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Can Thai Visa control trolls?


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im a severe troll and I wasnt always like this I was quite the opposite.

I was constantly spoken to extremely rudely by people all over the net

now it is a true pleasure to torture these people

especially after a troll drove my mother to commit suicide, the baby boomer generation are most at risk on computers, for obvious reasons

So your logic, by extension: A terrorist killed my mother, so now I am a terrorist killing other people's mother's to make me feel happier. Stupid huh? But same logic - most child abusers were abused as children - most wife beaters were abused or [very] bullied physically as children - recreating the chain is not a answer, being better than them and not giving them the stage to flourish on IS the answer.
Nice try, wolf5370, but the logical similitude you are attempting here does not stand up to scrutiny.

The "extensions" you refer to do not hold up either and your subsequent departure into causality and predisposition for malfeasance is grossly flawed as well.

But you didn't stop there. (You were on a roll, there weren't you wolf5370 ;-)

Your attempts to spot-weld the double horrors of pedophilia and spousal abuse onto the notion of free speech and informed commentary and dialectical exchange, couched as they were in pseudo-academic garb, really did push the proverbial bounds of civil discourse, did they not ?

And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy.

My my ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

My "logical similitude" (nice phrase that :)) wasn't meant to stand up to scrutiny, that was kind of the point - it was ridiculous, and hence, stupid, as I said. The point that becoming a Troll on the basics that he was trolled before is not a logical progression at all, even if it is a somewhat expected one. In fact, it is just perpetuating the issue. Nothing to do with free speech either, I never mentioned that and neither did he. Abusive behaviour, even if it is just attacking someone verbally for the 'fun' of raising their heckles, has a chain effect, this is evident (as in the bullying and child abuse - yes, however you dislike that being mentioned - and however far away that is from trolling) and accepted. Making ones self a link in that chain is not a remedy to any issue; breaking the chain/cycle is.

It was he himself, the poster I was replying to, that stated that the reason he is a "severe troll"[sIC] is because he was trolled - "torturing people for pure pleasure" is hardly justified even under free speech - we also have the freedom to be free from such abuse - which is why much of the world employs limits to freedom of speech to protect people from slander, discrimination and abuse. One freedom does not, and should not, be a reason to ignore another - where contentious, such as discrimination and hate speech, a line must be drawn.

"And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy." : Censorship is an emotive term often used to imply the removal of freedom, but it is also, and more importantly, a tool for protecting freedoms - it can be a remedy and it can be the problem, just as a hammer can be a tool and it can also be a murder weapon. I would never try to suggest that censorship is a remedy in itself, because that is too vague a term - some level of censorship is a remedy for many ills in this world, not all of them, but many. That level has to be justifiable with respect to other rights and we can not be capricious in its application, but no censorship simply does not work, which is why it has never existed within any civilization we know of.

This post of yours is just pure jive.

Nonsensical syntax and phrasing are no help either.

Smoke, mirrors, jive and jibber-jabber do not an argument make ;-)

Samuel Johnson ( or, like, some other guy you'd probably fall asleep reading after a three-minute headache.

Pardon the mixed analogy but here's some advice.

Stop digging.

You've clearly reached the point where you should hand the shovel up to somebody and lie down in the hole.

Feel me ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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So will someone define "troll"???? - I think not!

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

For example, "I think not." Would be antagonistic.

I think that your definition is a bit too broad and as hoc to have any credibility.

You wrote, "So will someone define "troll"???? - I think not!." I did and posted it now it would be the gentlemanly thing for you to do, to say, "thanks, I was wrong." Instead of adding an irrelevant response that was designed to antagonize me.

However it was a good example of another troll post with the primary intent of provoking me into an emotional response .

Edited by thailiketoo
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You wrote, "So will someone define "troll"???? - I think not!." I did and posted it now it would be the gentlemanly thing for you to do, to say, "thanks, I was wrong." Instead of adding an irrelevant response that was designed to antagonize me.

However it was a good example of another troll post with the primary intent of provoking me into an emotional response .

I don;t think he was being particularly provocative.

However, he was wrong, insofar as the definition posted was that from rule 5 of the Thaiisa rules with which wilcopops has agreed to abide:


5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

So I don't think that the definition wilcopops has agreed to abide by can be considered 'ad hoc'


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So your logic, by extension: A terrorist killed my mother, so now I am a terrorist killing other people's mother's to make me feel happier. Stupid huh? But same logic - most child abusers were abused as children - most wife beaters were abused or [very] bullied physically as children - recreating the chain is not a answer, being better than them and not giving them the stage to flourish on IS the answer.

