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Dozens injured in grenade attack in central Bangkok


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The police are involved in these gun and grenade attacks.

The police have never arrested anybody for these attacks.

The police have not arrested anyone, therefor they must be guilty of the crimes they are investigating. Who needs proof? Case closed.

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That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

You might think it's ridiculous, but it turned out we were right. This video clearly proves it:

I've watched the video. Why do you think it is definitive in showing that protestors bombed themselves? Just curious. Getting old and my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Thanks for your help.

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"Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?"

What a misunderstanding of fascism. Have you read Hitler's Mein Kamp? Have you read Reich? Have you studied fascism? If not, why not?

One of the fundamental things about fascism is that you do not offer 'argumentation' (Hitler's word), what you offer is emotional manipulation (Hitler's strategy as outlined in Mein Kamp, but written in shorthand by me)

When people demonstrate to this extent about a 'ruling' family waiting to take over a country then that, at best is dictatorship.

When the leader of that family has Human Rights Violations marked against him by such august bodies as Amnesty International, then one raises questions.

When that same would-be-dictator sets up poltiical areas of control (ie red villages) where people are not free to vote how they wish, the that is not democracy. It's fascism.

When people elect a government and then find that the government only supports and helps their supporters and take their instructions from an self-exiled convict, then that is also not democracy.

Even a 10 year old could see that there is something amiss with the current Government and their grandiose vote buying schemes (laptops, rice, cars and so on).

My goodness, don't go around throwing the fascist label willy-nilly when you have absolutely no idea what it means.

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That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

You might think it's ridiculous, but it turned out we were right. This video clearly proves it:

I've watched the video. Why do you think it is definitive in showing that protestors bombed themselves? Just curious. Getting old and my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Thanks for your help.

It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

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I've watched the video. Why do you think it is definitive in showing that protestors bombed themselves? Just curious. Getting old and my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Thanks for your help.

The car stops, you see an object being thrown from the driver's seat of the car, immediately before the explosion. The driver then immediately gets out of the car and runs into the abandoned building to find the weapons cache that have been conveniently left behind for the photo-op later.

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

Edited by diceq
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I've watched the video. Why do you think it is definitive in showing that protestors bombed themselves? Just curious. Getting old and my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Thanks for your help.

The car stops, you see an object being thrown from the driver's seat of the car, immediately before the explosion. The driver then immediately gets out of the car and runs into the abandoned building to find the weapons cache that have been conveniently left behind for the photo-op later.

Is it from the driver's side or passenger side? If you saw an earlier post I made, I found the actions of the person leaving the truck so quickly and running in the direction of where the grenade was allegedly thrown to be a bit strange to me unless he/she actually saw something that isn't revealed on the video. I can't actually see something being dropped but I also seem to see a fuzzy image of a person jumping from the back of the truck as well. Have these people been identified? Even if the bomb originated from the truck, do we know if all the people on the truck have been identified? Does anyone on TVF have video equipment that could enhance it to make it clearer that the grenade was dropped/thrown from the truck?

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Is it from the driver's side or passenger side? If you saw an earlier post I made, I found the actions of the person leaving the truck so quickly and running in the direction of where the grenade was allegedly thrown to be a bit strange to me unless he/she actually saw something that isn't revealed on the video. I can't actually see something being dropped but I also seem to see a fuzzy image of a person jumping from the back of the truck as well. Have these people been identified? Even if the bomb originated from the truck, do we know if all the people on the truck have been identified? Does anyone on TVF have video equipment that could enhance it to make it clearer that the grenade was dropped/thrown from the truck?

The driver's side. If he did see something he would have had to been looking up and to the right from his vantage point sitting in the car. No the people have not been identified, but my Thai friend says this is being shown on Channel 3, 5 and 7. So I would expect this to be investigated.

To my knowledge the image cannot be enhanced.

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RT @ChadapornLin: Suthep vowed on stage yesterday he will continue his march around Bkk at 10am today despite bombing yesterday

I don't like him and I don't like what he is doing, but he does have balls. Someone threw a bomb at him yesterday.

The injuries and death are very sad and wrong. But consider if Suthep had chosen to engage in the election contest and not encouraged insurrection, kidnappings, and violence against government workers and officials, there would have been a more peaceful outcome. Yet he shows no apology for his actions, no responsibility for resulting violence; it's always someone else.

