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Weird campaign in Central


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There are large banners/posters now hanging in Central saying that it's "good to be Chinese", while the men and women depicted in the posters are clearly Caucasian.

The thing that really got my attention was the poster with the woman, where she is slanting one of her eyes.

I don't know how to interpret the message behind this campaign, but I do think that it manages to be offensive to both Caucasians (we should all want to be Chinese) and the Chinese (the slant eyed thing).

I assume the people behind the campaign are neither Caucasian nor Chinese, but rather locals, who do display a rather unique ability to step in it.


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Stop thinking so much...you'll give yourself a headache. Seems to me they are just saying that at this festive time of Chinese New Years everyone (including non-Chinese) can join in the fun (or spending as it's posted in a retail mall). The Thais don't have western habits of PC and racial hangups and stuff.

Your sensitivity reminds me of the recent brouhaha over Dunkin Donuts Thailand's chocolate donut adverts, which featured a Thai in blackface. I though they were creative and the tag line funny but the corporate parent in America went batshite over them. Complete overkill in my opinion.

Oh boy, by the first reply, I see the PC police are up early this morning. In addition, scholars of racism in the west will tell you that by definition, "racism" can't exist towards the dominant racial/ethnic, cultural, and economic group in a society. (Racism by individuals towards other individuals can but not sociatal-wide racism.) For example, an ad showing a black american in white-face promoting some product isn't racism because due to their aforementioned societal dominance, black people cannot affect or enforce any power over white people. In Thailand, substitute Chinese Thais for white. It's complicated but that's the jist if it.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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It just means you can spend up big for Chinese New Year by just turning Chinese for the day,

Sorry to kamoy you're thread but does anyone konw the dates/ times of any Dragon shows this year?

I've seen Friendship a number of times and a phone call to Royal Garden got "9 tomorrow" - the Dragon will be knackered by nighttime.

Help appreciated. thanks.

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I love it that there is no PC bullshit in Thailand ,anyone who wants everything PC can go and live in the west.

Are you for real, "no PC in Thailand. How many times every day do you read the words "bargirl" or lady work bar ? Do you think that is not PC at its best ?

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Chinese in Thailand are an elite group. Chinese in Thailand are not discriminated against like in Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. If a similar ad was done about an out group in Thailand, such as Burmese workers, it would be different. I think it's not in great taste though. I'd like to hear what Chinese people think about it.

BTW, when white people do the slanty eye thing in white dominated countries, yes, of course it is seen as racist, and yes, local Chinese and Asians in general would definitely complain.

But Thailand isn't that, so I agree, it's not a problem here.

Also, people who say there is no PC in Thailand don't have a clue!

There is PC in Thailand, just DIFFERENT PC than in the west.

Edited by Jingthing
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