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would you still feel comfortable in your home country?

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No. Too many people are rude and aggressive in the homeland and I've had too many years of young attractive ladies actually paying attantion to me here. That would never happen, at my age, back home.

sad but true,not even at my age(40).

BTW where is Jingthing,transam and naam and all the old veterans- may still sleeping?

Yeah, I really feel sorry for the young women and men whose options in life are so limited that they have to stoop so low to earn a living and survive.

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But there are a lot of things I'd like to think that I'd do differently- things that I have learned from living abroad where they "don't do it the same".

BTW, home country is the USA, and after I Googled population per sq km, I now understand why so many Europeans don't like it "back home". Dang, it's crowded in some of those countries.

I'd think about retiring to Canada if it wasn't bone cold- even less crowded than the USA.

It is not cold everywhere in Canada. The West Coast seldom sees freezing temperatures and when it does only lasts a day or two. Flowers Bloom in March or April. Victoria on Victoria Island is a nice but housing rather expensive. Better to head up a little North on the Island to Campbell River. The Salmon Fishing Capital of the World! A Beautiful Place. Lots of empty space, Christmas Trees, and Snow Capped Mountains. It is also a fair sized city of around 60,000 Population, so it offers everything you need, with reasonable housing costs.

I left Canada in 1993. Only been back 3 times since then. After my folks passes away never found a reason to go back in over 10 years. If I do for work, then that is the reason, but I look at it like any other job in any other country. I don't miss it at all, and especially giving half of my pay check to the government, who then turn around and give it away to people who won't work, or spend it on something crazy, and get into debt.

To me Thailand is Great and the best country in the world for me to live. I have lived and worked in many places around the world but this is by far my favorite. I am not saying there is not better out their. Just saying I haven't found that yet as I see no reason to look. For me, and ideally, it would be nice to have a Summer Home in Canada, and another Winter Home here. I may do that one day. But not tomorrow. .

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Some sad replies - I miss my son and daughter in England so I am going back in a couple of months and will not miss the stupidity of the Thai people for one second. Blinkers off people they really don't want to know anyone who doesn't wish to line their pockets, especially a foreigner. Shallow minded population who love to shout and don't give a thought for anyone other than themselves.

As long as you're not Bitter about it........cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I see you have booked a return to this shallow minded spot----so when you return maybe you can tell us your thoughts then.

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Going back to the US to live would be a daunting prospect. Most of the people I run into back there are run down, depressed, bitter, lacking humor, and just plain old unfulfilled. Of course there are exceptions. But, I am talking about people without big money. They are really struggling, as the middle class has all but disappeared, and been stolen by the government and the rich. It is a fairly joyless existence. And if you happen to be over 50, even if you are still good looking, and in good shape, the only women you get attention from are the ones your own age. Make of that what you will, but I do not find it encouraging. I love getting a warm smile from a 20 something clerk in a shop here. It warms my heart! So many other aspects of life here make me smile on a daily basis. And I am always hunting for good Thai food back there! Hard to find. I have my fair share of complaints here, but I would sorely miss this place if I had to leave.

What, are you saying people in the USA engage in normal social relationships, for the most part, and you don't see pot-bellied men carousing with women young enough to be their great grandchildren? Warms your "heart," yeah right, is that the euphemism these days?

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Having spent the best part of a decade living in Thailand I thought it would be impossible to fit in back home in Australia. I was wrong. After a few months of reverse culture shock, we managed to slip back into things. We talk abut going back to Thailand, but right now we'd give up too much, like free healthcare and education for our kids. I still hate the cold, and the cost of living is outrageous, but you can't have it all I guess.

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Going back to the US to live would be a daunting prospect. Most of the people I run into back there are run down, depressed, bitter, lacking humor, and just plain old unfulfilled. Of course there are exceptions. But, I am talking about people without big money. They are really struggling, as the middle class has all but disappeared, and been stolen by the government and the rich. It is a fairly joyless existence. And if you happen to be over 50, even if you are still good looking, and in good shape, the only women you get attention from are the ones your own age. Make of that what you will, but I do not find it encouraging. I love getting a warm smile from a 20 something clerk in a shop here. It warms my heart! So many other aspects of life here make me smile on a daily basis. And I am always hunting for good Thai food back there! Hard to find. I have my fair share of complaints here, but I would sorely miss this place if I had to leave.

What, are you saying people in the USA engage in normal social relationships, for the most part, and you don't see pot-bellied men carousing with women young enough to be their great grandchildren? Warms your "heart," yeah right, is that the euphemism these days?

