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Searched By US Customs, Including Laptop & Camera


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It's completely legal and pre-dates Obama.

Jus had to spin Obama into it - its like Kevin Bacon relations when it comes to da man - I bet yo got u an Obama phone and waitin fo yo paychek

The reason I mentioned Obama was because many Obama Derangement Syndrome types blame everything bad in the USA on Obama.

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I also encrypt and use Steganos VPN which is an also encrypted tunnel. If anyone wanted it of course they could capture or crack but I dont secure my data because I am bad, I secure it because I feel offended that others would pry. Besides, in DXB and other locations, it is the only way to bypass censors and/or use skype. Even in Asia the VPN tunnels under the ISP and while data packets can be surmised, there is no way to know what traffic is sent.

Be advised that in UK they have laws against personal encrypted data drives; Really! In the US they are now asserting that encryption itself is evidence of an intent to obstruct governmental administration. The DOJ's position is that encryption for the masses should be illegal.

Yes, the us governments, through the NSA, efforts long time efforts to undermine public key encryption are well know. As is their attempts to prevent the use and export of such technologies by the general public.

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We may even create a EEE, and get rid of the www.

USA is a shame country. U all suck!

Swiss will kick you back where you come from.... Go home!

The www is actually just a convention, often unnecessary anyway.

And I thought you were anti-EU?

Don't think the recent anti-immigrant vote there had anything to do with the US.

Go back to yodeling!

Cow- and goatherds used yodeling as a way to call across from one mountain to another. It was a rudimentary (albeit beautiful) way to communicate. Certain sounds and notes actually meant words, so in a way, yodeling began as a kind of melodic language of the mountains.

Although you couldnt see a fellow cowherd across the valley, you could hear him, and you would yodel back. Like bird calls, sending out feelers to see whos out there and listening to the responding calls that come back.

I like to think how long before two teenagers picked up their phones and started texting one another, one would stand tall on a rock on some mountainside and yodel some little phrase across the valley to the other, who would yodel back.


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I see thousand of industries getting rid of Gmail, yahoo. My Swiss bank told me to be careful when I write to them.

They will create their own Internet within Europe.

We may even create a EEE, and get rid of the www.

USA is a shame country. U all suck!

Swiss will kick you back where you come from.... Go home!


Yes the Swiss Guards will certainly strike fear into all who would dare

to oppose them...


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Nothing at all wrong. If their actions catch at least one pedophile, all the privacy violations will be worth it. Imagine if it was your daughter being fiddled by some of the trash you see here in Thailand.

Not worth it. Ever heard of cost-benefit analysis? Spending $5,000,000 to catch 1 p.file isnt worth it.

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I have been stopped in a variety of countries for weird reasons. It isn't just the US....short list of where I have undergone special screening: US (even pre-9/11), Mexico, UK, several African countries, China (multiple times), Korea, France, Japan, Russia and the list goes on.

Some of them wanted to check a foreign man and a Thai woman to make sure we were legit, other times it is the littlest things....in France, I was picked out of the line before boarding and had a mini-interrogation because I had bought a ticket somewhere, cancelled it kind of last minute and then booked another one to a completely different destination after a long stay in Europe. Yes, that looks odd (family emergency). Just the credit card activity makes them want to know more about what you are doing.

My last 3 or 4 trips to the US I haven't had anything out of the ordinary....in and out in no time and I was jumping all over the country and had just come from hopping around Asia. So, that time I was kosher.

Never heard of this checking electronics--again, they saw something they weren't sure about or you just got the short straw.

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Yeah I see some kind of jealousy.

U see in Switzerland we don't have 3 jobs, we have vacations, good salary, I don't even pay visa when I go to Lao.

Everywhere I go I m well received.

Thai ladies like Switzerland more than USA.

I m just sorry for you to be usa citizen. Must be harsh to be kicked by your own government.

Who like USA anyway? Nobody....

Yes, a great history, I can certainly understand your pride...... whistling.gif


"A report by the Historical Commission studying Switzerland's conduct during World War II paints a blacker picture of Switzerland's links with the Nazi's than previously thought.

The interim report by the Bergier commission says 76% of Nazi gold transactions went through Switzerland and the volume of trade between Swiss private banks and war-time Germany was at least three times higher than earlier estimates indicated."