My "logical similitude" (nice phrase that smile.png) wasn't meant to stand up to scrutiny, that was kind of the point - it was ridiculous, and hence, stupid, as I said. The point that becoming a Troll on the basics that he was trolled before is not a logical progression at all, even if it is a somewhat expected one. In fact, it is just perpetuating the issue. Nothing to do with free speech either, I never mentioned that and neither did he. Abusive behaviour, even if it is just attacking someone verbally for the 'fun' of raising their heckles, has a chain effect, this is evident (as in the bullying and child abuse - yes, however you dislike that being mentioned - and however far away that is from trolling) and accepted. Making ones self a link in that chain is not a remedy to any issue; breaking the chain/cycle is.

It was he himself, the poster I was replying to, that stated that the reason he is a "severe troll"[sIC] is because he was trolled - "torturing people for pure pleasure" is hardly justified even under free speech - we also have the freedom to be free from such abuse - which is why much of the world employs limits to freedom of speech to protect people from slander, discrimination and abuse. One freedom does not, and should not, be a reason to ignore another - where contentious, such as discrimination and hate speech, a line must be drawn.

"And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy." : Censorship is an emotive term often used to imply the removal of freedom, but it is also, and more importantly, a tool for protecting freedoms - it can be a remedy and it can be the problem, just as a hammer can be a tool and it can also be a murder weapon. I would never try to suggest that censorship is a remedy in itself, because that is too vague a term - some level of censorship is a remedy for many ills in this world, not all of them, but many. That level has to be justifiable with respect to other rights and we can not be capricious in its application, but no censorship simply does not work, which is why it has never existed within any civilization we know of.

A bit convoluted and higher vocabulary than many here can deal with (pot, black 8-)

but well thought out, great posts wolf.

Don't forget the ignore button, IMO the best defense when you realize you just don't want to see certain posters anymore.

Those that are bothered by me are most welcome to use it too. . .

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You wrote, "So will someone define "troll"???? - I think not!." I did and posted it now it would be the gentlemanly thing for you to do, to say, "thanks, I was wrong." Instead of adding an irrelevant response that was designed to antagonize me.

However it was a good example of another troll post with the primary intent of provoking me into an emotional response .

I don;t think he was being particularly provocative.

However, he was wrong, insofar as the definition posted was that from rule 5 of the Thaiisa rules with which wilcopops has agreed to abide:


5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

So I don't think that the definition wilcopops has agreed to abide by can be considered 'ad hoc'


Wilco was being a smart A** by saying in a smart A** way that there was no definition for troll. "I think not" reminds me of something I heard from my chums in grammar school. When he got his comeuppance and I posted a definition he could have said he was wrong but to keep with his usual demeanor he posted another smart A** reply.

So we now enter into the pedantic troll phase where we debate the meanings of words. Followed by the name calling phase/nationality slagging or the accusations of weird sex behavior phase.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Sometimes, I have t admit is is really a lot of fun. You get a dummy who thinks he has a clue but in reality he has no idea what he is talking about. You cast the bait...... He bites........ And then you pick him up and mentally shake him till his false teeth fall out.

Here is a good example, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/702936-would-you-still-feel-comfortable-in-your-home-country/?p=7468416

I would have given the guy a straight answer but he used that cheesy.gif smiley that makes fun of people. He wanted to make fun of me. He was asking for it. Begging to be slam dunked. Before you mock someone, you should have an idea what you are talking about.

Another guy wrote, "Thailand is a place for people:

  • who are ready to place their brain into a drawer, and never pick it up again,
  • who need to be here to carry out their scam ideas,
  • to carry on with their internet crimes, without interference,
  • who are sex addicts in any way
  • in short, all people who are not wanted in a good functional society"

End of quote.

What junk he deserves to get his boat rocked.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Can hyperbole be used as a verb? The page you linked to uses it as a noun. None of my seven different English dictionaries has it as a verb. Example: http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/hyperbole. Are you trolling, or am I trolling with this post? While I am at it, should there not be a comma after "much"?

Incidentally, thank you for linking to that text. It is quite rare to see old English texts on the web, which make the distinction between ſ as in ſeemed and s as in his. It brought back a lot of old memories.

hyperbolize, pedant, hyperbolize.

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I would like to see pictures of these "trolls". The image that goes through my mind is incredible. Gnarly, fat, miscreants in tank tops, plaid shorts, sandals (yes, with socks!). Unshaven, Chang guzzling men glancing and grimacing beady-eyed at a tiny I-Pad screen at an outdoor Karaoke bar. The sourness of their breath, as they exhale in glee, upon inputting their next trolling post. causes nearby ladies to flutter away as quickly as possible...from those obnoxious fumes.