Overrated. They don't have bum guns in the toilets at the Playboy mansion although a lot of old guys in pajamas carousing with women young enough to be their great grandchildren.

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After 15 years here I still think I could go back if only to say my home is MY home (referring to my house) I have never felt where I live here as MY home because I cannot own my the land and house I live in. Also I have no rights here even though I pay tax every month. At least back in the UK I would have some security and stability. Something I cannot achieve here.

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I live in Europe, but not in UK, which is my country of origin. Where I live (Greece, for more than 10 years) is in many respects similar to Thailand insofar as it is pretty anarchic, and in some ways even more relaxed than Thailand. For instance, you have to be very unlucky to get done for a traffic offence (seat belt, crash helmet etc), you won't be breathalysed unless you are in an accident, and not always then,if it's minor. Despite a blanket smoking ban, you can smoke in most bars and restaurants (and even in public offices, you'll see ashtrays on the desks), and overall, as long as you aren't too antisocial, you can do much as you please. And the crime rate is much, much lower than either Thailand or UK. I still never lock my car or worry about break-ins. Not only that, but if you offered a Greek cop 'Tea Money' for any reason, he would probably arrest you. I may well move to Thailand in the next year or two, but I can't see myself ever living in the UK again. It is rapidly becoming an Orwellian dystopia, with the state interfering in every aspect of people's lives. The government is in thrall to the 'Public Health' lobby and their rag-tag army of single-issue minority (but well funded) lobby groups.

No, I don't think teams of wild horses could drag me back to the repressions of the UK.

Orwellian dystopia- great term but it more accurately fits the USA rather than the UK. Obama and his minions in the NSA, CIA, DEA, FBI and all the other alphabet soup organizations has effectively killed freedom in America. One reason to live in Thailand rather than under the thumb of the bureaucrats in the US.

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when you go back to your home country, and you see it is invaded, yes invaded by lowlife imported poverty with no education sucking down the social security system where your mother or grandparents, need to pay much more for a retirement home than they get as a state pension they worked for, you see criminality all around with 85% of the prisons filled with imported scum, when you see the judicial system, only there to tax people and fines, where criminals get 20-50 chances to rob again a person instead of being put into jail... when those imported lowlifes hinder & harass your wife & daughters, sisters or mother... than yes, ... that were some reasons to go try it in another place like thailand, far from perfect, also for us farangs full of hasstles & constraints... but i feel it is a better place anyway, compared to what used to be called home

Oh, jeez, not another one of the racist TV brigade..."imported scum"...you mean, like, er, many of the farangs in Thailand?!

here in thailand, you have to go beg yearly to stay here, with enough money to provide for yourself and your family

no money = bye bye

so i can say, every expat (long stay TOURIST) here, is a value to thailand, as we spend and we do not cost THAI TAXPAYERS their money

so yes, SCUM, never working a day in their life in our home country and REAPING all the benefits under the SOCIALISTIC laws imposed on everybody, those people gett everything given to them from DAY 1

do you know one country where ILLEGALS are put into a HOTEL ??? and getting spending money on top ???

do you konw any illegal in the world, that can CLAIM 20.000 BAHT PER DAY, damages if he does not get a room, hotel, free stay ???

from the 1.000.000 imported poor people, they got NATIONALITY, without any effort and about 1% is contributing, sorry, working...

so most are on social welfare, getting council housing (social), 750 euros per person on top per month and free bus, free lawyer, free this & that

and for what ?

my grandparents are turning around in their graves....

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We came here 17 years ago with a Plan B in our hip pocket and still have one there. If need be, for whatever reason, my wife and I feel reasonably comfortable that we could pack a few suitcases and walk away from our countryside home. We don't have any plans to.....but always felt it was a good idea to have that option if something happened.

We wouldn't have a maid, a gardener, an acre of landscaped land, duck noodle soup and grilled chicken/somptom stands just around the corner, kilos of fresh herbs/spices/veggies for a song, virtually 365 days of bearable weather every year, my thrice-weekly bowl of authentic Vietnamese noodle pho, the same laid back lifestyle....the list could go on.......but, yes, we'd survive. I don't know if we'd get away with the same sort of nonchalant funeral plans that we have here (simple cremation, toss the ashes in the Mekong)......or that our we'd have any friends willing to visit if they knew we didn't wash our dishes in approved scalding hot water.......or if our neighbors would talk to us when they found out we hung our clothes out in the backyard to dry........but again, I'm comfortable that we'd survive.