Actually in the Philippines they love America, they seem to remember

we saved them from the Japanese......

Back to topic after a minor history lesson. Yes, I firmly believe that searching

your electronic media after traveling overseas is invasive and not correct.

Would really be no different that if federal agents came and searched your

home each month, and told you if you had nothing to hide it should not be

a problem. America was built on freedom ( Don't tread on me), and the right

to privacy. Truly a shame to see it slowly eroded away.... :-(

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I see thousand of industries getting rid of Gmail, yahoo. My Swiss bank told me to be careful when I write to them.

They will create their own Internet within Europe.

We may even create a EEE, and get rid of the www.

USA is a shame country. U all suck!

Swiss will kick you back where you come from.... Go home!


Yes the Swiss Guards will certainly strike fear into all who would dare

to oppose them...


And who says there are no gays in the Vatican!

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More times than not, I experience the same treatment when returning to the US via Los Angeles. I get really annoyed by it since I have someone outside waiting to meet me and they will not allow you to use a cell phone to call them. The last time, I was delayed 2 hours waiting my turn to be searched and interrogated. My brother was driving around and around LAX wondering <deleted>. Fortunately, I called him when I landed, and before getting to immigration, to let him know I made it to the airport.

Usually its just "welcome home sir" or the agent may ask what I'm doing in thailand and I answer honestly that I live there. A couple have mentioned their own trips to thailand or comment that it's a place they want to visit. Then they mark my customs form and I'm invariably waived on out of the arrivals hall and into the main terminal and back into America :)

Question: Which one is clean shaven, nice haircut, and neatly dressed? And which one is unkempt, has body piercings, and a tattoo of Che Guevara? Ok, time's up.

Much more efficient to be able to narrow the population for random screenings. Profiling? Indeed. We don't have the resources these days to wear the blindfolds the ACLU prefers.

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You would like to have my gold so you can buy more Nimitz or nuclear bomb to drop on Japan ?

U won't get it.... Eheheheh :-)

Not your gold to give......from the same story by the BBC.

"Many believe that much of the wealth the Nazis looted from their victims in World War II is being held in Swiss bank accounts. "

Here is a debating tip for you. Do not throw stones if you live in a glass house.wai2.gif

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More times than not, I experience the same treatment when returning to the US via Los Angeles. I get really annoyed by it since I have someone outside waiting to meet me and they will not allow you to use a cell phone to call them. The last time, I was delayed 2 hours waiting my turn to be searched and interrogated. My brother was driving around and around LAX wondering <deleted>. Fortunately, I called him when I landed, and before getting to immigration, to let him know I made it to the airport.

Usually its just "welcome home sir" or the agent may ask what I'm doing in thailand and I answer honestly that I live there. A couple have mentioned their own trips to thailand or comment that it's a place they want to visit. Then they mark my customs form and I'm invariably waived on out of the arrivals hall and into the main terminal and back into America smile.png

Question: Which one is clean shaven, nice haircut, and neatly dressed? And which one is unkempt, has body piercings, and a tattoo of Che Guevara? Ok, time's up.

Much more efficient to be able to narrow the population for random screenings. Profiling? Indeed. We don't have the resources these days to wear the blindfolds the ACLU prefers.

Jeez !! Now I understand why I raise suspicions and am always inspected when I go to the US of A.

Never thought that my unkempt appearance was reason for being profiled by ICE!!

Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

I learned something new today !

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

I think he said, "If you want us to treat you as gentlemen, argue on the merits of your policy and our policy. Take it to a higher level and we will treat you accordingly and respond accordingly," Lee Kuan Yew, 24 April 2006."


Unless you have a link for your quote?

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

Yes of course, Singapore is a shining light in the annals of personal freedom:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition."


"Singapore enforces the death penalty by hanging and has, according to Amnesty International, one of the world's highest execution rates relative to its population."

Yup, great man, that Lee...

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

Yes of course, Singapore is a shining light in the annals of personal freedom:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition."


"Singapore enforces the death penalty by hanging and has, according to Amnesty International, one of the world's highest execution rates relative to its population."

Yup, great man, that Lee...

