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Red-shirt core leader Kwanchai shot


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Now we have ballistic experts on here. Amazing ThaiFORUM, haha.

Is it a surprise to you that some TVF members are ex-servicemen and/or hunters? I had the pleasure of firing a couple of hundred rounds through different versions of the AK-47 as a "get to know your enemy's weapons" exercise. It was a long time ago but I remember it well, though I'm buggered if I know what I had for lunch yesterday.

An American expat with an arsenal I collected myself, I just look at the whole Kwanchai thing as karma. The forensics and local experts here are severely lacking! They probably won't get to the bottom of this from a scientific point, other than for every action, there is a reaction.

Edited by gemini81
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obviously the reds killing their own to garner more supportblink.png (as our dear red brothers would say about the protesters), I do believe one idiot said that it was starting, looks like he is getting what he wanted albeit one of his own on the recieving end.

Are you for real? Sheesh...

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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

You may be right sleep.png

It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice.

After having seen their "tactics" to beat a lonely taxi driver, intimidate the media, surround and occupy buildings, or attacking a child... it looks indeed quite unbelievable that they would dare to leave their "safe zone" and venture into the north...

But who knows... Suthep is a finished man. They may have decided to "upgrade" again their strategy to gain power... By any means wacko.png

The problem is that Suthep wants to fight people who don't want to fight, but prefer peace, democracy and elections instead... At least that is good news rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Compared to the last protest group don't you think that the 'Suthep lot' are like pussycats...just wondering.

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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

You may be right sleep.png

It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice.

After having seen their "tactics" to beat a lonely taxi driver, intimidate the media, surround and occupy buildings, or attacking a child... it looks indeed quite unbelievable that they would dare to leave their "safe zone" and venture into the north...

But who knows... Suthep is a finished man. They may have decided to "upgrade" again their strategy to gain power... By any means wacko.png

The problem is that Suthep wants to fight people who don't want to fight, but prefer peace, democracy and elections instead... At least that is good news rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Attacking a child??

Do you want me to list all the things the "brave" red shirts have done? It might take me a week or two to get the full list together.

Yes, Suthep wants to fight people who prefer "peace, democracy, elections" and corruption.

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Oh dear! The AK-47 shoots 4-6" groups at 100m so the bullet through his arm could have just as easily got his heart. It is quite possible he may lose the limb, or at minimum lose much of its use. Trust me, nobody volunteers to get shot with this round for kudos.

OTOH hand you are right. Somebody with a little more intestinal fortitude could have driven up much closer and done the job properly. Quite possibly, shooting from 100m was somebody confusing their ambition with their ability.

What had occured to me is that it wasn't fired from 100m, but while he was told to lay on the ground or something and the two limbs were shot at close up. The 100m thing seems a bit vague and they don't have the most reliable investigation over here to be honest. I certainly don't think he volunteered for it or knew about it either. I've never held a gun in my life, I was a mission nun where there was a certain amount of gunshot victims and I saw guns being fired at people too. But I don't understand anything about guns except what happens to the unfortunate victims.

But I agree with you and other posters that its just as likely these were incompetent assassins. The timing of this attack is what makes me wonder though, it carries a lot of propaganda currency.

Did you try reading the Khaosod article or did you write it off as one of my red commie posts? There's a link or you could try google?

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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

You may be right sleep.png

It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice.

After having seen their "tactics" to beat a lonely taxi driver, intimidate the media, surround and occupy buildings, or attacking a child... it looks indeed quite unbelievable that they would dare to leave their "safe zone" and venture into the north...

But who knows... Suthep is a finished man. They may have decided to "upgrade" again their strategy to gain power... By any means wacko.png

The problem is that Suthep wants to fight people who don't want to fight, but prefer peace, democracy and elections instead... At least that is good news rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just a thought. If Suthep's boys wanted to shoot a red shirt, why would they drive all the way to Udon? I can think of half a dozen equally or more deserving candidates closer to BKK.

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Surprised no one's blamed the red shirts for doing this in an attempt to discredit the anti-government protesters!

Just wait a few minutes, and the conspiracy-theorists will be around!!coffee1.gif

Sad to see so many posters accepting violence, if the victim is someone you disagree with politically!

