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Unfair Pricing


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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :D

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

You can't be that thick,SJ, can you? How has Donz in any way admitted racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy in his post? Where is the logic? :o Posts of these qualities disappoints me really.

Sorry you missed the ironic sarcasm of his statement... but that's ok, I'm sure most people got it...

but anyway, this thread's version of the topic had pretty much run it's course and had desolved into a flaming war which is common trait with it, usually right around page 12.

Too bad...being so close to 200 posts... it was nearing the record length for this topic..

With more of your insightful posts, I'm sure we can do it!...

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I have live here for 5 years and have never even once met a Thai who was genuinely interested in a friendship in which cash was not to be a factor in some way.

That must have been a sad 5 years if you have not been able to make friendships without cash as a factor. :o

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I have live here for 5 years and have never even once met a Thai who was genuinely interested in a friendship in which cash was not to be a factor in some way.

That must have been a sad 5 years if you have not been able to make friendships without cash as a factor. :o

Fitting, though. Considering who wrote it.

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I personally dont think Thailand or Thais are racist in any way...

If this was a european country then charging a person extra for there color of skin would certainly be looked on as racist but not Thailand...

The reason why dual pricing goes on is the same reason why you may get pulled over by police and fined 100bt for just being on the road...because they can..

When big parks can make good money out of it you cant blame anyone else for trying it on can you..

Its about money, and for the people who think their extra 180bt fee at the national park gates goes to a good cause had better read this and think again, the extra charge is soon being reviewed and i have a feeling it wont be going down...

This is where the money goes....-- national park payments --

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I personally dont think Thailand or Thais are racist in any way...

If this was a european country then charging a person extra for there color of skin would certainly be looked on as racist but not Thailand...

The reason why dual pricing goes on is the same reason why you may get pulled over by police and fined 100bt for just being on the road...because they can..

When big parks can make good money out of it you cant blame anyone else for trying it on can you..

Its about money, and for the people who think their extra 180bt fee at the national park gates goes to a good cause had better read this and think again, the extra charge is soon being reviewed and i have a feeling it wont be going down...

This is where the money goes....-- national park payments --

And did you know that Thailand also doesnt charge extra for colour of skin like you have accused them of.

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Its about money, and for the people who think their extra 180bt fee at the national park gates goes to a good cause had better read this and think again, the extra charge is soon being reviewed and i have a feeling it wont be going down...

This is where the money goes....-- national park payments --

Nice article but full of opinions and empty allegations. Sure some of the money will disappear in the corrupt system but that is a different topic.

Comparing tourist admission prices in Thailand with the same thing in Europe/America is like comparing apples with bananas. A tourist in these countries is usually on the same economical level as the tourist destination so there will be no big differences.

Many years ago you had the same thing in places like Greece and Spain as in Thailand today. Today you probably have the same thing in places like Mexico where you have Gringo prices for tourists from north of the border.

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For those that agree with the dual pricing ,have a read of this

Thai woman not deemed ‘Thai’ enough


Do you still think its fair ???

We always treat all visitors equally, and the idea of racial discrimination never crosses our minds. Our system of having two different prices for Thai and foreigners is just the same as other tourist places in Thailand.


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Well, unfair pricing is NOT only in Thailand... here in USA, my fiancee pays $2500 per quarter in college fees, whereas Americans pay just $1000 for the exact same program. It's a private insititution, so the argument about taxes is not applicable.

Let's face it -- there's price discrimination anywhere where it makes economic sense. Foreign students in USA == have plenty of money to come halfway 'round the world, let's fleece them (and let the locals in ad 40% price, or else too few of them would be enroled). Farang in Thailand -- same same.

Now, in Thailand, they usually overcharge you by a few hundred baht -- what an average Farang earns in several minutes. In the all-equal, non-racist and non-discriminatory America, the overcharge is about what a Thai earns in a year.

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Well, unfair pricing is NOT only in Thailand... here in USA, my fiancee pays $2500 per quarter in college fees, whereas Americans pay just $1000 for the exact same program. It's a private insititution, so the argument about taxes is not applicable.

Let's face it -- there's price discrimination anywhere where it makes economic sense. Foreign students in USA == have plenty of money to come halfway 'round the world, let's fleece them (and let the locals in ad 40% price, or else too few of them would be enroled). Farang in Thailand -- same same.

