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Probe into PM Yingluck will be comprehensive

Lite Beer

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This headline is basically absurd. No major official is EVER comprehensively investigated for

corruption. Because to do so would end up with finding a person responsible, and thus that

person would have to face punishment. Because the pigs simply alternate turns at the feeding

trough, there is no need to hand out punishment, as things will change, so the role of the

punisher and punishee may switch.

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The NACC is 3 years too late... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif what an incapable representative of Anti-corruption investigation department. Things are always processing to slow, typically in Thailand.

Dear NACC, you are an Anti-corruption by name, but not by actions, you arrogant buttholes... I guess Thaksin has payed you under the table as well to keep quite for 3 years and just make the headlines to delude the International public...

Wanna bet, folks???

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

There is no "problem.I was merely pointing out the context,specifically how the courts and the NACC form part of the effort to undermine electoral democracy in Thailand now that the folly of military coups is widely accepted.

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, that is for the good.But the context cannot be ignored (though I expect the prejudiced and the dullards will do just that).

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

There is no "problem.I was merely pointing out the context,specifically how the courts and the NACC form part of the effort to undermine electoral democracy in Thailand now that the folly of military coups is widely accepted.

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, that is for the good.But the context cannot be ignored (though I expect the prejudiced and the dullards will do just that).

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, the government supporters will still be shouting "Judicial Coup" from the roof tops.

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

There is no "problem.I was merely pointing out the context,specifically how the courts and the NACC form part of the effort to undermine electoral democracy in Thailand now that the folly of military coups is widely accepted.

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, that is for the good.But the context cannot be ignored (though I expect the prejudiced and the dullards will do just that).

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, the government supporters will still be shouting "Judicial Coup" from the roof tops.

The NACC simply sucks, ... 'nough said cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

There is no "problem.I was merely pointing out the context,specifically how the courts and the NACC form part of the effort to undermine electoral democracy in Thailand now that the folly of military coups is widely accepted.

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, that is for the good.But the context cannot be ignored (though I expect the prejudiced and the dullards will do just that).

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, the government supporters will still be shouting "Judicial Coup" from the roof tops.

Let's wait and see what hard evidence emerges before rushing to judgement.Much of the criticism has simply been based on political dislike of the subsidy element but this is not in itself illegal or corrupt - just questionable economics.

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Sounds like we need a new amnesty bill plane ticket to Dubai.

I hear Arisman has a small plane ready to bring him to China when things get too tough. Already has landing rights. My bet is that salamander Jatuporn will join him. Lil sis will need that Dubai ticket. Thank you three times.

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I feel sorry for her really. This was never her idea. Put up to it by her brother and thug mates.

This will be with her for the rest of her life. We all know how Thais feel about food. Especially rice!!

Did you see the crocodile tears and smirk performances?

I originally liked her, but it soon became obvious she is just a front, does as told, as no real interest, and skives off her duties as much as possible. Add to that the lies, even early on in her tenure (remember the 'my helicopter can't fly at night) and you you see the real character. The way she shoved her son in front of other kids to walk out with Chelsea, pushing some out at the last minute regardless of their feelings, demonstrates how family focused they are.

And clowns on here think that she actually runs the government and PTP have the peoples interests at heat!

The NACC probe into Shin corruption is overdue. Let's hope they have more teeth than the poor Ombudsman who's been waiting over 2 years for an answer.

If you're repulsed by the corruption practiced by elected governments of Thailand, wait till you see what a dictatorship established by the Old Guard will do.

Or even better, an elected government that wasn't controlled by a crook or by the old guard? Won't happen without real reforms. Let's see what the probes reveal. As usual the HiSo Chinese, from either side won't really be punished. A few minions maybe, but not the HiSos. Part f the game.

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If it's corrupt, then what is the problem with it being investigated by the NACC?

There is no "problem.I was merely pointing out the context,specifically how the courts and the NACC form part of the effort to undermine electoral democracy in Thailand now that the folly of military coups is widely accepted.

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, that is for the good.But the context cannot be ignored (though I expect the prejudiced and the dullards will do just that).

If the NACC determines and proves corruption, the government supporters will still be shouting "Judicial Coup" from the roof tops.

Let's wait and see what hard evidence emerges before rushing to judgement.Much of the criticism has simply been based on political dislike of the subsidy element but this is not in itself illegal or corrupt - just questionable economics.

