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Attackers given 'tacit' authority support: PDRC

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Attackers given 'tacit' authority support: PDRC
The Sunday Nation

An elderly protester is blessed by a Buddhist monk during yesterday

BANGKOK: -- People's Democratic Reform Committee co-leader Witthaya Kaewparadai suspects the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order and police failed to arrest assailants who hurled grenades near the PDRC rally at the Pratunam intersection on Friday because they "allegedly gave tacit support to them".

Speaking yesterday, Witthaya said the police had repeatedly failed to arrest assailants who launched several bomb attacks at PDRC rallies.

"Their inefficiency and failure have made the culprits continue to commit more offences," he said.

"But I personally believe the police and the CMPO do not capture any of the assailants because they allegedly gave tacit support to them.

"Having the CMPO is a waste. It was established only to abuse power and intimidate people. I never expect it to capture the culprits.''

Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard said police believed perpetrators threw the grenades from the flyover next to the PDRC rally stage.

Police found a pin believed to belong to the time-delayed RGD5 hand grenade, which is similar to the grenades used in the attacks at Bantadthong Road and Victory Monument.

Given the repeated violence, Anusorn questioned whether the PDRC could call its rallies a peaceful demonstration.

He also questioned whether it was possible the so-called men in black from the 2010 political riots had returned to carry out the same operation this year.

He said those who benefited from the recurrence of the violence were suspected to be behind it.

Five men and a woman were injured in the bomb attack on Friday night.

Five sustained minor injuries and one suffered a serious back wound and has been admitted to Chulalongkorn Hospital.

All up, 16 people have been killed and 659 injured since November 30, with 25 still in hospital, according to the Erawan Emergency Centre.

-- The Nation 2014-02-23

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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side.

Are what is becoming countless attacks against the PDRC positions more than something to not only moan about but be asking where are the police?

It is getting to the stage where PDRC could "grab them", but I think "grab them" will be with a gun battle on the streets of Bangkok. It is within the realms of possibility seeming PDRC can not rely on the police doing their basic job of investigating and bringing to justice those who are attacking the PDRC flanks. No surprise seeming the cops are in the Shinawatra's pockets as long as the money flow is on. The thing is on the verge of busting into a full on night of war if Suthep were to bring in the people to "grab them".

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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side.

Are what is becoming countless attacks against the PDRC positions more than something to not only moan about but be asking where are the police?

It is getting to the stage where PDRC could "grab them", but I think "grab them" will be with a gun battle on the streets of Bangkok. It is within the realms of possibility seeming PDRC can not rely on the police doing their basic job of investigating and bringing to justice those who are attacking the PDRC flanks. No surprise seeming the cops are in the Shinawatra's pockets as long as the money flow is on. The thing is on the verge of busting into a full on night of war if Suthep were to bring in the people to "grab them".

A sensible man who can also see that there are two sides involved. If either side goes over to the others area to apprehend those involved there will probably more violence. They need to work together Suthep needs to weed out those on his side and hand them in and the authorities need to weed out their rogue element and all need to face the judicial system.

yes I know that will never happen and the name calling and blame game will continue and people will be hurt and possibly more deaths.

To many "Questionable attacks" bombs blast occurring in isolated areas in the dead of night, usually no one hurt ,very minor damage. Only gain from those attacks are media coverage, these attacks are more likely carried out by Sutheps mercenaries that pictures (black scarves) have been surfacing on TV forum.

These are in contrast to the attacks on Red Shirts that were carried out with the intent to injure in past Protest.

The Protesters are under the safety net of the military and the courts, police have been victims of sustained violence in anti-government areas, let the military investigate the attacks!

The Military will never admit to the perpetrators of the violence, that have come out of their ranks!


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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side.

Are what is becoming countless attacks against the PDRC positions more than something to not only moan about but be asking where are the police?

