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Hansum Man - Too Much


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it can be a problem anywhere in the world but it's just something we have to deal with. sure sometimes i wonder what life would be like if i wasn't so handsome, virile, wealthy, intelligent, and generally adored and worshipped by all. we all have our cross to bear

Yeah right wink.png

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we certainly do.Young and handsome just does not cut it here unless you have plenty of money.

Yes plenty of money is the key..another line is to explain the old girl friend did not want to go to Kho Samui, did not like the cell phone I bought her, she left for an older man over weight, the key is that women will listen to sad news..ya have to look empty and lost...women all women have the nurturing instinct in that you are in pain or distress....another addition is to say I can not find a women whom likes to travel and that you will be going to alone to what every resort you decided to impress them with.

Women's brain are very different from what WE as men see as an attraction...looks are a good entry level, but you have to show in body language you are available...being an older man know how women think...playing pool is a good entry...bending over to shoot women look at the butts and arms..also let them win..always miss the 8 ball and you will be ahead to play the whole game later...

Hmm indeed. You and I have way different ways around women. Never lose. Never play a wounded duck. Speak straight. And keep stuff simple.

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the following event took place 35 years ago in San Francisco.

Me (young lawyer) was asked to meet a buddy of mine (contractor) on a Friday night at an upscale yuppie bar. As always i was a little early. The place was packed with all the beautiful people, I wanted a drink! looked at Bar area and amazingly saw a void. Nudged my way to that area only to find the most stunning, amazingly beautiful women I have ever seen (Playboy material)...and since nobody was around her ...I went up to her and said "I guess you must have farted as nobody is around",,,well she just laughed so hard and then she asked me if she could by me a drink. Well...I accepted!...Still a little stunned that she was so down to earth she explained to me that her beauty just intimidates people. Well ....my buddy the contractor comes in with his scruffy overalls and pulls up to have a drink with us ...

Long story short ....he takes her home ..and tells me she was the wildest thing he ever had...

Moral of the story....don't be intimidated by anyone....we're all equal

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it can be a problem anywhere in the world but it's just something we have to deal with. sure sometimes i wonder what life would be like if i wasn't so handsome, virile, wealthy, intelligent, and generally adored and worshipped by all. we all have our cross to bear

Yeah right wink.png

Still recall singing that Mac Davis song after a few beers, just for the hell of it, loved the reaction it garnered in the pubs!!

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Let me clarify it for the OP, bar girls don't go with young guys for two reasons, fuc_k too long and no money. Bar girls like older guys because fuc_k quickly and have more money. So mr OP, get your head out of your ass and wise up, it has nothing to do with your looks. If you survive to an older age in Thailand, you too may reap the rewards of age. Good luck.

Seriously wrong.

1. Shag too long? What do you think all those old boys are queuing up for at the pharmacy if not those little blue pills?

2. "No money"? I'd be surprised at any young guy not being able to pony up the 1 - 2K your average bargirl requires.

I realise you dearly want to stack the odds in the geriatrics' corner but you're deluding yourself.

Most bar girls are very well honed in their "craft". They have learned from experience how to spot an easily controlled and easy to manipulate "mark". A younger guy in decent shape with decent looks does not fit nicely into their profile of a guy they can not only make a quick short-time buck off of, but the older, slovenly, lonely-looking types are more likely to pledge their undying love, devotion and wallet within a few hours of splendored "love" with the crafty, shrewd little lass at the helm of the Love Boat controlling every move, which includes kicking the poor sap to the curb when by funny coincidence, his wallet has been emptied....

Plenty of young guys get roped into the same traps as the oldies but the difference is that the young guy hasn't got that much money to lose and can earn his way back to solvency.

The old guy, on the other hand, can lose his entire life savings on a fling with a mercenary. Houses, cars, scooters, computers and consumer tat and then be left by the roadside. Sure he gets his pension but it's never gonna be enough to rebuild those life savings.

Huh? blink.png

I would think that would make him a perfect example.

