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"One Tablet Per Child" project hit as suppliers falter


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Student tablet project hit as suppliers falter

Chularat Saengpassa,
Supinda na MahaCHAI
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- NOT a single student will receive a device under the government's "One Tablet Per Child" project this academic year, as the Chinese supplier chosen by the administration has been having problems from the very beginning, and the Thai supplier has delivered just a few hundred tablet computers to date.

The figure is less than 0.1 per cent of the total the Thai firm it should have delivered. The Chinese supplier is Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control, while the Thai firm is Jasmine Telecom Systems.

A senior official yesterday disclosed that just days after Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control signed purchase contracts with the Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) last September 25, it sought to delay delivery of the devices.

"The Chinese firm explained that a fire had hit the plant of a parts manufacturer, a DRAM manufacturer," the source said.

The plant reportedly caught fire on September 4 and sustained just partial damage. The Chinese supplier's request was rejected, as the firm was expected to procure DRAM (dynamic random access memory) chips from other manufacturers. Under the purchase contracts signed with the Thai authority, Shenzhen Yitoa was required to deliver about 800,000 tablets to Thailand. The devices were to be handed out to Prathom 1 students across the country.

Of the total number, the first 100,000 tablets were to have been delivered within 35 days of the signing of the contract. The remaining devices were to be delivered within 90 days.

The deadline fell on December 25 last year, but Shenzhen Yitoa failed to make any deliveries.

Obec, which handles procurements, has since imposed a daily fine of more than Bt2 million on the Chinese supplier. The firm has submitted bank-guarantee letters covering the Bt120 million for the deals.

In early January, Shenzhen Yitoa representatives sought a meeting with caretaker Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang to request a delay in supplying the tablets.

"However, the Education Ministry stood firm on its stance that the supplier must honour the contract," the same source said.

To date, the Thai government has not paid any money to Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control, which won the bids to provide tablets for two zones: Zone 1 and Zone 2 (covering all Prathom 1 students). After failing to get a lenient response from the Thai authorities, the Chinese supplier advised Obec on January 30 that it intended to terminate the purchase contracts.

"We will confiscate its security deposit," Kitti Limsakul said in his capacity as an adviser to Chaturon.

The caretaker education minister lamented that even if Thai authorities could confiscate the security deposit, it could not really compensate the damage suffered by students.

"Children have lost the opportunity to learn with these devices," Chaturon said.

Chaturon said though the procurements were not successful, they were definitely free from corruption. "The big problem has been the delay and inefficiency. So we have to review regulations. Lessons must be learnt so that we can find solutions," he said.

The Obec has not yet got a supplier for Zone 3 (Mathayom 1 students in the Central and Southern regions). For Zone 4 (Mathayom 1 students in the Northern and Northeastern regions), Jasmine Telecom Systems has delivered just a few hundred tablets. The firm says it will be able to deliver 20,000 to 30,000 more this week.

However, most schools will conclude their classes for the 2013 academic year by the end of this month.

-- The Nation 2014-02-06

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This type of thing has been going on for decades in the noted Thai corrupted system. There is so much skim in the middle tiers that no Thai project ever performs to expectations. This doesn't excuse away the insanity of this particular program, but getting rid of Ms. Yingluck and her brother is not going to reverse the Thai methodology of corruption - it's been going on for decades before the Shinawatras were on the scene.

Sure, it's not going to reverse these practices since, as you note, they're pretty widespread and sit at the heart of pretty much all procurement contracts. But, doing something about those found corrupt - or better still effectively prosecuting those who are - is a better way to lessen its prevalence than ignoring them and letting the practitioners get on with it. Name-shame-convict.

If they haul the Shinawatras off in handcuffs tarred and feathered and bypass everyone else on the other side, it will merely illustrate the pervasive corruption and exclusionary establishment in Thailand.

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We have to remember it was "only an election promise", not budgeted for, just another empty promise.