It is getting to the stage where PDRC could "grab them", but I think "grab them" will be with a gun battle on the streets of Bangkok. It is within the realms of possibility seeming PDRC can not rely on the police doing their basic job of investigating and bringing to justice those who are attacking the PDRC flanks. No surprise seeming the cops are in the Shinawatra's pockets as long as the money flow is on. The thing is on the verge of busting into a full on night of war if Suthep were to bring in the people to "grab them".

"In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side"

Errr, Roadman, the video evidence is out there, there is NO "probably" about it mate, the first thing people and the court's need to do is to admit that this is not a" peaceful protest," and weapons are being used,,, Once you can do that then you may find that the bomb throwers will be handed over to the police as it's they that keep making the police have to return fire to defend themselves and people in buildings that Suthep want's to takeover and threaten staff to get out or face his thugs, that is where more people are being hurt...

there is so many camera's and video's out there that more of these murders will be court.

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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

You sure that the grenades came from Suthep side.? Watch the CNN videos . You see the police throwing and it was not chocolates they gave . Also possible that one of these "Chocolates" bounced again something metal ( can hear this on the video) and bounced back .Difficult to say but it is possible

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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side.

Are what is becoming countless attacks against the PDRC positions more than something to not only moan about but be asking where are the police?

It is getting to the stage where PDRC could "grab them", but I think "grab them" will be with a gun battle on the streets of Bangkok. It is within the realms of possibility seeming PDRC can not rely on the police doing their basic job of investigating and bringing to justice those who are attacking the PDRC flanks. No surprise seeming the cops are in the Shinawatra's pockets as long as the money flow is on. The thing is on the verge of busting into a full on night of war if Suthep were to bring in the people to "grab them".

A sensible man who can also see that there are two sides involved. If either side goes over to the others area to apprehend those involved there will probably more violence. They need to work together Suthep needs to weed out those on his side and hand them in and the authorities need to weed out their rogue element and all need to face the judicial system.

yes I know that will never happen and the name calling and blame game will continue and people will be hurt and possibly more deaths.

Oh yeah.

Suthep turns in the very people who have been protecting the protesters and leave the entire PDRC movement vulnerable to attack by the reds who are given safe passage by the police to kill and maim at will?

Great idea, just goes to show what an absolute genius you are really.

Even if he did that, all you would do is come on here and announce that Suthep has betrayed his own, so now the protesters should turn on him.

Words fail me as to what supposedly educated can post on here.

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we can see the mentality of the red supporters in here in full sight. While those supporting the protesters argue that their is fault on both sides the reds simply call for more killings by their scummy "mates" and blame everyone else. We all know there are hot heads involved on bith sides but when one side deliberately mows down women and children because they are the wrong colour we should all start to question the ethics involved. Defending themselves against the other side is expected but not deliberately attacking all and sundry. If the red supporters in here think that their side has the right to simply kill anyone that disagrees with their views then they are beneath contempt. Any sane person would condemn what has happened, not try to cover it up, this is no longer about what you believe in, its whether or not you are able to distinguish between right and wrong. It is one thing to air your support for what you believe in but another to openly support the murder of children as deserved because they are not reds or not in their "area". I know if the protesters started killing innocent kids I would ridicule and denounce them, not make excuses, doesnt seem to apply to the reds though.

which side is mowing down women and children? I didn't see that bit in the news.

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Wouldn't it be easier for Witthaya Kaewparadai to grab them and hand them over to CMPO? The grenades thrown at police came from Sutheps side. Instead of moaning try working together to bring this violence to an end.

In one or two incidents they probably have come from Suthep's side.

Are what is becoming countless attacks against the PDRC positions more than something to not only moan about but be asking where are the police?

It is getting to the stage where PDRC could "grab them", but I think "grab them" will be with a gun battle on the streets of Bangkok. It is within the realms of possibility seeming PDRC can not rely on the police doing their basic job of investigating and bringing to justice those who are attacking the PDRC flanks. No surprise seeming the cops are in the Shinawatra's pockets as long as the money flow is on. The thing is on the verge of busting into a full on night of war if Suthep were to bring in the people to "grab them".