Aren't we all here? Else we wouldn't be here. . .

Speak for yourself, mate.

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A friend told me his personality wins every time. And he's butt-ugly enough to stop the Pamplona bull rush in its tracks.

... cheesy.gif

I've never run with the Bulls ... but I know what you mean.

I'm used to the expression ... 'a face only a Mother could love'.

But I like the Bull variation.

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A friend told me his personality wins every time. And he's butt-ugly enough to stop the Pamplona bull rush in its tracks.

I know someone just like that.

He has a model girlfriend less than half his age and he is not loaded.

First Rule when dating the fairer (good looking) sex ... never tell a pretty girl she's pretty ... every man tells her that.

Make her laugh ... and you're away.

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Ladies( not just bargirls) say i am funny,got lovely blue eyes and hung like a donkey, i need to get away from Thailand,getting mobbed so much.Word gets atound that u are well hung and its getting bad now

Are you perhaps getting mixed up between a Donkey and a Mule.



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A friend told me his personality wins every time. And he's butt-ugly enough to stop the Pamplona bull rush in its tracks.

... cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>

I've never run with the Bulls ... but I know what you mean.

I'm used to the expression ... 'a face only a Mother could love'.

But I like the Bull variation.

I like the variation "Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp"


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Ladies( not just bargirls) say i am funny,got lovely blue eyes and hung like a donkey, i need to get away from Thailand,getting mobbed so much.Word gets atound that u are well hung and its getting bad now

Are you perhaps getting mixed up between a Donkey and a Mule.



......or an Ass, which I think is more likely. coffee1.gif

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I find the prices drop. It's not such a bad deal being handsome. However, most of the girls are not interested in that 2,000-3000 Bhat fee. They want that very heavy set older man to start mailing them money every month. If your nice looking your not going to fall madly in love and start making monthly payments. The girls would rather exspend their energy on the big payday.

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I find the prices drop. It's not such a bad deal being handsome. However, most of the girls are not interested in that 2,000-3000 Bhat fee. They want that very heavy set older man to start mailing them money every month. If your nice looking your not going to fall madly in love and start making monthly payments. The girls would rather exspend their energy on the big payday.

Younger and good-looking gets better prices for sure.

Younger and good-looking doesn't give a monkey's about the bargirl's agenda; he lets older, fatter, balder bloke worry about that nonsense then come on TV forums asking jokers on here how much they pay their GFs as an allowance laugh.png

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Looks can lose their appeal, but MONEY never gets old. Looks cannot buy sin sod. Looks cannot buy a house, retirement, and fun times in LOS for all eternity!!!!

But looks can improve confidence, health, likely live longer, happier, a more rich life, and likely smarter according to some studies.

However, too good looking can lead to mental issues, addiction to pills, depression, crazy insecurity, and a shallow narcissistic existence.

But the key with looks is to lie......since you have looks, tell them you own 10 houses in New York City and a jet that isn't allowed to land in Thailand. lol.

Then you will have it all!!! Until your ATM eats your card and you beg for 30 baht.

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Looks can lose their appeal, but MONEY never gets old. Looks cannot buy sin sod. Looks cannot buy a house, retirement, and fun times in LOS for all eternity!!!!

But looks can improve confidence, health, likely live longer, happier, a more rich life, and likely smarter according to some studies.

However, too good looking can lead to mental issues, addiction to pills, depression, crazy insecurity, and a shallow narcissistic existence.

But the key with looks is to lie......since you have looks, tell them you own 10 houses in New York City and a jet that isn't allowed to land in Thailand. lol.

Then you will have it all!!! Until your ATM eats your card and you beg for 30 baht.

Yeah but what kind of mug pays sin sod?

What's smart about buying a house in a Thai woman's name?

What's the point of waiting until your body can't keep up with your mind to have the lifestyle you really want?

All eternity? For every old boy who manages that, there are 3 who end up on the bones of their arse after doing a small fortune on a glorified hooker with some domestic skills

You make out like a guy has one or the other. Lots of good looking guys have both, pal.

