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Sara Buri police intercept truck with over 2m yaba pills

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Sara Buri police intercept truck with over 2m yaba pills
The Sunday Nation

SARA BURI: -- A Highway Police checkpoint in Sara Buri's Chalerm Phrakiat district intercepted a truck with over 2 million yaba pills, but the two suspects managed to flee, Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) chief Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen told a press conference yesterday at the Highway Police Division in Bangkok.

The unidentified suspects in the truck were signalled to stop at the checkpoint for a police search, but sped away and then crashed the truck onto a railway fence, before fleeing on foot into a nearby wooded area. The chasing police officers discovered the yaba pills in six sacks in the back of the truck. The vehicle was later identified as belonged to a Phop Phra district resident in Tak province. Pongsapat said the batch of yaba pills was suspected of belonging to the network of alleged Myanmar drug lord Lt Col Yi Sae.

In related news, police arrested Asudi Jehheh, 33, a former vice-president of Tambon Bang Bor Administration Organisation in Narathiwat's Muang district and former drug convict Ahama Deuramae, 38, along with 200,000 yaba pills in Surat Thani's Ban Na San district. The suspects reportedly confessed to being hired to transport the drugs from Bangkok to Pattani in exchange for Bt500,000 in payment.

-- The Nation 2014-01-19

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And now we see just who has a vested interest in the ongoing turmoil in Thailand. Is it a surprise that a former tambon "official" in Narathiwat is implicated, or that a large seizure was made in Surat Thani? The south's insurgency is made easier by the drug fueled corruption in the south which has gone unchecked ever since the last military coup. It is in the drug cartels' collective interests that all resources of the government are turned inward as Thais fight amongst themselves. Have you ever asked yourselves why Suthep when he was such a big honcho in the government never did anything substantive against the drug trade in Thailand? Have you ever wondered how is it that large scale drug shipments can make their way across the Burmese border and end up in the south? The Thai military supposedly controls the border and yet the shipments continue in ever growing amounts. maybe the protestors should consider protesting outside army headquarters and demanding some answers

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Where ever there are large quantities of drugs, the army will be there or vise versa. The police, in this case.

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that Thai authorities are flat-out dirty, though. There is no way to stop the flow of illicit drugs, and drug lords control swathes along the Thai-Myanmar border. Having some form of connection is necessary for even the clean cops/army who are fighting the well-connected bad boys.

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So they fled and what then, did the police just stand there and watch them run away? Did they fail running after them and arresting at the academy? There is normally a dozen or so police sitting down in the shade doing nothing.

Seems to me that you haven't been long enough in Thailand to know what's going on.

They- indeed- pointed at them when they ran away.By the way,it's the country where nobody fails.Different to TVF though,, roughly speaking.-wai2.gif

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So they fled and what then, did the police just stand there and watch them run away? Did they fail running after them and arresting at the academy? There is normally a dozen or so police sitting down in the shade doing nothing.

Geez chooks, you of all people should know that the 2 determining factors, fitness and incentive, are strongly in favour of the crims. Not only do they have to work for a living, they really don't want to spend time in pokey. In comparison, fat-assed coppers have to overcome the inertia of their overweight bodies, most wouldn't break a sweat in a sauna, and haven't the energy to kick up a froth in a bucket of yeast.

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So they fled and what then, did the police just stand there and watch them run away? Did they fail running after them and arresting at the academy? There is normally a dozen or so police sitting down in the shade doing nothing.

Geez chooks, you of all people should know that the 2 determining factors, fitness and incentive, are strongly in favour of the crims. Not only do they have to work for a living, they really don't want to spend time in pokey. In comparison, fat-assed coppers have to overcome the inertia of their overweight bodies, most wouldn't break a sweat in a sauna, and haven't the energy to kick up a froth in a bucket of yeast.

always love a good pursuit

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2 million is a hell of a lot of pills. From what I understand these go for about 5 dollars each? 10 million dollars retail value, if true.

They start out at 2-5 Baht, 50 at the border and down country 300? from what I hear, heresay.

there 500 each in central bkk ,thats a hell of a big seizure

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So they fled and what then, did the police just stand there and watch them run away? Did they fail running after them and arresting at the academy? There is normally a dozen or so police sitting down in the shade doing nothing.

Geez chooks, you of all people should know that the 2 determining factors, fitness and incentive, are strongly in favour of the crims. Not only do they have to work for a living, they really don't want to spend time in pokey. In comparison, fat-assed coppers have to overcome the inertia of their overweight bodies, most wouldn't break a sweat in a sauna, and haven't the energy to kick up a froth in a bucket of yeast.

they could have just shot them ,or fired above them as a warning to stop

or maybe they didnt have any bullets as well...............:(

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