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Thailand sees 10,000 new HIV cases each year


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30 bahts health care gets them HAART medication if they want to ,i know thais taking meds for 15 years and they look normal as can be

others i knew who didnt take meds died long ago 3 of them women

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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A reasonable indicator for HIV rates in young men in Thailand, aside from those working in the sex industry, is the report by the RTA of the number of conscipts who test positive for HIV; see below. Use to be much higher at 2%+ in the 80s & 90s, but apparently now deceasing.


Perhaps one of the more respected reporting agencies, PEPFAR Thailand, report on HIV rates in Thailand below. If you are interested you can look up and compare to the reported rates by Red Cross Thailand.

Sample quotes

"Estimates projected 10,853 new HIV infections in Thailand in 2010, a substantial number, but a decline from 150,015 infections in 1990"

"MSM accounted for 23% of new HIV infections in 2010, according to AEM, and will account for 52% by 2025.2 HIV prevalence among MSM in large urban centers is particularly high (17 - 31% in Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai, in recent surveys)"


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If you read the statistics as they are presented, they clearly make-up fantasy. The whole point of these "messages" from the Health Ministry is to frighten people into using one or two condoms at a time. This is an industry. A big, big industry involving the sale of condoms, gloves, throw away needles, utterly unreliable blood tests, health check-ups, etc. etc.

HIV transmission through (bloodless) sexual contact cannot happen. Before you go crazy over that statement, I would bet my last baht that no one out there every met anyone in their moo bahn who has HIV AIDS through any other path than intravenous drug use or blood transfusions. Ask your girl friend too. You will find that strange. Take it one step further...in how many hospitals are there the millions of AIDS infected patients? There would have to be 50,000 in every public hospital.

After reading about this b.s. about AIDS for years (without comment), this story finally puts me over the top. This last business about secret HIV infected people is just too much. Now, were are suppose to believe that most of the infected people are invisible.

No blood, no transmission---beginning and end of the matter.


Well it's a point of view. Not sure I believe that all doctors all over the world are making it up when they say that sperm, and mucus from a vagina, can pass on HIV. It might be a very very low infection rate, but too many people have contracted HIV without blood transmission for me to believe that it is all a lie.

But there is clearly a scar tactic used by the medical profession with stats. Thailand just isn't smart enough to make theirs believable

When I went to work in Ethiopia I had to visit my doctor for a few shots (yellow fever etc.) The doctor had a chat with me about looking after my health whilst out there and mentioned sexually transmitted diseases in general .He stated that although contracting HIV from vaginal sex was possible it was a lot less likely than from anal sex (whether with a woman or a man). He then stressed that I should still wear condoms for vaginal sex as there were so many other nasty diseases that were easy to catch from vaginal sex. I certainly don't want my manhood covered in sores or warts or anything else for that matter so I tend to heed my Doctor's advice. He certainly has nothing to gain from encouraging me to be safe.

Unless you are in a stable relationship you should always protect yourself.

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In reality quite a lot more as many never get tested, what was the other 15% caused by tattoo's?

They never like to answer this question for some reason but how many straight males that are not sharing needles catch the desease

It is important to know but normally doctors only tell you when u r a one on one patient for some reason the media so not publish the statistics of straight males who do not share needles that catch the desease

I herd the chance of a straight male catching the sickness is .2 %

I haven't heard your last quoted stat, but it may well be true. However, I believe it is a medically proven fact that if a male is circumcised, it reduces the chance of infection through bloodless sexual contact, by 50%. I don't know why it is so, but I have read a few discussion articles where it's been proposed all males should be circumcised to reduce infection rates. It's possible to google for more information.