If the subsidy was working as intended, and putting a guaranteed price in the hands of the farmers, then it could be argued that Yingluck was right. She said once, whilst it makes an accounting loss, the social advantages must be taken into account. Then it is a case of balancing the economics. Loss on rice export sales at market prices vs amount paid to farmers. There would be a balance to find, influenced by your own political views. Many countries have some form of support scheme for farmers. This could have been managed very well, and given some real benefit to the poorest areas.

Instead, it seems riddled with corruption, false accounting, inept management, fraud, and apparently the majority of the money paid out seems not to have reached the farmers. Any government responsible for something like this, in any country warrants investigation and possible charges. There should be a full and thorough investigation and the results should be made public. If the government are only guilty of poor economic judgement then the people can chose the punish them via the election, or give them another chance. If they have been party to fraud, corruption and lies, then they should face the legal consequences.

Regardless of the context, much of which PTP have created for themselves, this investigation should be speedy, thorough and transparent.

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......And this is the direction we're going in. The protests won't work, as they didn't work when they closed the airports. But the most potent force the Ruling Elite have in their favour is the judiciary, who have never let them down.

spot on

I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??

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I feel sorry for her really. This was never her idea. Put up to it by her brother and thug mates.

This will be with her for the rest of her life. We all know how Thais feel about food. Especially rice!!

Did you see the crocodile tears and smirk performances?

I originally liked her, but it soon became obvious she is just a front, does as told, as no real interest, and skives off her duties as much as possible. Add to that the lies, even early on in her tenure (remember the 'my helicopter can't fly at night) and you you see the real character. The way she shoved her son in front of other kids to walk out with Chelsea, pushing some out at the last minute regardless of their feelings, demonstrates how family focused they are.

And clowns on here think that she actually runs the government and PTP have the peoples interests at heat!

The NACC probe into Shin corruption is overdue. Let's hope they have more teeth than the poor Ombudsman who's been waiting over 2 years for an answer.

If you're repulsed by the corruption practiced by elected governments of Thailand, wait till you see what a dictatorship established by the Old Guard will do.

Or even better, an elected government that wasn't controlled by a crook or by the old guard? Won't happen without real reforms. Let's see what the probes reveal. As usual the HiSo Chinese, from either side won't really be punished. A few minions maybe, but not the HiSos. Part f the game.

The reforms offered by the insurrectionists fail to inspire confidence in both the insurrectionists or in the reforms themselves. The insurrectionists themselves are intemperate and their reforms are draconian in their elitist, anti-democracy nature. The only way to get more or better democracy is to have more and better democracy, even if longer term patience and reason is required. Accordingly, an appointed council that remains anonymous, continues to have a secret agenda and which would have a term that is vague and unspecified must be rejected by democrats everywhere, or certainly by any democrat from any country that has an advanced democracy.

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......And this is the direction we're going in. The protests won't work, as they didn't work when they closed the airports. But the most potent force the Ruling Elite have in their favour is the judiciary, who have never let them down.

spot on

I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??

Yes, the judiciary convicted Thaksin in 2008. Welcome back.

Still, you have a lot of catching up to do so talk to you later.

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......And this is the direction we're going in. The protests won't work, as they didn't work when they closed the airports. But the most potent force the Ruling Elite have in their favour is the judiciary, who have never let them down.

spot on

I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??


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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet"

What, you are not going to explain this vast conspiracy between "the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government"?

And here I was hoping about hearing a nice story. sad.png

My point was that if the government falls through the impact of judicial intervention, my critics should not dismiss my comments as a 'conspiracy theory".Corruption is a curse in Thailand and nobody would disagree it should be tackled, but it is not, despite protestations, the root cause of the current conflict.Look at the nature of leadership of the street protests!The current government is certainly losing popularity so why don't the forces opposed to it work for a victory in the coming general election?

Are you trying to say that if this government is found guilty of its obvious corruption, it's all somebody else's fault, or to use the phrase of the day, the charges are "politically motivated"? It's downfall won't be simply the cause and effect of crime and punishment, it will be a "judicial coup"?

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Let's wait and see what hard evidence emerges before rushing to judgement.Much of the criticism has simply been based on political dislike of the subsidy element but this is not in itself illegal or corrupt - just questionable economics.

Hugely expensive failed policies are not illegal, not even when they are continued well part when it becomes obvious that that is what they are. What is illegal is failure to declare conflicts of interest by those promoting that policy, and if there has been one such declaration, I missed it.

