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Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends


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"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest. "She called him about the threats she faced. He was overwhelmed and cried. Many of us cried with him," Siraprapha said."

I am sure some red TV posters will blame Suthep and co for this, after all surely it couldn't be true that the reds are threatening their own?

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bribery failed because the ptp blew all the money elsewhere so now they settle for good old intimidation by the reds, once again we see the communistic approach of the ptp and reds in action. The country is no longer safe for ordinary rice farmers as the reds are prepared to do what ever it takes to see thaksin returned and that includes demonizing the poor farmers but the red supporters in here dont give a sh*t about the people as they claim, they too just want their leader back in the country with all the graft and corruption that goes with him, all their sympathetic claims for the people are crap.

"communistic approach"? <deleted> is that supposed to mean?

If you are referring to violence towards protesters, that seems to be just as much a western (capitalistic???) thing, see how the peaceful Occupy Wall St protests have been stamped out in the US.

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Somehow I'm not surprised by this. They will hardly control the flock that will arrive here, and dont want to tackle with the farmers protest as well. They think the fight for democracy comes first but forget or in this case totally ignore that people, in this case the farmers need to survive. Really no excuse for this kind of intimidation.

Edited by maxme
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I think a lot of posters on here could have saved their energy if they had read what the thread title is

Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

See that word allege, there's a reason for it. Read on and it states:

"After claiming they had been pressured by intimidation,"

"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest."

"But across the country, about 1.4 million farmers have not yet received payment, raising suspicion the government might expedite payments to farmers in areas known as Pheu Thai's political strongholds first."

But, of course,as far as some posters are concerned, it's allegations against the government so they must be true.

Edited by fab4
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I think a lot of posters on here could have saved their energy if they had read what the thread title is

Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

See that word allege, there's a reason for it. Read on and it states:

"After claiming they had been pressured by intimidation,"

"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest."

"But across the country, about 1.4 million farmers have not yet received payment, raising suspicion the government might expedite payments to farmers in areas known as Pheu Thai's political strongholds first."

But, of course,as far as some posters are concerned, it's allegations against the government so they must be true.

Or in your case it totally Incomprehensible that the reds would threaten the Honest Rice farmer,and 800 million baht is owed in Thaksin Land, and what was it 7.3 billion in MahaSarakan,its allegations against my Team ,so they can,t be true.

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I think a lot of posters on here could have saved their energy if they had read what the thread title is

Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

See that word allege, there's a reason for it. Read on and it states:

"After claiming they had been pressured by intimidation,"

"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest."

"But across the country, about 1.4 million farmers have not yet received payment, raising suspicion the government might expedite payments to farmers in areas known as Pheu Thai's political strongholds first."

But, of course,as far as some posters are concerned, it's allegations against the government so they must be true.

Interesting, though not surprising, that you end your quote before ""She called him about the threats she faced. He was overwhelmed and cried. Many of us cried with him," Siraprapha said."

She's probably just a 2-faced, lying, yellow, amart bitch anyway, right?

Edited by JRSoul
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It is heart breaking how innocent these farmers first believed the Shinawatras.

I old cynic would never have trusted them from the beginning....But maybe they also had their doubts but no other choice than "selling" their rice to them.

It is a hard way to learn why it is wrong to sell your vote, some suicide, many loose their land.....it is heart breaking.

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^indeed when someone compares anyone to Hitler/Nazi(s) they already lost the argument. (none of this is applicable to anything in thailand ever)

Sorry, but like YL tempted to do, Hitler have undermined the constitiution to get full power.

The enemy for both are the rich, here the elite, in germany the jews. Both have installed a strong broadcasting Network, and terror units.

There are some paralells how they acting, that you cant ignore.

But you right, for the most posters here, compares Hitler and Suthep. thumbsup.gif

Name Three ??

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One thing I do know for sure, and I can prove it with photos if anyone doesn't believe, is that plain clothes police were taking photos of all the Lop buri and Chai nat farmers who were protesting (blocking Asia Rd) at Lop buri last weekend.

Seems a strange thing to do unless there is some scheme to lay charges against them in the future.

Whatever, I can tell you the farmers and others with them felt intimidated to the extent that they were covering their faces.

It's interesting, but how was it determined that the photographers were plainclothes police?

