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Thailand's DSI chief says five key PDRC leaders are foreigners


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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif This just gets funnier ..... Foriegners !! BUT ... but he can't name them .... Well Zip it Fred !! ....Wait till you got some concrete evidence before rambling on ... That goes for all the finger pointers ..... cheesy.gif

Posted a pic on here of 2 ex French Forces in ballaclavas at the stage helping out with strategy.

Can't find it now, but he was a big dude with long hair. They'll get him.

Also yesteday there were 2-3 falangs on the PDRC mob that shut Chumport post office. Again, pics on here.

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Yet another bizarre statement by Tarrit. As always the charge is maddeningly unspecific. Why is that the case time after time ? The accusations are made, and then they become a point of mystery. So it's clearly intended as a talking point for the international media - the PDRC has been infiltrated by foreign powers ! But at this point, it seems he's grasping at straws as the petition to apprehend the sixteen leaders was turned down by the Criminal Court. The issue of the emergency decree is likely to end up in the hands of the Constitutional Court. It was never invoked to maintain security on the streets, in any event, as that was the intent of the Internal Security Act, that has been in place since August - for those that even noticed. The emergency decree was clearly invoked for only one reason - to clamp down on the media. The media are now " asked " to refrain from covering the protests - and one presumes that would inevitably include the attacks against them. The power of the media is a powerful thing. Until it is controlled. And then it becomes impotent.

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Just released by Tarrit an image of one of the protest leaders.

Ooop's .Sorry Tarrit was looking in the mirror when his camera operated.


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The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) says five foreigners are among the leaders of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (DPRC) now protesting the caretaker government and February 2 election.

The DSI chief Tarrit Pengdit, however, did not elaborate the nationals of the five foreigners he claimed are among the PDRC leaders but said he would like the PDRC for clarification.

This doesn't make any sense:

The Department of Special Investigation, which I "assume" is suppose to have a team of the best criminal investigators in Thailand, needs clarification from the PDRC?

Aren't the public suppose to get the clarification from the DSI?

Another point though is, why even talk about this in media if you don't provide some evidence to back it up. It's not even news worthy, as you don't tell us which nations the "five foreigners" are from. Just drunk talk.

Mr. Pengdit, get a grip. You're insulting peoples intelligence.

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Come to think of it the Bkk Post the other day profiled an Indian guy who is a leader of protests in Silom. At 70 or so, he has been in Thailand most of his life but for some reason never applied for nationality. He is well connected with influential retired police generals though, so I doubt they can do anything to him. Nevertheless I was surprised that he agreed to be interviewed and don't understand why he never became Thai.

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geriatrickid post # 45

I just wish that before making these grandiose announcements, they actually arrested someone and then held the news conference.

Come come GK.

You've been here long enough to know that the world of fantasy is alive and well in what passes for the mind of the average Thai bureaucrat. whistling.gif

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Far From the madding crowd's ignoble strife

Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;

Along the cool sequester'd vale of life

They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.

The madding crowd is, of course, not the protestors........ who continue quietly.. with nobility and calm! .. wait, I forgot 'soberly'.. Hum.. where's Chalerm now?? cheesy.gif .. beheading himself again, because his 72 Hrs is up???

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif This just gets funnier ..... Foriegners !! BUT ... but he can't name them .... Well Zip it Fred !! ....Wait till you got some concrete evidence before rambling on ... That goes for all the finger pointers ..... cheesy.gif

WWWWWWTTTTTFFFFFF?????????!!!!!!!! So suddenly it's the FALANG's fault from out of the blue...

.... okay arrest every foreigner in Thailand without evidence, because your master Thaksin says so.

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OMG now this one is at it facepalm.gif .... so whats the bet this time ? Chinese or North Korean ..... kinda makes sense but...... naaaaa just more xenophonic thainess bs

PS if the court revokes the SOE after Suthep has confirmed they will do everything they can to stop the election process then the Civil court are paid off and bought .... no question.

What rubbish. Ever heard of the law.

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Have some important info for Tarrit.

Even the leader from this country is a foreigner, he has a Montenegro passport.

Ya, AV still has his British passport and that also make him a British subject.

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Almost correct still makes it incorrect, or maybe an attempt to twist the truth a wee bit.

Abhisit may still have the British passport his parents got when he was born, maybe even one or two from later. What he doesn't have is a 'current, valid' British passport. None of this makes him a British subject though, it's just having been born there when both his (Thai) parents were working there.

To be fair even with Thaksin having a Montenegran passport he remains Thai, not a foreigner. Thaksin even has a brand new passport, delivered October 2011 from flooded offices, with the compliments of the MoFA Surapong who just happened to be related to the criminal fugitive.

Anyway, neither Abhisit nor Thaksin are PDRC leaders rolleyes.gif

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Perhaps he is refering to Batman and lovely Ms. Robin? wink.png


The third one is Spiderman


Anyone knows who could be the other two???

OK! I've already found the other two! They are definitively not from this earth.

But I'm wondering if Chalerm will have the balls to catch them cowboy.gif



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Almost correct still makes it incorrect, or maybe an attempt to twist the truth a wee bit.

Abhisit may still have the British passport his parents got when he was born, maybe even one or two from later. What he doesn't have is a 'current, valid' British passport. None of this makes him a British subject though, it's just having been born there when both his (Thai) parents were working there.

To be fair even with Thaksin having a Montenegran passport he remains Thai, not a foreigner. Thaksin even has a brand new passport, delivered October 2011 from flooded offices, with the compliments of the MoFA Surapong who just happened to be related to the criminal fugitive.

Anyway, neither Abhisit nor Thaksin are PDRC leaders rolleyes.gif

Did his parents get him a British passport when he was born?

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