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Thaksin Returns As Pm

John K

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Thai Rak Thai claims 20 million supporters

Warns the country will be set on fire if court approves dissolving the party

TRT could well have 16-20 million supporters.

So if we are to take this claim as fact, we should also take the accompanying claim that Thailand will burn to the ground when TRT is dissolved as a fact, too?

Hmm... I better go have the emergency CO2 charged...

Best to have something changed as there is NO accompanying claim "that Thailand will burn to the ground".

As I said.. "TRT could well have 16-20 million supporters." They may have more. they may have less and yes dissolution of the TRT may just set Thailand alight.

Just citing the above post... if you want people to believe one claim, it follows the other claim should be believed as well.

Sorry if that was too difficult to follow.

Ohhh, we'll try. Lets see....You were actually quoting yourself by misquoting me but expecting us to all follow your logic that what you insinuated was not you quoting me but actually you quoting yourself. Is that correct? It's clear as mud what your intentions were. Why not just quote yourself in the first place or would that be talking to yourself or just too easy. :o

Perhaps you should try and get some sleep... must getting late in Canada, isn't it?

as no one had blathered about TRT having 20 million supporters since the quoted post, it is rationale to take it that that is what you were referring to.

Edited by sriracha john
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...anyway... moving on to more important matters:

Vasana staying 'for good of nation'

Poll agency chief cites 500 pending cases and the time it would take to find replacements

Election Commission chief Vasana Puemlarp yesterday insisted his refusal to quit was not motivated by a desire to benefit himself or any individual, saying he was sticking to the job for the sake of the country.

An abrupt departure by any of the remaining three election commissioners would leave the agency in paralysis, as it could take months to find replacements, he said.

The EC chief said he and the other two commissioners could not leave now as the agency has a caseload of 500 alleged election irregularities that still needed to be investigated.

The agency also had to consider whether to endorse the remaining 90 winners of the Senate election, the EC chairman said.

"I'm fed up. [but] I'm not a fool who doesn't know when to go. If I were to leave now, it would hurt the country," Vasana said, adding that if he quit, the other two commissioners would have no choice but to follow suit.

However, Vasana did not rule out the possibility that one or more of the remaining commissioners might resign soon. "You can't stop it - people will die or quit. But if all of us go, there'll be trouble," he said.

Continued here:


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Vasana is under a lot of pressure and stress. It takes a lot of stress management therapy to cope with this level of stress. The fact that he is not going says his judgment is off. How can he deal with the tasks he says he has effectively when his judgment is off. He may want to stay but at the moment he is very distracted and thus not running on all 8. He should step aside and when this is over reapply for the job.

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So he is going to stay because he has to oversee upcoming elections and decide whether to endorse 90 or so senators. All this inspite of the supreme court comment that if the EC continues to work there will be legality problems.

He also doesnt seem to care if his 2 cohorts resign. He could make all these decisions on his own. And lets not forget the little investigation into a major party and buying small parties. He sure sounds like some kind of superman.

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Vasana is under a lot of pressure and stress. It takes a lot of stress management therapy to cope with this level of stress. The fact that he is not going says his judgment is off. How can he deal with the tasks he says he has effectively when his judgment is off. He may want to stay but at the moment he is very distracted and thus not running on all 8. He should step aside and when this is over reapply for the job.

Section 140.

Election Commissioners shall hold office for a term of seven years as from the date of their appointment by the King and shall serve for only one term. The Election Commissioners who vacate office upon the expiration of the term shall remain in office to continue to perform their duties until the newly appointed Election Commissioners take office.

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TRT denies the Chon Buri faction will defect to the Chart Thai Party

Thai Rak Thai Party deputy leader Khunying Sudarat Keyurapan (สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธ์) denies reports that the Chon Buri faction will defect to the Chart Thai Party.

Khunying Sudarat said she just had dinner with Sonthaya Khunpleum (สนธยา คุณปลื้ม), head of the Chon Buri faction, recently so she believed the defection was just a rumour.

Khunying Sudarat also denied that several TRT MPs would move out and joined other parties before June 8.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 05 June 2006

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Dissolving TRT is really unthinkable. It might appear within reach, but...

What is Thailand going to do with those 400 leaches threatening to set the country ablaze?