Looking at the headlines, things seem to be reaching a critical mass.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thai-China 'One Tablet Per Child' Contract Terminated
By Khaosod English

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the launch of one tablet per child program, June 2012

BANGKOK: -- The government's plan to equip every school pupil with a tablet computer has been put on hold, as a Chinese supplier terminated the contract with the Thai authorities.

Mr. Chaturon Chaisaeng, the Minister of Education, made the announcement.

The China-based Shenzhen Yitao Intelligence Control Co. has previously won the auction to distribute more than 800,000 tablets to school students in Prathom 1 and Matthayom 1 who were enrolled in 2013 academic year, at the cost of over 1.5 billion baht.

However, the company has repeatedly delayed the delivery of the tablets, reportedly resulting in a fine to the Ministry of Education for at least 2 million baht.

On 30 January, the Chinese company eventually submitted a letter expressing their intention to terminate the deal with the Thai government, citing political instability in Thailand, misunderstanding of the contract and terms of reference, as well as communication problems, Mr. Chaturon said.

It is yet another blow to the populist policies pursued by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Yesterday, China also cancelled a deal with Thailand which would help the kingdom sell tonnes of rice collected under the rice-pledging program.

Mr. Chaturon said the officials are considering to sue the Chinese tablet company for compensation for the losses in the present deal and further auction, but he stressed that the compensation will not be enough to make up for the lost opportunities of millions of Thai students.

“The compensation money cannot make up for the loss, as many students missed the chance to use the carry-on computer," Mr. Chaturon complained, "This is a lesson learned. I admit that the auction was problematic, and the procedure needs to be tailored before the next round starts”.

MOE will also move to impound 120 million baht security deposit, which the company had yielded when the contract was signed. It is expected that the company would appeal for its deposit money Mr. Chaturon added.

Nevertheless, Mr. Chaturon expressed his confidence that the government will continue to strive to provide school children with tablet computers as promised in the 2011 election season.

He claimed that students who missed the opportunity to get their tablets this year will eventually receive the gadgets by next academic year.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNU1UVTROelEyT0E9PQ==

-- Khaosod English 2014-02-06

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IMHO, Thai kids need hands on learning rather than being depended on electronic device,

Thai school aren't the kind of students that will prosper from using electronic devices,

if it as up to me i'g give them abacus first before any other fancy shmency tablets,

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With this,the rice scam,and other populist policies that have

just wasted money,that could have been put to much better

use,the population in any civilized democracy would never

vote a Government like this back in power again,.....EVER

This been Thailand look forward to more crazy populist

policies that are guaranteed to bleed money,and only

benefit those in power.the sheep with still follow the

Shepard,blindly.if only ALL Thai people would waken up

and see what is happening in their name and to the Country.

regards Worgeordie

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This tablet policy is the one that PTP supporters always wheel-out to show that PTP kept their pre-election promises, they say "we were promised a tablets for kids scheme and PTP delivered it."

Inquiring minds wonder if the choice of such a seriously shifty supplier is a way to avoid that pre-election promise, while at the same time claiming to have fulfilled it. Its not our fault the tablets weren't delivered. We made the deal in good faith, with such a not-shady-at-all supplier.

In either case it was a stupid idea. The list of things Thailand needs investment in is truly encyclopedic. Giving toys to kids is Santa's job, the government's job is railways, roads, water, buildings, etc. also job security and income quality, and strict regulation across the board.


Violently disagree with you education is the job of government. If they includes the previous ones had been doing their job in this respect Thailand would not be in such a mess now.

The pad was a populist policy that gave no value to education. In fact it gave the kids another electronic toy. I have read a few of the parent responses in fact every one I have seen and none of them have said it was doing any good. Even some of the teachers have reported it as a waste. Maybe this thread will bring out some different reports or confirm the exsisting one's.

Bottom line is The government is a miserable failure as has all the previous ones at educating the students.

How are you going to geet a quality education with teacher's who can not teach and inferior aides.wai.gif

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With this,the rice scam,and other populist policies that have

just wasted money,that could have been put to much better

use,the population in any civilized democracy would never

vote a Government like this back in power again,.....EVER

This been Thailand look forward to more crazy populist

policies that are guaranteed to bleed money,and only

benefit those in power.the sheep with still follow the

Shepard,blindly.if only ALL Thai people would waken up

and see what is happening in their name and to the Country.

regards Worgeordie

Here here.

