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She is really obsessed with the topic of Farang faults, isn't she?

It sounds more to me like she was jilted by a Farang and now has a deep hatred of them. From what I understand, these ideas are drilled into Thai children's heads both in their communities and schools, so it might be caused by that. Either way, if she's obsessing so much about this, you can be sure that she's generally a miserable and unhappy person who wants to blame others for her lot in life. I might ask her if Farang are so awful, why do all the women on woman's products marketed to Thais in the store look Farang? In other words, if Farang are so terrible, why do 99% of Thai woman want to look like them?

BTW, if she is only a teacher hired by the school and she is being offensive toward a portion of the class, why don't you just report her to the administrators and make a formal complaint?

There are loads out there like her mate, but most are not so open about it. I've been teaching here 9 years, and i've met some really good Thai people. She sounds as though she is inbred, which wouldn't surprise me at all. People like her with that attitude are luckily enough in the minority. A friend of mine always says that no matter how long we live here, we will ALWAYS be outsiders. One manager in Mukdahan told a Kenyan that she can't pay him more because he's black! Small minded bigoted people..............please do as asked and put her on youtube.

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Nothing new about what the OP is describing.

Not only teachers but many Thais have this attitude.

Envy and xenophobia is integrated in their everyday life.

Can't blame them as they never had the opportunity of proper education.

i think i read somewhere around 80% of thais dont even have a passport

and never had one

thailand is their whole world !

Are there ever ques for thais when exiting immigration counters?

usually the farang line is massive and the thai counter is empty or has just a few whenever ive been there

Yep. Have even used their queue on occasion when with the wife as my MIL was a senior customs officer at suvarnabhumi and probably had the only foreign son on law in the place so they knew us. Saves a lot of farting around

As for the op, world history and culture is rarely on the curriculum in the thai school system. This sort of thing is the end result. But there are backwaters with these sorts of types in the west as well. Could name several but best not ;)


"The other teachers love to joke and are very open and normal in their thinking..." Yes, but isn't the real worry, the possibility/probability that your mouthy racist woman is lurking inside all the others, but who are too diplomatic to reveal it ? That's my worry anyway.

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I worked for 20 years in northern Canada flying drunk, smelly, dirty and disgusting Indians (not the ones from India). I did it in order to finish work early and move to Thailand. I hated everything about them…their culture, language, appearance, music, attitude, even their physical presence made me ill.

Now I can relate to how bar girls feel with their ugly customers. I had to smile and laugh with them while inside I was repulsed by them. I was no different than a bar girl and sold my dignity for money everyday. Its not a pleasant existence but I have a good life here now.

They would be native canadians. What sort of natives are in canada and how they are similar to the ones in america? I mean you know of the sioux and the apache cos these are famous tribes but so far i have never really heard of the canadian indians and do they have a canadian version of the trail of tears?

Btw it's the native canadian's country so you are the invader.

Well, they have the highest rate of suicides in the world. Girls are raped routinely, alcoholism is rampant, children start sniffing gas at 6 years old, unemployment is over 80%, diabetes and drug use is out of control, their diet consists of potato chips and Coke, they are insanely fat, the murder rate is about 1 in 300 people annually….need I go on?

Its not somewhere you want to go. Its all about money and how much you can make off them before you quit.

http://www2.macleans.ca/2012/03/30/canada-home-to-the-suicide-capital-of-the-world/ Pretty accurate synopsis.

Must be the white man's fault the tribe is called Ojibwa do they look like the native americans like asian-like in appearance?


Thai teachers and most others make 12-15k baht a month. How long would it take for 80% of Thais to save up for a trip to the U.S. or Europe?

No wonder they don't have passports!

Thought that is why they charter the plane and bulk buy the hotels and 'bludge' home-stays but charge the students standard fares... standard Travel business is one free for ten or twenty fare paying pax...

BTW... be careful what you say about soi dogs... read the history of Thong Daeng

But more importantly, I have waded my way through four pages of peripheral discussion on bigotry and very little to help the OP... who is said to be fluent in Thai language...

My most successful retort would be to intrude their space a little, face to face, and state/ask [with a very serious face] "Thais like to eat guava?"... response has to be a startled "Yes?" followed by your [with an equally serious face] "Guavas like to eat Thai!"

... will take a moment to sink in, but he/she is a teacher and you can surely expect a grubby chuckle or three.... and maybe a bit of a changed attitude once you confirm that Ms Yingluck has good taste in shoes and handbags and as such could not possibly be spending other people's money. :-)


Ask her......"So what have the Romans Falangs ever given you?".....apart from the telephone, electricity, the motor car, roads, nuclear energy, television, aircraft, ships, railways, the motorcycle, medicine, education, mobile phones, computers, whitening creams and of course smelly cheese!....so, what has Thailand given us Falang?

She sounds a great person to wind up!

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I agree with many who say that those sort of nutcases are everywhere...

