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I have been plagued by these infernal birds for years and anyone that thinks they are sweet lovely birds needs their head examined. No-one who has had a Koel in a tree near their home or in particular near a bedroom window will ever forget it. It makes you suicidal. In fact I have read reports of people actually doing just that. They are not just a problem in Asia as many reports I've read from Australia attest! I have tried everything to eliminate these pests with little success. They prefer certain types of trees that provide them with cover and fruit. So living in a tree free area helps. For a large bird they can remain hidden, pretty well invisible. I've moved home twice to stay away from them. Only saving grace is that after the mating season they shut up for a while! Best of luck...

I am living in Australia and this Bird migrates from Indonesia to Australia in early spring.

Nothing you can do about so I just take it like all the other inhabitants in the big tree behind my house.


How do I get rid of this bird, serious replies wanted, I can't see it or tell which three it is in.

Continuous fire from an AK-47 whilst turning in a 360 degree circle.


EDIT: Sorry. Just noticed the "serious" bit. w00t.gif


These are some clever birds. They lay one of their eggs in a nest of a crow and then let the crow raise it for a while before it begins to change how it looks. A truly parasitic bird. I too wish to know about remedies to get rid of the three that inhabit trees around my condo. There is a room on the 7th floor corner of the condo building that always seems to be for rent. Nobody seems to stay very long as the height of the tree canopy is right at the balcony's level. I've had two different friends live in the room as it is a cheap rate and great location, but both left due to the crazy birds. Now I won't recommend the place anymore.

The first fellow who lived there tried to make sport out of it using his leftover water cannon from Songkran to try and chase it away then went on to bottle rockets to try and scare it. After those two failed, he bought an air horn to try and out do it, all this to no avail as well. Two of the security guards shot one one day with a BB gun but another soon moved in. Finally the friend left, thank goodness he didn't hold it against me. My other friend was forewarned before moving in and at first was content but then the dang bird started it's song about 2:30 in the morning until about 5. It drove him off as well. I wish I could offer an effective means to do away with this noisy bird but alas I can only comeserate in your agony. Hopefully someone else with have a good remedy.

Ear plugs are cheap and effective!


A scientific response would be to record the birds alarm call and then see what happens when you play it back.

Even playing their normal call might upset them sufficiently. Perhaps it might bring them close enough to take more direct action.

Did that!


These are some clever birds. They lay one of their eggs in a nest of a crow and then let the crow raise it for a while before it begins to change how it looks. A truly parasitic bird. I too wish to know about remedies to get rid of the three that inhabit trees around my condo. There is a room on the 7th floor corner of the condo building that always seems to be for rent. Nobody seems to stay very long as the height of the tree canopy is right at the balcony's level. I've had two different friends live in the room as it is a cheap rate and great location, but both left due to the crazy birds. Now I won't recommend the place anymore.

The first fellow who lived there tried to make sport out of it using his leftover water cannon from Songkran to try and chase it away then went on to bottle rockets to try and scare it. After those two failed, he bought an air horn to try and out do it, all this to no avail as well. Two of the security guards shot one one day with a BB gun but another soon moved in. Finally the friend left, thank goodness he didn't hold it against me. My other friend was forewarned before moving in and at first was content but then the dang bird started it's song about 2:30 in the morning until about 5. It drove him off as well. I wish I could offer an effective means to do away with this noisy bird but alas I can only comeserate in your agony. Hopefully someone else with have a good remedy.

Ear plugs are cheap and effective!

Don't work! Further, You can't spend your life wearing Bose...


mate, you really want to chase it off as they live for bloody years, on the weekend we went to a friends place and their dad had one in a cage, it was 25 years old!!!!, why in the hell would you want one that close to you making that bastartd noise all the timeblink.png

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Strong slingshot with 10+ pellets at a time, combined with the CDs.

Farmers use timed/random blank explosions, sounds like that might be less annoying than the bird's call?

Don't worry about the neighbors, they don't worry about you. . .


I was surprised to hear that people don't like this bird's call and also about it's unsavoury cuckoo-like nesting habit.

I had one outside a flat I had a couple of years ago and I thought it;s call was quite charming. I amused my girlfriend by imitating it's call and got so good I could swear it was calling me back. The funny thing was that when I went 'home' that year for my annual visit my girlfriend told me afterwards that it stopped singing the very day I left and she never heard it again, so she thought it too was missing me. That would have been about June time so as I now learn I guess it was actually the start of it's non-vocal breeding time rather than any more romantic notions we had.

I miss it, and I'd far rather have my friend the koel or gao wow around than the droning coo-cooing of the doves I have to put up with now.

