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Thai policeman shot dead in protest clashes in Bangkok


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In addition the the murder charges Suthep is up against, we can now add another 2 to that list.

...so according to your lop-sided logic, it doesn't matter who the protesters are and who is opposing them, it's all Suthep's fault...! Wise up Moo...!

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Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

So Thaksin, Jutaporn and the other Red Dictaroial team are responsible for the 90+ deaths in 2010...

... If they had not done what they were doing that would not have happened... right?

I agree that the Reds did wrong back in 2010, but the government in that time was a not elected Elite government so the there is a difference.

That's also what Suthep wants now !

And right now, you must be out of your mind if you still think Suthep his reform idea is gonna change anything in Thai politics, so blood for Nothing, Nada, Niente, only for Suthep his ideal .

They can't understand the difference....they are probably from North Korea or Russia or Cuba so that the elections and the Thai people mean nothing to them. They law of the jungle: Suthep the barbarian corrupted ultra convicted murderer is their hero and his malay , mandarin and hindi speakers thugs. Those second-generation Thais, who speak a foreign language at home and they think they are the owner of Thailand with their billions, say that countryside Thais from Essan and the North are not real Thais. Really ? These are the people (not real Thais, but Chinese and Indians) who are financing Suthep to cause havoc in the country in order to re-take control of their fiefdom and lower the minimum salary of their "slaves" (the real Thai people from the countryside where almost all food in this country comes from)

Edited by max72
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Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

Why do you bother to post other than to stir the pot. This is full of contradictions. So of the 29 injured lets assume some were protesters then how were they injured?

They were hurt by DISOBEYING the LAW. If the army were to come in do you realize how many people would be killed????????

Wake up for crying outloud, PTP disobeying the law since 2010...and really ever since square face bought his way in to power. This is in no way comparable to a city under absolute siege in 2010. But some are brainwashed by their Isaan bird enough to think so...or to kiss it up, for whatever in law benefits they think they'll reap.

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Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

Why do you bother to post other than to stir the pot. This is full of contradictions. So of the 29 injured lets assume some were protesters then how were they injured?

They were hurt by DISOBEYING the LAW. If the army were to come in do you realize how many people would be killed????????

Wake up for crying outloud, PTP disobeying the law since 2010...and really ever since square face bought his way in to power. This is in no way comparable to a city under absolute siege in 2010. But some are brainwashed by their Isaan bird enough to think so...or to kiss it up, for whatever in law benefits they think they'll reap.

You are the brainwashed one by the ultra corrupted criminal murderer of women and children Suthep.

If it were not for Essan people, you and almost everybody would have no food in your (our) tables, so you can keep your racist and insulting statements against Thais for yourself. If you hate Thais, why did you come here ?

Suthep is with the chinese, indians and malays, almost no Thai can follow that mass-murderer

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If the protesters could be counted by tens or hundreds of thousands on the different sites, we could legitimate their action. Irrespective of any political color or opinion, when a few dozens of people literally "highjack" several key crossroads and sites in the city for weeks, then I find legitimate that the Police (finally) takes action to free access to these key crossroads and sites. This must have come to an end and in Thailand - like in other countries - protests are often dispersed with some violence and strong action. This time - as expected - it went wrong because of armed people shooting at both civilians and protesters. The promised Bangkok shutdown did not happen, so Suthep and his troops should find other ways to demonstrate - peacefully. Blocking crossroads has no more legitimacy, just look at the number of protesters in all sites, pure and simple fact. An illegal protest can be legitimated by the number of people, but that's not (anymore) the case here; so it becomes an illegal (State of Emergency) annoyance. No partisan propaganda here, just rule of law. Or else anybody with a small group of people could occupy the streets at any time... I can understand that people are tired of Thaksin regime, no doubt about that. But protesters need a new Strategy to mobilize both people and attention.

Edited by toonsai
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This is some footage from CNN the moment a grenade explodes among the police line.


Can someone tell me if those shotgun cartridges on the floor near the injured policeman would have been used to contain rubber bullets or blanks - or is there no way of telling?

Another sad day for Thailand condolences to all injured and the fathers, mothers, son, daughters of those killed and maimed.

I am pretty sure that those red cartridges are from live SG 12 gauge shotgun shells.

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I'd like to say "Take em down, arrest everyone, stop all this nonsense". But it would be better to continue as before. Find a way to continue "care-taking" despite the protest annoyances and let his numbers continue to dwindle on their own as people get tired and leave from the lack of effectiveness that they are having and the fact that they have no real clearly formulated goal in sight anyway.

