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Democrats boost pressure for caretaker PM Yingluck's resignation


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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

Please show a list of evidence , not just stories, and a Baht amount, I don't think they can hold a candle to the shin crew.


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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Good idea but do you really think PTP will be as good at suspending members Passports,as having Fugitives Passports reissued?

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Are those kids in the picture? Is that a slap in everyone's face or what. Exploiting the kids to con the world that you are sincere about stopping corruption. How low can a human go?

Edited by aimbc
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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

Please show a list of evidence , not just stories, and a Baht amount, I don't think they can hold a candle to the shin crew.


You beat me to it!

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Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

Nixon resigned in a democratic country. With the help and staff around her giving her advice, it is probably better to go outside of her circle for help.

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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

Would you like to share your evidence and facts with us?

Or just spouting off?

Maybe you could also explain where all the money spent on the rice scheme has gone too, cause it ain't gone to the farmers.

Wonder what was in all those suitcases on a certain flight to London?

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yes what a bunch of losers these so called "democrats" are - but more and people around the world picking up now what a bunch of hypocrites they are.

You can not sink much lower than this!


The so called educated middle class - doctors, lecturers, academics - and finally the chairman of the EC - who seems to be to stupid to organize elections - is showing his real face!

They can not keep it civil and stick to criticizing her in her capacity as PM - no they stoop to the lowest of the low!

He should resign today if he thinks it is his job to belittle the prime minister because she is a woman and has to make stupid comments about her private life to the press?

I have news for him - PM Yingluck has more courage than all these primitive beings like Suthep, Dr. Jak, Seri, EC Chairman Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, Abhisit and the "Doctors" on stage - together!

No wonder they never win an election - who would vote for a bunch of morons like this?

Yes, the yellows are showing their evil side. They are continuing to lose support left right and center.

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NOT IF BUT WHEN those caught with their fingers in the till, let ALL their assets be noted, confiscated sold off and the proceeds divided between the farmers waiting for their payment, I suspect their collective assets would be greater than the stolen money from the tax payers, after this naming and shaming let those be sent on holiday too the BKK Hilton for X years and let the media follow their fate unlike it dose now, and NO inactive post...

and that the guilty can NEVER hold any position of power again...

If YL is found to also be taking a slice then the same fate should also befall her, but if not then why would she have to step down?

there is a saying in a book I've read a little of, If your right hand offends you then cut it off, but it doesn't say cut off your head.

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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

And I actually do think you believe it. ...................and you cannot tell all what MASSIVE etc. go on inform us if you cannot don't post, maybe I missed something years ago.

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Go ahead with your Feb 2 elections because when they find you guilty for corruption, they're going to boot your ass out anyway. clap2.gif
And enter stage left for the PTP Khun Somchai. Still stuck with the same clone or Muppet running the show and if he is not towing the line... Enter stage right another eligible candidate! I'm off to take a xanax and read Ginger Meggs 55555!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Shipments to China to raise money to pay the Farmers ?????? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20> I think a Trillion Baht Loan for " Infrustrcture" to pay for the Scam .... Now where DID all that Money go ??????..... whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

The loans for 2.2-trillion spending on infrastructure haven't yet been raised, and given the problem the government had in trying (and partly-failing) to sell a mere 75-billions' worth to keep the rice-scheme staggering along for another month or two, I doubt that they will be able to fund the much-larger 50-year borrowing at anything like an economic rate.

The government has yet to demonstrate either, that the infrastructure-spending will ever achieve proper payback, let alone a real profit/benefit to the country.

But there's definitely the possibility, of some sort of shady/shaky rice-for-railways deal, with China, in which the price of the rice exported is obscured within the paperwork, especially if the government continue to claim that G2G-deals are too commercially-confidential for the details ever to be revealed to the taxpayers.

Not sure how the appropriate kickbacks & commissions would be managed in any such deal, but I'm sure that they'll find some way, experience counts & if frozen-chicken for fighter-planes can be managed, then I'm sure that Thai ingenuity will rise to this new challenge too ! wink.png

Yay for Red Financial-Ingenuity ! laugh.png

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their puny pressure adds up to little ,shes not going anywhere ,only a fool would walk away from bullyboy suthep

Suthep is the least of her problems at this point. The Nacc is going to throw her in jail where she deservesto be. Then 308 members of parliament will be tossed by the constitutional court. If by some unbelievable scenario she survives that she will be a little lonely in government house.

And then.........................?

when all the currupt MPs are gone there can be a fair election and a decent government elected

why is it in you intereset that this not happen

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Mis-managed and under funded government programs…

Stupid rice pledging policy to gain vote support...

Making promises that you can't keep...

Government spending more money than it takes in...

Sounds like your typical democratic government. Not illegal, just irresponsible. If you don't like it, vote someone else in,,,

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Mis-managed and under funded government programs…

Stupid rice pledging policy to gain vote support...

Making promises that you can't keep...

Government spending more money than it takes in...

Sounds like your typical democratic government. Not illegal, just irresponsible. If you don't like it, vote someone else in,,,

Oh dear, more bad news for the leader today... Only this time it is Abhisit on the rack.

Chuwit calling on him to resign.

"The only way to eradicate Thaksinsim is to have a quality opposition. Improve your party to compete"

"as you can't compete with T/S RESIGN!!"

More but it is in thai and the wife has to eat.

Also Looks like he is singing a totally opposite hypocritical tune to when he was pm. Not liking it that all his old tweets being dug up and RT.

Abhisit upset over netizens digging up & widely sharing his old tweets from 2010, when he called end to protests & respect for rule of law

Never mind, he was never up to much and only his handlers could stomach him... Korn was ok, before you start calling me names. He was ok, until Suthep told him to shut up and he obeyed. Sad loss really he did have respect, but need to be stronger and braver to succeed in Thai Politics... Bit like old whatsname ...? Thaksin wasn't it :)

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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

Are you trying to play devil's advocate here, or do you actually have something solid ?

Give us some examples of your endemic and widespread corruption under AV and ST - what in particular are you talking about ?

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This corruption allegation is a drop in the ocean compared to the massive, endemic and widespread levels of corruption under the Abhisit and Suthep administration.

And I actually do think you believe it. ...................and you cannot tell all what MASSIVE etc. go on inform us if you cannot don't post, maybe I missed something years ago.

Dust free roads ring a bell? Part of the 1.43 Trillion baht "Investment" package under abhisit 2009


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