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here in thailand, you have to go beg yearly to stay here, with enough money to provide for yourself and your family

no money = bye bye

so i can say, every expat (long stay TOURIST) here, is a value to thailand, as we spend and we do not cost THAI TAXPAYERS their money

so yes, SCUM, never working a day in their life in our home country and REAPING all the benefits under the SOCIALISTIC laws imposed on everybody, those people gett everything given to them from DAY 1

do you know one country where ILLEGALS are put into a HOTEL ??? and getting spending money on top ???

do you konw any illegal in the world, that can CLAIM 20.000 BAHT PER DAY, damages if he does not get a room, hotel, free stay ???

from the 1.000.000 imported poor people, they got NATIONALITY, without any effort and about 1% is contributing, sorry, working...

so most are on social welfare, getting council housing (social), 750 euros per person on top per month and free bus, free lawyer, free this & that

and for what ?

my grandparents are turning around in their graves....

It was an emergency and I was rushed to the hospital for an operation. The Doctor and nurses were free provided by the government. Thanks Thailand.

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Having spent 27 years away from the UK I recently returned there to settle with my wife and two young girls. I thought I was ready however I was surprised at some of the changes. I treat it a little as if I was a tourist and i'm enjoying rediscovering the country and people. I think its been easier for me is knowing that we can visit our family and friends back in Thailand and Europe whenever the kids are off school. I am now on pension and enjoying the time with my family here, while making plans to visit Chang Mai again once the choking smoke has gone, is safe from the threats of foot and mouth, and political turmoil. If not we will have to visit family in southern Europe first.

It's also nice not having do the stupid 90day s..t.biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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when you go back to your home country, and you see it is invaded, yes invaded by lowlife imported poverty with no education sucking down the social security system where your mother or grandparents, need to pay much more for a retirement home than they get as a state pension they worked for, you see criminality all around with 85% of the prisons filled with imported scum, when you see the judicial system, only there to tax people and fines, where criminals get 20-50 chances to rob again a person instead of being put into jail... when those imported lowlifes hinder & harass your wife & daughters, sisters or mother... than yes, ... that were some reasons to go try it in another place like thailand, far from perfect, also for us farangs full of hasstles & constraints... but i feel it is a better place anyway, compared to what used to be called home

Who's a very bitter chap then?

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No, you would certainly not fit in, you're far too selfish. Hence, HERE - yu fit PERFECTLY.

People like you, do the civilization a really good deed, to settle over into this Land. You're no use of anyway, back home.

Hope this answers all your questions and you STAY where you are

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so i can say, every expat (long stay TOURIST) here, is a value to thailand, as we spend and we do not cost THAI TAXPAYERS their money


The retirees and older long term tourists living here who don't have medical insurance cost the Thai taxpayer a pretty penny every time they have a heart attack, liver failure or every time they have to scrape lovesick Western buffalo off the sidewalk when he decides to end it all by jumping off a high rise condominium.

my grandparents are turning around in their graves....

Your grandparents are turning in their graves at your bitter attitude towards others based on what you most likely deduce from anecdotal evidence in the gutter press rather than what you actually KNOW.

Reading the rubbish you just wrote, anyone would think that every immigrant in every Western country is a scrounging money pit sucking the country dry. No mention of the ones who were actually BORN in your country who are doing the same damn thing in far, FAR greater numbers.

Open your freakin' eyes and start asking questions rather than buying into the scapegoats you're being fed.

In my country, people in the media with mindsets just like yours run sensationalist stories on welfare couples with huge families of 10 to 15 children and hold them up as the reason everyone's taxes are so high.

It's all designed to whip the weak-minded and those too lazy to find out for themselves into a frenzy where they blame anyone but themselves for their country's ills

These people have a house, get benefits for each child, free education, health care and they are always photographed smiling happily as they tell readers they no intention of stopping their breeding.

Typically, the parents haven't worked since the first child was born 10 or 15 years ago and everything they have is provided by the state - even the 55-inch LED TV taking pride of place on the lounge wall.

Is it ok for families like this to do it because they're not effin' immigrants?

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It is better for peace of mind to focus on the positives of why we are here rather than grouse about why we left our original countries or complain about the obstacles to living in Thailand. Perhaps some of us escaped what we saw as negatives back home, or we wanted a fresh start, or we can live more cheaply here than there. Maybe we saw Thailand as more relaxing, having better weather, or friendlier people. But here we are for whatever the reason. Isn't it better to accept the obstacles (immigration requirements for example) that are part of the cost of relocation than to find fault with it all the time?

