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Is it just me - 3 colds in 2 months

sean in udon

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Wash your hands when visiting the toilet.

After washing your hands, grab some tissue and grab the door handle to open it. Don't assume everyone who has taken a dump has the common courtesy to wash their hands before grabbing the door handle on the way out of the washroom.

Raw garlic, cut into little pieces, let it sit for 10 min and eat nightly. Not sure how effective it is as staving off cold viruses, but it will keep the vampires at bay. Seriously, i used to get colds quite often from being jammed in skytrains etc, but I started eating the garlic before bed a couple years back, and rarely get a cold now. (now that I have just written that, I will no doubt come down with a cold this weekend <deleted>).

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Hang in there Sean. I have been in Jomtien off and on for four years and I catch everything that is going around and have stomach problems sometimes. It is your system for sure. I know one farang that never gets sick and others have taken years to get use to Thailand. I have went months without catching anything but this winter season has been a bad one for me.

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Try to eat Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. It helped me for something other.

็Haha, no, it did not "help" you with anything, other than giving you yellow/orange expensive piss.

No scientific study has ever shown that Vitamin C "cures" anything, least of which the common cold or flu. It's a farang folk belief, no different than Thais making offering to those hindu god statues in parking lots.

another one brainwashed like 99% of the people...

vitamin C is not patentable = nobody wants to pay millions in clinical trials = no money to be made to be sold exclusivly...

you can take up to 9-10 grams of vitamin C per day

hopital grade sick people should get by IV up to 100 GRAMS per day

Sorry but vit C is myth. As for money.....have you seen how much it sells for in tablet form. Not bad for something you could just as easily get by eating FOOD.

So the pharma industry tells........the cheapest tablets in Thailand cost almost nothing, and you can buy the powder, which costs almost nothing per kg....Of course if you buy the imported things at Boots it is unreasonable.

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Try to eat Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. It helped me for something other.

็Haha, no, it did not "help" you with anything, other than giving you yellow/orange expensive piss.

No scientific study has ever shown that Vitamin C "cures" anything, least of which the common cold or flu. It's a farang folk belief, no different than Thais making offering to those hindu god statues in parking lots.

another one brainwashed like 99% of the people...

vitamin C is not patentable = nobody wants to pay millions in clinical trials = no money to be made to be sold exclusivly...

you can take up to 9-10 grams of vitamin C per day

hopital grade sick people should get by IV up to 100 GRAMS per day

Google Linus Pauling (he only got 2 Nobel prices, so surely not the most stupid person around), he made some work on the Vitamin C which shows very clear that it works. The pharma industry tried to ridicule him as best as they could do. Alone the massive attention they gave him shows that they had an agenda.

My University did some work with Vitamin C on the biochemical level and I worked with the team for a couple of month. There is definitely something moving with increased Vitamin C.

With normal food I get Herpes Simplex almost every 2 weeks. With 1 Gram Vitamin C per day I don't get it at all. Over the years I tested this surely over 20 times.....By forgetting the Vitamin C for some time, by not having it at home. Forgetting it, and just be reminded when getting Herpes again, more or less rules out Placebo effect.

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I had a "cold" for 2 months out of the first three months of 2013. The doctor here in Thailand knew I had a bacterial infection and suspected allergy as well. When I got back to the states, it came back and my doctor said all he saw was allergy. A steroid shot took it away. I began to take anti-histamines every time there was a big storm blowing in pollen or grass.

I got a cold for a week here that I suspected started as allergy, got better within a week, then turned to infection. The Thai doc gave me antibiotics and allergy meds.

When the sputum is clear or whitish, suspect allergy. I use loratadine (Claritin) 10mg-look it up on google.

When green, bacteria infection, and act accordingly with antibiotics.