What is hell are you on about?!

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Yellow criminals showing their true (deadly) color...

It's time to suppress Suthep and his mad following dogs before more innocent people get hurt mad.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Very presumptuous. I see many colours here and your true colours are to be left in your country as we are just visitors here REGARDLESS of what we do here.

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Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

Suthep and his "band of thugs" include people from all across the socio/economic strata of Thailand. They are reacting to the massive rape of Thailand by PTP as dictated by ShinCorp. Always remember, the one and only purpose of the Yingluck govt. is/was to get Thaksin back. Nothing more, nothing less.

It must be incredible to have such detailed inside knowledge of the so called protest movement. Can you point us in the direction of the research you are privy to that supports your post? Or was it just an ill informed rant full of cliches?

Much better than the nonsense you write, go to the protests, speak with the people and you have the answers...rolleyes.gif

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IF, and this is a big if, this truly has, and remains a peaceful protest, it is about time Suthep made a nationwide broadcast for the protesters to stand down.

In any scenario, one death is too many and the future of the current situation is looking extremely dark.

Why should Suthep stand down his protests over this? The Thaksin Dictaroial regime is responsible for thousands of deaths in the past... War on Drugs, Tak Ban, the 2010 protests plus the on-going constant campaign to shoot at the protest sites under the cover of darkness, granades/bomb being thrown at the protestors...

The blood of all injured and dead today is on the hands of Yingluck and Chalerm - they need to be charged with murder and sent to court...

And you should grow a brain with some semblance of intelligence to it coffee1.gif

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They can't understand the difference....they are probably from North Korea or Russia or Cuba so that the elections and the Thai people mean nothing to them. They law of the jungle: Suthep the barbarian corrupted ultra convicted murderer is their hero and his malay , mandarin and hindi speakers thugs. Those second-generation Thais, who speak a foreign language at home and they think they are the owner of Thailand with their billions, say that countryside Thais from Essan and the North are not real Thais. Really ? These are the people (not real Thais, but Chinese and Indians) who are financing Suthep to cause havoc in the country in order to re-take control of their fiefdom and lower the minimum salary of their "slaves" (the real Thai people from the countryside where almost all food in this country comes from)

Jesus, man, you take the cake for failing to understand the first thing about Thailand. What an ignoramus. You really think Sino-Thai billionaires (um, like Thaksin, for example) really speak "Mandarin" at home?! But ah yes, you know the "real" Thailand, the pure and ethnically-cleansed Thailand. You belong back in the 19th century.

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If the protesters could be counted by tens or hundreds of thousands on the different sites, we could legitimate their action. Irrespective of any political color or opinion, when a few dozens of people literally "highjack" several key crossroads and sites in the city for weeks, then I find legitimate that the Police (finally) takes action to free access to these key crossroads and sites. This must have come to an end and in Thailand - like in other countries - protests are often dispersed with some violence and strong action. This time - as expected - it went wrong because of armed people shooting at both civilians and protesters. The promised Bangkok shutdown did not happen, so Suthep and his troops should find other ways to demonstrate - peacefully. Blocking crossroads has no more legitimacy, just look at the number of protesters in all sites, pure and simple fact. An illegal protest can be legitimated by the number of people, but that's not (anymore) the case here; so it becomes an illegal (State of Emergency) annoyance. No partisan propaganda here, just rule of law. Or else anybody with a small group of people could occupy the streets at any time... I can understand that people are tired of Thaksin regime, no doubt about that. But protesters need a new Strategy to mobilize both people and attention.

You do realize the irony of your statement, in relation to what the red shirts did in 2010, right? (or is that too complicated for you?)

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If the protesters could be counted by tens or hundreds of thousands on the different sites, we could legitimate their action. Irrespective of any political color or opinion, when a few dozens of people literally "highjack" several key crossroads and sites in the city for weeks, then I find legitimate that the Police (finally) takes action to free access to these key crossroads and sites. This must have come to an end and in Thailand - like in other countries - protests are often dispersed with some violence and strong action. This time - as expected - it went wrong because of armed people shooting at both civilians and protesters. The promised Bangkok shutdown did not happen, so Suthep and his troops should find other ways to demonstrate - peacefully. Blocking crossroads has no more legitimacy, just look at the number of protesters in all sites, pure and simple fact. An illegal protest can be legitimated by the number of people, but that's not (anymore) the case here; so it becomes an illegal (State of Emergency) annoyance. No partisan propaganda here, just rule of law. Or else anybody with a small group of people could occupy the streets at any time... I can understand that people are tired of Thaksin regime, no doubt about that. But protesters need a new Strategy to mobilize both people and attention.