You may not know who your neighbors are or who lives in your area but the farmers do and it is not difficult for them to work out who outsiders are.

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One thing I do know for sure, and I can prove it with photos if anyone doesn't believe, is that plain clothes police were taking photos of all the Lop buri and Chai nat farmers who were protesting (blocking Asia Rd) at Lop buri last weekend.

Seems a strange thing to do unless there is some scheme to lay charges against them in the future.

Whatever, I can tell you the farmers and others with them felt intimidated to the extent that they were covering their faces.

It's interesting, but how was it determined that the photographers were plainclothes police?

Just look at the shoes...! Even where they're in shorts and T-shirts, you still won't catch them without their patent black leather shoes on...!

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One must feel sympathy for the farmers they voted because they believed their voice would be heard in Parliament but to be conned, manipulated and now suicide one cannot say to them you voted now that's your tough luck. The farmers are trying to use protest as a signal for help. Reform must include them

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One thing I do know for sure, and I can prove it with photos if anyone doesn't believe, is that plain clothes police were taking photos of all the Lop buri and Chai nat farmers who were protesting (blocking Asia Rd) at Lop buri last weekend.

Seems a strange thing to do unless there is some scheme to lay charges against them in the future.

Whatever, I can tell you the farmers and others with them felt intimidated to the extent that they were covering their faces.

It's interesting, but how was it determined that the photographers were plainclothes police?

Just look at the shoes...! Even where they're in shorts and T-shirts, you still won't catch them without their patent black leather shoes on...!

...and they turn up in unmarked cars. Complete with police style number plates. cheesy.gif I see it all the time when they are looking for illegal Burma (No Papers) and gambling houses.

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Amidst all the insults and piss taking going on here i find a less than real sympathy for the plight of the farmers being expressed on these pages.

I live in a small village in Isan and i see the looks of desperation on the otherwise optimistic faces around me every day.

Although i am interested in politics i will not and cannot take sides. I am, like you, a tolerated farang, the laws and the powers that be, don't allow us to take part in all this,our opinions are not wanted. Having said that, i feel its six to one and half a dozen to the other. Is Taksin corrupt and self serving? yes of course but he was the only one who took any notice of the poor (even though for his own motives of gaining power) he gave them a voice for the first time. Is Suthep right in pointing out, somewhat forcibly no doubt, that things have to change and that there is such a thing as the "dictatorship of the majority"? yes he is.

They are trying to sort it out the Thai way,this is after all,Thailand. They need no help from us. I can't for the life of me understand the high feelings being expressed here,no one is blocking the streets of New York or London,Paris or Berlin.

Remember the words of Tony Hankock : "I'm here to watch the walloping, not take part in it"

If that is too flippant, then the words of the once Lord protector of England Oliver Cromwell : "I beseech thee from the bowels of Christ,consider, thou might be wrong"

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Amidst all the insults and piss taking going on here i find a less than real sympathy for the plight of the farmers being expressed on these pages.

I live in a small village in Isan and i see the looks of desperation on the otherwise optimistic faces around me every day.

Although i am interested in politics i will not and cannot take sides. I am, like you, a tolerated farang, the laws and the powers that be, don't allow us to take part in all this,our opinions are not wanted. Having said that, i feel its six to one and half a dozen to the other. Is Taksin corrupt and self serving? yes of course but he was the only one who took any notice of the poor (even though for his own motives of gaining power) he gave them a voice for the first time. Is Suthep right in pointing out, somewhat forcibly no doubt, that things have to change and that there is such a thing as the "dictatorship of the majority"? yes he is.

They are trying to sort it out the Thai way,this is after all,Thailand. They need no help from us. I can't for the life of me understand the high feelings being expressed here,no one is blocking the streets of New York or London,Paris or Berlin.

Remember the words of Tony Hankock : "I'm here to watch the walloping, not take part in it"

If that is too flippant, then the words of the once Lord protector of England Oliver Cromwell : "I beseech thee from the bowels of Christ,consider, thou might be wrong"

In those desperate faces in the village you will find the result of the "Yes he is corrupt but..." mentality.

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^Same thing the Democratic Yellow masters do with their minions. wai.gif

Another contender for the stupidest post of the year and its not even the end of the first month.

Children behave yourselves!

I have no comment to make on this post after due cosideration

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