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Yingluck slammed for disseminate "hate speech"


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Meh.... Another branch of the war of words.... It's time ALL protagonists stopped spitting their dummies and sat down to play nicely.....ALL means ALL...the brave keyboard warriors of Thaivisa and real people in the real world. coffee1.gif

No problem here with that. Make the arrangement and I will sit down with her and Suthep and any one else you manage to wangle an invite to.

I represent a brave key board warrior and a real person in the real world. Just ask any vender who takes my money or my Thai mother in law in her 80's. Or the Thai relatives kids I have helped with schooling above and beyond the free stuff. Also the medical that the wonderful plan does not cover to the tune of a 1,000 baht a month for the mother in law.

Her speech reflected discrimination by conveying the message that those who did not support farmers (in their attempts to get payment from the scheme) are not sympathetic towards the farmers and did not support the government who was helping them.

She also took the protesters hostage by saying that she could not settle the problems because they (the protesters) were blocking her good intention to help the farmers and that the protesters systematically organised the rally to topple the government.

Not sure what kind of a meaningful conversation I could come up with when dealing with that kind of thinking. With Suthep I could at least address some of his concerns as they are based in fact.


Please don't invite Chalerm this would be the wrong time for a comedy act.

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Why do you bigoted farangs care so much ? It's not like you actually have a say in how Thailand is Governed and if you hate the PTP so much get out of Thaialnd and do all your moaning and griping in your own Native countries as they're obviously a hell of a lot better run than LOS.

there's no excuse to become so embroiled in something that your not allowed to change so either suck it up and carry on as normal and quit bitching or get onto the next flight out and take your bigoted views with you, some farangs here need to remember your all visitors NOBODY is forcing you to stay, just like me.

Don't like something then give it a wide berth!!!

Why do you one sided Thais care so much??

Why do you come onto TV??

Why don't you just NOT FREQUENT TV and leave us "bigoted farangs" to bitch and moan amongst ourselves...

The poster was a farang. You need to stop drinking...

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Someone should dye her hair blonde for her.

What have you got against blonde's?

They are the butt of many a personal joke but they are not leading a nation into being the butt of an international joke. My wish for her is that she finds a friend who can explain to her what she is saying and how wrong it is. It is for darn sure none of the friends she has now will or maybe they are all eating out of the trough and don't want to upset her and have her cut them off from the trough. She desperately needs help. Her Caddy can no longer give her enough advice to make the cut.

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It's The Nation..the sickest charade in media history

At least watch the video footage, among all the others, and witness a truly horrible speaker.

Can't blame the nation nor any other media source for an incompetent speaker, thinker, so-called leader.

Did she burst into tears and state everyone is picking on her and she wants to take her toys and go home ?

Is that required to determine a poor leader and their poor leadership- how about reading scripts with poor explanation, unable to answer questions, steer conversation around to other topics..is that your idea of a good leader?

The world LAUGHS at what a FOOL she is! (see cnn interview...a disaster no retard could manage!!!!) have a look

Are you just making up excuses with silly hypothetical situations?

I remember the crybaby during the floods though, when pressure was upon her, crying like a baby in that helicopter- unable to manage the situation due to poor decisions, like big bag. Sorry to spoil your crush on the dodo bird.

I can tell you didn't tune in and watch a single moment of the footage, or else you wouldn't try and compare a political speech to sesame street.

Can you think up any remotely more clever excuses for her?

Well I agree with just about every thing that is said here. Except for blaming her for being an incompetent speaker. Makes no difference if it is stupid or brilliant speaking just is not one of her strong points.

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I bet she didn't understand one word she was reading .... cheesy.gif

Love it clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Aw- ya gotta love public forums- the intellectual depth- the emoticons-- but-- that's democracy - the right to shoot off one's mouth without fear of censor- Let's all enjoy it while it lasts because if the fascists get their way- it might not be around long.

You also have no clue what you are talking about. Have you read the MICT laws lately. Doubt it.

You think you can speak freely now? Go ahead and try.

You think you can freely browse any internet site you want, go ahead and try.

I think you'll find you are being censored, patrolled and logged everywhere and everything you do. No need to try and blame a group of unarmed protestors to what this current crony group has put in place. We can say the "great wall of Thailand" was built during the dynasty that was PTP/Thai Rak.

good post- and of course you are righat- the 'system' demands a level of censorship that would not be accepted in most countries. But I was referring to the rights of posters to be guffawing buffoons- as the posts I included represented. Thank you for an intelligent observation- without the need to have little smiley faces applauding your brilliant wit.

I don't care which side of the color divide a person's sympathies lie- but who inserts an emoticon laughing at their own 'joke'.? At a time like this?