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Several things still confuse me about this incident and need to be fully investigated. The PDRC entered the building believed to be the source of the grenade being thrown. I have not seen or heard any media accounts that detail that anyone actually saw the grenade before it exploded or the person who threw the grenade. If I am in error, please correct me with your sources. The route for the parade was changed at the last minute -- why? Was there any CCTV cameras on the street? If not, it would seem to be a major error by Suthep's security personnel to plan a parade on a route where security cameras could not record any untoward incidents. [No motive is saying this other than it was a blunder.] News reports say that the grenade was made in China. Who, in Thailand, police or military, uses such devices. Have the security guards whose ID's were discovered in a room in the vacant building along with a cache of red shirts and other material been interviewed/interrogated? If not, why not? Has the police or the military been able to identify any suspects? Have the police or military catalogued the items seized in the vacant room and made such a list available to the media? What, if any, forensic evidence has been gathered to date. Based on the examination of the available videos and the relative position of people injured, what does it indicate about the blast pattern of the grenade. Instead of jumping to conclusions about who may be responsible AND irrespective of our own ego and your beliefs about the relative intelligence of people who may disagree with your point of view, I think we could all serve a greater cause in seeing that there is an adequate and objective investigation of this incident.

You are just exemplifying why the police are either incompetent or in league with the redshirts or both incompetent and in league with the redshirts.

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" About half an hour after the attack, the government's Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order warned members of the public and state officials against joining street protests organised by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

Deputy Prime Minister Pracha : " He said any supporter of the protest movement, including those donating money, would be deemed to be violating the law. His warning was also directed at state officials who take part in the protest or sympathise with the protesters. They would face not only disciplinary action but also criminal prosecution and the reputation of their family would be negatively affected, he warned.

" Pracha did not mention the bomb attack in the statement. "
Isn't it fascinating that just 30 minutes after a terrorist grenade attack on innocent Thai people in Bangkok in the clear light of day, the administration releases a statement that does not even mention the bomb attack once, let alone their outrage, but instead focuses their rage towards the protesters, and a warning to any who join these protests, or donate money to them, or to those that even sympathize with them. Even state officials - and their families ! And that - ladies and gentlemen - is a totalitarian mindset that is not only tone-deaf to the cries of the wounded on the streets - who happen to be their own citizens - but also how they really regard free and peaceful expression.

"rage towards protesters"?...Really?...Trying to demonize an elected Govt. facing up to attempts to roll back Electoral Democracy certainly positions one's political outlook. One must remember what all of this is growing out of. The political rise of the country’s poor, long-silenced rural majority made Bangkok’s entrenched elite recoil in alarm....But, instead of learning to compete for the votes of Thailand’s rural poor, the country’s urban elite (including the powerful military) is seeking to delegitimize the Govts. which have been subsequently elected.......For much of her term in office, Yingluck garnered praise for her pragmatism and for seeking to ameliorate the antagonism of her opponents. ..What is happening in Thailand is an attempted nullification of democracy by the opposition and the country’s entrenched elite. Unable to compete successfully for votes, they now want to dilute Thai democracy in order to prevent the electorate from ever again choosing a government that goes against their will.......projecting totalitarianism onto a Govt. seeking to have an election and whitewashing those who don't is puzzling indeed.......Suggesting that this Govt. is anywhere close to the R'song coup-monger attack using the military is more than puzzling.....One must remember it is the leader of these protesters who is an alleged murderer awaiting trial.......Trying to turn this thing on its' head ridiculous.

The government and police have a lot of questions to answer. Many incidents of violence and not a single arrest.

The police allowed a motor bike gang to approach and terrorize PDRC protesters. What can be deduced from that?

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It beggars belief that some of posters continually accusing PDRC of committing acts of violence against themselves. It's absolutely laughable accusation. Why? Anyone who knows Bankokians knows well that they do not condone violence. Furthermore, Bangkokians are afraid of violence. They simply do not like it and stay away from it. Since violent acts started the numbers started dropping. A fact which is difficult to refute.

Are you kidding? What does it have to do with Bangkokians? Do you think if it was someone from their own side, it'd be some middle class grandmother? None of the protesters or even the leadership need be in on it. It's as ridiculous as saying that the men in black were actually red shirts instead of hired mercenaries (although they possibly had red shirt sympathies). I'm not saying this happened, just pointing out your comment makes little sense. They pay 'third hands' to do this stuff because they'll kill anyone, irrelevant what most protesters think.