This has been a really cold year with lots of stuff (pollen) blowing in from the north. We live in northeast. BTW, this is our tenth year and no colds for the first eight, so more pollen, or more sensitive, or just old age. :)

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In short and in layman's terms, you are re-infecting yourself. Flu runs in cycles and is passed from one person to another. It does not matter how many times you wash your hands as it is airborne. Wearing a surgical mask would help but not always practicable. Taking Vitamin C is a good idea (at least 1000 to 1500mgs... depending upon body weight) daily. There are over the counter anti-flu drugs out there and there is the flu shot as well. Each has its place in combating things. The time it takes you to get passed being ill depends on too many factors to address herein. However, remember that there are different strains of the bug and so that time will vary. Just be aware of the health of the others you are living with and remember that when you are over things, they might have caught your bug and pass it back to you. In the end the bug will run its course and be shut down by having no one else to infect. But what you have described is nothing strange, especially with people living within families or other groups. So get rest and drink lots of fluids. You could take a regiment of antibiotics (over the counter here from any good pharmacy), Alka Seltzer Cold is great also (or similar product such as Night Nurse) they will allow you to get a good night sleep which in and of itself is a powerful factor. If it persists, then seek medical attention as if could be an indicator of something worse that than the common flu. Watch for a high fever especially.

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When I first came to Thailand 10 years ago I stayed for a month and got 2 really bad colds. With the second one I saw a Thai doctor who asked me how did I cool off when I was very hot and sweaty. I told him I stood near the aircon. He said that's the cause of my problem, and to never do that. I heeded his advice, and have done so ever since. Result - no more colds.

I know you are getting the 'flu and not just a bad cold, but if you do cool off as I used to maybe your resistance to the 'flu virus.is weakened.

There again, maybe it's not the 'flu, but a bacterial infection.

Have a look at http://www.flufacts.com/know/what-is.jsp

Good luck.

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Try to eat Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. It helped me for something other.

if you're a normally healthy adult with a balanced diet you dont need any vitamin supplements, they simply pass through your body - so are ineffective and a waste of money.


yes if you normal and healthy it won't make you more healthy....It can be discussed if it slows down aging.

But we speak here about someone who is not healthy. Vitamin C costs almost nothing.....

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Try to eat Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. It helped me for something other.

็Haha, no, it did not "help" you with anything, other than giving you yellow/orange expensive piss.

No scientific study has ever shown that Vitamin C "cures" anything, least of which the common cold or flu. It's a farang folk belief, no different than Thais making offering to those hindu god statues in parking lots.

My best mate is a doctor - he assures me that vitamin C is a waste of time. But I note that when he gets a cold he dives for zinc tablets.

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You have a weak immune system, there are many potential causes.

The first I would check is your exercise regimen, make sure you get enough physical activity.

If you already get enough physical activity then get a blood test making sure everything is within normal ranges.

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Try to eat Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. It helped me for something other.

็Haha, no, it did not "help" you with anything, other than giving you yellow/orange expensive piss.

No scientific study has ever shown that Vitamin C "cures" anything, least of which the common cold or flu. It's a farang folk belief, no different than Thais making offering to those hindu god statues in parking lots.

My best mate is a doctor - he assures me that vitamin C is a waste of time. But I note that when he gets a cold he dives for zinc tablets.

Physician have no more clue about such things than you or me. It isn't a topic they learn about. There are docs that believe it is helpful, there are docs they think it is waste.

If you read studies on such topics you'll find some that proof that it works magic and you'll find some that proof that it doesn't work at all.

There is not much of a quality research.....

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When I first arrived 2 years ago,I seemed to get an upset stomach from everything,but after a month or so I could eat anything and no problem.I got the worst sore throat New years eve,developed into the flu and lasted for 15 days.Then Thai friend put me onto Tiffy tablets.

Be careful of acetaphetamine in anything. Especially if you consume 2+ drinks a day. As well, ANY NASAID pain reliever. A doctor friend of mine who domes liver transplants at a foremost transplant hospital said he sees more liver transplants due to NASAID abuse than alcohol abuse. Acetaphetamine and alcohol will MELT your liver. Quickly.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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flu and other associated virus are becoming worldwide stronger.

Jabs flu over the years can become efficient.

To take zinc supplement as Vitamin C is a joke of course washing hands perpetually does help.

Some syrups are better than others.

Antibiotics are efficient.

Good luck we are all of us on the same boat.

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I'm not a doctor but I have experience some of the same things you have. I have worked Overseas for a long time but it seems when I go to a new area I seem to catch everything that is going around for the first 3 to 6 months.

Company Doctor told me once that it is just that in a new area your Immune System is not used to the germs their and needs time to do that. Always stopped after a few months so I guess he was right. The America Native Indian almost died off because of that with Small Pox, so I guess it makes sense to. .

