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If she is pregnant from you, why didn't she want to talk to you in december? Made in august huh? Too late for an abortion then ...

How does she feels about it?

There's an easy answer for this. Thais don't know how to be straightforward about things. Especially a 20 year old female one that has never been pregnant before and might be scared out her mind. I wouldn't take her temporary silence on the matter to be a big factor in determing if the baby is yours or not.

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If your not capable of working things out for your self,you are too young to have left home. Go back to your parents.

As you can see, I have an idea of what I want to do. I'm just seeking opinions and advice. I live interstate from my family and independent many years so I don't see how moving back to my parents can assist me?

He is making fun of you.

That it was not obvious speaks volumes about the "father"

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I want to get the ultrasound done and have the doctor tell me when the baby was conceived and when it is due. This will give me a good idea that the child is in fact mine as they should be able to tell me it is such and such weeks old and was conceived around August.

I want to take care of her and the baby which is why I'm going to fly to Thailand asap to get the ultrasound done. I believe I have enough supporting documents to get the tourist visa (I will likely get help from an agency as well just to make sure).

If I bring her over here, can she have the baby here (she may overstay her visa) and if she does have it here, will we be lumped with a huge medical bill since she has no medicare?

If we get married, is it better done in Australia?

Slow down...one thing at a time.Come to thailand establish if the child is yours.No point in thinking anything further until you know the truth.

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o-im worried if op finds out its not his he is going to celebrate by having unprotected sex with another thai prosititute. omg they are all over the place..............................lol.

ps i just texted my thai girl massueseues. ineed a massage. no chance of pregnancy for me............lol.

Edited by oogster8
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If your not capable of working things out for your self,you are too young to have left home. Go back to your parents.

As you can see, I have an idea of what I want to do. I'm just seeking opinions and advice. I live interstate from my family and independent many years so I don't see how moving back to my parents can assist me?

He is making fun of you.

That it was not obvious speaks volumes about the "father"

I was being sarcastic in my reply. Since you didn't realise this, does this speak volume about you?

I don't even know why you wasted your time replying unless you had something helpful to say.

Edited by jayme83
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Sorry, did not read through all the posts but, again, if you may have unprotected sex with this girl certainly ascertain if you are the father or not. But I would alos suggest and HIV test as well. Not judging, just saying. You are perhaps not the first and only person she has had sex with. If you used a condom (supplied by her) and it "broke" I would still suggest getting tested.

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Sorry, did not read through all the posts but, again, if you may have unprotected sex with this girl certainly ascertain if you are the father or not. But I would alos suggest and HIV test as well. Not judging, just saying. You are perhaps not the first and only person she has had sex with. If you used a condom (supplied by her) and it "broke" I would still suggest getting tested.

I have a fairly good idea that she is not a prostitute. We spoke every day and she worked at a sushi restaurant. I was very stupid to have unprotected sex and I will never make that mistake again. For the record, I got tested 2 weeks ago after I didn't hear from her it come back negative. It was even more scarier than this situation.

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Can she take a picture of herself on her (your) iPad and send it to you?


Good idea, have her do it in her room. Hopefully it will be the same one that you stayed in.

I spoke to her last night on webcam and she is defiantly in the same room, living with her friend. She has a bump, but I couldn't tell if it was 5 months which is why i want to get the ultrasound done.

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I have a fairly good idea that she is not a prostitute. We spoke every day and she worked at a sushi restaurant. I was very stupid to have unprotected sex and I will never make that mistake again. For the record, I got tested 2 weeks ago after I didn't hear from her it come back negative. It was even more scarier than this situation.

There are many degrees of prostitution in TH. A girl that needs a few bucks at the end of the month might not be against going down to the bar, hooking up with a naive stranger, then seeing if she can get some money out of him in the morning. Sometimes they say something like, "I need to borrow a little money..." Happens here all the time.

Also, studies show most Thai girls with HIV don't tell their partners they have it.

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Can she take a picture of herself on her (your) iPad and send it to you?


Good idea, have her do it in her room. Hopefully it will be the same one that you stayed in.

I spoke to her last night on webcam and she is defiantly in the same room, living with her friend. She has a bump, but I couldn't tell if it was 5 months which is why i want to get the ultrasound done.

Heres a little song for you...

four months to go, four months to go, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...

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You keep banging on about an ultrasound, what do you think thats gonna tell you ? It will confirm the pregnancy, yes, it will give an approximate term but that can be 4 weeks either way.

The ONLY way you are going to know is DNA, good luck with that in Thailand.

You are falling for the oldest trick in the book in my opinion.

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You keep banging on about an ultrasound, what do you think thats gonna tell you ? It will confirm the pregnancy, yes, it will give an approximate term but that can be 4 weeks either way.

The ONLY way you are going to know is DNA, good luck with that in Thailand.

You are falling for the oldest trick in the book in my opinion.

Nawt wrong with a DNA test in thailand.

Know people first hand that have had it done.

He could also just wait till the kid is circa 4yo and see if it looks like him in any way.

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Her psychology probably works like this. She likes you and has sex with you. When you're not around she probably likes other guys and has sex with

them. Then she finds out she is pregnant. She needs to make sure she and the future baby are financially as supported as possible. She will not rule

out a potential father even if he was only a remote chance. So she stops talking to you (which could also mean that another more likely sponsor was

being cultivated especially considering the time of year), and you start to worry, in fact work yourself into a frenzy, this plays into her hands,

makes you more pliable to hand over cash in the future.

Don't worry about the ultrasound, the Thai Hospital will give her a document which will confirm how many weeks the pregnancy went for when the baby is born. Then do a blood test (arranged independently yourself which no friend or relative of hers has anything to do with or knowledge of location). If

this confirms that you could be the father do the DNA. After that worry about everything else. You may have to keep on the right side of her which

might need a visit now, to get her to go along with what you want to do, this will also require your personal presence (in Thailand)at time of birth.

However do not misconstrue any act of handing over the child to you to nurse, calling you the Dad, or getting her family to also call you the Dad, this is just par for the course. Or if you tell her you want her to do these things she may not want to, this will be an indication that other potential father's are stepping up.

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Take a breath, get over to Thailand, have the tests done. You may get here and discover it's all a fraud. But i've known others who was in your position and who are now married with a 'scam' baby.

A few measurements taken in ultrasound will give you a reliable date of conception, so you'll know soon enough if it's yours or not. If it isn't, up to you what you do. Walking away sounds like a solid option.

If it's yours, man up. You're not 18, and just cause she's a hooker doesn't make the child any less yours. That also doesn't mean you have to take her back to Australia. Congrats by the way.

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I'll disagree with the hop-on-a-pane advice. I would suggest insisting on pictures of her at 5 months pregnant unclothed belly and compare to pictures available online at 5 months. If what the OP said is accurate about always using a condom except for 2 times Coitus interruptus, then there is a very good chance that the baby is not his. Photographs are not conclusive of anything but at least he can view them while still in Australia.

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I'll disagree with the hop-on-a-pane advice. I would suggest insisting on pictures of her at 5 months pregnant unclothed belly and compare to pictures available online at 5 months. If what the OP said is accurate about always using a condom except for 2 times Coitus interruptus, then there is a very good chance that the baby is not his. Photographs are not conclusive of anything but at least he can view them while still in Australia.

and she could not possibly fill herself on an MK buffet prior and puff her belly out a little prior to any photo right ?

Tell her to send you a video of her taking a home kit preg test....then upload it for us to confirm also...

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