Yes I was also told this as well

Also hapititus is also easier to catch than HIV about 40 percent of SE Asia carry the sickness and may never show symptoms

But when the illness wakes up it can be lethal

It is also treatable but some people can fully recover from

Hapititus B and some can recover but still be a Carrir but live normal life though they can pass on to others through blood

Not sure about saliva and sex

Best to get vaccination jabs if u haven't done so for a while

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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they dont go and stay in hospital if theyre infected they go to a retreat run by monks or others just go straight onto medication ,one good thing thaksin did was to make it possible for HIV infected to get cheap medication whereas before they wouldnt get medication and die after a short time of a few years .

there plenty of farangs who became infected with HIV in pattaya and elsewhere and went home infected.if you do a news search you can find details.

Fins especially

thais who are infected with HIV just go for a blood test every 6 months and get another 6 months medication .they dont stay in hospital .

they look normal year in year out .

and they could be working in a bar and you wouldnt know they were infected

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US 314 million 50,000 new cases

THAILAND 67 million 10,000 new cases

UK 63 million 7000 new cases

AUST 23 Million 1,200 new cases

Seems much a-do about nothing.


The Thailand stats are likely mostly for Thais.

Most cases caught here by tourists are likely 2 week bangers that return to their host countries and symptoms show months or years later.

It gets falsely registered as a home country case.

Edited by donniereadit
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I agree that the chances of contracting hiv by straight unprotected sex is exaggerated. There is medical research that supports this position. And the big question for everyone is: do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who has hiv? I have asked this question many times and have never heard about someone who knows someone who has hiv. So let's pose the question on this forum

I know no less than 6 - 10 people in Thailand with HIV and another 4 - 5 that have died from AIDS . That's off the top of my head. I know too many to list who have died from or currently have HIV in the USA. These people did not get the HIV virus from intravenous drug use nor from blood transfusions. Further, it is quite easy to pass HIV heterosexually. Ask all the women in Thailand who have HIV. Obviously the spread of HIV in Africa is rampant and majority not through intravenous drug use or homosexual sex.

Where have you people been living? Under a rock? While I don't imagine for a minute that everyone knows someone with HIV, it's been around now for 20 years. Lots of information, everywhere about it.

While more difficult for a man screwing a woman or a top screwing a bottom to contract HIV, it can happen. Who wants to be a statistic, however low in incidence, on how you contracted HIV? In addition to syphilis being on the rise, there are so many STD's out there now, you have to be a fool not to use protection.

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Is it feasible at 10k new cases per year to have a stock of 1.2 mn who don't know they have the virus?

Surely something wrong here. Isn't that 100 years of infections? Or that the reported 10k infections is low by a magnitude of 5 to 7?

I can't understand the figures as well. Maybe 10k are diagnosed every year, and many more are not?

So if 277K were diagnosed and there are an estimated 1.2 million carrying in total, it means almost 80% are carrying but not diagnosed. Anyway 1.2 million out of let's say 53 million over age of 16, means 2.2% of the population over 16.

In other words:

One out of 45 adults you see on the street is carrying HIV, quite frightening...

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In reality quite a lot more as many never get tested, what was the other 15% caused by tattoo's?

They never like to answer this question for some reason but how many straight males that are not sharing needles catch the desease

It is important to know but normally doctors only tell you when u r a one on one patient for some reason the media so not publish the statistics of straight males who do not share needles that catch the desease

I herd the chance of a straight male catching the sickness is .2 %

I haven't heard your last quoted stat, but it may well be true. However, I believe it is a medically proven fact that if a male is circumcised, it reduces the chance of infection through bloodless sexual contact, by 50%. I don't know why it is so, but I have read a few discussion articles where it's been proposed all males should be circumcised to reduce infection rates. It's possible to google for more information.

It's true, they encourage men in Africa to get circumcised so they will reduce their chance of getting infected with HIV.

There is a company that invented a device that enables painless circumcision without the need for a hospital operation, and I read the UN is trying to spread this device in Africa.

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Is it feasible at 10k new cases per year to have a stock of 1.2 mn who don't know they have the virus?

Surely something wrong here. Isn't that 100 years of infections? Or that the reported 10k infections is low by a magnitude of 5 to 7?

