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Do thai University girls avoid relationships with Farang?


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Depends on which Farang ..... coffee1.gif

If you are young and "hansum" but you have Zero money it's impossible to take them anyway.

If you are young but not "hansum" with big purse this is OK.

If you are young and "hansum" but your purse is medium size (40 - 50 K B budget / months) you have chance too.

If you are old with and no money off course no honey also, you have to take old and free Isaan lady.

If you are old with a huge amazing purse you have a large chance.

I mean young: under 28, old: over 40. Between 28 and 40 you must to be "hansum" so much and need big purse also.

AND as you can see above also, probably you have to share your big love with a Thai man, and off course you will pay the costs of Thai man. But they like you so much, both of them.

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The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships. coffee1.gif

I have never come across any Farangs with a university educated wife in my eight years of living here. Mrs Possum was in full time education till she was 22 years old, that's the nearest I've seen. If my experience of Farangs is anything to go by, I would say most TV members are married to ex bargirls, and I'll tell you what, every single one of them that I know are much better people and are more hospitable than any girl I have known in the UK.

I would say, and this is only an opinion, ex bargirls are more likely to make better wives than university girls.

Sure. Bar girls are excellent wives. Even not ex-ones. Actually, there are no ex bar girls. Bar girl always bar girl.

in your eight years you must have spent a lot of time with ex/current bar girls. My wife is university educated, and a few of the guys i know have wives that were. I suppose it comes down to the circles you move in. We've all done the bar scene..........but it does get boring.............you can take the girl out of the bar BUT ..........................you know the rest !


I still think there are far more TV members with ex bargirl wives than ex Uni wives.

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I will say they are much more careful these days. To be honest middle aged balding man who has high opinion

of himself will not have much success unless he's flashing cash and paying for new phones etc.

What is wrong with middle aged balding men? They can attract women without flashing cash. It's the grossly obese, tattooed, simmet wearing, facial haired guys that would need to flash the cash.

I have my head shaved, but no tattoos and no gut, and no problem !!!! Mind you treating a girl with a bit of respect works wonders too !

Yes, your right, but the guys in my last sentence are showing no respect for any girl trying to chat them up covered in tattooed grostique flesh.

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Any girl in any country is going to prefer to go out with guys who speak her language and has the same culture. Most probably haven't given it any thought at all as to dating a foreigner, why would she? But her being in university probably makes her more open to intercultural 'adventure'. When I was an exchange student, there were a group of girls who had studied abroad before who liked hanging out with us foreigners. In places like RCA, back then in the early 2000s, there was A LOT of interest by uni girls. Not quite the same for me these days, have to work for it more, but things even out, because now I have more moneybiggrin.png

Huge generalisations here by MrHammer- a very funny post. The best part was ''In places like RCA, back then in the early 2000s, there was A LOT of interest by uni girls. Not quite the same for me these days,''.... maybe its because its 14 years since year 2000 and you now have receeding hairline, gums and a beer belly. Is this an accurate assumption?

I think if a farang has a good look about him and if there is chemistry when meeting a uni girl then anything is possible (in any country!)

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If you are the typical poorly presentable farang i've seen when been thru pattaya, while you are fat and wear wife beaters...

well, then those girls smartly will avoid you. Come on, people... try to change your appearance, and at least get up to

near the year 2000, instead of being stuck in 1980. The main reason i don't like to go to pattaya is because i don't want

to be psychologically associated with how most farangs appear. I haven't been on this website long, but it seems to

be mostly about pattaya, therefore i bring specifically brought up pattaya, as it also seems to represent the prototype

location of psyche of i brought up about whether university girls avoid farang relationships or not.

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One thing, you have to bear in mind the girls are young, normally under 22, so they see a guy o, say, 25, as being a bit old for them. A guy of 30 would be seen as rather old, not really attractive, but might be interesting if he has a nice personality and decent manners. The more interesting question to me is, how are you going to meet them? If you're not a student at the same university (or a teacher, but that raises other problems) you're not likely to go to places where they go. Most don't speak English, or at least not well, so it's pretty necessary for you to speak Thai.

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I teach at a University......if I wasn't happly married....well you get the picture...

Yup .. I taught in a language center in Ram for some pocket money, to tell the truth i wasn't that interested, i had something better at home.