Like I said before, Thailand is not Utopia and neither is my homeland. It is cheaper and I like the people and the weather and the culture. Immigration, occasional inflated prices special for farangs (makes me feel special anyway), language barrier (to be overcome in time), etc are part of the price I pay to live here. Heck, I even overlook you other farangs sometimes wink.png. So, I didn't come here just to escape one place and its problems and exchange it for another place with all its problems. I came here because the culture allows me the freedom to live peacefully. Haven't been disappointed and don't really expect to be. If any of us ever meet up, the first beer's on me.

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Yes people with an anti-foreigner attitude like belg are manipulated by shameless corrupt politicians and their puppet media.

Very short-sighted too, as immigration is the key to future prosperity, it's actually the locals who are lazy and feel entitled much more so than the newcomers.

Thais of course have the same xenophobic problem and for the same reasons, in fact much more so from a policy POV. But at least their inherent cultural politeness keeps things pleasant for us, we are privileged beneficiaries of their cultural racism/classism/sexism etc much more often than being inconvenienced by it (e.g. petty double-pricing issues).

Live and let live. . .

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so i can say, every expat (long stay TOURIST) here, is a value to thailand, as we spend and we do not cost THAI TAXPAYERS their money


The retirees and older long term tourists living here who don't have medical insurance cost the Thai taxpayer a pretty penny every time they have a heart attack, liver failure or every time they have to scrape lovesick Western buffalo off the sidewalk when he decides to end it all by jumping off a high rise condominium.

my grandparents are turning around in their graves....

Your grandparents are turning in their graves at your bitter attitude towards others based on what you most likely deduce from anecdotal evidence in the gutter press rather than what you actually KNOW.

Reading the rubbish you just wrote, anyone would think that every immigrant in every Western country is a scrounging money pit sucking the country dry. No mention of the ones who were actually BORN in your country who are doing the same dam_n thing in far, FAR greater numbers.

Open your freakin' eyes and start asking questions rather than buying into the scapegoats you're being fed.

In my country, people in the media with mindsets just like yours run sensationalist stories on welfare couples with huge families of 10 to 15 children and hold them up as the reason everyone's taxes are so high.

It's all designed to whip the weak-minded and those too lazy to find out for themselves into a frenzy where they blame anyone but themselves for their country's ills

These people have a house, get benefits for each child, free education, health care and they are always photographed smiling happily as they tell readers they no intention of stopping their breeding.

Typically, the parents haven't worked since the first child was born 10 or 15 years ago and everything they have is provided by the state - even the 55-inch LED TV taking pride of place on the lounge wall.

Is it ok for families like this to do it because they're not effin' immigrants?

I dont know from what country you are, and I dont care

I know what is happening in my home country and even of surrounding countries back home, it is the same story :

people are afraid of comming out after dark, because of the criminality that are getting chances over & over again to rob people.

In articles, the most commen words are: the perpetrators are known by the police for several facts... still they are out free because a lacking justice system, that seem to pamper them and like to pester civilians for small traffic & parking violations, rather than to be present on the street, where people are openly dealing drugs for one, as the police is scared of that particular kind of violent immigrant who thinks rules do not apply and only benefits are for them.

I would love to see stricter rules in my home country like thailand does, that would be nice & fun... but would be seen as undemocratic, unsocial, unhumain, but we endure here in thailand...

How many farang bums live on tax payers money overhere ? when immigration finds them, they get deported !

Old people getting sick & dying, well, be sure they will find a way to bill the relatives or what do you think the 800.000 baht is in place for ?

Or is giving first aid for a person with a heart attack in a governement hospital that price? This is not the USA !

Anyway, you have your views, i have mine, we botth dont live in our home countries and if you are not living in thailand, why you even on a thai forum for farang expats ?

We farangs will not, cannot change anything, I hope our look kreungs one day might have a chance... but should they bother, they have all the thai & farang rights anyway...

Im sure mine have more chances here, as I am not married to a poor Issaan family that uses me as an ATM... 5555555555555555

Compared to my inlaws, I am the poor one, but for the average thai, I am a millionaire :)

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That's a really good question. The short answer is No, and I come from arguably the best part of Oz, with some of the world's best beaches and environment. But Oz is rapidly becoming the most expensive place on the planet to live in. More importantly, I like the unpredictability here, despite the current situation. I have enough friends, I'm never bored, life is simple,still relatively cheap, and there is not a regulation for everything.

