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Thai girlfriend not online for 6 consequitive days


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I met this thai gf in july and since then we talk a lot on facebook and line.

In december, this has lessened severely where she didn't come online for 3 days or make a brief online visit on facebook to say hi, but then dissapeared again. I assumed she had found another farang boyfriend. I asked why she wasn't online lately and she replied with the typical: visiting mother in buriram and also that her internet package was expired.

Starting from the 5th of january, she came back online like most of the usual hours (in the morning before going to work and after work) untill 13th of january.

Since then, she completely dissapeared! No goodbye, no nothing. Hasn't come online since on facebook and line. I also saw that her line account seem to be deleted (she had a home page, now it's says 0 posts).

Is this normal behavior ?

Assuming she wanted to end the relationship, why not just say so (am i missing a particular thai custom here ?)

I already have severe trust issues with her and should just forget about her, but it also hurts that she would just disappear. (my mind is running with all kinds of scenarios that she might have gone with another farang, that she has been hurt, that she doesn't want to see me, etc)

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With 'busy', im assuming you mean she is busy with foreigners ? biggrin.png

I would find that odd, cause she has to work every day (except firday). She could take a few days off, but 6 days after a row?

Also doesn't explain why her line account is deleted.

It's so weird, i can't get my head wrapped around it :/

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How can you call someone you never met in real life a girl friend amaze me and now you want to control her.

Never met in real life? Where do you get that info. I have met her in real life in july.

And i don't want to control her at all, lol. You don't know my relationship with her, so refrain from the judgement ;)

I simply find it odd that she would come online every day, but suddenly she stopped. (and also her line home page is deleted, which is odd too)

And i wondered if this behavior is common, that is all.

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Did you ever come here to meet her? 6 months of chat. Very nice and all that, but if she is a girl who wants a relationship she is gonna look to someone else who will visit and show what he is made of! Otherwise she is wasting her time and the years are clicking by I suspect.

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Did you ever come here to meet her? 6 months of chat. Very nice and all that, but if she is a girl who wants a relationship she is gonna look to someone else who will visit and show what he is made of! Otherwise she is wasting her time and the years are clicking by I suspect.

Yes, i suspect this is the case too to be honest. She is 28 and has a kid too and I believe she desperately is looking for a farang, because her facebook page is full of farang guys.

Ive met her for only 2 weeks and I planned another visit next year, but i guess that's too much waiting on her part + she doesn't have any guarantee that we will be together forever. I dont judge her for meeting other farangs, i actually told her that I understand her situation and that I wont be mad at all if she found another one. (to be honest, i was also reluctant to stay with her after i found that she had a kid)

If she's gone, then she's gone but what happened to a proper goodbye ? :D

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First post you ask about a private detective to check on the girl, next you post her ID card and now you're asking if her actions are normal behaviour.

Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why she hasn't been in contact.

Think its his wallet he needs to have a look into.

This girl sussed him out for the poor student he is and put him on hold.

Sounds like he has got it bad, all loved up.

Count your blessings and move on.

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A juvenile and rather sad post !

Some really are gullible and naive.


To all you guys trying to conduct a long term relationship with a girl here, in the game. It doesn't work.

If you lived here this relationship probably would have played out long ago. Girlfriends come and go. Online you don't have to put up with them on a full time basis so the relationship (at least in your head) lasts.

You're naive about relationships with Thai women.

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How can you call someone you never met in real life a girl friend amaze me and now you want to control her.

Never met in real life? Where do you get that info. I have met her in real life in july.

And i don't want to control her at all, lol. You don't know my relationship with her, so refrain from the judgement wink.png

I simply find it odd that she would come online every day, but suddenly she stopped. (and also her line home page is deleted, which is odd too)

And i wondered if this behavior is common, that is all.

give her more money next time , and dont worry she will be the one trying to get a hold of you !!!

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Its peak season, more choice, one of the many from facebook has arrived and is taking her full time. He showed up and you didnt.

Just like monkeys, they wont let go of one branch until they have a firm grip on the next !

Move on to your next disappointment.

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She came back again. I've send her a message that I will send her 15.000 baaht a week instead of 10.000 baaht (for her sick mother). 5000 baaht extra in exchange for her to love me. She agreed.

all is well now

No need to be sarcastic OP just accept you were mugged off and be thankful she cloth eared you

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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You guys assume way too much

1. she is not a bar girl, she just works in a normal job

2. she never asked for money and even if she did, i would never give her money

3. she isn't even my long term gf or someone i would marry, i just love fukking her ass

Stop assuming you guys know shit.

I called her numerous times last night and she answered the phone. However, I was half asleep, so didn't catch up why she wasnt online.

Whatever bullshit reason she will give me, not a single phuck would be given as long as i can tap that ass again in the near future. It's not in my interest to lose her.

This thread can be closed for all i care, nothing to add anymore

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