Now, in Thailand, they usually overcharge you by a few hundred baht -- what an average Farang earns in several minutes. In the all-equal, non-racist and non-discriminatory America, the overcharge is about what a Thai earns in a year.


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And did you know that Thailand also doesnt charge extra for colour of skin like you have accused them of.

Im accusing no one of nothing, my simple point it that i pay 200bt the missus pays 20bt and the chinese tourist behind me will pay 20bt also..

Now if that isnt a case of someone paying extra for skin colour then you will have you explain to me what is?? I am white....

Comparing tourist admission prices in Thailand with the same thing in Europe/America is like comparing apples with bananas. A tourist in these countries is usually on the same economical level as the tourist destination so there will be no big differences.

Im not comparing it with europe ZZZ, just pointing out blatent dual pricing based on race/colour in countries other than Thailand would be looked on as a race issue...and in the U.K it would be classed as illigal....

Funny article ... the guy should be ashamed

Maybe this guy should be ashamed, but if you knew who he was or what he does then you would soon understand that his only problem with dual pricing is that it may discourage more people from visiting these wonderfull parks...he has a few books you can read if you like..i can tell you he is one guy not worried about the money in his pocket..

I personally dont think Thailand is a racist country, i have lived in places in eurpope where race is a serious issue and to me Thailand doesnt even come close..

I happily pay the extra because 200bt is still a very small amount to pay to visit some of the best parks in the world, i do not hold it against the person on the gate as they area just doing as instructed..

Hotels and restaurants are a different matter, you have choice, if you dont want to pay extra just dont go...

And if anyone feel they need to reply with the sad "Go Home" bit then dont bother, its a very sad way to express an opinion wouldnt you agree!!

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Whereas before you were making sense despite all the foul language, Meemiathai, now you are just being downright inane.

I'll withdraw from this discussion - should have a while ago.

Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

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Im also in agreement dual pricing is very outdated as Thai's in general have become richer and a new system needs to be put in place to let the poor also visit these parks.

And Techi Im not saying i dont believe you but in my experiences if your not thai you pay tourist prices, I know alot of japs and they all pay top dollar when visiting touristy places and so do I as a luk khrueng.

I know clubs in australia that dont want too many asians in there clubs and stop letting them in when they think there is enough of them, it does not in anyway make me think that all clubs in australia are racist.

Maybe you need to think like that too

Edited by Donz
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Yes i agree Donz....as i said before i personally dont think thailand or thais are in any way racist and i never think of it like that...

It is about money, now for me i would happily hand over 1000bt to get into a park regardless of what others are charged IF i knew it was going to be put back into the park and its upkeep....now thats all that hacks me off about it, where the money goes...

Now if its a hotel, restaurant or anything simular then it just pisses me off....and i hate to think of all the times i have paid more because i am not Thai...its about principal...

When we recently built a home in Thailand i had to hide up when the missus was speaking to the engineer as when i was present the quotes we got were up to 1,000,000bt higher... :D

We actually purcahsed a new car with the money we saved form me hiding behind the sofa :D

Be interest to hear of how many people on here have to send the missus in to get a price or a quote for something, i bet im not alone :o

I guess everyone is out to make money so you cant blame poeple for trying it on when national parks are doing it openly, but im not in any way trying to say Thailand or Thais are racist, thats just rubbish..

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For those that agree with the dual pricing
It's not about agreeing or disagreeing here. It is natural to want to pay the lowest price one can(and to feel bad of having to pay more than somone else is understandable). It's about the antagonism of using the tool "Racism" by some of the farangs' superior mentality of which they try applying their own values throughout the universe. "My country is like that, your country is wrong not to be like the same!" "My country thinks this is right/wrong, and your country is wrong to think otherwise!"

I have mentioned it already in previous threads:

What is so bloody wrong if a country has a policy of allowing its own citizens use its facilities free of charge or at a discounted charge?? It's none of your bloody business, is it???? Can someone tell me here? If I have a shop and my sister walks in and I sell her a product at 50baht but sell you at 100/baht or 1000/baht, are you going to start arguing with me that it is wrong and unfair?????????? Do I have the bloody right to do so????????????? It's irrelevant what I am going to do with my earned money! It's none of your business!!

