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Living in Thailand


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Hi guys,

I'm planning on moving to Thailand in the near future.

A bit of back ground information;

I'm a 23 year old male currently residing in my home country England.

I work offshore and will continue to do so once I have moved to Thailand.

I have holidayed in Thailand numerous times for durations of 2 weeks to 2 months and I am sure that I wish to live their.

My question is what is it like to actually live their full time? What have you guys experienced that the normal short stay tourist will not have?

Also is there any general advice that you think would be important for a newcomer moving to Thailand?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Nobody can tell you. You'll have to experience it yourself. But one thing is for sure -- you'll notice the WARTS more.

What is the WARTS?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You really are young, he means Thailand is Majic, Warts and all!!!

Ahhh OK, well I'm looking forward to it, Warts and all!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Learn the language asap!

Yeah that's a good piece of advice.

I can speak a little bit of Thai (general conversation) and I'm working on improving it before the move.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A few hours (or even days) invested reading the back threads here will give you a clear idea of the TV community's views on the Kingdom and most of the traps to avoid.

Don't let the overly negative stuff make you too cynical, the positive stuff is very much under-represented.


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Just get your home way if you are reduced to gather stupid answers to your stupid question...

What do you mean by get my home way?

And what is stupid about a newcomer asking advice from more experienced people?

I thought the whole point of a forum was to share information

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Just get your home way if you are reduced to gather stupid answers to your stupid question...

What do you mean by get my home way?

And what is stupid about a newcomer asking advice from more experienced people?

I thought the whole point of a forum was to share information

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You would probably get more useful information if you asked much more specific questions. For example, want to rent an apartment in Chiang Mai and want advice about that, post in the Chiang Mai forum. Etc. That's a lot of what this forum is about. Questions and answers at more micro levels.

Your question reminds me of when I used to live in California and visiting the east coast, people asking me, so what's California like? whistling.gif

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Just get your home way if you are reduced to gather stupid answers to your stupid question...

What do you mean by get my home way?

And what is stupid about a newcomer asking advice from more experienced people?

I thought the whole point of a forum was to share information

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You would probably get more useful information if you asked much more specific questions. For example, want to rent an apartment in Chiang Mai and want advice about that, post in the Chiang Mai forum. Etc. That's a lot of what this forum is about. Questions and answers at more micro levels.

Your question reminds me of when I used to live in California and visiting the east coast, people asking me, so what's California like? whistling.gif


I will move my questions to a more specific are of the forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Feel free to ask non-geographic questions on topics without dedicated forums here, that's what "General" is for.

It's just you'll get better answers by asking more specific questions, ideally after researching - here and via Google.

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Hey Chris, the main difference you will find living here full time is that you will have a mindset change from holiday mode to semi-responsibility. Ie., it won't be 24/7 party-time......................wink.png . That is pretty much a necessity if you want to remain here. There are of course exceptions to the rules.

That said, if you are intending working offshore (in the GOT) you will likely be on 28/28 rotation, and can treat your 28 off as a holiday............biggrin.png

It has been known to happen.

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You may have noticed that Thailand is quite big. You may find out with time that quite a lot of it isn't anything like Sukhumvit, Pattaya and Phuket.

Suck it and see.

Some people here hate it, that's why you get negative responses, people that like it are generally less aggressive and less likely to spill their bile on Thai Visa.

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I moved to Thailand when I was 23, and it was one of the best decisions of my life, but that was a very long time ago and Thailand has changed a lot over the years. I would suggest learning the language, putting some money away for hard times and not putting any limits on yourself by making stupid choices. Only time will tell where you end up so just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Learn the language. It is really necessary if you want to live life to the fullest here. You get to meet a whole lot more women that would be off limits if you couldnt speak the lingo. The best bit is that you get to meet women like my lovely wife.....couldnt really speak English when I met her, didnt really want or need to, having a farang partner didnt cross her mind. After having a little fun with some of the ladies of the night I soon got bored of it. Its nice to actually meet women that like you for your charm thumbsup.gif good looks and not just your wallet. There are a lot out there and I couldnt be happier with my life here with my missus....

Anyway, its not just the birds that learning the lingo will help you with. I have a few mates here that have never made an effort to learn to speak about even the most basic things. Their life is limited to ordering the same food day after day, going to the same old places, not being able to understand what is going on around them limits them so much. I cant understand it myself, but one of them has the attitue that 'what the use in learning the language...they aint got nothing interesting to say anyway' Its his loss. Sure a lot of the conversations you will have are pretty run of the mill, but the Thais have a good sense of fun, and joking with them has been a source of amusement for me for years.

I envy you in a way. I remember coming here for the first time in my twenties, it was a magic time. You will have a steep learning curve ahead of you if you choose, as I did to not live in a touristy area. Look at it as a 'sink or swim' challenge......


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Thanks for all the comments guys. Some good bits of advice here.

I think like many of you have said I will just see where it takes me and enjoy the ride. Also trying not to make to many big mistakes along the way!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Don't invest in thailand, keep everything In your name. Build your nest and live under your mean. Thailand is not your country.

Been in thailand for 4 years and love it. Weather, ladies, sea, and the religion. I can not live in Europe anymore. I m sick of it. Expensive, people struggle with basics now...

Do you want be a free man or be a slave in our capitalist system with a car, a house, a dumb job, debt and tax to pay to your corrupt dumb government t who take your money to buy drones or give the money to Afghan people so they can come to UK to make babies with free cable TV. Internet,.. And continue to commit crimes against us.?

Chose your camp!

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