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Handsome men don't need to pay prostitutes in Thailand.

Why on earth would a handsome guy go to a girly bar rather than a real bar?

How many movie stars retire to Pattaya?

There is a big difference between "need to" and "want to" .

Why a real handsome men ( lol , this is the funniest post i read until now ) will not want to pay prostitutes in Thailand ? or wherever he is ? to enjoy his holidays ? .

Why a real handsome men is enforced to deal with the possible daily crap from GF ? wherever her nationality is .

Where is the problem if he likes to dedicate his life to himself and relatives doing his shit during labor time and banging lets say 3 or 4 hookers at the same time if he wants on his free time ?

I repeat , avoiding the daily crap and headaches that a GF can be ?

I have good looking friends in theirs 20s - 30s that love to do what i just told you , yes whenever they can if possible they score without paying , but they just dont even bother or lost their time . Their favourite quote is : "Those who fuc_k paying , end up saving"

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the following event took place 35 years ago in San Francisco.

Me (young lawyer) was asked to meet a buddy of mine (contractor) on a Friday night at an upscale yuppie bar. As always i was a little early. The place was packed with all the beautiful people, I wanted a drink! looked at Bar area and amazingly saw a void. Nudged my way to that area only to find the most stunning, amazingly beautiful women I have ever seen (Playboy material)...and since nobody was around her ...I went up to her and said "I guess you must have farted as nobody is around",,,well she just laughed so hard and then she asked me if she could by me a drink. Well...I accepted!...Still a little stunned that she was so down to earth she explained to me that her beauty just intimidates people. Well ....my buddy the contractor comes in with his scruffy overalls and pulls up to have a drink with us ...

Long story short ....he takes her home ..and tells me she was the wildest thing he ever had...

Moral of the story....don't be intimidated by anyone....we're all equal

i would have said moral of the story, dont believe everything contractors tell you!

although very long ago i have had woman who could get anyone she wanted (fit blond attractive witty charming talented) tell me that she had more fun with this segment. she worked also as a piano player parttime (nightjob) in night places. (actually i said no when she got me to her place in a drunken state and proposition me. can you believe that? still was a good friend though)

Edited by Big Pinkie
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So if:

3 people having sex is a threesome

2 people having sex is a twosome

Then what exactly do they mean when they say handsome man?

Something similar to what they mean when they call you Dak Ling. tongue.png

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A friend told me his personality wins every time. And he's butt-ugly enough to stop the Pamplona bull rush in its tracks.

... cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>

I've never run with the Bulls ... but I know what you mean.

I'm used to the expression ... 'a face only a Mother could love'.

But I like the Bull variation.

I like the variation "Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp"


Or "Face like a bulldog licking pi$$ off a thistle"

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I told a bar girl, once, that as I was so handsome I should not have to pay more than 300 baht. She said ... "300 ! You wont get much for that". Later I passed the same bar with my wife. The bar girl shouted out to me .. "See ... I told you you wont get much for 300 baht".

and you still have that wife? i mean she didnt take exception ?

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I have a favorite song I like to sing around the house when my wife is within hearing distance....just changed a few of the words.....it goes like this.......

"I'm just too good to be true....can't keep my eyes off a me......I'd be like heaven to touch.....you'd love to hole me so much etc., etc., etc.,"

i guess some of you old timers remember that song.

Have a nice day all. Am in Koh Samet at the moment with "she who must be obeyed".....pretty chilly out....suppose I should tuck it in.

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it can be a problem anywhere in the world but it's just something we have to deal with. sure sometimes i wonder what life would be like if i wasn't so handsome, virile, wealthy, intelligent, and generally adored and worshipped by all. we all have our cross to bear

I thought that you were talking about me, but I am far more hansome than that, plus I have a secret weapon, I have a bulge in my left rear pocket. it's called a baht gun! can't go anywhere without the lasses calling me "hansome man" come with me!

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