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Anti-barking electric shock collar

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They are available. But before you put it on your dog, put it on yourself and if you have the "gonads" press the button. If you want to do it to any animal and think that it's aceptable then you shouldn't own the animal. Or better yet, wrao iut around your "gonads" and press the button!

Read the opening post. I do not have a dog. It is for my friend's dogs who have taken to howling all night.

Could you please state where they are available, thank you.

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Based on my previous post why would you think that I would tell you where you can buy them unless you promise to post pictures of your "friend" when he pushes the button!

actually he wants it for his wifewhistling.gif I can agree with that.

who needs friends like him.NOT ME

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Most dogs bark for a reason - as a warning, in fear, whatever, very few bark just "for fun".

For dogs, barking is usually their only available form of communication.

How would you - or your "friend" - feel if you / he saw a potential threat to home or family but were unable to give voice to a warning. Have you never had a dream where you know some hideous threat is approaching but however hard to try to warn others around you, you cannot make a sound?

Think about it - that's the affect these Collars have on dogs.

I get angry at occasional barking dogs in my neighbourhood - like most people - but I would never impose such cruel limitations on their ability to communicate.


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first of all, dont need the anti collar comments. - there are various methods of working with dogs and not everyone can work with their dog like some of us can and other methods are needed. the 'zap' is annoying and not that painful and can be set. i dont like them but they have their uses. and sometimes people end up with dogs and thye may not be perfect owners but preferabley an owner that wants to solve a problem is still better then an owner that wants to toss the dog. and sometimes people find themselves owning dogs for various reasons and have to make the best of a bad situation.

amazon has various kinds

and frankly they only work for a short while if there is not additional behavioral/situational changes made. if the collar is taken off, the dog barks again.

to those that are worried, the 'zap' is not that bad, and if it is that or putting the dog down or getting rid of him, that is still a good temporary solution. unfortunately, when dogs have that collar on, they cannot communicate to otehr dogs, by growling or barking so they can develop other behavioral problems.

we had a bitch on the kibbutz that had been thrown away here, so a family took her in and she is an amazing barker. at anything that moves, makes noise or rustles in the dark including foxes, jackals porcupines, hedgehogs and leaves. the collar was used on her so because she couldnt communicate with the other local dogs, she would just lay down in submission when other dogs approached her since she couldnt 'talk' to them. now the collar is off, and once again, she is patrolling our collective back yard with deep barking. howver, our houses dont get broken in to as opposed to other houses in other areas here....

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I would have been on the anti-collar argument until just recently. I've had lots of dogs, and never had a serious problem with any until a few months ago. One of my puppies became a barker when he grew up. Never had this problem before, mom and all siblings are well behaved and quiet. The one "problem pup" is otherwise a great dog, loves to play, very affectionate and friendly, and loves to "work" (fetch and run with the bicycle).

But he never shuts up... all day and all night... barking at every. single. little. thing. constantly. I tried everything I could think of to try and get him to quit barking, not a thing worked - not even a little bit. If I could have found a bark collar that vibrated or shocked, I would have tried it. Though somehow I don't think it would have worked, I still would have tried it.

I finally had to send him to live in MILs house, which is out of the city, near a bunch of farm land. He still barks all the time, but there's not many people around to bother, and he makes a good guard, on constant patrol for something to bark at. My place is all quiet after I got rid of him, but I wish I could have kept him. Aside from the barking he was a really good dog, and I liked him - he had personality.

I'll never be in the "shock collar are bad, mmmkay" club again. I would have tried aything to help him be a quiet dog. If you've exhausted everything else, its worth a shot. If you find something that works, let me know - I'm up to trying something new.

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I don't have a dog. I have never owned a dog. When I was a child, my father did not like owning dogs. I now live in a condo. I cannot own a dog. There is no point telling me the downside of this collar. My friend simply asked me to find out where she could get them in Thailand.

Where can you get them in Thailand?

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I had a fully trained German Shepherd guard dog, trained to work on a lead. I used to take him to long walks each day about 4 miles out into country lanes where I used to let him off and throw a ball for him to chase and bring back. As soon as I saw another dog some distance away I would put him on the lead as he was agressive to others dogs, male and female. He began to get into the habit of not returning when I called him when he found a smell of interest. I had to run to put the lead on him before the other dog got close. I contacted the dog trainer and he recommeded the "Training Collar". The one I got had a beep as well as the shock treatment. The main reason for my dog not returning when called was that he just did not hear as he was just comsumed with the smell or if he did hear he found the smell much more interesting. I first used the beep and when he looked up he realised I was calling him and he returned. On two, only two occasions after he ignored the bleep he received a slight jolt. After that I had to use the beep less and less and eventually it was not necessary to use the collar at all. On rare occasions he ignored me I would put the collar on but I never even had to use the bleep, he immedialy returned when I called. My much loved German Shepherd is now in Doggy Heaven.

Now to my Brother-in-law dog who lives next door. He is a Thai 57 type dog who the BIL found abandoned at a market and brought him home several years ago. He is super intelligent, faithfully, good house dog but his one failing is he loves to chase cars and motorbikes. We do not know how old he is but he runs like a two year old and is a professional car/bike chaser. He deftly avoids all attemps by bike riders to kick him and must feel he always wins. He comes into our house (gated) for a quiet sleep and then asked to go out. If we are outside, mainly my wife, he returns proudly to us after chasing another vehicle away and people think he is our dog and give us a hard stare. He is protecting our houses and so far he has done a good job as we have not been attacked or burgled by a car or motorbike. I brought my Training Collar back from the UK with the sole purpose of stopping this dog from chasing vehicles. I wife went out side and sat at the local eatery with family and as usual the dog sat with them fitted with the training collar looking at the road waiting for the next vehicle to invade our private area which by the way is tarmacked so vehicles can sometimes travel quite fast. Cars and motorbikes went past, the dog did not move. Next day the same.

