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Emergency Phone Number: What is it?


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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

In the eight years I have been here, I have never heard of anything like this. Are you saying it is common practice for the BiB to come and expect regular payments in return for them helping you if you need it?

Yes, it's actually institutionalized in many areas. You pay an extra fee per month, say B500 in poor areas up to a few thousand in farang-infested ones and they install a call box.

Many places if you DON'T comply with their "suggestion" to go along with this you can be sure it will take many many hours for them to respond to a call if ever. Protection racket, probably second-oldest profession.

More cost-effective would be as others have posted, informally get to know some plod of reasonable rank and entertain them, pay for bottles of whiskey etc. and get their direct mobile numbers.

But they can become standover men themselves of course. . .

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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

In the eight years I have been here, I have never heard of anything like this. Are you saying it is common practice for the BiB to come and expect regular payments in return for them helping you if you need it?

Yes, it's actually institutionalized in many areas. You pay an extra fee per month, say B500 in poor areas up to a few thousand in farang-infested ones and they install a call box.

Many places if you DON'T comply with their "suggestion" to go along with this you can be sure it will take many many hours for them to respond to a call if ever. Protection racket, probably second-oldest profession.

More cost-effective would be as others have posted, informally get to know some plod of reasonable rank and entertain them, pay for bottles of whiskey etc. and get their direct mobile numbers.

But they can become standover men themselves of course. . .

Thanks Wym, you learn something new here everyday.

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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

In the eight years I have been here, I have never heard of anything like this. Are you saying it is common practice for the BiB to come and expect regular payments in return for them helping you if you need it?

Yes, it's actually institutionalized in many areas. You pay an extra fee per month, say B500 in poor areas up to a few thousand in farang-infested ones and they install a call box.

Many places if you DON'T comply with their "suggestion" to go along with this you can be sure it will take many many hours for them to respond to a call if ever. Protection racket, probably second-oldest profession.

More cost-effective would be as others have posted, informally get to know some plod of reasonable rank and entertain them, pay for bottles of whiskey etc. and get their direct mobile numbers.

But they can become standover men themselves of course. . .

Thanks Wym, you learn something new here every day.

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I'm sorry about the misfortune of the OP. I never like it if someone's assaulted or threatened.

The OP does pique my curiosity when he mentions the death of the offender. Is he suggesting using a weapon to kill this individual?

That could sure turn every remaining day in Thailand into a very bad one.

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

How about the girl and possibly the other person in the car if there was one?

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I was told by a Thai policeman that I can legally get a gun licence to keep one at my home and own the gun.

The thai police are not well known for knowing what the actual law is. i remember reading about the thai traffic police being given a test on traffic laws and very few passed.

I once had a thai policeman try and sell me a gun even though he knew i did not have a license. I suspected it was entrapment so I did not go for it. Even if it wasn't a case of entrapment a local boy in brown is the last person i would want to have that kind of leverage over me.

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

How about the girl and possibly the other person in the car if there was one?

if he pushed his way into my home and demanded money i would lock him in with me ,police would hardly care if i killed a burgler

in self defence

what city or province did this supposedly happen in ?

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

I think your talking about the USA...Texas...where its shoot first and then ask questions later (if the poor sob can talk).

Not just texas. there are many states in the USA that allow you to kill an intruder.

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And don't get a gun. You can't legally have one.

That's actually not true, you can have a gun licence here under certain conditions.

But, its still good advice, don't get a gun....................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

Under what conditions?

That you do not have a criminal record, that you are 20 years old or more, that you have a permanent address in Thailand and have your name listed in the house registration specifically in the area where you are applying for a license, for at least six months and you must be employed and receive income.

Licenses for gun possession will not be granted to individuals who are disabled or handicapped and incapable of using a gun, unless possession is only for keepsake purposes. Persons who are incompetent, quasi-incompetent, mentally insane or deranged will not be permitted a license.


so retired people are out. That isn't what I wanted to hear.

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Is there anymore interest in the thread title/topic?

That is, what I find:

191 police

199 fire brigade

1669 medical emergency

1155 tourist police

Fortunately, I've never had to call 191 or 199....

But I've always wondered, if I DID have to call them, is anyone at the other end going to be capable of speaking any English?

These numbers are useless except medical emergency. If you are lucky, they won't just hang up the phone when they hear a language other than Thai...

And don't expect the police to put down their noodles/somtam down because you called them for help, they will first finish eating.

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Apologies if I've missed something here but some guy just turns up at your house demanding money and you jut give it to him - <deleted>???

odd at best. 1-115 tourist Police. in the now lifetime visiting and living in Thailand, they have always been spot-on. no baksheesh just do their job. much of what I read here, though I'm not doubting it it has not been my experience. Other than getting shot to pieces in the war circa 1960's it has all been very beautiful. Was rewarded with beautiful , kind, high spirited, wife and family.