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I would like to see pictures of these "trolls". The image that goes through my mind is incredible. Gnarly, fat, miscreants in tank tops, plaid shorts, sandals (yes, with socks!). Unshaven, Chang guzzling men glancing and grimacing beady-eyed at a tiny I-Pad screen at an outdoor Karaoke bar. The sourness of their breath, as they exhale in glee, upon inputting their next trolling post. causes nearby ladies to flutter away as quickly as possible...from those obnoxious fumes.

Ya right after the girls eat a durian or two.

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I would like to see pictures of these "trolls". The image that goes through my mind is incredible. Gnarly, fat, miscreants in tank tops, plaid shorts, sandals (yes, with socks!). Unshaven, Chang guzzling men glancing and grimacing beady-eyed at a tiny I-Pad screen at an outdoor Karaoke bar. The sourness of their breath, as they exhale in glee, upon inputting their next trolling post. causes nearby ladies to flutter away as quickly as possible...from those obnoxious fumes.

You're obviously a fan of the Self Righteous Brothers. Sorry I can't provide a link.


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What is a troll? Like malware or spyware virus?

A person who lives in Asia and posts a thread, "I don't like rice. Who is wit me?"

It is like living in France and not eating bread. Or England and not drinking tea.

Tea is English, Wine is French and Rice is Thai. It's almost racist not to like rice in Thailand. At the very least it is trollish.

Talk about dumb!!

Edited by thailiketoo
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What is a troll? Like malware or spyware virus?

A person who lives in Asia and posts a thread, "I don't like rice. Who is wit me?"

It is like living in France and not eating bread. Or England and not drinking tea.

Talk about dumb!!

I am English and don't drink tea...............coffee1.gif

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What is a troll? Like malware or spyware virus?

A person who lives in Asia and posts a thread, "I don't like rice. Who is wit me?"

It is like living in France and not eating bread. Or England and not drinking tea.

Talk about dumb!!

I am English and don't drink tea...............coffee1.gif

See, what did I say. Proof beyond a doubt.

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What is a troll? Like malware or spyware virus?

A person who lives in Asia and posts a thread, "I don't like rice. Who is wit me?"

It is like living in France and not eating bread. Or England and not drinking tea.

Talk about dumb!!

I am English and don't drink tea...............coffee1.gif

See, what did I say. Proof beyond a doubt.

I live in LOS and don't eat Thai food either...............laugh.png

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I am English and don't drink tea...............coffee1.gif

See, what did I say. Proof beyond a doubt.

I live in LOS and don't eat Thai food either...............laugh.png

So, I say TransAm old buddy lets go to the Beer Garden. We go to the Beer Garden where they serve a giant menu of all of the best beers available. They serve one bad wine and one cheap whiskey. 372 wonderful beers but only one bad wine and one cheap whiskey.

The waitress comes to our table to take our order. TransAm says I'll have a wine. The waitress says the wine is really awful so TransAm orders whiskey. The waitress shakes her head and mutters crazy Farang and TransAm wonders why.

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This thread exposes the hypocrisy of the members regarding TV's trolls. They claim to have problem with trolls posting, yet they cannot help themselves but reply to the trolls' posting.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So why did you tell us that?

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This thread exposes the hypocrisy of the members regarding TV's trolls. They claim to have problem with trolls posting, yet they cannot help themselves but reply to the trolls' posting.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So why did you tell us that?

Because he could?

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I am English and don't drink tea...............coffee1.gif

See, what did I say. Proof beyond a doubt.

I live in LOS and don't eat Thai food either...............laugh.png

So, I say TransAm old buddy lets go to the Beer Garden. We go to the Beer Garden where they serve a giant menu of all of the best beers available. They serve one bad wine and one cheap whiskey. 372 wonderful beers but only one bad wine and one cheap whiskey.

The waitress comes to our table to take our order. TransAm says I'll have a wine. The waitress says the wine is really awful so TransAm orders whiskey. The waitress shakes her head and mutters crazy Farang and TransAm wonders why.

I don't drink whiskey or wine in LOS either.............sad.png

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I live in LOS and don't eat Thai food either...............laugh.png

So, I say TransAm old buddy lets go to the Beer Garden. We go to the Beer Garden where they serve a giant menu of all of the best beers available. They serve one bad wine and one cheap whiskey. 372 wonderful beers but only one bad wine and one cheap whiskey.

The waitress comes to our table to take our order. TransAm says I'll have a wine. The waitress says the wine is really awful so TransAm orders whiskey. The waitress shakes her head and mutters crazy Farang and TransAm wonders why.

I don't drink whiskey or wine in LOS either.............sad.png

I wouldn't ask you to go out for a drink either but did you get the point? You have come to a steak restaurant and ordered fish and wonder why it's no good!

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