It will be a lot of fun watching how they wiggle and wriggle if TRT is dissolved and they haven't got time left to re-apply anywhere else, but they can inflict some serious damage that might be difficult to contain.

As Penzman (?) noted - they are "threatening", not "warning".

The country will be better off in the long term if it can survive through TRT withdrawal symptoms.

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TRT denies the Chon Buri faction will defect to the Chart Thai Party

Thai Rak Thai Party deputy leader Khunying Sudarat Keyurapan (สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธ์) denies reports that the Chon Buri faction will defect to the Chart Thai Party.

Khunying Sudarat said she just had dinner with Sonthaya Khunpleum (สนธยา คุณปลื้ม), head of the Chon Buri faction, recently so she believed the defection was just a rumour.

Khunying Sudarat also denied that several TRT MPs would move out and joined other parties before June 8.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 05 June 2006


The cruise ship, SS Thai Rak Thai, seen sinking in the Gulf of Thailand... with Khunying Sudarat shouting from the main deck towards several of its more prominent members who have departed in boats in the forefront...

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Dissolving TRT is really unthinkable. It might appear within reach, but...

Assuming guilt, I don't know what the best "punishment" would be, but I don't like the idea of dissolving a party at all, or that of banning people from politics for a set length of time. Seems to me that all doing so accomplishes is to create a group of political martyrs.

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A couple more of Vasana-isms.... he's getting up there with General Thammarak's level:


We’re too busy to resign, insists embattled Vasana

Embattled Election Commission Chairman Vasana Permlarp insisted on Saturday that he and his fellow commissioners cannot give in to public pressure and resign as they still have too much work left to do.

In a press trip obviously designed to assuage his critics, Wasana recounted his life story, sang sad songs :D and led reporters on a walking tour through his Chanthaburi plantation.

Maintaining his long-standing argument of having too much work left to do, Wasana said resignation was out of the question. “Between June and August there will be local elections in more than 300 districts around the country,” he said. “If we leave before then who would organize them? These elections cannot be postponed.”

“I am 65 years old and have worked hard and honestly throughout my career,” he said. “As secretary-general of the Anti-Money Laundering Organization, I facilitated investigations that seized up to 100 million baht and never took a dime. ... I took lots of baht, but never a "dime" as the currency was all in baht, not dollars...

“I sought to organize clean and honest elections, but in reality this is impossible,” he said.

“I am bored and want to leave but cannot because it will create problems,” he said. :D

Wasana concluded the press conference by singing several songs, one of which was titled Life is a Stage Play.

...how appropriate... :o

- TD

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I don't like the idea of dissolving a party at all, or that of banning people from politics for a set length of time

I agree, jailing would be better.

Seriously, TRT is not a political party, it's an assembly of shameless crooks of all shades and colors. The faster they are kicked out the better.

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Seriously, TRT is not a political party, it's an assembly of shameless crooks of all shades and colors. The faster they are kicked out the better.

Unfortunately the same can be said about all political parties in Thailand. Only the Democrats somehow resemble what we could call a political party (though entirely without recognisable vision, policy or program).

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Mr. Banharn announced to temporarily stop talking about politics until the royal celebration is over

Chart Thai Party Leader Banharn Silapa-archa (บรรหาร ศิลปอาชา) has announced that he will temporarily stop talking about political issues until the auspicious celebration of the 60th anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the Throne is over.

Mr. Banharn has refused to express his views over Election Commission Chairman Wassana Permlap’ s (วาสนา เพิ่มลาภ) insistence to continue to perform his duty. He has also requested other agencies to take a break on discussing political subjects which may instigate negative consequences.

In response to the upcoming polling date, he said that the Chart Thai Party always holds a weekly meeting to prepare for the general election. He has informed that his party is currently setting the framework for soliciting votes. As for recruiting new members to the party, he said that the person must have an experience in politics and he or she must be admired by the general public.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 05 June 2006

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Geeeze ... takes me 2 hours to catch up since I headed south for 11 days! ((Phuket was great!))

Spent some time talking with folks down there. They really do want to see TRT gone but are afraid of the power vacuum a bit. However there is no option other than dissolving TRT if the allegations bear out like they obviously will.