I can't understand the figures as well.

Maybe 10k are diagnosed every year, and many more are not?

So if 277K were diagnosed and there are an estimated 1.2 million carrying in total, it means almost 80% are carrying but not diagnosed.

Anyway 1.2 million out of let's say 53 million over age of 16, means 2.2% of the population over 16.

In other words:

One out of 45 adults you see on the street is carrying HIV, quite frightening...

I think they missed the words "up to" from the translation. If it's half a million, if it's a million, either way it's a lot.

Indeed. It's a nasty roll if the dice.

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US 314 million 50,000 new cases

THAILAND 67 million 10,000 new cases

UK 63 million 7000 new cases

AUST 23 Million 1,200 new cases

Seems much a-do about nothing.


That's not what the people with HIV are saying.

These are only stats, the same type being quoted in the alarmist article. I was pointing out that "If the media don't keep us scared they are not doing their job", NOT belittling the plight of those infected. But of course, everyone got it in Thailand and took it home right, how ignornat can you get!


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*Deleted posts edited out*

To answer your question “Do you personally know, or do you anyone who knows anyone who has contracted HIV through sexual intercourse"

Yes, personally I do, one of whom was a very good friend who later died from AIDS related illnesses.

You appear to think you’re clever by mapping the relationship between medical research, pharmaceutical industry and government and implying some form of conspiracy. The process of new drugs development and introduction to markets is a business reality over many years and in no way does it detract from the reality of drugs to treat HIV/AIDS or any other effective new treatments.

To be honest I am surprised that your posts are allowed to remain visible as you are promulgating some dangerous misinformation that is not in the best interest of the TV community.

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I agree that the chances of contracting hiv by straight unprotected sex is exaggerated. There is medical research that supports this position. And the big question for everyone is: do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who has hiv? I have asked this question many times and have never heard about someone who knows someone who has hiv. So let's pose the question on this forum

I know no less than 6 - 10 people in Thailand with HIV and another 4 - 5 that have died from AIDS . That's off the top of my head. I know too many to list who have died from or currently have HIV in the USA. These people did not get the HIV virus from intravenous drug use nor from blood transfusions. Further, it is quite easy to pass HIV heterosexually. Ask all the women in Thailand who have HIV. Obviously the spread of HIV in Africa is rampant and majority not through intravenous drug use or homosexual sex.

Where have you people been living? Under a rock? While I don't imagine for a minute that everyone knows someone with HIV, it's been around now for 20 years. Lots of information, everywhere about it.

While more difficult for a man screwing a woman or a top screwing a bottom to contract HIV, it can happen. Who wants to be a statistic, however low in incidence, on how you contracted HIV? In addition to syphilis being on the rise, there are so many STD's out there now, you have to be a fool not to use protection.

I hope you don't mind me asking but are you a homosexual ? I'm not taking the piss, I would like to know so I can base my reply to your post on it. Sorry to ask :(

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Sorry I spaced out. Being cut is not the same as having a condom on either. It reduces risk, yes.

Condom use reduces HIV risk by about 85%.

Circumcision around 60%.

A recent HIV test (negative) of your partner, maybe 99%.

Truvada pills, cited as much or more than 90%.

If you don't cum inside her, with bareback vaginal sex, her risk is very low, even if you are infected.

Her risk much lower if you are infected but have a very low to non existent viral load, due to taking HIV meds.

Risk much lower for vaginal sex instead of anal.

So there are lots of safety alternatives to using condoms, as it is well known, for example:


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i know a young girl who has been taking meds for 16 years and she looks normal ,you wouldnt know she has HIV and its kept a secret in the family ,nobody in the area knows about it.

others who were on the booze and had a bad lifestyle died .one woman infected her male partner and they both died as she infected him .2 years and they were both dead .