I do miss Oz and it's still home, but only for a holiday to see relatives and friends. I would find it hard to fit in back there, especially as I'm semi retired.

I agree.

I came here the first time in 1966, for a year, and the US no longer felt like home. I returned in 69, 73, 80 and most recently in 2003. Here feels like home the US does not.

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Yes people with an anti-foreigner attitude like belg are manipulated by shameless corrupt politicians and their puppet media.

Very short-sighted too, as immigration is the key to future prosperity, it's actually the locals who are lazy and feel entitled much more so than the newcomers.

Thais of course have the same xenophobic problem and for the same reasons, in fact much more so from a policy POV. But at least their inherent cultural politeness keeps things pleasant for us, we are privileged beneficiaries of their cultural racism/classism/sexism etc much more often than being inconvenienced by it (e.g. petty double-pricing issues).

Live and let live. . .

i am not the kind that says : they steal our jobs ...blabla

my country had 1.000.000 new immigrants in 10 years, with a population that was believed never to have more than 10 million...

some SHAMELESS politicians (socialists) imported them, to keep their votes

10 years later, about 1% is WORKING, and the rest, because they do not adapt, have no roots, no feelings, no family ties with the country (not like expats here who have thai wives and families) are siphoning the system & loopholes that were designed to help out a person that had a temporarly problem in life, accident, unemployment...

Unemployment benefits for local = after one year of full time working Vs benefis from DAY 1 without ever working

Pension for a local = 40 years of labour Vs minimum pension afher 1 DAY of sitting in the social securitty office


brainwashed media & politicians? 85% of the prisons is full of foreigners, and in particular from a certain ethnic group

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I dont know from what country you are, and I dont care

I know what is happening in my home country and even of surrounding countries back home, it is the same story :

people are afraid of comming out after dark, because of the criminality that are getting chances over & over again to rob people.

In articles, the most commen words are: the perpetrators are known by the police for several facts... still they are out free because a lacking justice system, that seem to pamper them and like to pester civilians for small traffic & parking violations, rather than to be present on the street, where people are openly dealing drugs for one, as the police is scared of that particular kind of violent immigrant who thinks rules do not apply and only benefits are for them.

I would love to see stricter rules in my home country like thailand does, that would be nice & fun... but would be seen as undemocratic, unsocial, unhumain, but we endure here in thailand...

How many farang bums live on tax payers money overhere ? when immigration finds them, they get deported !

Old people getting sick & dying, well, be sure they will find a way to bill the relatives or what do you think the 800.000 baht is in place for ?

Or is giving first aid for a person with a heart attack in a governement hospital that price? This is not the USA !

Anyway, you have your views, i have mine, we botth dont live in our home countries and if you are not living in thailand, why you even on a thai forum for farang expats ?

We farangs will not, cannot change anything, I hope our look kreungs one day might have a chance... but should they bother, they have all the thai & farang rights anyway...

Im sure mine have more chances here, as I am not married to a poor Issaan family that uses me as an ATM... 5555555555555555

Compared to my inlaws, I am the poor one, but for the average thai, I am a millionaire smile.png

Ok then.

All your country's problems are caused by immigrants.

None of the people who were born there commit crime or get welfare from the state

Before the immigrants came, your country was perfect.


I don't care who you're married to - Issan farmer or hiso, Thai-Chinese Chulalongkon nuclear physics lecturer ; you're still ignorant as hell

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i am not the kind that says : they steal our jobs ...blabla

What you do say is far worse.

Back it up - documentd FACTS please with credible sources.

If you don't have them, then how could you know you haven't been brainwashed by xenophobic fascist hate-mongers?

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i am not the kind that says : they steal our jobs ...blabla

What you do say is far worse.

Back it up - documentd FACTS please with credible sources.

If you don't have them, then how could you know you haven't been brainwashed by xenophobic fascist hate-mongers?

something called: several independant newspapers / the local news / television stations

official crime statistics

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I dont know from what country you are, and I dont care

I know what is happening in my home country and even of surrounding countries back home, it is the same story :

people are afraid of comming out after dark, because of the criminality that are getting chances over & over again to rob people.

In articles, the most commen words are: the perpetrators are known by the police for several facts... still they are out free because a lacking justice system, that seem to pamper them and like to pester civilians for small traffic & parking violations, rather than to be present on the street, where people are openly dealing drugs for one, as the police is scared of that particular kind of violent immigrant who thinks rules do not apply and only benefits are for them.

