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Thirachai blasts Kittirat's proposed “letter of comfort” to seek rice loans


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The next elected government may choose not to pay the farmers but instead return the rice and suspend the scheme pending review

If PTP get the loans then the incoming administration has no choice and will immediately be under serious financial burden, also it could be seen as election vote buying

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" He then said the issuance of the letter of comfort to banks to assure the financial soundness and backing of the issuer is therefore illegitimate. "

​Profoundly illegitimate. And profoundly illegal and unconstitutional. Pheu Thai's latest gambit is to skirt around the constitution by issuing a " letter of comfort ", as it were - a kind of charity appeal - that sidesteps the issue of a formal parliamentary-approved request for loans, by not actually making a " formal " ( aka parliamentary - or legal - or constitutional ) request of it. But rather, as a spontaneous gesture that would be appreciated. In effect going to the banks and saying " I'm not speaking on behalf of the government, of course, that would be illegal, as you know. Rather, I appeal to you to loan 130 billion baht strictly as a heart-felt gesture. "

Yingluck has already seized on this profoundly unconstitutional idea and is already promising the farmers they will be paid next week. This administration is flaunting the law. They do not have a mandate. They do not have parliamentary power. They are actively and publicly aiding and abetting the breaking of the law.

Well certainly unacceptable, immoral and more.

I wonder who would sign this 'letter of comfort'? The signer would surely entrap themselves into being something like a guarantor.

On the other hand perhaps the letter would say something like a dry cleaners tag: We love your clothes and we'll take good care of them but we accept no responsibility for any damage.

Edited by scorecard
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Under Article 181 (4) of the Election Law, the use of government facilities and resources which will have impact on election is not allowed, he said.

Oh but it can't. We had the election and Pheu Thai won, there aren't enough seats lefts to change the result.

Really!!! Wow.

When did the whole of Thailand finish the election then?

When were the official votes reported?



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Under Article 181 (4) of the Election Law, the use of government facilities and resources which will have impact on election is not allowed, he said.

Oh but it can't. We had the election and Pheu Thai won, there aren't enough seats lefts to change the result.

There are not enough seats to form a Parliament yet.

Just a small point.

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I wonder what proposal Thirachai has in order to allow the rice farmers get paid beside his retaliatory and instigation:-

"Mr Thirachai then recommended that if government officials and bank executives disagreed with this tactics, they should officially ask the finance minister to issue formal order and take his own responsibility in the letter of comfort."

We're in a transitory change of government, with all that entails, in case you haven't noticed. It may also have escaped your notice that there is NO answer to this hideous situation except to bite the bullet and tell the farmers they are screwed. Courtesy of you-know-who. Once again, there is - in case it's escaped your astute notice - no money and no way to get any. I hope you realise that your idol has led his supporters into a situation in which many people are going to get hurt, very badly hurt. Very badly. I repeat, for your notice, there is no money, no money from anywhere. No money.

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I wonder what proposal Thirachai has in order to allow the rice farmers get paid beside his retaliatory and instigation:-

"Mr Thirachai then recommended that if government officials and bank executives disagreed with this tactics, they should officially ask the finance minister to issue formal order and take his own responsibility in the letter of comfort."

We're in a transitory change of government, with all that entails, in case you haven't noticed. It may also have escaped your notice that there is NO answer to this hideous situation except to bite the bullet and tell the farmers they are screwed. Courtesy of you-know-who. Once again, there is - in case it's escaped your astute notice - no money and no way to get any. I hope you realise that your idol has led his supporters into a situation in which many people are going to get hurt, very badly hurt. Very badly. I repeat, for your notice, there is no money, no money from anywhere. No money.

Sure this is what you want it happens. Very cruel indeed. Maybe you want to repeat the threat of Suthep to block banks for supporting the rice scheme loan.

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Someone didn't think through the ramifications/legalities of the dissolution. Or more likely, their arrogance is coming back to bite them in the ass finally.

Every one knew the process of the dissolution, what is different was that the Democrats, chose to boycott the election, if you meant arrogance on the part of the Democrats you are correct,

The BP newspaper states a 17 billion baht loan was approved and payments to the farmers will began on Monday. the article :clearly" stated the 17 billion baht was part of a 20 billion baht in loans that was:

"Approved by the board on January 8, the process of finalizing the loan and transferring the funds, however, was disrupted by anti-government protesters",

Also there was an mention of Thirachai, in this mornings paper that this type of loan was unlawful and could violate:Section 181 (4) of the election law,

"The constitution which bars care taker government from using state agencies resources to boost its electoral support" And this article which stated :

"The use of government facilities which will have an impact on election is not allowed:"

This idiots focus is not on the plight of the unpaid farmers, or the governments duty to meet their obligation to the rice farmers but only how it "may" impact on election ( The official election took place on February 2, 2014)

The PTP, Red-shirts and UDD must start a pro-active movement to educate rural voters who was in fact behind the suffering of farmers since the PTP became a caretaker government.

Also the PTP must take responsibility for not paying the farmers prior to becoming a care taker government!


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Someone didn't think through the ramifications/legalities of the dissolution. Or more likely, their arrogance is coming back to bite them in the ass finally.