You do realize the irony of your statement, in relation to what the red shirts did in 2010, right? (or is that too complicated for you?)

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Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

Suthep and his "band of thugs" include people from all across the socio/economic strata of Thailand. They are reacting to the massive rape of Thailand by PTP as dictated by ShinCorp. Always remember, the one and only purpose of the Yingluck govt. is/was to get Thaksin back. Nothing more, nothing less.

It must be incredible to have such detailed inside knowledge of the so called protest movement. Can you point us in the direction of the research you are privy to that supports your post? Or was it just an ill informed rant full of cliches?

Considering that the PTP slogan is and has always been "Thaksin Thinks - Pheua Thai Acts", I don't really have to do much research. Good try though!!! thumbsup.gif

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Some big explosion in CBD apparently, not sure what but twitter is going crazy about it. Apparently near silom / wireless - very few facts

I'm in Silom - haven't heard a thing

yea it was all in thai (twitter) - probably (hopefully) bs. Or a transformer going off ...

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Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

No Thaksin is to blame for this, see we can continue this name blaming for eternity. It is quite apparent from photos and news footage that the majority of the injured are not police, so are you stating protestors are hurting fellow protestors.

And here they blame Thaksin once again.

RIP to the two death. In Hamburg - Germany, over 300 protesters were injured when they cleared the streets last month.

Bangkok at least have been a lawless city in the last few months. It's time the government takes control back of the city.

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Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

Tell that to the people who wants Abhisit charged for the deaths among protesters some years ago. I'm pretty sure the quote is a reference to just that.

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Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

No Thaksin is to blame for this, see we can continue this name blaming for eternity. It is quite apparent from photos and news footage that the majority of the injured are not police, so are you stating protestors are hurting fellow protestors.

And here they blame Thaksin once again.

RIP to the two death. In Hamburg - Germany, over 300 protesters were injured when they cleared the streets last month.

Bangkok at least have been a lawless city in the last few months. It's time the government takes control back of the city.

No thanks - they can't even stand up to water bottles, they have no business running a country.

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I agree that the Reds did wrong back in 2010, but the government in that time was a not elected Elite government so the there is a difference.

That's also what Suthep wants now !

And right now, you must be out of your mind if you still think Suthep his reform idea is gonna change anything in Thai politics, so blood for Nothing, Nada, Niente, only for Suthep his ideal .

That was part of the problem in 2010, and seems to continue now. People don't understand the parliamentary system, and don't understand that Abhisit WAS elected in parliament.

He did form his coalition in less than desirable circumstances, but he didn't go to Hong Kong to visit a fugitive as many did when forming the PPP and PTP coalitions.

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whatever the PDRC media are saying, the rest of the world are reporting on armed insurrection...

least the world have got it right.

If that really is the case, then it does not bode well. Suthep's protests have, in my view, two objectives: 1. They are a side show to distract attention from the real power struggle; and 2. to seize control of the government so as to influence the big decision in a particular way when the time comes for it to be made. If this really is the start of an armed insurection, it points towards the "other player" having gained the upper hand in that winner takes all power struggle. Of course, we will never know what is really going on, so this is just supposition.

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Does this PDRC group look like random hired guards? Because to me it looks like Navy or Army, similar age, an older man in the middle who looks like the boss. What's the head band they're wearing?

Who are they supposed to be? Where are they? Is this even related to the protests?

A group of PDRC guards.

The location seems to be here (link to Google map):

Next to democracy monument. I'm filling in the details of who they are as I get them.

Notice the PDCR guard mob above are in trainers. Notice also the rallying insignias, more a militia than a mob. Someone has organized those bandanas, and those flags and those uniforms, someone has drawn those logos. That's not a mob, that's organized.

Notice the shoes, the police have their regulation boots but there's another group, have been spotted around, armed to the teeth with similar clothes to the police but wearing trainers and with yellow patches on their arms. You can see the fake police at the top, and real below in this photo:

I suspect we have a bit of third hand here. Another attempt perhaps to give the army an excuse for a coup, take a look, trainers as shoes and the yellow patch on the arm. The fake police here armed to the teeth with military weapons, yet trainers?

The man on the right looks like this guy spotted as one of PDRC Laksi shooters:

I think that this man must be there leader, because he's older, appears to be central to this group.


The first photo in the series is slightly over 2 months old.


I think that they are seals. On what basis are you suggesting that they are pdrc guards? Honest question.

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