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Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Wow! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao! Gao Lao!

Is it time for breakfast already??? ?


Hang some old Cd's on fishing line near it's favorite perches as they spin the reflection scares them.

I think you're confusing them with flies... those birds are the worst annoying and useless

creatures, however, I did noticed that they seem to be seasonal to some degree as they

disappear fro few months only to come back with a vengeance....


It`s a Greater Coucal, It looks like a species of crow.

I see and here these birds all the time down my way and love them, beautiful creatures.

Cannot understand you people that have no tolerance for nature and the wildlife The Thais say that these birds are the spirits of the dead and harming them brings bad luck and misfortune to those that do injury or kill these birds.




In our mooban, there are dozens of these Koels and they go at it in the mornings, but 3am as you said??? Birds don't wake up til sunrise. You have 1 and that bothers you? Try dozens, crapping on everything, calling each other for hours, dive bombing cats (that part is entertaining), and eating the dog and cat food, left by your pets.

We have dozens of doves to listen to, which I enjoy listening to, but the wife wont let me kill those dammit. They are tasty.


Place a mirror or rubber snake near his favourite perch.

He can;t even see it... so it is rubber snakes and mirrors in all the trees.

Close the windows, put the AC on, sleep well.



I think I see the problem. With those evil red eyes the bird obviously comes straight from the fires of hell.

I also hate these birds and could easily live without them, I love nature, but these birds are complete azzholes. If they were wiped off the face of the planet, I wouldn't mind. Once they are gone, we can get to work on those flying rats called pigeons.

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Sorry to hear some people do not appreciate these birds,we also have them close to the house along with many doves some horn bills and even wild chickens.

I actually do enjoy all of their sounds,we have many different species in the garden and when neighbours are hunting they actually hide in our garden.

I feel priviliged to live close to nature.,any animal sound is better than noisy motorbikes or cars.

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It`s a Greater Coucal, It looks like a species of crow.

I see and here these birds all the time down my way and love them, beautiful creatures.

Cannot understand you people that have no tolerance for nature and the wildlife The Thais say that these birds are the spirits of the dead and harming them brings bad luck and misfortune to those that do injury or kill these birds.


Different bird, Greater Coucal. But also quite vocal.


Get two Burmese staff....I guarantee the bird will be gone the same day...... I had a small rat problem, solved by two Burmese staff mmmmm yummy charcoal grilled rat, my favourite


It`s a Greater Coucal, It looks like a species of crow.

I see and here these birds all the time down my way and love them, beautiful creatures.

Cannot understand you people that have no tolerance for nature and the wildlife The Thais say that these birds are the spirits of the dead and harming them brings bad luck and misfortune to those that do injury or kill these birds.


Yeah but let's face it, Thais say a lot of things and we know its often basically crap.


1. build from old paint gun, fill with gasoline, sugar and motor oil

2. set aside to cool (this could take a while)

3. invite friends to prepare side dishes

4. feed neighborhood children






1. build from old paint gun, fill with gasoline, sugar and motor oil

2. set aside to cool (this could take a while)

3. invite friends to prepare side dishes

4. feed neighborhood children

Please send your "friends" round to mine.... forget the kid !!


The koel declares its territory in the form of a challenge to rivals by progressively raising the tone of the second note of its call. If you are an accomplished whistler, you can mimic the call, each time raising your second note a little higher than that of the bird. It's relatively easy to beat the koel at its own game. Once you "win" the contest, it will accept that you are the alpha bird and fly off.


Very similar to some Thai visa members who try to dominate these threads.

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The koel declares its territory in the form of a challenge to rivals by progressively raising the tone of the second note of its call. If you are an accomplished whistler, you can mimic the call, each time raising your second note a little higher than that of the bird. It's relatively easy to beat the koel at its own game. Once you "win" the contest, it will accept that you are the alpha bird and fly off.


Very similar to some Thai visa members who try to dominate these threads.

Except you can't get them to fly off. Or some other word that starts with "F".


Think you are stuck with him and if it is any consolation, there would be another to take his place should you remove him. Enjoy, it is a beautiful call. We raised one last year, came back every day for a month or so and then found a mate. It is a Buddhist thing not to take a life and one I adhere to.


Same problem. Little bastard starts at about 03:30 and goes all day. I work at my place, too. At this second the repetitive escalation is cutting though my brain like a hot knife. Right up there with incessant dog bark. Of course, the Thai staff here are like: "Bird? What bird?" Going to put a bounty on its beak, try to find a village type who can trap it, take it to the other side of the mountain, get it laid (or something).

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