Took the collar off and he chases vehicles as if he is possessed. Put the collar on and he does not move. He has never had a zap from us and I doubt he ever had previous experience with such a collar. I do not want to leave the collar on full time as it might get lost and or damaged and in any case we will not see if he chases if we are not there. He has won and still chases like mad. However if we are around and shout at him he immediately stops but nobody else bothers.

So these training collars can have success or failures and the purpose of this post is purely to give you my experience of using them.

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totally useless without additional behavior modification

In post #9 you defended the use of the collars and even said that the shock was not that bad. Did you ever put one around your neck and push the button? I didn't think so!

Now you are saying that they are totally useless.

''Which is it?

I believe that proper training is the key and the the collars are inhumane, but all he wants to know is where to buy them and he's got that answer, on line, amazon or ebay.

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totally useless without additional behavior modification

In post #9 you defended the use of the collars and even said that the shock was not that bad. Did you ever put one around your neck and push the button? I didn't think so!

Now you are saying that they are totally useless.

''Which is it?

I believe that proper training is the key and the the collars are inhumane, but all he wants to know is where to buy them and he's got that answer, on line, amazon or ebay.

I see the op.has said his friend is a woman,if she's anything like the ------- living by me she doesn't need a collar that gives off a shock its a rope with a noose for herself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not every dog respond to various types of training methods.
some dogs do need a little positive punishment (prong collar, shock collar) to condition them to better suit our 'civilized' society.
prong collars and shock collars (some with pager functions), work better than regular collars in obedience training because one needs to pull hard on regular collar and this can hurt dogs' air pipe in long run.

These tools help in novice obedience training. When dealing with dogs that bite, find out why they bite, combine various behavioral modification training with shock collars, prong collars.

For those who immediately jump to the negatives, and post useless stuffs. If you have a dog that develops behavioral problems like biting hands that approach, and if you don't know how to treat it, I suggest you leave the OP alone. Reward type training is just 50/50 on dogs with behavioral problems. For someone posted above, dogs should ALWAYS be on the leashed when you bring them for walk.

And you can buy shock collars on Amazon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell your friend who cannot write on Thaivisa that dogs who bark at night have issues.

Putting anti-barking collars is like moping around an open water tab.

Tell him to stop mopping and turn the tap off.

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They are available. But before you put it on your dog, put it on yourself and if you have the "gonads" press the button. If you want to do it to any animal and think that it's aceptable then you shouldn't own the animal. Or better yet, wrao iut around your "gonads" and press the button!

Read the opening post. I do not have a dog. It is for my friend's dogs who have taken to howling all night.

Could you please state where they are available, thank you.

Considering dogs evolved from the wolf did your friend ever think about this before buying it?

Tell him not to bother with the dog collar but sell the dog to someone else who will care for it.

He can use the money to have the penis removed from his forehead.

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  • 3 months later...

They are available. But before you put it on your dog, put it on yourself and if you have the "gonads" press the button. If you want to do it to any animal and think that it's aceptable then you shouldn't own the animal. Or better yet, wrao iut around your "gonads" and press the button!

Read the opening post. I do not have a dog. It is for my friend's dogs who have taken to howling all night.

Could you please state where they are available, thank you.

Considering dogs evolved from the wolf did your friend ever think about this before buying it?

Tell him not to bother with the dog collar but sell the dog to someone else who will care for it.

He can use the money to have the penis removed from his forehead.

I googled Bark collars in Thailand and came here. What a load of sanctimonious and arrogant (not to say rude and ignorant, especially this last one) postings here. We had a soi dog wished on us, I can do anything with it but stop him barking/run after chickens and ducks. Now he has to stay on a chain and has started to barkWe have 7 others and we have no problems at all, but they have been here since they were young. We recently went to the beach for three days and the neighbours called us in the middle of the night to let us listen to the noise he was making. I look after him everyday. So I have three alternatives: a tight fitting muzzle during the night. A barking collar. Kidnapping him and leave him in a Cambodian village somewhere.

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They are available. But before you put it on your dog, put it on yourself and if you have the "gonads" press the button. If you want to do it to any animal and think that it's aceptable then you shouldn't own the animal. Or better yet, wrao iut around your "gonads" and press the button!

I dont know what "gonads" have to do with this,

I Have a beagle, he is now 12 years old but when he was a pup he was an-trainable with certain behaviors that were unexceptionable to me. Read the the books,watched all the shows, tried everything

nothing worked.

Hired a professional trainer. waste of money,

then was told about the collar, (it was not for barking)

It was operated with remote control, which had a dial for intensity, the collar was operated by a small , watch type battery. And YES , I did tried it on my self, it was a very mild shock that only served to get the dogs attention, and make the behavior unpleasant, It is called negative reinforcement.

I wish people who made comments about "gonands" tried it them selves before offering emotional but uninformed opinion.

The collar might be unpleasant to the dog, but that's the point. and should be used as a last option, but conciser the alternative. What do you think would be better? getting rid of the dog?

Only used for a few weeks, worked like a charm, and Howler ( yes he is a beagle and his name is Howlerlaugh.png ) is now 12 years old, well behaved, has a great life, and is the best dog I ever had. Not very bright though, but I guess the same can be said about mesmile.png

Dont know where to get it in Thailand, I am sure it is available, but it is also available on Ebay and Amazon.

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