North Korea comes to mind.

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How many times can this buffon be so hopelessly outwitted???

Whilst hes calling to kidnap people the reds are calling for everyone to wear white and light candles! World opinion, and at home, shifts further away again. I just cant fathom why the Dems keep playing their hand so unbelievably badly.

The Dems aren't behind this protest. Suthep is. Suthep isn't a dem.

When was the divorce?

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Nothing surprises me any longer in Thailand. The dangerous precedent was made in 2010 when the authorities (wrongly) let off the hook criminals, thugs and terrorists, characters like Arisman, Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai etc... What did you expect? They were rewarded for their criminal actions and they continued with their criminal actions and intimidation of political opponents.

Suthep is all talk but those red thugs actually take direct terrorist actions. Throwing bombs around, shooting people, intimidating opposition and even threatening an army general etc...etc...

The way I see it, the reds overstepped the mark by threating the army general and the message has been delivered via Suthep. Don't even think about it. Incidentally, let's not forget, the red shirts introduced violence to Thai politics.

Is that s? Try reading up on the last 60 years of Thai history before reinventing the wheel.

seems as if you mistake reds for yellows....!

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Thai opposition protesters threaten to capture PM

by William DAVIES

BANGKOK, January 14, 2014 (AFP) - Thai opposition protesters occupying central Bangkok threatened Tuesday to take the prime minister captive and close down all government offices in an increasingly bold bid to force her from office.

Many key junctions remained blocked in the Thai capital with loudspeakers broadcasting bombastic speeches into the city air after protesters launched the shutdown on Monday, causing widespread disruption to Bangkok's central retail and hotel districts.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-01-14

I think the author has mixed up Bangkok with Damascus.

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Suthep has finally shot his bolt, the man has no credibility left, what sort of people are bank rolling this?

Whatever anyone things about Yingluck she was elected by the people, you dont like it well have another go in 4 years time but some people are not prepared to wait for democracy to run its course. These people on the streets now who came as democratic protest are turning into anarchists, they have no place in a democratic society, the have been on and on about demands for nearly 3 months now peacefully but they push and push like the red shirts a couple or so years ago did and we know how that turned out.

Suthep and his backers could change that outcome, it would mean some lose of face big move for a big man but it would avoid any violence, maybe things have gone to far now to avoid a clash.

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Sorry but the writer errrrrr "Spin Doctor" Steve DAVIES is making a Biased "Opinion".

This is Not a News Article, but instead a "Spin" by the writer of what he percieves.

This "Opinion" is heavily one sided, and filled with a lot of half truths, speculations, snd non-supported statements and opinions.

Unfortunately, Major players are "Key Targets" in any Conflict involving taking over a Government.

Thailand now is not in a diffrent position from Iraq, Egypt, Syria, or Libya.

Chess Anyone ?

He who captures the King (refering to the chess game) takes the Win.

If other players get in the way, they are "Fair Game".

I doubt any of this conflict or how it plays out is legal.

However; that is how the game of conflict is played to completion beyond the "Bluffing" stages.

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Why would anyone want those 4 for anything?

For gross incompetence, corruption, mismanagement and theft amongst other charges.

Allegedly by you. You think that justifies kidnapping? Have you lost your mind?

Law breakers should be arrested. Suthep qualifies on many many counts. He is using the lives and safety of ordinary people to hide behind.

i just pray that this whole situation can be resolved peacefully without any further bloodshed.

Suthep threatening to kidnap members of the cabinet seems to be intent on preventing that from happening. He is clearly trying to provoke the government. His behaviour suggests that he wants bloodshed and soon.

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when the red shirts threatend to kidnap an army officers daughter 4 ticks to the dem side

Now your big mouth has just cancelled the advantage that you made

why you did not say arrest instead of kidnap ?

My Thai wife and her friends are out their protesting for you so please wake up

you are just a spear head and the real new leaders are waiting in the shadows

The Thais are scared that if there is an election in Feb the "Come home free card" will be issued to Taksin

Stop trying to win the impossible

If the government says yes to a May election 70% of your protestor including my wife and her friend say they have what they want and come home

Win a battle and come home with a good face

if you can not prove that PTP and Taskin are currupt in 5 months, then give up you never will

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So, does anyone know who is supporting this idiot?? and it would be interesting to know who is supporting the other idiot?? I asked that very question on the general forum and it got blocked by the mods that said no political dialogue unless in the Thai news forum.

So, I'll take this opportunity to ask about corporate support of both parties.............these protest picnics can't be cheap and can only occur with big corporate support, but which corporations??

It would be against ThaiVisaDotCom rules to name and ...............................

Win coffee1.gif

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Surapong is a Shinawatra - Suthep's gotta get him.

Chaturon has strong socialist leanings - Thais find poliiticians with actual ideologies weird, stubborn and scary. "Why can't he be satisfied with power, sex and money like everybody else?" They tend not to sell out or give up or switch sides. [see also the non-participation of Chamlong Srimuang who has been sidelined by the yellows, another ideologue but on the other side from Chaturon] Suthep has to be wary of such oddly principled people.

Chalerm, Pracha and Plodprasop allegedly control lots of blokes with guns, allegedly again. Suthep needs to keep them under wraps.

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Perhaps I'm reading/interpreting things differently based on past "quotes" from Thai Politicians, but I don't believe he is saying to "kidnap" people per se, merely to blockade their residences and cause inconvenience.

Also, with reference to the children, I again read/interpret this as suggesting they be removed away from these areas of potential conflict before or in case things escalate.

WOW nice, "Read/interpret, Nice spin, mate,,,

Well, we will see who ends up being correct in a few more days. The literal translation of Thai oftentimes is not very accurate.

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If the government says yes to a May election 70% of your protestor including my wife and her friend say they have what they want and come home

Unfortunately there is the small thing in the constitution that mandates elections after parliment is dissolved. Therefore if there are no elections then present caretaker govt can be tossed into the monkey house. There is no way to get around this I am afraid, so elections will proceed and what happens happens.

Edited by britmaveric
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Ginjag, the Bangkok Post is reporting that Suthep made the announcement from the stage at Asok earlier today, but you're right, of course he wouldn't be able to carry out his empty threat.

MMarlow, which empty threat has Suthep NOT carried out so far? Please name one.

Maybe a nut with a purpose, but he hasn't got petrol soaked bus tyres -sharpened bamboos- and a thousand paid for buses entering BKK.

Yesterday I see a few Reds with a hundred of big tyres at the Military Memorial Batam Lamlukka. But they do nothing, nobody hit them, nobody applauded.

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