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Thai government considers state of emergency after weekend violence


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In most normal countries, if you tried to stop traffic in order to garner attention about your political views, you would be arrested. It seems the police here don't have the motivation to go into these barricades with riot gear and clean it all out.

I only want to know why do the police not maintain law and order here as they swore to do when becoming a police officer?

That is one of the more ignorant statements I have read here. Try thinking about it very seriously.

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This was posted this morning by TVF member "Norrad" and the thread was locked.

I'm staring out the window of my office and have counted over 100 police minivans and at least 15 police trucks (anti-riot type) heading into the city towards Sathorn road. Anyone know what's going on? Looks to me as though they are planning to implement some form of emergency decree. Sent from my GT-S5300 using Tapatalk 2

And then..........."PM mum on declaration of the state of emergency"

Red followers trust your idol PM

Ah hopefully they are taking down the stages, arresting Suthep and restoring some kind of order after a crazy week. Just hoping I guess......
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NO longer considering itm the Australian ABC has been notified that the thai govt has declared it for the next 60 days(just long enough for an election) so it has started, any protesters die now and yl will be held personally responsible just like mark and suthep, this govt is a total joke.

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It should be patently obvious that the repeated attacks on the anti-government protestors are being orchestrated (a) in the hope of reducing the number of demonstrators and (cool.png if that fails, as an excuse for declaring a state of emergency and dispersing the demonstrators.

In case you missed it, the number of protestors decreased prior to the grenade attacks.

Very true, but more so afterwards. A few parents and their older children I know who were taking part, have been scared off to do so. When your actual lives are involved, you weigh up your priorities of getting out the corrupt Government and Thaksin's elite mob against your life and your family's.

If you scare off the families and students after the attacks, then yes, the protest crowds will die down huge.

I must make it clear, I don't think the Government were responsible for the attacks, nor do I believe the stupid conspiracy that it was Suthep's lot. Both sides could gain, both sides could lose from it. It only takes a red shirt to dress up as an Anti-Government protester and vice versa.

Probably some other fraction with their own agenda or has sympathy to one of the sides.

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