I believe the false quote attributed to Lee should be removed or identified as a lie or real. As far as I have been able to search it is a lie and he didn't say it. So if you begin with a lie it follows .......

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More times than not, I experience the same treatment when returning to the US via Los Angeles. I get really annoyed by it since I have someone outside waiting to meet me and they will not allow you to use a cell phone to call them. The last time, I was delayed 2 hours waiting my turn to be searched and interrogated. My brother was driving around and around LAX wondering <deleted>. Fortunately, I called him when I landed, and before getting to immigration, to let him know I made it to the airport.

Since they have never found any reason to stop me, I would think they would make a note of it in their computer to no longer "randomly" search me. I even tell the officer that I have been "randomly" selected several times, but they don't care, they are just grunts going through the motions. I asked if I'm on a watch list, and they will not confirm or deny. Anyway, it is not a pleasant way to be welcomed home, to be sure.

Sure this type of action predates Obama, but slowly, the civil rights that Americans have enjoyed in the past are slowly being peeled away, and Obama has accelerated the process.

Oh please give it a rest with the Obama bashing! Everyone's primary human right to stay alive and seek medical care because they can now purchase affordable medical insurance (and not have to rely on charity care) and not die in the streets or be bankrupted by care costs has been enhanced and secured by this man.

With you're attitude, maybe TSA is onto something searching you every time. Like I said, basically I never get the treatment.


1) you know nothing about Obamacare, its huge deductibles, and forced premiums on many who cannot afford them

2) you are also not aware, no COUNTY hospital turns away anyone, thru the ER

3) you know nothing about TSA and their mandate

4) no one has any "primary" rights in the USA anymore, they were eliminated first by the Patriot Act, and then the Unlimited Detention Act

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I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

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I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

facebook, dropbox and other online storage facilities get searched too, but at least you will avoid losing time at the border.

I am not worried and don't object to punctual searches, but the government storing private data about people that are neither convicted nor suspected of any wrongdoing is unacceptable, as well as hacking or gaining access by other means to private data storage.

Edited by manarak
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How do you suggest they catch pedophiles without invading innocent peoples' privacy? I had my laptop searched 2 years back and there were a lot of questions asked about my arm around 2 5 year old hill tribe girls. I answered truthfully and never felt my privacy was violated as I had nothing to hide. It always seems to be guilty people that are first to question the legalities over wiretaps, searches and so on.

"The Wicked Flee When No Man Pursueth"

Been watching a lot of "Border Security" (Youtube. Aus, USA, UK.)

I am amazed how gently the officers treat people with umpteen kg of undeclared goods, explaining patiently, (apparently to frequent violators, who kave filled in "nothing to declare" in forms in their own language). Then the officer sorts out what is admissable from what is not. A fine is then levied a massive $110 (AUS). The violator protests endlessly, and on and on and on.

I would dump everything and fine them $1000. 3 minutes tops.

Those wth fake passports and visas are also treated with kid gloves, hopefully only for the camera.

Drug smugglers get shorter shrift.

If I were to indicate the largest number of nationalities violating, I would be accused of racism.

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Topic has come up here since 2004.


I return often, and am in the target demographic, and have not been searched. I've been using Global Entry (kiosk) for a few years so no chance of a search now. Also get TSA Pre-Check so easy-peasey intra-U.S.

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Topic has come up here since 2004.


I return often, and am in the target demographic, and have not been searched. I've been using Global Entry (kiosk) for a few years so no chance of a search now. Also get TSA Pre-Check so easy-peasey intra-U.S.

I, too, use Global Entry and TSA Pre-check and that has made flying into, out of, and through the US a piece of cake.

However, there is indeed a chance of being targeted for a random or other search, and they won't cut you any slack if they find something that is against the rules. The excuse that "I didn't know" won't fly, as it might with others, since if you are in GE, you are certifying that you understand and will abide by the rules.

Having said that, GE is the best thing since sliced bread. You bypass all the lines to passport control and all the lines through customs. I usually am through passport control well ahead of the flight crew. Once when I had only carry on luggage entering LAX from abroad, I was out the door five minutes after entering the passport control building, and that was because I was walking slowly.

