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If you had your time again would you come to Thailand ?


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I am getting very close to selling up in the UK and moving to Thailand, I have been there about 8 times on holiday so have some clue about life there, I have Western friends from home that live there and have just had enough of the UK weather and fancy starting a new chapter in my life somewhere different. I just need some adventure and excitement as my life has just been a routine of hard work the last 10 years. I'm 45 and am fairly financially stable, my investments and property mean I wont need to work in Thailand and would have an income of about 130k baht per month net. I would still like to do something though to give me a purpose. Any suggestions on where to live ? I love BGK, am curious about life up North too, but am a keen diver so love the Islands but have been put off by all the negativity I read about them on here.

My question to you guys is if you had your time again would you still move to Thailand ? I know things have changed a lot there in the last 20 years. Should I consider somewhere else or do you think it's still a good life there in LOS

I hope the move would be for good but even if I had a fun 10 years out there I think it might be fun.

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

With or without your Thai family ?

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

I have a business contact, an English guy that is very wealthy and he has a house and boat in Key West, he spends half the year there and loves it. I am not as wealthy as him though and like that my money will go much further in Asia than in the West.

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

I have a business contact, an English guy that is very wealthy and he has a house and boat in Key West, he spends half the year there and loves it. I am not as wealthy as him though and like that my money will go much further in Asia than in the West.

It MAY go further but if you are not careful you could be relieved of it far more easily here without legal back up than you ever would in the West.Dont make the mistake of thinking "western" and you have any real legal support because yiu wont have, atleast not in the way you may think, just read ths forum for many examples.

Edited by CharlieH
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I'm certainly not in the loadsa money bracket, just comfortable

I would rent in Thailand, I would not buy. I am not naïve and have spent enough time over there not to fall for the honey trap tricks. In fact I find them quite amusing

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Sometimes I feel bad thinking in the time I wasted in the US after 2006...when I was 62 years old, before visiting Chiang Mai in 2010.....and moving here in 2011 with more age and less money....Anyway...I am very lucky and things are better than I was expecting.....

Edited by thailampang2012
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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

With or without your Thai family ?

My Thai wife came along when I moved to LOS. If I now came into money I would try and convince her to move to the Keys. whistling.gif

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

With or without your Thai family ?

My Thai wife came along when I moved to LOS. If I now came into money I would try and convince her to move to the Keys. whistling.gif

Only her.....good for u....hope u come into money quickly...

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Many years before I actually did.

And that would mean doing things very much differently in the past and looking back I can see what I should have done then.

But whats done is done and that cant be changed and definitely no regrets at being here now.

I look forward to every day and try, within means, to make the most of it.

Go for it mate, don't tie yourself to any one place, travel around the country and before you come banish the words wife and marriage from your vocabulary.

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If I had a choice where money was not a concern, I would not live in LOS.

Where would you go then, I've read a lot of good things about Costa Rica

Don't know really. As I said, if no money probs for me, I would hang out in the Florida Keys for sure. thumbsup.gif

Not to long ago Florida had 4 hurricanes in one year. There is no way to evacuate the keys because they only have one road going out. But maybe Fantasy Fest is worth it. biggrin.png

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Dont buy , rent, and dont invest or spend any more than you are prepared to walk away from.

If I had my time over again, I would still come here but would do things VERY differently.

Abso(forking)lutely follow what this gentleman says.

There is NO legal protection for foreigners here.

Do NOT leave Thais in the driver's seat of any part of your life.

And be even more cautious of your fellow expats.

No friendlier chap than he who will try to show you that you can get around Thai laws regarding home ownership.

Pay the tab and wish him luck with the next sucker.

Rent . . . .

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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I'm not in that category, but no way would I move full time to Thailand. Spending about 3 months a couple of times a year is really nice, and then I'm ready to get back to my home in the USA where I belong. Belonging means needing no one's permission to be here, being able to own property, the rule of law especially consumer protection, sane drivers, first world amenities and so on.

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Yes I would....

But being here for 12 years 10 months/year (i get out of here for 2x1 month to keep my sanity) I am getting fed-up with the country.

I spent approximately 1 million/year, this includes 3 million in a house that does not belongs to me (but I prefer living in a house to my liking than living in one of the thousand Thai gettos) thus the 20k/month housing expense so far is acceptable.

And an other 3 million on cars, two of them are less than 2 years old - I should not have bought them, financially wise, if I want to cut it loose, I should have kept the previous car and my gf does not really need a car on her own, she would have gotten mine any way if I move out the country.

The other 6 million spent in decent cost of living was slightly over the top, but then I am not a backpacker any more.

Thus at this point in my life I am undecided as how/where to continue living.

Financially I can move on and consider 12 million just spent for good living and there is no need to spend that much anymore, 800K/Year will do.

Private issues are a main concern, as I decided two years ago to raise a one year young girl abandoned by the gf's brother and his wife.

I have no legal authority on the girl and can not take her with me.

Otherwise I would consider spending less time in Thailand, say reduce my stays to 3-5 months/year, but I feel I can not do this to the now 3 years girl I raise as my daughter....

Edited by tartempion
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