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In short and in layman's terms, you are re-infecting yourself. Flu runs in cycles and is passed from one person to another. It does not matter how many times you wash your hands as it is airborne. Wearing a surgical mask would help but not always practicable. Taking Vitamin C is a good idea (at least 1000 to 1500mgs... depending upon body weight) daily. There are over the counter anti-flu drugs out there and there is the flu shot as well. Each has its place in combating things. The time it takes you to get passed being ill depends on too many factors to address herein. However, remember that there are different strains of the bug and so that time will vary. Just be aware of the health of the others you are living with and remember that when you are over things, they might have caught your bug and pass it back to you. In the end the bug will run its course and be shut down by having no one else to infect. But what you have described is nothing strange, especially with people living within families or other groups. So get rest and drink lots of fluids. You could take a regiment of antibiotics (over the counter here from any good pharmacy), Alka Seltzer Cold is great also (or similar product such as Night Nurse) they will allow you to get a good night sleep which in and of itself is a powerful factor. If it persists, then seek medical attention as if could be an indicator of something worse that than the common flu. Watch for a high fever especially.

Please do not use antibiotics if you have a virus. Also, if you have a secondary infection that does require an antibiotic it is important you get the correct one. Best is to talk to a good doctor.

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Thanks for all the replies. I've pretty much done everything that was suggested.

When I originally posted, I figured it was a 2/3 day thing as I was starting to feel better. Boy was I wrong. Fever started Thursday night and ran through 'till Sunday morning. Between midnight and 2 am (Friday morning) I drank 4 x 500ml bottles of water. It seemed to be sweating out of me as fast as I was drinking it.

Feel tired now, got a headache (which won't go) and feel nauseous. No fever, little bit of a cough left. Had no diarrhoea or vomiting problems at all. Off to the docs tomorrow.

Hopefully nottocus can get a post in and give me a happy diagnosis - I could do with a laugh, so find me a good 1 :)

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i drank 3 large beers

a bottle of red wine

2 codral cold tabs

1 codien

1 paracetamol

then i had a tooth ache so I put a few antibiotic drops in my ear and this seemed to work

I also had a 10 mg valium and went to sleep

in the morning i had 3 x 250mg of zinc

I feel a bit better today

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I've lived here for 13 years. Seem to get sick about once every 3-5 years, but generally have good health. Only this week I'm recovering from a persistent flu that has lasted a fortnight. My wife and many in our rural community have it also. The severe cold spell probably hasn't helped anyone either. The natural remedies and warm environment seem to help. But lying low and reading is great too.

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I have been afflicted by the bugs as well twice in the last month.

I had a fever and a cold with a bit of a sinus infection cleared up by itself after a week or so.

Then this week had a severe fever which I let break by itself without paracetamol. I had an absolute nightmare of a night never felt so sick except when I had food poisoning once before. Now I have a bit o a chest infection. Not sure whether to get antibiotics or ride it out.

I attribute it to walking around Pattaya. It hasn't rained for three months here and the place is putrid. Open drains everywhere severe motor pollution.

I am going to move outside of Central Pattaya in the future it is just too dirty.

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Forget the advice about supplements - if you look at the research it shows a very small benefit to taking zinc and vitamin C, not enough for you to really notice in the short term. Maybe over a 20 year period you might get one fewer cold. What has really helped me go from about one cold every three months to one every two years is being more aware of hygiene issues. Thai people pick their noses and sneeze without using a tissue, which spreads germs to surfaces like doors, lift buttons, poles on trains and so on. Colds are mostly spread not by inhaling airborne germs as is commonly assumed, but by touching an infected surface and then touching your own nose. So what you should do is never touch your nose or mouth unless you have just washed your hands, and wash your hands often with soap and water.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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It is normal when moving to a new part of the world to have frequent respiratory infections for the first year or two..you don't have immunity the common bugs.

If you are living in Bkk, CM or other area with a lot of air pollution, that may also be a factor.

Supplemental zinc has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of respiratory illnesses. Since you take Vit C anyway I suggest you switch to "Redoxan" which is a zinc + Vit C combo,

Could call Sheryl- years ago my brother worked for Roche, who make Redoxon, and in the winter months they gave a daily dose of it to every employee as it reduced their sick absence. They certainly believed in their product anyway.

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