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Symptomless carriers are always the most dangerous factor in any disease outbreak. 1.2 million is a very alarming number which is probably less then the actual number so the next time you hook up with a girl and you base her health status on how "clean" and "good" she looks and want to have fun without protection, think again. HIV doesn't only ruin your own life but that of everyone who comes into contact with you intimately, especially loved ones.

Just think of the stats and realise that 1.2mn is a virtually impossibly high number.

On the basis the many die, and youths aren't infected, to have 1.2mn in the age groups of middle age is very very high.

Also at 10k per year, 1.2mn would mean 100 years of infections. Not many live to 100 if they are HIV positive.

There's another way of looking at these stats.

Perhaps the 10,000 per annum new HIV infection figure is actually a dramatic improvement / decrease on what has been going on in the past 20 years.

Nowhere does it say 10,000 per year for the last 20 or 30 years.

I suspect that when HIV first established itself in Asia the number of infections went ballistic for many years. Hence a very large base number was created very quickly.

Most tourist falangs would have used condoms but the tens of thousands of Thai men who indulge in a bit of P4P probably never used condoms. Then they probably took it home to their partners. Their P4P girls are likely to have a large number of customers every day, every week - so it spread like a wildfire in the early days.

Then of course you can add in all the unprotected gay sex in the early days as well. Plus shared needles etc.

I really do believe that a very large base number of HIV infections was created over a relatively short time before the message about AIDS and condoms got public exposure in Thailand. So if you are talking 100,000 or more infections per year over a decade the number of 1,2 million is nothing. In fact I suspect it's higher.

Edited by johnnycthedog
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@ Simple1 post #33

"Estimates projected 10,853 new HIV infections in Thailand in 2010, a substantial number, but a decline from 150,015 infections in 1990

Just read this post - this reinforces what I have just posted about a very large HIV positive base number being created early in the 80's and 90's..

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US 314 million 50,000 new cases

THAILAND 67 million 10,000 new cases

UK 63 million 7000 new cases

AUST 23 Million 1,200 new cases

Seems much a-do about nothing.


As most statistics quoted in the media here are misinterpreted or pure <deleted> I wouldn't trust these either.

Looking at this list the Thai number is very low given the amount of people that fuc_k around in Thailand compared to the other 3 countries.

Its probably worse than what they are saying. Scariest part is the carriers who just don't know they got it and are passing it on. People with appetites for sex workers really need to use good judgement. As well as the workers themselves.

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One thing that is always in the back of my mind is that you may not worry about the present known STD's but we may be in the middle of another outbreak of a new type of virus and not actually know about it until people start dropping dead like they did in California all those years ago. Although HIV is a very weak and fragile virus, there could be something out there right now just getting started which is extremely virulent and easy to catch via the most innocent of sexual contact. This is why I always hood up !

Edited by onewhowalkswithbuffalo
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My opinion is that this number reflects that the actual numbers are much higher as many go unreported. As a gay man who luckily survived the original outbreak of HIV in the USA, I have met many more HIV positive Thai gay men recently than I have gay men I have met in the US. Education, education education. Thailand had a successful campaign some years ago concerning HIV an condom use and it is time to run that campaign again and also keep it going indefinitely until there is a cure.

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US 314 million 50,000 new cases

THAILAND 67 million 10,000 new cases

UK 63 million 7000 new cases

AUST 23 Million 1,200 new cases

Seems much a-do about nothing.


Yeah, but the 10,000 is an estimate. The figures could be quite rubbery, indeed a lot higher.

The figures that you quote from the US, UK and Oz are all pretty much close to the mark as the public health system essentially captures/catches new infections.

In Thailand, the chances are there are many cases that simply never get reported

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If you compare the current bangkok to the one of 15 yrs ago it is very different. Less visitors are coming for sex, the city is now catering to a different 'farang'. Bangkok is now much more affluent - occasionally I'll see a lost fat tourist in sleeveless shirt / flip-flops walking up Thonglor and his expression says it all.

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