Seems like not only Thailand has a long way to go when it comes to a fair democracy!

he is a mindless thug so you reap what you sow He should have been locked up long ago but no his master Taksin protects all his paid thugs or some of them

Deserves what he gets for his violent history and actions

I for one hope he has a change of heart and decides that money Taksin pays him is not worth it and stood his vile violent mouth after this

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Surprised no one's blamed the red shirts for doing this in an attempt to discredit the anti-government protesters!

Just wait a few minutes, and the conspiracy-theorists will be around!!coffee1.gif

Sad to see so many posters accepting violence, if the victim is someone you disagree with politically!

Seems like not only Thailand has a long way to go when it comes to a fair democracy!

he is a mindless thug so you reap what you sow He should have been locked up long ago but no his master Taksin protects all his paid thugs or some of them

Deserves what he gets for his violent history and actions

I for one hope he has a change of heart and decides that money Taksin pays him is not worth it and stood his vile violent mouth after this

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Now we have ballistic experts on here. Amazing ThaiFORUM, haha.

Is it a surprise to you that some TVF members are ex-servicemen and/or hunters? I had the pleasure of firing a couple of hundred rounds through different versions of the AK-47 as a "get to know your enemy's weapons" exercise. It was a long time ago but I remember it well, though I'm buggered if I know what I had for lunch yesterday.

Gemini.... Don't worry if you don't know anything about firearms outside of StarWars, but no need to make light of the knowledge of those that have life experiences. What is your expertise?

Expertise as humbly recommended by the likes of Confucius and Ben Franklin: saying less, realizing we know little, and no need to prove anything to others through the use of many words.

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Consider that the AK47 has a muzzle velocity of 710 meters per second, which we call X.

The vehicle had probably slowed to approximately 20kmh, or 5.56 meters per second, which we call Y.

The distance was known to be around 100meters, which we will call Z.

Hence X x Y / Z = 39.47% of accuracy with that gun, at the speed over that distance.

I just made that up, but there are so many experts on here....I felt left out.

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Did you try reading the Khaosod article or did you write it off as one of my red commie posts? There's a link or you could try google?

I never called you a red commie. ^.^

Although, ironically, both PTP and Suthep are closer to Mao than to true Democracy, where it is your duty to debate whenever possible and your voice being present at debates is more important than your vote being marked on a paper. Both Suthep and Yingluck refuse to engage in open debate, so neither of them represent democratic principles. Numbers of votes is just the tinsel on the tree, it is debate which is the roots and life force. Neither of the main parties here is currently engaging in it at even base level, and of course Yingluck has avoided the arena of discourse entirely for years. So both parties are closer to autocratic / 'commie' etc.

Re; the shooting, I have a certain amount of scepticism regarding crime-scene reporting over here, but again I was only speculating on the whole affair and saying it seems to have occurred at a most opportune moment in terms of propaganda leverage for the reds. Coincidences do happen all the time though, of course.

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There are about a dozen posters on here, mostly "super- yellows" but a couple of "super-reds," who seem to be willing an all out war with all their heart. Any talk of compromise or a shared future is poo poo`d and replaced with talk of "victory" at all costs. It really is quite disturbing,

One can only assume these guys don`t actually live in Thailand, don`t have their kids here and don`t want this to resolve peacefully. Either that or (and more lkely) they are sitting bored in their condo trying to put some purpose into their souless retired expat lives by picking a side, seemingly oblivious to what could await.

By all means favour a side by show some bloody sense and realise that compromise is the only way this can end without this place kicking off into a war. That means "defeating" one side is not an option, compromising is.

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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

You may be right sleep.png

It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice.

After having seen their "tactics" to beat a lonely taxi driver, intimidate the media, surround and occupy buildings, or attacking a child... it looks indeed quite unbelievable that they would dare to leave their "safe zone" and venture into the north...

But who knows... Suthep is a finished man. They may have decided to "upgrade" again their strategy to gain power... By any means wacko.png

The problem is that Suthep wants to fight people who don't want to fight, but prefer peace, democracy and elections instead... At least that is good news rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice."

With respect, it's a matter of your opinion, so not necessarily true or indisputable at all.

"or attacking a child"

When did the anti-government protesters attack a child, you surely can't be referring to that discredited claim in the Khaosod pro-government 'rag', based on the statement from the PM's own security-team, can you ? Might they not be just a tiny bit biased ?