The good thing to come from the protests is that many people are being made aware of what is actually happening with their country at the hands of this criminal regime and they are starting to come out of their social coma.

We can also thank the rapid advancement of social media in Thai society for this.

Give it another 20 years and Thailand may just become salvageable.

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Had that been my son she was touching, I would send an open letter to her via the media asking her not to put her hand on my child's head as it is offensive seeing as he is of an academically far more advanced status than her.

She is hoping it will rub off on her

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Another failed scheme by the Shinawatras! So how much under the table money was given by this dodgy Chinese company to win this contract? Students got nothing but I'm sure some Shinawatra cronies could suddenly afford to build a summer mansion somewhere. whistling.gif

And I doubt they paid for that either!

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This type of thing has been going on for decades in the noted Thai corrupted system. There is so much skim in the middle tiers that no Thai project ever performs to expectations. This doesn't excuse away the insanity of this particular program, but getting rid of Ms. Yingluck and her brother is not going to reverse the Thai methodology of corruption - it's been going on for decades before the Shinawatras were on the scene.

Sure, it's not going to reverse these practices since, as you note, they're pretty widespread and sit at the heart of pretty much all procurement contracts. But, doing something about those found corrupt - or better still effectively prosecuting those who are - is a better way to lessen its prevalence than ignoring them and letting the practitioners get on with it. Name-shame-convict.

If they haul the Shinawatras off in handcuffs tarred and feathered and bypass everyone else on the other side, it will merely illustrate the pervasive corruption and exclusionary establishment in Thailand.

But all that will change with reform.

An overhaul of the judiciary to make everyone accountable and force them to serve their sentences. Then start a purge on all corruption.

That is why the protests are happening and that is why I support the protests. I really want to see this reform happen and I want to see all the corrupt bastards behind bars completely stripped of their assets.

If this does not come out of these protests, then Thailand is a lost cause.

What you say is partially true. But they need more reform than the judiciary.

The electoral system needs overhauling as well. The commitment to education

needs a drastic change. Their is much that needs changing. As you say an

overhaul of the Judiciary would indeed validate the parts that are already in place but ignored.

In order to keep the false election promises down an impeachment system should be put in place.

As I under stand it there is all ready a pretty good constitution it just needs changing in

some areas to be more effective in bringing in a government willing to serve the people.wai.gif


Just trying to make it all readable with out changing the settings or sliding the bar back and forth.

Edited by northernjohn
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Oh the lies, the lies.

They just keep coming and coming.

Having spent many years trading with the Chinese, I am amazed that this government is claiming that an established company is willing to supply 800,000 tablets without having at least a 30% deposit?

I doubt that even Apple Corp could stump up the forward costs for a contract that size.

I have never in all my years heard such drivvel.... Come on Chaturon how much have you lost to this company? How much of that have you had yourself and how involved is Thaksin? Don't tell me he isn't involved.

The funniest part is that we are expected to believe that the company even PAID the Thai government a security deposit...... hahaha. Priceless.

So the spin is that instead of losing money, we made money but unfortunately like the rice farmers, we have to break our promise...... lol

What a crock of crap.... NACC please demand the education budget paperwork and conduct a full investigation on this scheme also, you will probably find a lot of strange cash movements.

100% concur my company is part of a consortium that has been importing goods into Australia now for about 10 years from china and with every company we deal with it was deposit first ranging from 20%-50% even after 5-6 years dealing with the same company and WE HAD to show we had the monies available which is held in a trust account held by our lawyers in Hong Kong and when the goods were delivered then they get paid .

This is just another web of lies that they think they can spin to the uneducated masses of Thailand, the arrogance and deceitfulness of this government is beyond belief

They don't think they can spread these lies.

They know they can. If the masses had been educated they would not be in office today.

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