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Many confused and unintelligent responses to my earlier post.Nobody is suggesting that this government is not without its faults and I do not have any obligation to defend it.If it is as incompetent, corrupt and incompetent as claimed it can be voted out by the Thai people at the general election in a few weeks time. But of course giving the Thai people a voice is exactly what the old guard fear.Thus the strategy is to create conditions of confusion and enlist the partisan efforts of the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government.The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet until it is evident the slow and silent judicial coup has no legs.Until that point all the evidence points the other way. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet"

What, you are not going to explain this vast conspiracy between "the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government"?

And here I was hoping about hearing a nice story. sad.png

My point was that if the government falls through the impact of judicial intervention, my critics should not dismiss my comments as a 'conspiracy theory".Corruption is a curse in Thailand and nobody would disagree it should be tackled, but it is not, despite protestations, the root cause of the current conflict.Look at the nature of leadership of the street protests!The current government is certainly losing popularity so why don't the forces opposed to it work for a victory in the coming general election?

Are you trying to say that if this government is found guilty of its obvious corruption, it's all somebody else's fault, or to use the phrase of the day, the charges are "politically motivated"? It's downfall won't be simply the cause and effect of crime and punishment, it will be a "judicial coup"?

No, I'm saying (please pay attention) that corruption is not the cause of the current conflict.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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"The dullards who bleat conspiracy theory should keep quiet"

What, you are not going to explain this vast conspiracy between "the EC,CC and NACC to destabilise and destroy the elected government"?

And here I was hoping about hearing a nice story. sad.png

My point was that if the government falls through the impact of judicial intervention, my critics should not dismiss my comments as a 'conspiracy theory".Corruption is a curse in Thailand and nobody would disagree it should be tackled, but it is not, despite protestations, the root cause of the current conflict.Look at the nature of leadership of the street protests!The current government is certainly losing popularity so why don't the forces opposed to it work for a victory in the coming general election?

Are you trying to say that if this government is found guilty of its obvious corruption, it's all somebody else's fault, or to use the phrase of the day, the charges are "politically motivated"? It's downfall won't be simply the cause and effect of crime and punishment, it will be a "judicial coup"?

No, I'm saying (please pay attention) that corruption is not the cause of the current conflict.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Correct, the core of the conflict is which groupings of crime families gets to control the corruption. Them's that's got are tryin to shut out those that's tryin to git.

A plague on both their dens.

Edited by Publicus
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But - but - but, my brother made me do it.

Not sure the Nuremberg Defence of ' only obeying orders ' will work. More plausible is for her to admit she was told everything / knew everything that was going on but it went in one ear and out the other as there's nothing in between to retain the information and I'm sure almost everyone would believe her.

Congratulations YL you've just invented the ' Airhead Defence '.

Quite to the contrary I'm afraid because you've just invented it.

"Nuremberg Defence" is quite OTT.

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But - but - but, my brother made me do it.

Not sure the Nuremberg Defence of ' only obeying orders ' will work. More plausible is for her to admit she was told everything / knew everything that was going on but it went in one ear and out the other as there's nothing in between to retain the information and I'm sure almost everyone would believe her.

Congratulations YL you've just invented the ' Airhead Defence '.

Quite to the contrary I'm afraid because you've just invented it.

Agree - while many members disagree, I see that's she's been trying to be as remote as possible from any corruption.

It is possible she knew something - but let's see the evidence first. In my own experience I saw many accusations lauded by the thai media about corruption over the baggage scanners at suvarnabhumi - but the real truth has never been accepted - not corruption, just business as usual and changing prices and policies.

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No, I'm saying (please pay attention) that corruption is not the cause of the current conflict.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

But corruption, as now being charged, may well be the downfall of this corrupt government rather than the current conflict which appears to be headed for a stalemate. Won't it be delicious when the downfall of a government through corruption charges then leads to reform.

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......And this is the direction we're going in. The protests won't work, as they didn't work when they closed the airports. But the most potent force the Ruling Elite have in their favour is the judiciary, who have never let them down.

spot on

I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??

Yes, the judiciary convicted Thaksin in 2008. Welcome back.

Still, you have a lot of catching up to do so talk to you later.

True power can always be a bit hard to see, and the connections that form it. Thaksin basically

rose to the top of the heap in power in Thailand, so he probably understands it better than anybody.

He attempted to bribe a judge in 2008. The very fact he attempted to do it is very telling, as he would

not have attempted to do so if he did not feel that there was some chance of success. In this case it did

not work however. Either the judge was of high moral fiber, or the amount was not enough... :-)

Time for you to catch up on Thai politics as well.......

Thailand's Supreme Court jailed three lawyers working for ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra for trying to bribe a judge with 2 million baht (HK$465,000) in a candy box.

