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Bangkok bomb attacks cause activists to revise moves


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Bomb attacks cause activists to revise moves
Budsarakham Sinlapalavan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Deadly grenade attacks on anti-government protesters last week have forced peace-loving groups to revise how they organise anti-violence activities.

"We won't campaign to call more people to gather at the same place because now there's an escalation of the situation. We don't know what will happen so we decided to avoid causes of violent situations, "Kittichai Ngarmchaipisit, a founder of YaBasta Thailand, said.

For example, several groups now work separately to bind white fabrics at several places at the same time, he said.

YaBasta Thailand has campaigned by wearing white shirts and using lit candles as a symbol of peace. It drew responses from several groups such as employees and students.

Kittichai said the violence that is happening would produce an undesirable result for people who want to see an election, whether it causes the poll to be postponed or a military coup.

YaBasta's next plan is to hold a "Market Fair" with tents that identify the diverse opinions of people who will join such as "Want to see an election, don't want to see violence", "Want to see an election, don't like Thaksin", "Want to see an election, don't like Pheu Thai" or "Want to see an election, don't like the Democrat Party".

Today there are many groups using white shirts and lit candles as a gimmick but he could not allow or disallow someone to copy his activities. Everyone has the right to campaign peacefully.

Even former red shirts are now wearing white shirts, which might put his group in a negative light. But Kittichai said it was up to everyone's personal opinion and his group would follow a peaceful path.

Every time his group has an activity it tries to avoid hate speeches, as it is campaigning for peace - not to incite protesters into hating someone who thinks differently.

Nuttigra Woratunyawit, from Stop Violence, said her group would also change its modus operandi after the bomb attacks.

"Now the group is still talking about activities because we are worried about people who join in our campaign" she said.

The group campaigns to stop using violence against each other by also wearing white shirts and lighting candles as a symbol of peace.

Other groups are mounting similar campaigns but each has the right to do that, as she could not forbid someone from wearing a white shirt or lighting candles.

-- The Nation 2014-01-22

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Sad that the voices of moderation and mediation are being subsumed by those who are immoderate, and unmediated.

It is peculiar phenomena of many democracies that, instead of respecting opinions that differ from our own, that many try to impose their will on others, which is decidedly undemocratic.

Freedom is also for those we despise. Freedom is also for those we love. Freedom is for each of us, and a personal relationship. To demand our own freedom seems correct to me. To support the freedom of those who disagree with me is my right. It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

It is my belief that the survival of our species may depend upon being mutually inclusive.

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Sad that the voices of moderation and mediation are being subsumed by those who are immoderate, and unmediated.

It is peculiar phenomena of many democracies that, instead of respecting opinions that differ from our own, that many try to impose their will on others, which is decidedly undemocratic.

Freedom is also for those we despise. Freedom is also for those we love. Freedom is for each of us, and a personal relationship. To demand our own freedom seems correct to me. To support the freedom of those who disagree with me is my right. It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

It is my belief that the survival of our species may depend upon being mutually inclusive.

Non vote buying, corruption and killing people must be rooted out. Such things aren't opinions that have to be respected or find a compromise (OK just kill 1500 people in your next war against drugs instead of 3000 and limit the vote buying to 300 Baht).

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I think this article has been translated directly from Thai to English it makes so hard reading...

As for the groups I think its mainly people from lots of different groups and none at all saying simply ... respect our vote.

Edited by englishoak
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Sad that the voices of moderation and mediation are being subsumed by those who are immoderate, and unmediated.

It is peculiar phenomena of many democracies that, instead of respecting opinions that differ from our own, that many try to impose their will on others, which is decidedly undemocratic.

Freedom is also for those we despise. Freedom is also for those we love. Freedom is for each of us, and a personal relationship. To demand our own freedom seems correct to me. To support the freedom of those who disagree with me is my right. It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

It is my belief that the survival of our species may depend upon being mutually inclusive.

When considering all the 'voices' being heard or ignored, it seems the largest voice is constantly overlooked.

The overwhelming majority in almost any country is the apathetic, "I only care about me and mine!", 'leave me alone' group.

People who would never take to the streets to protest or support anything, happily vote for a party without thinking twice about it's platform and really couldn't give a toss who is being killed in a war on drugs or a war against separatists, or who is stealing what and not paying what taxes.

They want football, Big Brother, Thailand's got Talent, and the nightly soaps. 3 meals a day and maybe a beer after work.

In reality, they don't want to bother with elections, politics or even discussions on 'real' life.

They don't care about freedom, it was given to them, they never had to fight for it and they assume it will never be taken away.

They essentially cause a vacuum within society. By having no opinion, they allow the voices of minorities to be amplified, to fill up the void.

I'd like us to all take a moment to reflect on this abused majority. People, whose lives are affected as they try to go about their daily business, by annoying people who think they have a right to protest against 'corruption'. People who dare to suggest changes to this wonderful existence that is Thailand today.

Wouldn't life be so much better if we left all the decisions to others?

Be honest, we don't want to care about anyone but ourselves, do we?

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Sad that the voices of moderation and mediation are being subsumed by those who are immoderate, and unmediated.

It is peculiar phenomena of many democracies that, instead of respecting opinions that differ from our own, that many try to impose their will on others, which is decidedly undemocratic.

Freedom is also for those we despise. Freedom is also for those we love. Freedom is for each of us, and a personal relationship. To demand our own freedom seems correct to me. To support the freedom of those who disagree with me is my right. It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

It is my belief that the survival of our species may depend upon being mutually inclusive.

Non vote buying, corruption and killing people must be rooted out. Such things aren't opinions that have to be respected or find a compromise (OK just kill 1500 people in your next war against drugs instead of 3000 and limit the vote buying to 300 Baht).

Limit vote buying to 300 baht?

Excellent idea - the Democrats will save a fortune

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As this group clearly intends to promote the election - an election that will, incidentally, result in a parliament without a quorum - they need not fear retaliation from the administration. That wrath is more clearly directed towards others.

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Sad that the voices of moderation and mediation are being subsumed by those who are immoderate, and unmediated.

It is peculiar phenomena of many democracies that, instead of respecting opinions that differ from our own, that many try to impose their will on others, which is decidedly undemocratic.

Freedom is also for those we despise. Freedom is also for those we love. Freedom is for each of us, and a personal relationship. To demand our own freedom seems correct to me. To support the freedom of those who disagree with me is my right. It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

It is my belief that the survival of our species may depend upon being mutually inclusive.

It is my dearest hope that more people every year choose inclusivity (which is not a word, although exclusivity ironically is a word, and a sad, telling irony at that).

'Inclusiveness' is the chap you're after I would say. :)

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