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I am sorry about your problem with this very nasty "HEISTER". However there is no need to use the term "faggot" which is a really insulting term for gay people. A faggot is a piece of firewood that you burn and that is what often happened to gays a long time ago - hence the reason sexists call them by that term.

Faggot means many things but I understand what you say in the UK for example I used to go buy myself a packet of faggot every week it is like a meatball in a sauce the scots love them .
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Its funny how most of the post's have been calling the guy a weakling and a coward describing how they would have dealt with the situation. The OP also saying what he should have done or would do if it happened again.

I bet 90% of the people in here making those comments would have ended up face down in the dirt.

You guys do what you want. Some guy with a potential entourage waiting in the car barges in to my home and demands money here in Thailand, I'm handing him 3000 just to get it over with no bloodshed- his or mine.

That's the first time.

I'll have a lot more information and a plan the second time.

$100 isn't a lot to hand over to avoid getting shot, stabbed or (if you play the Rambo card and win) jailed.

No one really knows how they would react until they have been in the situation. Also every situation is different so even if you reacted one way in the past does not mean you will react in the same way in the future. At least that is how it has been in my experience.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

I think your talking about the USA...Texas...where its shoot first and then ask questions later (if the poor sob can talk).

Not just texas. there are many states in the USA that allow you to kill an intruder.

In Florida we have what is called, The Stand Your Ground Law.

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

How about the girl and possibly the other person in the car if there was one?

if he pushed his way into my home and demanded money i would lock him in with me ,police would hardly care if i killed a burgler

in self defence

what city or province did this supposedly happen in ?

That does not answer the the statement that there would be no one able to talk about it. Unless you got rid of all witnesses the possibility of revenge would always be there.

Remember that the offending thai was not inside the guys house. just inside his gate so the girl and anyone that may have been in the car could see exactly what was going on. Also the op was afraid that the person or persons he suspected was still in the car may have been armed. all of this and more goes through your head when something like this happens. I have been through many scenarios in the past that would leave most of the keyboard warriors pissing their pants but my reactions then most likely would not be the same as they are now for a couple of reasons. The most important reason being that at the time i was in these past situations there was no one depending on me for survival so i could put my life in danger and defend my honor or whatever without thinking about any one else. Now I have two children that depend on me being here in the future so i have to consider that in any response i make to any situation so i am more likely to back down than I was when i was younger. A live father is better than a dead hero as far as my kids are concerned.

just so you know i would rather have the epitaph that he was a good father carved on my gravestone instead of he was a brave man. Some may think they are both the same but they are not. You have to know when to fight and when not to.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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I suggest that you return to your home country. You can come back to Thailand, if you like. But, this time don't forget to pack your Backbone. I believe that there are certain things a man must do. There are not many of these things. One is protect your home! If you give money to some like this. Then you have labelled yourself as an easy target. I would have first asked him to leave. If he got louder, and more aggressive. He would get nothing from me. I will not give some one like this any money. I would prepare myself for the two available options, fight, or flight. If he attacked me. He would be in for the fight of his life. If you must fight, and are not skilled. Then it must be 100% all you have. Most people are just mouth. Keep a club, just inside your door. Don't be so afraid of the Thai. Most of them would have difficulty in any American city, if they tried this. Another suggestion. Don't visit our American cities. I doubt you could walk down our streets.

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I suggest that you return to your home country. You can come back to Thailand, if you like. But, this time don't forget to pack your Backbone. I believe that there are certain things a man must do. There are not many of these things. One is protect your home! If you give money to some like this. Then you have labelled yourself as an easy target. I would have first asked him to leave. If he got louder, and more aggressive. He would get nothing from me. I will not give some one like this any money. I would prepare myself for the two available options, fight, or flight. If he attacked me. He would be in for the fight of his life. If you must fight, and are not skilled. Then it must be 100% all you have. Most people are just mouth. Keep a club, just inside your door. Don't be so afraid of the Thai. Most of them would have difficulty in any American city, if they tried this. Another suggestion. Don't visit our American cities. I doubt you could walk down our streets.

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Apologies if I've missed something here but some guy just turns up at your house demanding money and you jut give it to him - <deleted>???

odd at best. 1-115 tourist Police. in the now lifetime visiting and living in Thailand, they have always been spot-on. no baksheesh just do their job. much of what I read here, though I'm not doubting it it has not been my experience. Other than getting shot to pieces in the war circa 1960's it has all been very beautiful. Was rewarded with beautiful , kind, high spirited, wife and family.

I agree most likely more to this story than we (or the OP even) know.

But note that there are very few places in the country where the Tourist Police will be able to send someone out in a timely fashion.

However they may be able to help facilitate/translate your dealings with the local regular police, but rare for that to be of any use in this sort of situation.