Except for the fact that she has a hatred for non soi dogs too... The prostitution comment is demeaning the very Thai people she holds in such high regard

She really is f00ked in the head and her parents are to blame for bringing such evil into this planet....


All Young Girls Dream of a Knight in Shinning Armor, or some Gallant Prince, to come and recuse them. But obviously when they grow up they settle for a lot less. Which is guys like me.

This person is obviously very narrow minded with no background first hand knowledge to back up her points, so I won't comment on them. I suppose a lot of people would think she had some bad experience with a Farang and thus has this point of view, but I for one do not think this way.

I think it is jealousy and that it is aimed towards you. She is not upset of the Farang Man steeling a Bar Girl (as she says and thinks) She is upset at Farangs that steel her job as a teacher. So be aware that jealousy is very real and sometimes very dangerous thing in Thailand. Consider for a moment yourself for example. Obviously a Farang who teaches in Thailand. A profession she already said you shouldn't hold.

Also at a wage at least double hers. Perhaps you are even better qualified than she is for this job also, which you should be, and in which she also know. Which just adds more fuel to her fire. If you don't like your job or the people their, you can simply just switch or choose a different one in Thailand, or pack-up and go back home to the West. What can she do?

I have come across this several times in my life working Overseas. Some accept that they need you their. Some do not. Especially concerning the difference in wages between them and us. But I generally calm them down by pointing out the difference in the cost of living in my country, compared to theirs. Like the house they own costs me ten times the price back home to buy.

She may very well be crazy...with jealousy. Personally I would stay away from her and let her come to grips with her own faults and prejudices. As you pointed out, she is at the very least prejudice towards the Male Farang being with a Thai Woman, as her opinion is not based on reason or any actual experience. Why should she be, if she is happy in her work and married to a nice Thai Man?


From OP:

She says Thais don't sweat because they're not fat.


5 5 5. Invite her to my little village in the North. Here is no "female" that is not fat.

Fat, fat, fat. All of them are also ugly, disgusting and loud.

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so why do you not bring this up to manager or director of the school with some nice recordings you could make on your phone or whatever device ?

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Sorry, its a Thai language school and I only study there….I have no interest in teaching.

I have no need to report her…its just entertainment to me and I'm not offended in the least. In fact, I can't stop laughing when she goes on her rants as its just so bizarre..like a candid camera joke. The fact she is so serious and gets worked up is the entertainment.

Today she starts on about Burmese and Cambodians. I asked her if she wouldn't prefer farang immigrants over Burmese immigrants and she says Burmese are better as they can only do low paying work and are limited to a 1 year work visa while farang will put Thai people out of work if they are allowed to immigrate here. I remind her that her Thai husband works for a farang owned company ("engineer" for Toyota) and she changes topics.:)

This is not a classroom but one-on-one for practicing Thai so no one else hears her.


I remind her that her Thai husband works for a farang owned company ("engineer" for Toyota)

Last I checked Toyota was a Japanese company, nothing to do with farang.

Or hasn't she taught you what that word means just yet?

(aaaaaaaand we're off! 8-)

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She probably spent her youth in walking street Pattaya and came out of it without hitting the jackpot.

Never….she is not competitive in the looks or body shape.

These schools must to make a lot of money. The teachers make 150 baht per hour and are busy all day with 9 teachers working out of an older building on Sukhumvit. They charge 450 baht per hour to the student plus extra to all the Japanese who want in-home tutoring.

I see massage shops that have no customers at all for probably higher rent. I don't see why someone wouldn't start a Thai language school as I don't even know if these teachers need to be licensed.


I remind her that her Thai husband works for a farang owned company ("engineer" for Toyota)

Last I checked Toyota was a Japanese company, nothing to do with farang.

Or hasn't she taught you what that word means just yet?

(aaaaaaaand we're off! 8-)

Sorry, I meant non-Thai. Not a guava:) She doesn't distinguish…its Thai and everyone else. Even luk kreung are suspect to her. Her only qualification for being Thai is facial appearance….as soon as you poke holes in her theory, she changes topics.


Like others have posted:

1) report her......not a professional attitude in the workplace

2) yes, sounds like she was jilted by a foreigner and this is her way to get back at the world......in her childish mind and childish way


Two things.


1) I'd ask her why does she lighten her skin to look like the people she hates?

2) Report her immediately to the powers that be. Using the classroom to express her bigotry is just not right, especially since you pay for the class. Technically you are her boss.

Good luck.


I have lived in Thailand for 30 years and have rarely come across Thai people with the attitude of the OP`s Thai teacher, but I have no doubts they exist.

If I ever found myself in that situation, then I would be completely upfront with the woman, tell her I do not like her attitude, tell the head of the school that I am leaving and why, walk out and find another Thai language school, because there is no way that I could find this behaviour tolerable.

It would be interesting to know how many other farangs attend that school and how much fees they pay? Because foreigners are obviously their bread and butter and income that keeps this woman employed.

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