If you want to catch a student girl, put yourself in the middle of the action ( study / teach / live around them ) ..

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One thing, you have to bear in mind the girls are young, normally under 22, so they see a guy o, say, 25, as being a bit old for them. A guy of 30 would be seen as rather old, not really attractive, but might be interesting if he has a nice personality and decent manners. The more interesting question to me is, how are you going to meet them? If you're not a student at the same university (or a teacher, but that raises other problems) you're not likely to go to places where they go. Most don't speak English, or at least not well, so it's pretty necessary for you to speak Thai.

University food courts is one place... most are open to anyone. Go to one at lunch time when it's busy, and you'll see everyone sits next to each other. I go to Chula food court every day, and fairly often will end up chatting with the students on my table. Once a twice a week. I met my girl at a coffee shop she works part time at. During my phase of trying to speak thai with everyone. Don't think she actually understood a word I said...
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Any girl in any country is going to prefer to go out with guys who speak her language and has the same culture. Most probably haven't given it any thought at all as to dating a foreigner, why would she? But her being in university probably makes her more open to intercultural 'adventure'. When I was an exchange student, there were a group of girls who had studied abroad before who liked hanging out with us foreigners. In places like RCA, back then in the early 2000s, there was A LOT of interest by uni girls. Not quite the same for me these days, have to work for it more, but things even out, because now I have more moneybiggrin.png

Any girl in any country?? Not really. Actually many women ... esp. younger ones ... find certain foreign men much more desirable than the local fare. A real panty dropper for many American women is a guy with a French accent. Go figure.

My former uni gf's friends often asked me to set them up with one of my farang friends. Also, I knew three younger-twenties guys (Aussie, Yank & Brit) who spoke very good Thai and they'd hang around some mall near a large BKK university cruising for uni girls. They did very well, indeed, and said it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Texas women love an English 'accent' (it's the real thing not an accent, but you know what I mean).

At least they did when I was 25; doubt it works 35 years later!

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The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships. coffee1.gif

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275 posts

Posted 2014-01-31 22:12:57


The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships.

Wow, what a statement!

Been here in Thailand for 28 years and have never meet someone married to

a university student.

Been told by girls they are going to university and even shown an ID from the university but after

getting to know the girl they are an escort or massage lady.

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Don't think they have a problem.

My wife is a Uni Graduate. Her eldest daughter is also a Uni Graduate and married to an American, living happily in the USA.

As others have suggested, depends on the Farang....if he is a grotty, tattooed, beer swilling, flip-flop wearer then I doubt any self respecting Thai Girl, Uni Graduate or not, is going to want to be seen with him.

Wot's wrong wiv tatts, flip flops and swilling beer?

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Any girl in any country is going to prefer to go out with guys who speak her language and has the same culture. Most probably haven't given it any thought at all as to dating a foreigner, why would she? But her being in university probably makes her more open to intercultural 'adventure'. When I was an exchange student, there were a group of girls who had studied abroad before who liked hanging out with us foreigners. In places like RCA, back then in the early 2000s, there was A LOT of interest by uni girls. Not quite the same for me these days, have to work for it more, but things even out, because now I have more moneybiggrin.png

Where do you get this vast knowledge speaking for all girls in all countries?

I tend to differ than you. What I have experienced is most Girls want someone different! If you come from a different Country and speak a different Language, you are different. Obviously you need to communicate. But them knowing a little English, and wanting to improve on it makes you a shoe in. French may very well be the Language of Love! But English is still the Business Language, and the most sought after.

Never met a Sally who was dreaming of marrying just a plain Ole Henry next door. Did know a Shirley who ran after a Dick once. But that is a different story!

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Some finance their way thru uni by working the bars of some posh hotels in Bangkok waiting for passing businessmen to help them with their business administration courses. Don't ask me how I know that!

You ain't gonna catch one if you are wearing tatoos, a beer belly and a wife-beater.

I suppose many University Students here, like anywhere else, have to supplement their income during the summer break. Or go back and work on the farm to help out.

When I was much younger I once met a Stripper in Canada who was a 4th Year Med Student. I was simply shocked when I found this out. Even more shocked when I found out that her Best Friend, who was taking her Master Degree in Bio Chemistry, was also a Stripper. In Canada, Strippers take everything off where nothing is hidden. I do also mean nothing!