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Given the use of faggot throughout your post I would guess you are probabley a racist maggot who in the post suggested beating and ending a life yet you claim to have paid the money thereby enabling this group in their successful shakedown and now you should feel proud as they move onto their next victims you weak, coward and terrible neighbor to anyone.sad.png

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

How about the girl and possibly the other person in the car if there was one?

if he pushed his way into my home and demanded money i would lock him in with me ,police would hardly care if i killed a burgler

in self defence

what city or province did this supposedly happen in ?

Go back and read the OP. Take careful note of the number of witnesses.

Now, in one column on a piece of paper, list all the witnesses who would testify in favor of our OP.

In another column, list all the witnesses who would claim the dead guy was just asking for directions and it was cold blooded murder.

Then do the math, and decide if you want to be eating cheap, crappy Thai food with a bunch of Thai guys chained together to you for the rest of your life.

Or would you rather fork over 3000 baht and end the ordeal? I know what I'd do.

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Its a shame there is so much animosity on this site towards OP's. The person who wrote this was clearly still in an emotional state from what happened, the language used was a justified expression of anger and not a targeted insult towards homosexuals.... It just goes to show how many sad and unhappy farang there are here.

I sincerely hope there is more to this story and its not the start of a new extortion technique. I would say either the OP has some memory of befriending the wrong person and has not divulged that detail or this is a case of mistaken identity (you say you moved in 4 weeks ago), who knows what the last tenant could have dropped you in, maybe he's fled to Loas owing £$£$. Either way these harsh comments like "you should have knocked him out" and "give me your address" what a bunch of tools. The OP mentioned the intruder was on his mobile saying many people would be on their way, he suspected they had weapons and feared for his life.

Share more details if you can, where did this take place? Is it possible that you met the wrong person in a bar? If this is not mistaken identity and not a case of you refusing a hooker because you found out she had a tinkie winkie, there will surely be more victims of this sort of thing.


He used "faggot" three times in one small post. That is not "emotional" or a justified expression of anger. You really believe that??

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

I think your talking about the USA...Texas...where its shoot first and then ask questions later (if the poor sob can talk).
Not just texas. there are many states in the USA that allow you to kill an intruder.

In Florida we have what is called, The Stand Your Ground Law.

Yeah, it's a convenient excuse for white racists to kill black people and then walk free from their crime.

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Obviously a wind up thread. 6 pages in and the supposedly incensed OP hasn't responded.

Haha, yes, it was obvious several pages ago that the OP is a troll. Still, it's been entertaining to see all the armchair tough guys come out of the woodwork and blabber on about how they would have "handled" the "situation," if it did indeed exist...

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Bit of a shame that the OP didn't return to tell the whole story. He got what he wanted (sort of) regarding contact numbers but didn't say where he was in the country (or did I miss that?).

But he also asked for discussion on his problem, which can't have closure without the little facts being known.

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Given the use of faggot throughout your post I would guess you are probabley a racist maggot who in the post suggested beating and ending a life yet you claim to have paid the money thereby enabling this group in their successful shakedown and now you should feel proud as they move onto their next victims you weak, coward and terrible neighbor to anyone.sad.png

Not to self: Don't use the 'F' word when posting a thread.

PS: Ok to use it when posting an attacking reply.

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Bit of a shame that the OP didn't return to tell the whole story. He got what he wanted (sort of) regarding contact numbers but didn't say where he was in the country (or did I miss that?).

But he also asked for discussion on his problem, which can't have closure without the little facts being known.

Um...because he made it all up to get a rise out of us. wink.png

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wornoutcowboy, on 08 Feb 2014 - 10:29, said:Quote

The usage of the word faggot is very, very derogatory. You are clearly very homophobic and I will find it rather amusing when "the little faggot" shows up and demands more money. You deserve to be extorted. Rot in pieces!

Sometimes I wonder what we ever did before PC...................20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.we

Perhaps the offender was gay? If it was me, apart from paying him, I think I would be extremely derogatory towards him as well.................20x20xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.pEtiH2upqe.w

AFAIK, the term wasn't directed at you, stop being paranoid, less of the hissy fits please.

One of the great things about moving from the capital of PC, Australia, to live here is that I can basically talk in any terms I want without the thought police on my case. Faggot doesn't seem much of a derogatory term to me, especially as it is being used to talk about a Thai goon.

If you poor dears out there can't handle certain words or phrases without a PC dummy spit, then go back to the US, or Oz or the UK..you'll be protected from the nasty name callers, there.

Voltaire would be turning in his grave if he heard half of the whinging about name calling nowadays.

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In Florida we have what is called, The Stand Your Ground Law.

Yeah, it's a convenient excuse for white racists to kill black people and then walk free from their crime.

Just to set the record straight, it was a racist Hispanic guy that shot the black guy and walked free.

Now, back to bashing the OP...

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