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If you are critical of the US government, you might be searched, if you are a reporter and are critical of the US government you will be searched, detained, harassed and your electronic gear taken when you come back into the states. Some will not go back. Some people are not allowed back in, some are not allowed out. As a Vietnam Veteran Against the War I was an outspoken critic of US policy and the war in Vietnam. I was denied exit from the US along with my soon to be charged co-conspirator back in 1972. It was a Mexican border guard that told us, "it isn't my country, it is yours". A couple of weeks later the fumbling bureau of idiots began serving warrants. I had broken no law, was later released by Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas and the jury returned Not Guilty on all defendants. No, that was not justice. We never broke any law, the government just wanted to shut us up-didn't work. What is happening now isn't new, it is just 1,000 times worse and going to get worse unless the sheeple find their hind feet. Perhaps we should remember that Edward Snowden is trapped in Russia with a suspended passport and the threat of death hanging over his head because he spoke truth to the power by letting us know the degree of illegal spying done by the US. The US is a surveillance state bordering on a police state. Just another reason I won't return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. If you don't have anything to hide you have nothing to fear?-bullsh t! I fail to understand how anyone can defend the searches we are subjected to coming back to the states as not being a violation of our rights. They may/do have the power, they don't have the right.

As an American in Thailand, reading this entire thread, insults and all, which have been tame,

I now will clear my photo DL's of all pictures containing my girlfriend, who is 32, that may accidentally have a stranger walking past, who is underage.

that is the problem with the searches at Customs, we now have to be afraid that a passersby in one of our favorite photos of an adult girlfriend, may become subject to a questioning, of who is this?

I just remembered while writing this, that I have pictures at the beach in Bali, will now have to scrub those as well,

I stop at deleting photos of my own kids, as kids tho,

I do not expect any trouble at any US Border, as, I am white, in my 50's, have short hair, its grey, I do not fear law enforcement, and will find a way to answer their questions in a way that doesn't threaten them, yes, I said, that does not threaten them......they dont like the searching, anymore that we do,

I was patted down by a TSA agent at a florida airport not realizing I had four joints in my back pocket,

I only realized they were there, when I was singled out for additional pat down for a reason they didnt tell me, and as I walked ot the search spot, they asked me to remove everything from my pockets myself, and that is when I felt the joints,

I had no option, but to move them to the seams, individually, and hope that they weren't felt,

they weren't

as he was doing the search and I realized I had them in my pocket, I spoke to the former New Yorker man to man, and asked him how he felt about having to search someone like me, and he said he absolutely hated it,

frankly, I think he felt them, and let me go, but it taught me a lesson, that is being re learned here,

know everything you have first,

then allow the search and be pleasant to the person doing it, and you will slide thru

get their back up for any reason, and you will have a problem

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

Whether he said it or not he was right. It is now time to take DNA and fingerprints from the whole population/s.

All newborns from now on. Should increase convictions and also exonerate many.

It seems that many criminals either don't watch CI or are too dumb to understand it and will continue to leave DNA etc.and be bewildered by their apprehension.

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I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

facebook, dropbox and other online storage facilities get searched too, but at least you will avoid losing time at the border.

I am not worried and don't object to punctual searches, but the government storing private data about people that are neither convicted nor suspected of any wrongdoing is unacceptable, as well as hacking or gaining access by other means to private data storage.

Easily avoided by using a personal wesbite, from godaddy, or network solutions, etc., then you get free personal email, which you can send from a TOR browser, and your emails are totally private, unless you send them to someone w a gmail!

there is a reason it is called G-Male, G-Men- get it?

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

Whether he said it or not he was right. It is now time to take DNA and fingerprints from the whole population/s.

All newborns from now on. Should increase convictions and also exonerate many.

It seems that many criminals either don't watch CI or are too dumb to understand it and will continue to leave DNA etc.and be bewildered by their apprehension.

It is now time to take DNA and fingerprints from the whole population/s.

All newborns from now on.

Blimey! You're a real libertarian, aren't you! Still, nothing to hide, nothing to fear, eh? The benevolent authorities would never abuse their powers, would they now?

Good grief...

DNA is being collected from everyone convicted of any misdemeanor now, and childrens DNA are surely being collected

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