A three-judge panel found Pichit Cheunban, Thaksin's chief lawyer, and his two assistants guilty. Action on a separate charge of criminal bribery is expected, though the three denied any bribe attempt.

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I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??

Yes, the judiciary convicted Thaksin in 2008. Welcome back.

Still, you have a lot of catching up to do so talk to you later.

True power can always be a bit hard to see, and the connections that form it. Thaksin basically

rose to the top of the heap in power in Thailand, so he probably understands it better than anybody.

He attempted to bribe a judge in 2008. The very fact he attempted to do it is very telling, as he would

not have attempted to do so if he did not feel that there was some chance of success. In this case it did

not work however. Either the judge was of high moral fiber, or the amount was not enough... :-)

Time for you to catch up on Thai politics as well.......

Thailand's Supreme Court jailed three lawyers working for ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra for trying to bribe a judge with 2 million baht (HK$465,000) in a candy box.

A three-judge panel found Pichit Cheunban, Thaksin's chief lawyer, and his two assistants guilty. Action on a separate charge of criminal bribery is expected, though the three denied any bribe attempt.

Getting caught trying to bribe some dubious judges is not control of the judiciary. If Thaksin had control of the judiciary, why would he or his wife of the time have tried to bribe judges? And I well remember the instance.

Thaksin getting off on the assets concealment case in 2001 was almost as much a surprise to Thaksin as it was to his backers among the elites.

Edited by Publicus
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I thought that Thaksin controlled the judiciary.....Has something changed ??

Yes, the judiciary convicted Thaksin in 2008. Welcome back.

Still, you have a lot of catching up to do so talk to you later.

True power can always be a bit hard to see, and the connections that form it. Thaksin basically

rose to the top of the heap in power in Thailand, so he probably understands it better than anybody.

He attempted to bribe a judge in 2008. The very fact he attempted to do it is very telling, as he would

not have attempted to do so if he did not feel that there was some chance of success. In this case it did

not work however. Either the judge was of high moral fiber, or the amount was not enough... :-)

Time for you to catch up on Thai politics as well.......

Thailand's Supreme Court jailed three lawyers working for ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra for trying to bribe a judge with 2 million baht (HK$465,000) in a candy box.

A three-judge panel found Pichit Cheunban, Thaksin's chief lawyer, and his two assistants guilty. Action on a separate charge of criminal bribery is expected, though the three denied any bribe attempt.

Getting caught trying to bribe some dubious judges is not control of the judiciary. If Thaksin had control of the judiciary, why would he or his wife of the time have tried to bribe judges? And I well remember the instance.

Thaksin getting off on the assets concealment case in 2001 was almost as much a surprise to Thaksin as it was to his backers among the elites.

Yes I recall the judicial outcome on the assets concealment case was a bit odd. Thaksin made his

maid ( or driver ?) the third or fourth richest person in Thailand while he was shifting assets around,

and apparently the court had no problem with that.....

Perhaps my use of the word control is improper. Thaksin has spent a lot of money and time to consolidate

his power over Thailand ,by placing relatives and toadies in important positions. Hard to believe he does not have a plan to mitigate the wild card of judicial power. I am sure he has learned his lesson from 2008 with his conviction and flight. Corruption seems to rampant in Thailand, and I am not seeing a whole lot of powerful rich politicians heading to jail, so to me the judiciary seems a bit like a toothless tiger. With the exception of Thaksin's conviction, which may have been directed by a higher power...........

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I feel sorry for her really. This was never her idea. Put up to it by her brother and thug mates.

This will be with her for the rest of her life. We all know how Thais feel about food. Especially rice!!

Did you see the crocodile tears and smirk performances?

I originally liked her, but it soon became obvious she is just a front, does as told, as no real interest, and skives off her duties as much as possible. Add to that the lies, even early on in her tenure (remember the 'my helicopter can't fly at night) and you you see the real character. The way she shoved her son in front of other kids to walk out with Chelsea, pushing some out at the last minute regardless of their feelings, demonstrates how family focused they are.

And clowns on here think that she actually runs the government and PTP have the peoples interests at heat!

The NACC probe into Shin corruption is overdue. Let's hope they have more teeth than the poor Ombudsman who's been waiting over 2 years for an answer.

If you're repulsed by the corruption practiced by elected governments of Thailand, wait till you see what a dictatorship established by the Old Guard will do.

In nine months time the Chief of Army, Gen Prayuth, is up for replacement. If the caretaker Gov't controls that assignment of a new Army head we could well have a whole new kind of Democracy that even publicus wont like.

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