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Work online. Do I need a work permit?

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Hello forum,

Newbie here. I've been looking but I can't seem to find a straight answer to this question. I'm looking at Thailand as a place to stay, hopefully for an extended time; at least a year. I have my own business operated online in Europe and US - nothing tangible shipped into or out of Thailand though. I would be 'working', going online to do my work, and I would be 'in Thailand', therefore, 'working in Thailand'. Will I need a Thai work permit?


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Thank you. This is what I had been thinking but was not entirely sure. As I would be investing a whole lot to move there, would living there and skirting the law be a wise move? The authorities could get very nasty at any moment and cause me big trouble. Should this be a real concern or, am I being obsessive about it and should not worry?

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That is my next step. I thought best to clear my way with the permit question first as it would be a deal breaker to not be able to run business and make a living. I can qualify for the retirement visa but I'm not sure if it's the best option. Other questions arise. Suppose I deposit funds as required into a Thai bank. Suppose then by some chance of fate, my work activity is discovered and made an issue of. Could my bank funds be seized and me sent packing on the next flight out of BKK? 90-day visa runs wouldn't hurt, so a lesser status of visa might do to start and I can upgrade after I've assimilated and learned the native ways.

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That is my next step. I thought best to clear my way with the permit question first as it would be a deal breaker to not be able to run business and make a living. I can qualify for the retirement visa but I'm not sure if it's the best option. Other questions arise. Suppose I deposit funds as required into a Thai bank. Suppose then by some chance of fate, my work activity is discovered and made an issue of. Could my bank funds be seized and me sent packing on the next flight out of BKK? 90-day visa runs wouldn't hurt, so a lesser status of visa might do to start and I can upgrade after I've assimilated and learned the native ways.

I would get the retirement extension of stay here or a OA visa from the embassy or a official consulate in your home country.

You would not immediately be sent out of the country certain legal proceedings would be required before that might happen. They would not seize your assets..

It would also require a fairly high level of proof that you were working illegally. Hearsay would not be enough.

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Don't mean to hijack this thread but has anyone tried talking to immigration about making some sort of visa / work permit for online workers? The income would of course be taxed and a lot of foreigners would now have legit visas. Seems like a win win????

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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if offering information .is working..then online working is sure working..

if its ebay..its easy to get caught ,,as the post office would tell immigration when required....

lie pattaya immigration comes and says ..you are working,,you a have a choice..pay what they want and it goes away...or go

monkey house,,and it costs a lot more and time...

only work in thailand with the correct visa

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My question is of the 195 countries in the world where one could potentially live and work, why did you Thailand? This is especially so as if you go the route you are planning, you will be breaking the law and subject to arrest, fines, and/or imprisonment. Oh, let me guess, you love Thai food.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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If it's online, I really can't see how anyone can prove you are working in Thailand. I know several people who do this and quite openly. I also work over the internet, but have a local work permit through my Thai contractor, yet never has anyone ever approached me in any way regarding my work. If you're going to outlay a considerable sum to live here, then just a little bit more would be worthwhile to get proper legal advice. One of the TV advertisers, Siam Legal, should be able to help. Good luck.

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Thank you. This is what I had been thinking but was not entirely sure. As I would be investing a whole lot to move there, would living there and skirting the law be a wise move? The authorities could get very nasty at any moment and cause me big trouble. Should this be a real concern or, am I being obsessive about it and should not worry?

Thaiger, I'm afraid any work/effort on behalf of any business is ILLEGAL without a WP (Working Aliens Act).

You face jail (communal Thai cell/'TOILET'), heavy court fine & being kicked out of the country for up to 1/2 a decade.

Edited by elliottm
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Depending on the nature of the business, but one option to consider is keeping your business offshore. Banking, admin, legal, etc.

Office services in offshore location can handle most things.

Keep personal and business affairs absolutely separate.

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I read on this forum about a year ago in an interview of high ranking members of immigration and labor office that if you don't get any income from Thailand, working here is not really legal but "acceptable". I don't really know what it means but if you don't talk about it, don't give your business cards all around, nothing will happen. Remember that most of the farangs who had problems here were denounced by other jalous farangs!

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Don't mean to hijack this thread but has anyone tried talking to immigration about making some sort of visa / work permit for online workers? The income would of course be taxed and a lot of foreigners would now have legit visas. Seems like a win win????

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Making such a visa available would be a win-win for Thailand.

Of course allowing a foreigner to be self-employed and work legally on-line and requiring the foreigner to pay taxes on the money brought into Thailand that he or she earned would be a revenue benefit to the Thai government.

But it will not happen, the law doesn't read that way and the government doesn't want to interpret the law that way.

It's a shame because both the government and the individual would benefit from a more enlightened attitude toward on-line work by foreigners.

Unfortunately, all governments don't think logically, and Thailand is in the non logical thinking club.

So the answer to your original question is:

Yes, you need a work permit if you want to legally work on-line ..... but your very unlikely to be able to get one.

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A tourist visa is the the right visa you need. With that visa you are a tourist.

While being a tourist you have to check in and run your businesses outside of Thailand then that is fine.

When Mark zuck(facebook owner) visited Thailand as a tourist he checked In and ran his business. Could you imagine him being arrested for working illegally? Any Tourist with any business abroad would have to be deported.

Many hedge fund mangers/private Investors come to Thailand from around the world and rent villa's/stay in resorts for a couple of months and trade and work internationally buying and selling shares, that is no problem as well. Confirmed by lawyers and others with lots of advisers, these people don't get caught with their pants down, they have been told they are welcome to carry on trading as normal.

You cant ban people managing their businesses while they are on holiday. If that was the case they would have to arrest every occupant of a 5 star hotel, and soon they would be empty because no one would come here. Anybody worth their salt in business conducts deals/ organizes even on Holiday. I'm sure the Thai's understand that.

It's not a loophole it's just a fact(it would never pass the court stage, too embarrassing, imagine the headlines, tourists banned for managing their business while on holiday). If you have a tourist visa and do all business outside of Thailand then you will be fine

You must have a tourist visa, that is the only visa where this would be ok


No that's not true.

Anything you sign in Thailand, even as the foreign CEO of the local Thai branch of an international company is technically "work" in Thailand and is therefore reportable for taxes.

However, because it makes no practical sense to actually try to enforce such a rule, the rule is just ignored.

Believe it or not, the Thais are quite a practical people.

If a government rule is stupid and unenforceable they just ignore it.

They are quite familiar with their own government passing stupid and unenforceable rules .... it's been that way for a long time.

Since the laws are often foolish, most Thais just ignore the foolish laws .... and just don't talk about it.

They have a life to live, and for most street level working Thais their government is and always will be made up of foolish politicians who have no apparent common sense.

So you just get on with your day to day life, and ignore the silly rules.

And, if worse comes to worst, a little "tea money" usually solves the problem with the authorities.

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