Edited by Ricardo
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There are about a dozen posters on here, mostly "super- yellows" but a couple of "super-reds," who seem to be willing an all out war with all their heart. Any talk of compromise or a shared future is poo poo`d and replaced with talk of "victory" at all costs. It really is quite disturbing,

One can only assume these guys don`t actually live in Thailand, don`t have their kids here and don`t want this to resolve peacefully. Either that or (and more lkely) they are sitting bored in their condo trying to put some purpose into their souless retired expat lives by picking a side, seemingly oblivious to what could await.

By all means favour a side by show some bloody sense and realise that compromise is the only way this can end without this place kicking off into a war. That means "defeating" one side is not an option, compromising is.

What is your opinion on an acceptable compromise?

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No doubt we shall be hearing that of course Suthep was the man behind the shooting of course

However it would be wise to recall the fate of a prominent member of the Red Shirts in 2010 who was shot in the head and of course subsequently died as a result, that action was taken no doubt as a warning to others to toe the line and not become mavericks.

One is led to wonder whether this latest shot Red Shirt leader is paying the penalty for not toeing the line and perhaps being seen as a maverick too.

This shooting could be as a result of his failure to drum up a decent resistance to the current P.R.D.C. protesters or as a warning to others regarding their profile politically.

There is of course the option of a black flag operation, minions are easily sacrificed and we are all well aware of what respect the Red Shirt pawns can expect and indeed the respect actually received from from their foreign based sponsor..

There are many avenues of suspect open regarding this particular shooting, many cul de sacs. However there is but one clear route leading to the truth and without a doubt we shall never see that route traveled.

Wow I've never seen so many cliches or so much guff in any one single post in TV ever! "One is led to wonder whether this latest shot Red Shirt leader is paying the penalty for not toeing the line and perhaps being seen as a maverick too"? You might be led to wonder that but normal people, probably not. Black shirt operation? Red shirt pawns? avenues AND cul de sacs? Who are you, john Le Carre or somebody?

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There are about a dozen posters on here, mostly "super- yellows" but a couple of "super-reds," who seem to be willing an all out war with all their heart. Any talk of compromise or a shared future is poo poo`d and replaced with talk of "victory" at all costs. It really is quite disturbing,

One can only assume these guys don`t actually live in Thailand, don`t have their kids here and don`t want this to resolve peacefully. Either that or (and more lkely) they are sitting bored in their condo trying to put some purpose into their souless retired expat lives by picking a side, seemingly oblivious to what could await.

By all means favour a side by show some bloody sense and realise that compromise is the only way this can end without this place kicking off into a war. That means "defeating" one side is not an option, compromising is.

What is your opinion on an acceptable compromise?

Id love to see a new party to come in and fill the void of a middle ground to vote the government out.

On one side you have a career criminal politican that made his fortune through stealing tax payers money, on the other side you have a PM that is controlled by her brother who did the same as the afformentioned criminal, only on a slightly bigger scale.

It`s like choosing between whether you`d rather eat shit or vomit.

Alternatively a compromise that removes Abhisht and his cronies on one side on the basis the Thaskin influence goes on the other. Both sides agree new faces all round and a fresh election.

One thing is for sure is that democracy cannot be beaten and that the vote of the rural poor will be not be trampled over again. What many here seem to want wont happen, if it was going to it would have already,

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Did you try reading the Khaosod article or did you write it off as one of my red commie posts? There's a link or you could try google?

I never called you a red commie. ^.^

Although, ironically, both PTP and Suthep are closer to Mao than to true Democracy, where it is your duty to debate whenever possible and your voice being present at debates is more important than your vote being marked on a paper. Both Suthep and Yingluck refuse to engage in open debate, so neither of them represent democratic principles. Numbers of votes is just the tinsel on the tree, it is debate which is the roots and life force. Neither of the main parties here is currently engaging in it at even base level, and of course Yingluck has avoided the arena of discourse entirely for years. So both parties are closer to autocratic / 'commie' etc.

Re; the shooting, I have a certain amount of scepticism regarding crime-scene reporting over here, but again I was only speculating on the whole affair and saying it seems to have occurred at a most opportune moment in terms of propaganda leverage for the reds. Coincidences do happen all the time though, of course.

