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Please Help! Dog has been stolen!


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Would be grateful for any help!

Our family dog, a 7-year old, male golden Labrador, was stolen from our house in the Thapraya area today.

We estimate it had gone missing around 3:30pm. It had just had a bath, found the front door open so ran out - without its collar.

Does anyone have any experience with recovering stolen dogs? Is there a venue where they are resold etc?

We believe it was stolen as its quite a distance to the front of the housing development. Its been 6 hours since we last saw the dog and if it were still around here, it would've returned home by now.

Please let me know if you can offer any assistance.



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sorry to hear about your family pet going AWOL

There is Tony's dog Sanctuary/ shelter I believe Hua Yai area & there is also a another dog sanctuary a round the maprachan lake area.

another long shot is create a poster to place in the numerous Vets in the area. PLus alos post apicture on here if you have one


Good luck with your search

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We believe it has indeed been stolen as in 7 years it must've run out about 100 times...its never gone more than an hour (runs around, gets tired/thirsty and comes home).

There are a lot of workmen in the area (cable companies, electricity contractors etc) - potential for things to get stolen.

Thanks for the idea of putting reward posters at vets in the area. We'll also check the dog shelters.

Thanks again.

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sorry to hear about your family pet going AWOL

There is Tony's dog Sanctuary/ shelter I believe Hua Yai area & there is also a another dog sanctuary a round the maprachan lake area.

another long shot is create a poster to place in the numerous Vets in the area. PLus alos post apicture on here if you have one


Good luck with your search

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There are a lot of workmen in the area (cable companies, electricity contractors etc) - potential for things to get stolen.

I would be very worried too based on the above!!! Are there any security cameras near your place? Perhaps something may have been recorded?

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