I don't necessarily believe that Suthep knew anything, or that it was a third hand. I'd prefer to wait and see if anything else comes out. I just hope whoever is responsible sees jail for a long time.

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" About half an hour after the attack, the government's Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order warned members of the public and state officials against joining street protests organised by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

Deputy Prime Minister Pracha : " He said any supporter of the protest movement, including those donating money, would be deemed to be violating the law. His warning was also directed at state officials who take part in the protest or sympathise with the protesters. They would face not only disciplinary action but also criminal prosecution and the reputation of their family would be negatively affected, he warned.

" Pracha did not mention the bomb attack in the statement. "
Isn't it fascinating that just 30 minutes after a terrorist grenade attack on innocent Thai people in Bangkok in the clear light of day, the administration releases a statement that does not even mention the bomb attack once, let alone their outrage, but instead focuses their rage towards the protesters, and a warning to any who join these protests, or donate money to them, or to those that even sympathize with them. Even state officials - and their families ! And that - ladies and gentlemen - is a totalitarian mindset that is not only tone-deaf to the cries of the wounded on the streets - who happen to be their own citizens - but also how they really regard free and peaceful expression.

"rage towards protesters"?...Really?...Trying to demonize an elected Govt. facing up to attempts to roll back Electoral Democracy certainly positions one's political outlook. One must remember what all of this is growing out of. The political rise of the country’s poor, long-silenced rural majority made Bangkok’s entrenched elite recoil in alarm....But, instead of learning to compete for the votes of Thailand’s rural poor, the country’s urban elite (including the powerful military) is seeking to delegitimize the Govts. which have been subsequently elected.......For much of her term in office, Yingluck garnered praise for her pragmatism and for seeking to ameliorate the antagonism of her opponents. ..What is happening in Thailand is an attempted nullification of democracy by the opposition and the country’s entrenched elite. Unable to compete successfully for votes, they now want to dilute Thai democracy in order to prevent the electorate from ever again choosing a government that goes against their will.......projecting totalitarianism onto a Govt. seeking to have an election and whitewashing those who don't is puzzling indeed.......Suggesting that this Govt. is anywhere close to the R'song coup-monger attack using the military is more than puzzling.....One must remember it is the leader of these protesters who is an alleged murderer awaiting trial.......Trying to turn this thing on its' head ridiculous.

The government and police have a lot of questions to answer. Many incidents of violence and not a single arrest.

The police allowed a motor bike gang to approach and terrorize PDRC protesters. What can be deduced from that?

They've arrested at least 7 recently for carrying weapons and I read yesterday warrants were issued in the Sukhamphan grenade case. If you mean Ko Tee by 'motorbike gang', yes, I think he has police connections and shouldn't be allowed free reign to cause havoc. If he confronts PDRC again, they're armed, so he might get his comeuppance. I have little time for those who seek to intimidate, although sometimes it's just going to be a case of frustrations boiling over.

Anyway, police are also allowing PDRC to illegally occupy roads and intersections. What can be deduced from that?

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Red-shirt militants and supporters of the Pheu Thai Party from the lower Northeast region told a Thai newspaper that weapons and ammunition have been hidden in Bangkok and surrounding areas for some months.

Off course.

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It beggars belief that some of posters continually accusing PDRC of committing acts of violence against themselves. It's absolutely laughable accusation. Why? Anyone who knows Bankokians knows well that they do not condone violence. Furthermore, Bangkokians are afraid of violence. They simply do not like it and stay away from it. Since violent acts started the numbers started dropping. A fact which is difficult to refute.

"It beggars belief that some of posters continually accusing PDRC of committing acts of violence against themselves"

Well who knew the last minute change of route? and why not wait for Mad dog Suthep to come along? and why leave incriminating evidence in the building?

Answers please on a postcard.

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I would think carrying people like they are doing in the pic would be quite harmful to the victims if they are really hurt.
Wow, that's some grenade! 36 casualties... more like a WMD. What nonsense.

Cretins like you should be barred. There is no place in society for people who come here to mock the dead and injured

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Cretins like you should learn to read and digest information a little more astutely. I don't see where the mockery lies, except perhaps in the mind of one so melodramatic. I've seen a lot of combat, and was querying the extent of the injuries to the 36 "victims". But thanks for the social awareness tip anyway.