Every one knew the process of the dissolution, what is different was that the Democrats, chose to boycott the election, if you meant arrogance on the part of the Democrats you are correct,

The BP newspaper states a 17 billion baht loan was approved and payments to the farmers will began on Monday. the article :clearly" stated the 17 billion baht was part of a 20 billion baht in loans that was:

"Approved by the board on January 8, the process of finalizing the loan and transferring the funds, however, was disrupted by anti-government protesters",

Also there was an mention of Thirachai, in this mornings paper that this type of loan was unlawful and could violate:Section 181 (4) of the election law,

"The constitution which bars care taker government from using state agencies resources to boost its electoral support" And this article which stated :

"The use of government facilities which will have an impact on election is not allowed:"

This idiots focus is not on the plight of the unpaid farmers, or the governments duty to meet their obligation to the rice farmers but only how it "may" impact on election ( The official election took place on February 2, 2014)

The PTP, Red-shirts and UDD must start a pro-active movement to educate rural voters who was in fact behind the suffering of farmers since the PTP became a caretaker government.

Also the PTP must take responsibility for not paying the farmers prior to becoming a care taker government!


The suffering of the farmers is the fault of PT and their failed rice scheme alone. Loan was approved on January 8th? Payment was due in October, October. It's non payment was due to the fact that this govt failed to meet it's obligations and betrayed it's key support.

But yes I agree the farmers do need to know who was behind their suffering, that being those who took their rice and failed to pay for it month after month after month. Only one answer……….PT.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I wonder what proposal Thirachai has in order to allow the rice farmers get paid beside his retaliatory and instigation:-

"Mr Thirachai then recommended that if government officials and bank executives disagreed with this tactics, they should officially ask the finance minister to issue formal order and take his own responsibility in the letter of comfort."

We're in a transitory change of government, with all that entails, in case you haven't noticed. It may also have escaped your notice that there is NO answer to this hideous situation except to bite the bullet and tell the farmers they are screwed. Courtesy of you-know-who. Once again, there is - in case it's escaped your astute notice - no money and no way to get any. I hope you realise that your idol has led his supporters into a situation in which many people are going to get hurt, very badly hurt. Very badly. I repeat, for your notice, there is no money, no money from anywhere. No money.

Sure this is what you want it happens. Very cruel indeed. Maybe you want to repeat the threat of Suthep to block banks for supporting the rice scheme loan.

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My gosh you're naive if you believe that. It seems there is reality, and then there is your kind of reality.The money outstanding is in the many tens of billions of baht - the 17 billion from the GSB we learned about today is but a trickle, with no sign of any more coming through. So the reality is that there is NO MONEY, and the farmers are going to get hurt - that's reality. My heart bleeds for them, despite some cynics saying they deserve it. Another reality is that as a taxpayer, I want to see my taxes being spent on worthwhile things, especially to improve the lives of the poor, not frittered away on foolish schemes and enriching scum.

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I wonder what proposal Thirachai has in order to allow the rice farmers get paid beside his retaliatory and instigation:-

"Mr Thirachai then recommended that if government officials and bank executives disagreed with this tactics, they should officially ask the finance minister to issue formal order and take his own responsibility in the letter of comfort."

We're in a transitory change of government, with all that entails, in case you haven't noticed. It may also have escaped your notice that there is NO answer to this hideous situation except to bite the bullet and tell the farmers they are screwed. Courtesy of you-know-who. Once again, there is - in case it's escaped your astute notice - no money and no way to get any. I hope you realise that your idol has led his supporters into a situation in which many people are going to get hurt, very badly hurt. Very badly. I repeat, for your notice, there is no money, no money from anywhere. No money.

Sure this is what you want it happens. Very cruel indeed. Maybe you want to repeat the threat of Suthep to block banks for supporting the rice scheme loan.

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My gosh you're naive if you believe that. It seems there is reality, and then there is your kind of reality.The money outstanding is in the many tens of billions of baht - the 17 billion from the GSB we learned about today is but a trickle, with no sign of any more coming through. So the reality is that there is NO MONEY, and the farmers are going to get hurt - that's reality. My heart bleeds for them, despite some cynics saying they deserve it. Another reality is that as a taxpayer, I want to see my taxes being spent on worthwhile things, especially to improve the lives of the poor, not frittered away on foolish schemes and enriching scum.

I believe he is that naive WitawaWatawit, either that or he has another agenda, possibly bored and just trying to get an argument going, you know what I mean. whistling.gif

The people who have no sympathy for the farmers plight are either PTP supporters trying to somehow put the blame on the farmers for this giant FUBAR, or just heartless individuals who spend all their spare time Thai bashing anyway.

They say charity begins at home and I have been doing my best to help out my wife's family in Surin who are suffering at the moment. My sister-in-law has still not been paid for her rice crop and says she will no longer be bribed into voting for PTP, enough is enough.

Nothing the halfwits on this forum who defend the PTP's actions say will fix this mess. Getting rid of this government and the entire Shinawatra influence is the only cure. Dubai will soon be a haven for disgraced Thai politicians. clap2.gif

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