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Good local SEA web hosting and assistance with payment gateway

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The facts:

1. I have good web development skills and IT literacy...but I am no expert. My current hosting has Cpanel.

2. I have a number of domains currently hosted in Australia but I want to move to a hosting in South East Asia.

3. I do NOT want to a host in Thailand.

4. I have a number of new projects that I am about to start that need a payment gateway to accept online payments.

5. I have bank accounts in Singapore, Thailand and Australia.

6. I do not want to use an Australian gateway because they are too expensive.

7. It would be ideal if my new host also has an affliation with, or supports a specific payment gateway solution.

8. I know all about Paypal but don't want to use them because...well...they suck.

9. I thought that a Singpore host would be good and also I have a bank account there.

10.I already tried QOXY in Singpore for a very brief period but found the service and support just dreadful.

11.I have just read about Digital Ocean and its new servers in Singapore.

It would be great if any members can give their opinions or provide information on the following. Information or opinions based on actual experience are most welcomed:

1. Who is a good host company in Singapore

2. What payment gateway solutions are best

3. What are some good hosting companies in SEA countries other than Singapore.

4. Does anyone know a hosting company in Indonesia that has English language on their website

5. All my previous hosts use Cpanel. If I went with Digital Ocean would I be out of my depth using there server without a GUI such as Cpanel.

Thank very much in advance for anyone who can help me.




Hosting in Singapore has not much benefit than hosting in US.

Are you looking for a payment gateaway in Singapore also ?

In Thailand Thaieay and Paysbuy do the job.

I am looking for a gateway outside of Thailand. I have a Singapore bank account.


Hosting in Singapore has an immense benefit over hosting in US if your target market is Thailand (you don't mention) - Singapore and TH have a peering agreement which means that traffic from Singapore generally travels at the same speeds you can expect in-country here in Thailand. Singapore hosts are generally professional companies.

Payment gateways depend on many factors:

* do you have a company?

* where is that company domiciled?

* where are your customers, and what currencies will you accept?

* ...

If you have an AU bank account I would suggest looking at Stripe. They offer a beta service in AU now.


I have AU account but dont want to use my Singapore account. I do not want to trade as a company just as a sole proprietor. I am a big fan of keeping structures as simple as possible to avoid ongoing compliance costs. Yes I am aware that trading as a sole proprietor would expose me to commercial risk.

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however none of them will offer cpanel. You can always license cpanel yourself and install it to vps.





however none of them will offer cpanel. You can always license cpanel yourself and install it to vps.

My new project sites will specifically target Australia. The domains are registered (with whois proxy protection) in america. I plan to host Singapore (or another option...this the purpose of this thread) and accept payments into my account in Singapore.

Anyone know if it is possible to get a payment gateway in the capacity as a sole trader?

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