Edited by blaze
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Her speech distorted the facts, told lies and slandered others by changing the responsibility for the mistakes on others.

Has any speech of her in the past two and a half years, been different from this ?

No different to any prime minister or president in any country.

Telling porkies and bullshitting people a worldwide sport for politics.

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The Thai press here is disgraceful. Might as well declare Thailand the oligarchy that it is. Ineptocracy.


Me and the missus watched the evening news tonight about the events of yesterday. Could not believe the biased bullshit. Every major Thai channel. Even TPBS was one sided.

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Meh.... Another branch of the war of words.... It's time ALL protagonists stopped spitting their dummies and sat down to play nicely.....ALL means ALL...the brave keyboard warriors of Thaivisa and real people in the real world. coffee1.gif

Been reading the good book again ? feeling all spiritual are we ?

whats wrong with a few good clean insults....its a laugh.....lighten up a bit. Oh and put that glue bottle down before you start sniffing again

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'Her speech distorted the facts, told lies and slandered others by changing the responsibility for the mistakes on others.' She's a Thai politician, what more is there to say? And the reference to the elected government is a little awry, given there is no formal elected government at present, only a caretaker one.

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What else would one expect from the official propaganda machine of the rich elites, they are the "Fox News" af Thailand, there is nothing about their position of alway attacking the government at any chance the get!

That newspaper lost its effectiveness once the Bun Gun Was invented!


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Her speech distorted the facts, told lies and slandered others by changing the responsibility for the mistakes on others.

Has any speech of her in the past two and a half years, been different from this ?

I think it is "The Nation " who spreading hate and lies.

Bless this beautiful, good and kind hearted woman.wai2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So the Nation have no transcrips of PDRC speakers?

Disgraceful even for sutheps own media. at least it stinks so much that it is generating so much adverse remark on its own site.

How are you enjoying Thaivisa, bkkdave?

I see you joined on 15/02/2014, so you have only been a member for 4 days. Have you come on holiday?

You have some unusually strong views on Thai politics.

after joining for just 4 days he became an advanced member so I guess maybe that might mean that his comments may perhaps be something someone likes

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"Caretaker PM Yingluck Shinawatra's televised statement on Tuesday, in which she blamed protesters as being at the core of the controversial rice-pledging problems, has caused a misunderstanding, stigmatized and slandered others, said a member of the Academic Institute of Public Media."

I wonder what the member's opinion might be on the venom spewing from Suthep's mouth ..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone should dye her hair blonde for her.

I don't think she knows where Essex is.


Blonde is Bleached DUH! Like Bleached Blonde (Lucky she has driver... otherwise Leg be broken trying to signal making turn....Caught in sterring wheel...)

To Die is to Darken, Make or hide colors by going Brunette...Brown... Black in that order!

It is also to have stopped breathing, or Heart --------Beat absent...

So if you put the two together we have a Heartless Bimbo who used toomuch Peroxide and not wears a Night/Black Wig to diguise and hide from Honest and upright questioning about anything and everything that has failed lately.....giggle.gifcoffee1.gif exCuse me why I drink my coffee.....

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Why do you bigoted farangs care so much ? It's not like you actually have a say in how Thailand is Governed and if you hate the PTP so much get out of Thaialnd and do all your moaning and griping in your own Native countries as they're obviously a hell of a lot better run than LOS.

there's no excuse to become so embroiled in something that your not allowed to change so either suck it up and carry on as normal and quit bitching or get onto the next flight out and take your bigoted views with you, some farangs here need to remember your all visitors NOBODY is forcing you to stay, just like me.

Don't like something then give it a wide berth!!!

Why don't you ask yourself the same question, coming on here to moan yourself. You were so motivated to read the article then post this rubbish?

Myself a thai family, thai resident, taxpayer, investor. Many of us have a lot at stake here and reside here, who are you to say? You? If just a tourist, why come on here and post such garbage?

Take your trolling elsewhere.

And this is a 'forum'. Try looking it up.

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"Yingluck is the real disseminator of hate speech, as she made the protesters out as the villains for causing the national crisis and rice farmers’ problems while branding the government as good," Time Chuastapanasiri told Isara News Agency online.Time Chuastapanasiri told Isara News Agency online.... well glory be... his diatribe is totally spurious, specious and LMAO exactly what he accuses her of.

."Her speech distorted the facts, told lies and slandered others by changing the responsibility for the mistakes on others. She also made herself a target by implying that the protesters are the enemy of farmers, the country and democracy and the elected government," he said.

"Her speech reflected discrimination by conveying the message that those who did not support farmers (in their attempts to get payment from the scheme) are not sympathetic towards the farmers and did not support the government who was helping them."