In my ignorance I asked why? I forget her exact words but she told me that as an Intern she sees the human body daily. So what's the big deal about others seeing her body to? She said she really didn't like doing this very much, but the pay is very good compared to flipping hamburgers and she needs the money to further her studies.

Even today I never could find anything to say to debate her answer. I am sure today this is just something in her past and she is now some Hot Shot Medical Doctor someplace earning even a bigger pay check. All I can say now is that she had more brains, guts and ambition then I did at her age. She was also earning and saving money in this bar while I was spending it.

With no Strip Bars in Thailand, so to speak, what else is left for them to earn a decent wage during the summer? .

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The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships. coffee1.gif

I have never come across any Farangs with a university educated wife in my eight years of living here. Mrs Possum was in full time education till she was 22 years old, that's the nearest I've seen. If my experience of Farangs is anything to go by, I would say most TV members are married to ex bargirls, and I'll tell you what, every single one of them that I know are much better people and are more hospitable than any girl I have known in the UK.

I would say, and this is only an opinion, ex bargirls are more likely to make better wives than university girls.

Never came across any farangs married to University educated Thai? Miust not get out much, if you pay for dinner I'll meet with you and my wife and have her bring her diploma along, also her sister is a chemical engineer and I have a friend coming in May whose wife is also University grad and lives and works with him in USA. There is an expat group in Bangkok ( I would give name but don't want to be warned again for promoting or advertising a place) that most of all of the expats are college grads and their Thai wives are as well.

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1. As a norm most uni girls are probably more likely to go for guys their age and I'm pretty sure most of the Farangs here on a long term basis (enough to form a relationship) are mostly not university age.

2. A generation/cultural thing: similar likes in music, movies, ease of communication slang, values and sexual compatibility.

3. Interracial dating as more common it is today then in the past and more so in certain countries will never be the norm so I'm guessing your observation is based on what you've seen perhaps?

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If you are young, have ton of money, are easy to please, and aren't a control freak, then you might just have chance.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What if I'm of average appearance, 58 years old, and a multimillionaire?

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If you are young, have ton of money, are easy to please, and aren't a control freak, then you might just have chance.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What if I'm of average appearance, 58 years old, and a multimillionaire?

Ever see Tiger Woods X-Wife?

Well like her, except better looking!

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My girl is from university. Her friends all seem to approve and see the idea of dating a foreigner positively (exotic/romantic/etc). BUT: the ones I've met, including my now girlfriend, were definitely shy and wary, and perhaps easy to scare off. Keep in mind that girls at that age will have had very little exposure to foreigners, you maybe first they've ever met. Some of them may not have had much exposures to guys at all. And a lot will be unconfident in their English skills (speaking thai helped me a lot). But I don't think there is an attitude of 'foreigners = bad guys'. Not what i have seen. Most haven't had enough contact or exposure to the west to make that kind of judgement. It's more a case of 'these guys are so alien and different'. That's just my experience, I teach english at universities also.

"the ones I've met, including my now girlfriend, were definitely shy and wary, and perhaps easy to scare off."

Probably best not to tell them about Thai Visa. "Shy and wary" could easily turn to "scared silly" if they peruse a few typical threads.


Agree and would like to add that - also due to Thai Visa posts - shouldn't the faring be the one who is wary and almost scared silly??!!!

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The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships. coffee1.gif

Senior Member


275 posts

Posted 2014-01-31 22:12:57


The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships.

Wow, what a statement!

Been here in Thailand for 28 years and have never meet someone married to

a university student.

Been told by girls they are going to university and even shown an ID from the university but after

getting to know the girl they are an escort or massage lady.


Been here 28 years and only now just found TV? Come out of the woods mate. Perhaps if you didn't hang out in the same pub / bar on walking street / kao talo or even in Bangkok and put on a clean pair of shorts, you too might attract a different crowd. lol kidding...

Anyway, if you want to buy me, my wife and our two sons dinner, I will get her to bring along her Uni Degree from Chula. IF you promise to throw in dessert, I will see if I can talk her into wearing her UNI - form. But no touching, please.

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In general, Thai girls will most of the time get themselves a good Thai boy.

Who will consequently, very many times at least, leave them as soon as the pressures of parenthood get to heavy, which is mostly very soon.

And after that said Thai girls many times opt for a farang.

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