I would love to see stricter rules in my home country like thailand does, that would be nice & fun... but would be seen as undemocratic, unsocial, unhumain, but we endure here in thailand...

How many farang bums live on tax payers money overhere ? when immigration finds them, they get deported !

Old people getting sick & dying, well, be sure they will find a way to bill the relatives or what do you think the 800.000 baht is in place for ?

Or is giving first aid for a person with a heart attack in a governement hospital that price? This is not the USA !

Anyway, you have your views, i have mine, we botth dont live in our home countries and if you are not living in thailand, why you even on a thai forum for farang expats ?

We farangs will not, cannot change anything, I hope our look kreungs one day might have a chance... but should they bother, they have all the thai & farang rights anyway...

Im sure mine have more chances here, as I am not married to a poor Issaan family that uses me as an ATM... 5555555555555555

Compared to my inlaws, I am the poor one, but for the average thai, I am a millionaire smile.png

Ok then.

All your country's problems are caused by immigrants.

None of the people who were born there commit crime or get welfare from the state

Before the immigrants came, your country was perfect.


I don't care who you're married to - Issan farmer or hiso, Thai-Chinese Chulalongkon nuclear physics lecturer ; you're still ignorant as hell

hahaha, it comes to namecalling, 55555555555555555555555

yes, you mister ignorant, knows more about my country then myself

anyway, i dont care whatever says, do you ?

everybody is entitled to their own opinion, except in n-korea and some of those islamic countries where they cut you into pieces when you dare to speak about a certain person

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i am not the kind that says : they steal our jobs ...blabla

What you do say is far worse.

Back it up - documentd FACTS please with credible sources.

If you don't have them, then how could you know you haven't been brainwashed by xenophobic fascist hate-mongers?

something called: several independant newspapers / the local news / television stations

official crime statistics

I said CREDIBLE sources.

All those sources are exactly what I'm referring to as biased propaganda - if that's what you're relying on for your "reality" then of course you are in fact happy to be brainwashed.

Specific links please to FACTUAL data.

And crime stats simply show who's being arrested and prosecuted, not who's actually committing crime.

Look at the stats on blacks in the US jail system - they get locked up for the things suburban white kids get away with all the time. . .

Edited by wym
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Look at the stats on blacks in the US jail system - they get locked up for the things suburban white kids get away with all the time. . .

I don't believe that. Please show me some credible sources. Not sources that may say that there are more blacks in jail than whites - that could simply mean that more blacks commit crimes?

Or, we could agree to disagree. I just don't believe a cop would care whether it was a black or white he caught doing a robbery or possessing meth or even speeding. I think either would get busted just as quickly.

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NeverSure, you are wrong. You must not know much about cops in Amerika or the 'system'. How about the rich kid (white)in Texass that walked after killing 4 people when drunk because he was too affluent? Yea, hell of a defense, he couldn't know right from wrong because he was raised with a platinum spoon up his ass. Cops don't screw with rich kids from powerful families, they will loose their job if they do. I had a call from my top supervisor in Santa Fe before I could even finish booking a dude for theft one time. A bit different, Chicano but New Mexico is a 'patrone' state where most are 'good 'ol boy' states. Ah, kin to the governor. Cops don't screw with other cop's kids either, I know for a fact and I was a cop. When my son was busted for coke the arresting officer, yes I knew him, called me and asked me what he should do. I said "do your job". He walked on the charge, the other kid he was with was a judge's son. When he got busted again down in Louisiana, bogus charge but bad company, bad rep. and the arresting officer didn't appreciate the beer bottle thrown at him, I called the DA and arresting officer. Said I'll make a deal with him, he drops a dime, you let him walk. When I told my son his words were "I won't snitch on my mom". He was bailed out by his mom within the hour, yea think on it. America's prisons are full of brown, black and poor people. The rich don't go to jail, do you see Clapper in jail for lying to Congress, do you see any war criminals in jail, do you see any banksters and Wall Street criminals in jail? Do you see much difference here, I don't. Personally, I'll take the corruption in Thailand over the corruption in Amerika any day. BTW, my son walked on the bogus charge, but straighted his ass out, former Navy SEAL now. I actually don't even mind flying here either, tried the gestapo in Amerika lately? Thailand has it's faults, I'll take them any day to those in Amerika. I never, ever plan on going back to the Corporate State of Amerika.

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