Querying it by calling it "nonsense"?

Do me a favour!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Wow, this site it full of crap loaded folks. After a beer or two, they become forensic experts and draw conclusions about a crime that they witness only through some social media.

I guess it's the same US folks who claim that people who fought for their country from every nation they have invaded are terrorist s and fascists.

Do the World a favor and go back to your beer sucking.


The Humanity

So true. TV is not noted for the intellectual level of the discussions.

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That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

You might think it's ridiculous, but it turned out we were right. This video clearly proves it:

Errr ... I don't have access to a Thai translation, but having watched the video, I see an explosion amidst a small group of people.

Aside from "proving" that an explosion actually took place, exactly what does your twisetd little mind thing that this video proves?

I admit to be at a loss to see how this short clip supports any position other than the obvious, that an explosive device detonated amongst a group of people, not really a fact in dispute, nor the tragic loss of live that ensued.

Just way to many morons here on TV with the displayed intellect of peas.

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

Not to labour the point, but WIki is not a font of truth. And to be clear, it is widely believed that Thaksin employs people to continually attempt whitewash himself on Wiki. (Thaksin is not the only one). Wiki, is a crowd sourced, with all the issues of objectivity that follow.

That said, Thaksin did win some elections, it's just that he is running the country unelected at the moment via his sock puppet photo op sister and his team of lackeys.

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

Not to labour the point, but WIki is not a font of truth. And to be clear, it is widely believed that Thaksin employs people to continually attempt whitewash himself on Wiki. (Thaksin is not the only one). Wiki, is a crowd sourced, with all the issues of objectivity that follow.

That said, Thaksin did win some elections, it's just that he is running the country unelected at the moment via his sock puppet photo op sister and his team of lackeys.

So, bad as she is, the population prefer her to Abhisit and the Dems?

Lot more injuries reported to night around the country as netizens were reduced to vomitting fits by Sutheps nausous speach and use of chidren and outrageous lies.

Sympathy for the victims....... you'd think so, but no. it was all about donations and money... They are skint... and as you all know in thailand... No money... no Coup

Truly one of the most sickening speaches of all time. Decent crowd (for a night market) and many obviously there for the spectacle.... Sure I saw Thaksin himself there, blending in with the crowd in his red Police Hitmans hat.

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That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

You might think it's ridiculous, but it turned out we were right. This video clearly proves it:

If you look closely at the feet of the guy carrying the flag next to the car, you can see something at his feet just before there is something at the window.

The grenade wasn't thrown from the car.

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

ROFLMAO, my 6 months old son can mess up with Wikipedia. I am yet to see at least ome serious article (e.g. scientific paper) that has Wiki in the references list.

Is Wiki the best the mafia supporters can come up with to prove a point? Why am I not surprised :)

Sent via the app thingy

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

ROFLMAO, my 6 months old son can mess up with Wikipedia. I am yet to see at least ome serious article (e.g. scientific paper) that has Wiki in the references list.

Is Wiki the best the mafia supporters can come up with to prove a point? Why am I not surprised smile.png

Sent via the app thingy

You can go on there and correct the election results if they are wrong.

Are they?

Funny man but you are not a serious poster or commentator. Give us the substance of it please. Just who won the elections and what were the percentages. and what was the highest percent the democrats polled ever.

Shoot the messenger as a phrase has been around since the roman times. Isn't it about time you got a new tactic. Wiki is not perfect, but on the Thailand election results it is totally correct, and you..... you're just wrong again

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

Not to labour the point, but WIki is not a font of truth. And to be clear, it is widely believed that Thaksin employs people to continually attempt whitewash himself on Wiki. (Thaksin is not the only one). Wiki, is a crowd sourced, with all the issues of objectivity that follow.

That said, Thaksin did win some elections, it's just that he is running the country unelected at the moment via his sock puppet photo op sister and his team of lackeys.

So, bad as she is, the population prefer her to Abhisit and the Dems?

Lot more injuries reported to night around the country as netizens were reduced to vomitting fits by Sutheps nausous speach and use of chidren and outrageous lies.