She also took the protesters hostage by saying that she could not settle the problems because they (the protesters) were blocking her good intention to help the farmers and that the protesters systematically organised the rally to topple the government....

1) disseminator of hate speech Really...? I thought that was the nightly duty of Kuhn Suthep from every stage he stood on...

2) distorted the facts, told lies and slandered others...hmmm.....(see number 1)...

3) "Her speech reflected discrimination... hmmm let's see. .. the rural poor have no idea what is good for them or the country... they should not have the vote..because they are "uneducated"....(see number 1)

Lotta "buzz words in a very short outburst..he really gets an A for loading it up

"She also took the protesters hostage by saying that she could not settle the problems because they (the protesters) were blocking her good intention to help the farmers and that the protesters systematically organised the rally to topple the government."

Lets see.. so the PDRC and associates are not blocking roads, government offices..thru traffic etc etc etc,,, not making threats to kidnap...hound...run out.. and not that the protesters systematically organised the rally to topple the government.???"

gotta love the "buzz words" stokes the hot button... keeps the drive alive...

Of Course the insurrection was not designed to topple the government, even if that has been the hue and cry from day one...

of course SHUT DOWN BANGKOK was not intended to make fellow Bankokians hostages... of the PDRCC and Associates...

Yehaw! Mr Chuastapanasiri ..Pundit Extraordinaire!

Let's be real. Neither the PTP or the protestors are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We can argue he said she said, but the farmers were promised payments before the protests and have been used by both sides as political pawns during the protests.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Well, I do think that Yingluck is totally right in saying that the problems of the farmers are linked with the protests.

First because the government is now in a caretaker role, and then because the EC did not allow the caretaker government to borrow money, and last because Suthep made everything he could to avoid any solution with banks, but at the same time accepting donations for the farmers... to be used in lawsuits against the government unsure.png

Those who don't see the truth are really blind laugh.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Did the protests cause the scam to run out of money to pay the farmers long before the protests started?

These protests started because her government tried to white wash her scum brother. So if the protests forced her to dissolve parliament and go into a caretaker role, look into what started it in the first place.

And the situation with GSB withdrawing their loans. You going to blame the bank runs on the protests also? Rather, people are so distrustful of this government, they believe that any bank that lends money to it won't see their money being paid back.

Reds and their supporters aren't blind. They're just not very smart. whistling.gif

But the red trolls on TVF must be well paid. Except Honest Quiet Bob, of course. He just works for free as long as he gets a new pic of his heroine miss YL every week.

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Someone should dye her hair blonde for her.

I don't think she knows where Essex is.


Blonde is Bleached DUH! Like Bleached Blonde (Lucky she has driver... otherwise Leg be broken trying to signal making turn....Caught in sterring wheel...)

To Die is to Darken, Make or hide colors by going Brunette...Brown... Black in that order!

It is also to have stopped breathing, or Heart --------Beat absent...

So if you put the two together we have a Heartless Bimbo who used toomuch Peroxide and not wears a Night/Black Wig to diguise and hide from Honest and upright questioning about anything and everything that has failed lately.....giggle.gifcoffee1.gif exCuse me why I drink my coffee.....

If she wants to hind then may I suggest she employs then new fade in disguise. The 20 kg M1A1 popcorn bag.tongue.png

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I made an observation about some Farang posters getting all stressed out and letting the whole political situation get to them when the bottom line is if your not a Thai resident matter your opinion on who's right and whose wrong it's just that an opinion where it means zero to the bigger picture.

What's the point in getting all worked up about it ? What's the point in having bigoted views when you're not a Thai? Does the average Thai actually give a toss about your opinions either ? I suspect not many do especially the ones so many here say are stupid dumb ignorant or uneducated ? Is it their fault they lack your passion for politics and name calling? Nah again I doubt they lose any sleep about any farangs opinion on how they should be living their lives mate

Hey Fat Haggis! How long do you think the Thai economy would last without foreign investment ? B einteresting to know your thoughts.

I believe any leader would be "losing sleep" if that investment was to be pulled out of the economy. coffee1.gif

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I made an observation about some Farang posters getting all stressed out and letting the whole political situation get to them when the bottom line is if your not a Thai resident matter your opinion on who's right and whose wrong it's just that an opinion where it means zero to the bigger picture.

What's the point in getting all worked up about it ? What's the point in having bigoted views when you're not a Thai? Does the average Thai actually give a toss about your opinions either ? I suspect not many do especially the ones so many here say are stupid dumb ignorant or uneducated ? Is it their fault they lack your passion for politics and name calling? Nah again I doubt they lose any sleep about any farangs opinion on how they should be living their lives mate

Have to say Haggis, it is you who seem to be "getting stressed out", have your cofee and relax, take a day off and get " calm" enjoy the village life......................coffee1.gif

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