They are mostly concerned with maintaining the Monarchy AND maintaining this developing democracy!

Some of the people around have been screaming there'd be riots and blood in the streets since the start of the PAD rallies. It hasn't happened. It's a figment ... just a dream...

Lets get on with the elimination of the current EC .. the dissolution of TRT if guilty .. then call elections and move forward!

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Geeeze ... takes me 2 hours to catch up since I headed south for 11 days! ((Phuket was great!))

Spent some time talking with folks down there. They really do want to see TRT gone but are afraid of the power vacuum a bit. However there is no option other than dissolving TRT if the allegations bear out like they obviously will.

They are mostly concerned with maintaining the Monarchy AND maintaining this developing democracy!

Some of the people around have been screaming there'd be riots and blood in the streets since the start of the PAD rallies. It hasn't happened. It's a figment ... just a dream...

Lets get on with the elimination of the current EC .. the dissolution of TRT if guilty .. then call elections and move forward!

I agree with you on that. We will cross the bridge when we come to it about who will fill the power vacuum. That thought should not even enter the minds of the judges. They must only deal with the problem at hand.

Vasana staying 'for good of nation'

Poll agency chief cites 500 pending cases and the time it would take to find replacements

Election Commission chief Vasana Puemlarp yesterday insisted his refusal to quit was not motivated by a desire to benefit himself or any individual, saying he was sticking to the job for the sake of the country.

I think he is genuine in what he says in that it does not sound self serving. I also however think he feels that there is not anyone else qualified. This could be true in that the Thai education system cranks out impressive documents that don’t match what is between the ears of many students. But actually it is not his problem and perhaps he could act as a consultant in some limited capacity for a few months. But once again it is not his problem and he should be thankful of the lifting of this burden.

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Many security staff accountable


Many security staff at the Defence Ministry compound, from the management to the shop floor, are being held accountable for the leaking of controversial surveillance camera footage, defence permanent secretary Sirichai Tunyasiri said yesterday.

His comment came after the ministry inquiry into the incident deferred the conclusion of its findings until later this week.

Gen Sirichai said the team, headed by Office of Policy and Planning assistant director Maj-Gen Patcharavut Wongpetch, needed more time to straighten out certain aspects of the investigation.

The footage from a security camera inside the ministry purportedly shows several people visiting Defence Minister Thammarak Isarangkura na Ayudhaya, a Thai Rak Thai deputy leader, at his office in the ministry.

One in the group is believed to be Chawakarn Tosawat, leader of the Pattana Chart Thai party, which was allegedly hired to contest the April 2 election to help Thai Rak Thai avoid the restrictions of a one-horse race in some constituencies.

Gen Thammarak last week denied that he was shown in the footage. He said yesterday that he has nothing more to explain regarding the footage and the bankroll allegations.

"I've already spoken the whole truth," he said after attending a ceremony to install a statue of the Phaya Kotchasi, a mythical cross between a lion and an elephant, at the Defence Ministry headquarters.

Gen Sirichai said many army officers were responsible for the footage, considered government property, being leaked. A source said one could be Col Arvut Saengtawan, head of the compound's security.

The footage ended up in the hands of the Democrat party, which submitted it as evidence to the Criminal Court, which is hearing malfeasance charges against the election commissioners.

Gen Sirichai said that as the highest supervisor, he cannot dodge responsibility although being so far up the chain of command he may be less to blame.

The officers found to be at fault could face both disciplinary and criminal actions, he said. Officers linked to the Democrats would not face a witch-hunt. The Patcharavut panel had a free hand to proceed with the inquiry.

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The officers found to be at fault could face both disciplinary and criminal actions, he said. Officers linked to the Democrats would not face a witch-hunt. The Patcharavut panel had a free hand to proceed with the inquiry.

I think we may have found the next PM. A honest person, national hero and a few other positive notes.

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Many security staff at the Defence Ministry compound, from the management to the shop floor, are being held accountable for the leaking of controversial surveillance camera footage, defence permanent secretary Sirichai Tunyasiri said yesterday.

Sorta like the Murder on the Orient Express, eh? They all did it! :o

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Caretaker Thaksin will go to Kazakhstan

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will attend an international security conference next week in Kazakhstan, Caretaker Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon said on Monday.