You may have a lot of excellent policies in your own countries which I have a lot of respect for. But this is a different country. Different circumstances, different environment. It is NOT as developped as some of your countries. Can you accept this reality? Absolute fairness is not as easily maintained.

Those who say that thais are relatively more racist than other nations/races are either dumb, deaf, blind or wicked. For racism, ask the brits who had lived in HK in the 60s and 70s what that is. Some people has got a very strange interpretation for the meaning of racism and mix it up with everything they can.

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Whereas before you were making sense despite all the foul language, Meemiathai, now you are just being downright inane.

I'll withdraw from this discussion - should have a while ago.

Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Funny that I REALLY have no idea of myself being rude. Is it the f word? :o Can someone enlighten me? Please bare in mind, I have hardly hung around with english speaking people. And the english learned is from movies or overhearing of conversations of foreigners. Just tell if I am being rude and smack me on my face, please. no grudges.(I have to hold a dictionary when reading and posting)

And as for being downright inane, can you refer to me as of which post it is? If you can't be bothered to, fine. Still friends. :D

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :o

But the people here are saying that the thais are racist towards white people.
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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

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Im accusing no one of nothing, my simple point it that i pay 200bt the missus pays 20bt and the chinese tourist behind me will pay 20bt also..

Now if that isnt a case of someone paying extra for skin colour then you will have you explain to me what is?? I am white....

I don't want to say that you are lying. So I believe that you have actually witnessed it. There could be some possibilities of misunderstanding. Or those chinese tourists(probably from mainland china) are actually quite poor people and (if led by a tour guide) has had their fees bargained before hand. And those gate keepers knew the score. We HK Chinese tourists are charged the farang prices.
Im not comparing it with europe ZZZ, just pointing out blatent dual pricing based on race/colour in countries other than Thailand would be looked on as a race issue...and in the U.K it would be classed as illigal....
And it would be classed as illegal as well in the U.K. if they don't hire women as firemen.
And if anyone feel they need to reply with the sad "Go Home" bit then dont bother, its a very sad way to express an opinion wouldnt you agree!!
I too hate it when people tell others to "Go Home" simply because they are stating a problem. But if I see someone complaining about the fish and chips being not as tasty as they are in the UK. I'll send them the same words.
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Some people has got a very strange interpretation for the meaning of racism and mix it up with everything they can.

i agree with that meemiathai...

The fact that someone is trying to make a few extra baht out of a person who they consider to be from a diffrent country and hence probably earning a different level of money isnt about racism, it may not be right and maybe the money doesnt go to where it should but its not racism....

We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure!

I would personally disagree with that but hey everyone is entitled to their own views... :o

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And it would be classed as illegal as well in the U.K. if they don't hire women as firemen.

Not sure of you point but i would agree with that...

I dont make the laws..

meemiathai, no i am not sure if there was any misunderstanding all i was trying to do is point out that as i am white i payed extra money....the chinese tourists behind me payed 20bt each, of that i know to be correct as i was with them...

Im not saying it is right or wrong because it is down to the person who takes the money and gives the ticket to decide isnt it ...

Edited by techie
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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

But the people here are saying that the thais are racist towards white people.

And many of them are racist towards white people.They are even racist towards their own folk due to where they come from or the colour of their skin.Very similar to the Chinese attitude.

If I look after a Thai family and pay taxes, then I should be charged what the locals are.End of story.If you can't understand that, then there is something slightly amiss .... :o

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

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Applying different prices for people based on skin color or nationality is quite simply racist and/or nationalistic. The two are dangerously similar.

It's a black and white issue when it come to the definition. Now, the other crap that goes along with it is debatable.

I know that I personally don't like people who live in Hong Kong but think they know what's going on all over Thailand.

I also don't like it when people say stupid statements like, "...this is a different country". What a load and what a lame excuse for being racist. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the definition of racism.

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And many of them are racist towards white people
Not very sure of the meaning of the word many here. My experience has been very different. But of course the thai people I met had always been from the lower sector in the society. Doesn't mean I did not meet anyone who didn't like farangs. There are racist people everywhere in the world.

Anyway I respect your opinion.

I wish you a happy life and hope most if not everything goes your way.

Best wishes to everyone here also.

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