Sympathy for the victims....... you'd think so, but no. it was all about donations and money... They are skint... and as you all know in thailand... No money... no Coup

Truly one of the most sickening speaches of all time. Decent crowd (for a night market) and many obviously there for the spectacle.... Sure I saw Thaksin himself there, blending in with the crowd in his red Police Hitmans hat.

I stopped attending his nightly rallies - spits out too much vitriol for my palpitating heart, and I abhor foul language.

I pity the poor southerners who are in BKK. They have nowhere else to go, sleep rough on the pavement, rudimentary washing facilities. One poor lady lost her child on a march today (reported by BlueSky) - imagine how terrified the poor 7-y.o. boy is.

And these folks have no TVs, no internet. The only source of news is the daily speeches from the stages. If they hear untruths, they will believe the lies.

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That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

Yes, democracy = bad. Fascism = good. That's a much better mentality right?

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

You might think it's ridiculous, but it turned out we were right. This video clearly proves it:

Errr ... I don't have access to a Thai translation, but having watched the video, I see an explosion amidst a small group of people.

Aside from "proving" that an explosion actually took place, exactly what does your twisetd little mind thing that this video proves?

I admit to be at a loss to see how this short clip supports any position other than the obvious, that an explosive device detonated amongst a group of people, not really a fact in dispute, nor the tragic loss of live that ensued.

Just way to many morons here on TV with the displayed intellect of peas.

He is just another liar on this thread. Stop start the video between 00:12-00:13 and you can see that something is coming towards the car; you can see the direction of the smoke trail. It then bounces off the side of the car onto the road and then explodes. This video only proves that the driver is a very courageous man.

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It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

ROFLMAO, my 6 months old son can mess up with Wikipedia. I am yet to see at least ome serious article (e.g. scientific paper) that has Wiki in the references list.

Is Wiki the best the mafia supporters can come up with to prove a point? Why am I not surprised smile.png

Sent via the app thingy

You can go on there and correct the election results if they are wrong.

Are they?

Funny man but you are not a serious poster or commentator. Give us the substance of it please. Just who won the elections and what were the percentages. and what was the highest percent the democrats polled ever.

Shoot the messenger as a phrase has been around since the roman times. Isn't it about time you got a new tactic. Wiki is not perfect, but on the Thailand election results it is totally correct, and you..... you're just wrong again

"Shoot the messenger" is from Roman times? A civilisation that had no guns?


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Statesmen and Politicians throught History have sometimes been murdered by those closest to them
Muslims frequently shelled their own villages in Bosnia and blame it on the Serbs, and relied on Public support to maintain they were the "victims"

"All warfare is based on deception"

Longway, if the grenade was thrown, as claimed from above, I see no smoke trail entering the frame from above, I neither see any smoke trail in the vicinity of the car door either, I do see the the flag waver and there appears to a white portion if that's the area you're seeing this "smoke" , but to me that just looks like the movement of the flag.. can you see if you can grab a screen shot of this smoke trail at all, as I'm not convinced this grenade came from above as claimed, I'm trying to get a fram by frame editor to see into this picture a bit more.

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Please don't kill suthep , let him rot in jail

That's right on the Thai Visa mentality. Support the bad guys (Jaturporn, Chalem, Thaksin, Arissman etc etc) and jail the good(ish) guys. Korn, Abhisit, Suthep. Perhaps Surin too.

And off course we see people who post such ridiculous notions as the protestors bombing themselves .......oh yes! That's logic. Farang logic!

Did you know that the protesters managed to enter the 'empty' building where the attack came from? They found a pile of weapons, including M-16s, radios, as well as sufficient evidence suggesting the attackers belonged to the same border ranger units used by your friend Thaksin during their street violence in 2010 that killed the 90 folk (some of these murders are being pinned on Abhisit etc) and left scores of buildings in flames.

There are also loads of red shirt mavericks ready to fight to the death for Thaksin. They are now rearing their ugly heads in what could be a fairly low key start to civil war. This is what Thaksin wants. He's got his black and red shirts nicely primed and there are a number of locations in the City where weapons have been stockpiled to use in case of (a) a military coup or (B) the ousting of Thaksin's proxy.

Those here who post support of this Government, calling it 'Democratic' (sic) have never explained how a Government, run by a cowardly and unelected runaway convict (not by the people directly voted into office) can be called 'legitimate'.

More substance, less abuse would be good....you offer nothing in support of your wild claims Edited by Prbkk
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