The trip, from June 16-17, will be his first overseas after he returned to work after taking a leave for more than a month.

"The prime minister would attend the second Conference on Interaction and Confidence Buidling Measures in Asia (CICA) in Kazakhstan," Kantathi said.

The trip is aimed at finding measures to build collective trust among countries in the region, Kantathi told reporters after presiding at a seminar on "Thailand and Central Asia.

It would be the first time that Thailand attended the central Asian security conference as a member. Leaders from 17 member states including China, India, Iran and Pakistan will also attend.

In addition, 10 other countries including Malaysia, Japan, the United States and Australia, will participate as observers.

Kantathi said he was confident that CICA, set up in 1993 under an initiative of Kazakhstan, will help improve understanding among member countries, particularly the host country.

Thailand, he said, is keen to strengthen relations and cooperation with the oil-rich Central Asian countries which now play more important roles in international community since they broke away from the former Soviet Union more than a decade ago.

The Nation

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If TRT are dissolved, it's the executives who are banned from politics, in their case approx 100 MPs, for the Democrats the executive committee covers about 39 members. The rest can soldier on, I doubt the EC would ban TRT without banning the Democrats too.

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more TRT members in trouble.... next up on the hit parade ... Khun Somkid


Democrat Party spokesman Ong-art Klampaiboon, left, and his deputy Yuttapong Charasathien, at a press briefing where they accused unnamed aides of caretaker Deputy Premier and Commerce Minister Somkid Jatusripitak of reaping millions of baht from a government paddy price-pledging programme.

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Prinya takes aim at critics

Politicians calling for commissioners to resign 'fear the EC will expose their wrongdoing'

The embattled Election Commission (EC) yesterday issued at a thinly veiled threat, apparently aimed at the Democrat Party, that it could be dissolved.

Election commissioner Prinya Nakchudtree said that more than one political party would be dissolved for violating the law.

"Big or small, any political party that violates the law will face dissolution," he said. "When [the EC] has all the necessary evidence, the violating parties will be dissolved.

"The evidence now points to more than one political party."

Prinya said it appeared that certain politicians who are pushing for the three remaining

election commissioners to resign their posts are concerned about their own political survival.

"They are afraid of the EC because they did something wrong. Those people will be exposed some day. The EC is collecting evidence and there's not too long to wait. Bad people should be removed from our political society," he said on a morning television show.

Prinya said the election commissioners had performed their duties in accordance with the law.

He dismissed allegations that the agency was biased in favour of the government for calling the snap election on April 2. He said the EC merely followed the election date proposed by the government.

Several Democrat Party figures have joined other critics in pressuring the election commissioners to leave their posts. They accuse the EC members of lacking the legitimacy to remain in office following a court ruling declaring the April elections void.

In his case against the EC members, Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban recently produced still photographs taken from Defence Ministry security-camera footage to prove his claim that Thai Rak Thai deputy leader Thamarak Isarangura was involved in the hiring of minor political parties to contest the April polls.

The EC members yesterday met to consider testimony by Thamarak and other figures from the ruling party. However, EC chairman Vasana Puemlarp declined to disclose what was discussed at the meeting. He said merely that a conclusion would be ready in two days.

Prinya said no conclusion could be reached at the meeting. He declined to comment on whether the commissioners would base their conclusion on findings by an EC subcommittee headed by retired judge Nam Yimyaem, which found there were grounds to believe that minor parties were hired to contest the April polls.

He confirmed that the commissioners would conclude the case in two days.

In late April, the EC moved to dissolve two minor political parties, Pattana Chart Thai and Thai Ground, which were accused of contesting the April election to ensure that Thai Rak Thai Party candidates would not have to stand unopposed in many constituencies. The leaders and executive members of the parties also face charges of violating the criminal code and electoral law.

In a related development, a senior EC official said yesterday that a fact-finding team had identified the culprit who leaked the findings of the Nam subcommittee to opposition politicians and the media.

EC deputy secretary-general Rungrit Makarapong said results of an investigation have been forwarded to secretary-general Ekachai Warunprapha. He refused to identify the culprit saying he is not empowered to do so.

Ekachai said later he had not yet obtained the report.

Atthayuth Butrsripoom

The Nation

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