I was't accusing you of calling me a brainwashed red commie, Yunla, smile.png. It was just a new title I was trying on, having been christened as such by a self confessed "american expat with an arsenal he collected himself"

I believe the americans have a saying for this type of situation..........................."Go figure"

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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

You may be right sleep.png

It is true that the yellow anti-government thugs have shown indisputable signs of cowardice.

Who are you? Braveheart?

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Surprised no one's blamed the red shirts for doing this in an attempt to discredit the anti-government protesters!

Probably because it is as absurd as saying the grenade attacks on the anti government protesters is self inflicted for the same reason.

I haven't finished the whole thread and have seen this suggested several times. I find that unlikely. Many reds wouldn't be too sad to see him go but I doubt it was them. Could be anything though. A lot of local anti-govt people also hate him for obvious reasons. It's been a long running feud since he assaulted the PAD in 2008 and had his radio station torched in response (or maybe it was the other way around, can't remember offhand). I think if it was done by the opposition it's likely more a local thing rather than ordered by Suthep (or whoever) because he's not considered that significant on a national level.

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Said it weeks ago ... Suthep needs a civil war.

If Suthep wanted a civil war, Kwanchai would be dead, not lying in hospital.

Do you dream of Suthep's demise while sleeping?

Interesting thoughts you have. Those are your words, not mine.

Suthep's only way out of this is by starting a civil war. I said it weeks ago, before anyone was shot. Obviously the person who shot Kwanchai and the people who authorized it know very well the events it may set in motion and that was probably the plan.

The government has nothing to gain by creating unrest. Only one group of people benefit from violence and we all know who they are.

Nothing to do with the Shins wanting to escalate and invoke an SOE, get the army out on the street by provoking violence.

What are their options?

This guy may have close ties with the convicted fugitive but he was mouthing off several weeks ago. Maybe he wasn't toeing the line.

Why would he be singled out - either by Thaksin's pary, the protesters, or maybe someone more local?

Try reading up on his background and recent actions before posting the usual blame Suthep without any evidence crap.

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"Cambodian mercenaries" on the loose? whistling.gif

Bad news no one wants this.

Could be anyone, even down to wanting sympathy for the reds, it's done on both sides, Some Thais will do anything to try to swing the gate.

Shoot their own grandmother for her gold tooth. This small % of nutters here.

I think your supposition, implication and insinuation are uncalled for and intended only for negative political impact. A man, a human being, a leader, with a family has been senselessly. Let us all hope he survives, elections go forward and Thailand can get on with the business of the country and the people.

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Certainly a most despicable act. Let's hope for a complete recovery. There is no place in politics of any nation for armed assault. By the way, it is claimed the shooter sped off in the direction of Pibun Mangsahan which is in Ubon. Very strange.

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Kwanchai survives gun attack and is now safe


Udon Thani’s red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana is now safe after he was injured in a gun attack at his house in Udon Thai’s Muang district this morning.

Kwanchai told reporters from his hospital bed that he was sipping coffee and reading newspaper in front of his house which was his routine when he heard a burst of gunfires and collapsed on the floor after he was hit in his leg and right arm.

He said that he then clawed into the house to seek refuge and waited there until the gunfires stopped. Later, his fellow radio deejays rushed to his house for an investigation and then took him to the hospital for medical treatment.

His wife, Mrs Arporn Sarakham, said, at first, she thought the gunmen parked their car in front of her house and then opened fire which she initially thought were just firecrackers. But, later on, she realized that they were gunshots as they came in burst.

Mrs Arporn said she saw Kwanchai lying on the floor with blood from his leg and arm but he was still conscious and told his men to take him to the hospital.

Police found a total of 42 spent shells believed fire from two AK47 assault rifles scattered near the house. Surveillance cameras at the scene showed two gunmen disembarking from a Toyota Vios pick-up truck and then opened fires.

The attack took roughly 12 seconds and the gunmen sped away in the truck.

Pol Lt-Gen Anuchai Lembamrung, commissioner of 4th Regional Police Bureau, said he believed more than two people were involved in the daring attack. He said it was too premature to pinpoint the motives of the attack.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/kwanchai-survives-gun-attack-now-safe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kwanchai-survives-gun-attack-now-safe

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-22

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