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Chiang Mai Soldier Dies of Swine Flu


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Just got more information on it. A policeman's wife died from it, yesterday. They are having the funeral in Chiang Mai. So that makes it 10 people, I know of, that died within the last 2 weeks (nine within the past 5 days), from what seems to be H1N1, here in Chiang Dao area. The last victim was living near Muang Ngay, which is just outside of Chiang Dao. Government and hospital are still in denial about it. Media (aside from TV), refuses to cover it. xangry.png.pagespeed.ic.Cla6z9sEn6.png

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First, wrong diagnosis.

Second, try to cover up, although 27 more soldiers have the virus.

Third wrong message given to the public.

Should we be worried????????


In Thailand?

Why, you don't like their ...?




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This is a quote from Wikipedia, about medicine you can take to prevent or treat the Swine Flu...

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses; however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs.[94] The virus isolated in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine"

We have had at least 10 deaths, within the last two weeks, in the Chiang Dao area. All are assumed to be the result of H1N1. Many people have also been hospitalized up here and some family members of people who have died, are also sick.

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pacovl46, on 08 Feb 2014 - 16:23, said:
Costas2008, on 08 Feb 2014 - 11:25, said:

First, wrong diagnosis.

Second, try to cover up, although 27 more soldiers have the virus.

Third wrong message given to the public.

Should we be worried????????

First, wrong diagnosis - correct

Secondly, try to cover up - how so, by publicly announcing that he died of swine flue and by giving out the information that numerous others are infected as well???

If the relatives didn't ask for an autopsy and the results made public, they had no intention of giving any information.

But again this is not unusual for Thailand, everything is swept under the carpet, till somebody brings it up.

Well, how were they supposed to know he had the swine flue in the first place??? He was misdiagnosed, remember? That means they weren't withholding the information!

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Poo Yai Ban in Ban Nahwai (tambon Mueang Na) announced this morning the N1H1 outbreak and asked all residents to report if they have any respiratory problems.

Glad somebody finally announced it. People are dropping like flies up here

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: Our daughter has fully recovered from H1N1 after being in McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai, for about a week. When she came in, she first has seizures and then just stopped breathign and was revived in time.

More than 20 people, we know off, died from H1N1 in Chiang Dao District alone, during the past month.

We didn't hear much about it for the past few days, but tonight, one of our good friends mother was brought to emergency with it.

The Thai Government lied about it as long as it could, but now that it is confirmed in at least 5 Provinces, including Chiang Mai, Phitsanulouk and Rayong, among others, they are trying to minimize it and lie about the numbers of people who have died or are infected. They also made it sound like only young children, sick people and the elderly are vulnerable, which is an outright lie.

Our daughter is 17 years old, athletic and was in perfect health. Some of the other people, who have died here, were otherwise healthy adults.

This should be moved back up as a current topic, I think


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Update: Our daughter has fully recovered from H1N1 after being in McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai, for about a week. When she came in, she first has seizures and then just stopped breathign and was revived in time.

More than 20 people, we know off, died from H1N1 in Chiang Dao District alone, during the past month.

We didn't hear much about it for the past few days, but tonight, one of our good friends mother was brought to emergency with it.

The Thai Government lied about it as long as it could, but now that it is confirmed in at least 5 Provinces, including Chiang Mai, Phitsanulouk and Rayong, among others, they are trying to minimize it and lie about the numbers of people who have died or are infected. They also made it sound like only young children, sick people and the elderly are vulnerable, which is an outright lie.

Our daughter is 17 years old, athletic and was in perfect health. Some of the other people, who have died here, were otherwise healthy adults.

This should be moved back up as a current topic, I think


Wow. I am sure I speak for many here when I say I am happy to hear your daughter is now fine. How terrible that must have been. Can you tell us what the doctors did to help her?

I am not sure the Thai government are lying about who are vulnerable. That is is mostly elderly and those who are already sick who are vulnerable is the same I remember reading various western government saying too, a few years ago. Perhaps that is the consensus in the medical field currently? Your experience makes it obvious that others can also get very seriously affected by this however. Time to read up again on what the best advise is concerning this no doubt. :-(

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Update: Our daughter has fully recovered from H1N1 after being in McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai, for about a week. When she came in, she first has seizures and then just stopped breathign and was revived in time.

More than 20 people, we know off, died from H1N1 in Chiang Dao District alone, during the past month.

We didn't hear much about it for the past few days, but tonight, one of our good friends mother was brought to emergency with it.

The Thai Government lied about it as long as it could, but now that it is confirmed in at least 5 Provinces, including Chiang Mai, Phitsanulouk and Rayong, among others, they are trying to minimize it and lie about the numbers of people who have died or are infected. They also made it sound like only young children, sick people and the elderly are vulnerable, which is an outright lie.

Our daughter is 17 years old, athletic and was in perfect health. Some of the other people, who have died here, were otherwise healthy adults.

This should be moved back up as a current topic, I think


Wow. I am sure I speak for many here when I say I am happy to hear your daughter is now fine. How terrible that must have been. Can you tell us what the doctors did to help her?

I am not sure the Thai government are lying about who are vulnerable. That is is mostly elderly and those who are already sick who are vulnerable is the same I remember reading various western government saying too, a few years ago. Perhaps that is the consensus in the medical field currently? Your experience makes it obvious that others can also get very seriously affected by this however. Time to read up again on what the best advise is concerning this no doubt. :-(

You'll have to check with McCormick Hospital, in Chiang Mai. They did a really good job getting her back to her normal healthy self, within a few days and we let them keep her for a couple more days after, for observation so it was almost a week in total.

I am not sure which shots they gave her. I just wanted her to get well and we were all really upset around that time, but it was two shots and I believe one of them was Tamiflu. Better to check witht he hospital, to make sure though. My memory isn't the best.

Hope none of you guys or your families get sick from this, but if you do, at least you know what to do. I reported it to WHO, a few weeks ago. Looks like they have ignored it. I just checked on their website :-(

Sad, considering the Government here even announced, that it is in 5 Provinces

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