A sensible man who can also see that there are two sides involved. If either side goes over to the others area to apprehend those involved there will probably more violence. They need to work together Suthep needs to weed out those on his side and hand them in and the authorities need to weed out their rogue element and all need to face the judicial system.

yes I know that will never happen and the name calling and blame game will continue and people will be hurt and possibly more deaths.

Oh yeah.

Suthep turns in the very people who have been protecting the protesters and leave the entire PDRC movement vulnerable to attack by the reds who are given safe passage by the police to kill and maim at will?

Great idea, just goes to show what an absolute genius you are really.

Even if he did that, all you would do is come on here and announce that Suthep has betrayed his own, so now the protesters should turn on him.

Words fail me as to what supposedly educated can post on here.

You didn't read my post did you? You just saw "SUTHEP" and went into an immediate defensive mode to protect him. I said both sides need to weed out their rogues I never said just Suthep. I despise the raving lunatic Suthep just as much as I do Thaksin so I am not taking sides here and said they should be working together for peace.

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I see here on TVF too many posters tend to give more importance to the violence episodes on the other side, trying to minimize the side they support.

Reality is that both sides extremist wings are well harmed and not care to kill, if they have to.

Things can only get worse following this spiral, because BOTH sides feel legitimate to defend their rights by weapons.

It is not a football match guys. There is violence on both sides, and well organized by both sides.

Who pays the consequences are the innocent unarmed that lay on both sides.

The responsibility is with Yingluck and Suthep that can not reach a peaceful agreement but only have foaming mouths clinging on power and hungry of power respectively.

Whoever defends them, supports violence. Especially after many escalations of bullshit and violence calls on both sides.

Both sides the same?

Have the Red Shirts or government agencies been the target of regular bombings and shootings as the anti-government protesters have?

The PDRC has armed elements within them, I haven't seen any case of them using arms unprovoked though, whereas they have been regularly shot at by "third hands"; from the murder in broad daylight of one of their leaders, to deadly grenade attacks and drive by shootings. If you are going to claim that both sides are the same you are going to have to show how the other side has been subject to that harassment.

I guess you didn't read my post and jumped to conclusion...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Tragic! Our condolences to the families.

More pawns being sacrificed in this cruel game of chess, between Thaksin and his clan (new money) and the old establishment. Neither side gives a rats a$$ about the poor, who get killed. They only care about being the ones with their shouts in the money trough.

Of course, it is so easy to manipulate the masses and making "believers" out of them, on both sides. When in power, either side just provides the masses with enough education, so they can do their "dirty" work. A slave race, with a few elites on either side pulling the strings.

Meanwhile the West looks on, because Western Corporations are making a huge profit, while Thai people sweat and work their a$$es off, just to be able to feed their families. They love to support people in power, who tell the masses "Thai People are #1, you are the best, you know best" So they proudly march to their own destruction, believing the bulls&it their rulers feed them.

Yet, I moved here 13 years ago, because I love this Country and it's people more than I loved my former home. I still prefer it to "Western Police State Oppression".

People do have power and hopefully one day, they will have someone lead them, who actually truly has their interests at heart. That is my hope for Thailand. I also hope that Thailand quits imitating the West, with all it's laws. Western Nations are failing. Their economies are collapsing and copying them will only bring the same results. wai2.gif


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"from a democratically people elected government"

But there is NO democratically-elected government at present, only a caretaker-government, awaiting the result of a part-complete election.

What you mean is a democratically elected caretaker government, surely?

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The judges of courts are primarily responsible for the violence. Their rulings were to let unrest continue hoping that will create a situation for seizing power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State.

They will be more 'peaceful rallies/demonstration' from other groups. Will the judges, the dem and its pdrc/pcad allowed other groups to protest peacefully?

"from a democratically people elected government"

But there is NO democratically-elected government at present, only a caretaker-government, awaiting the result of a part-complete election.

Right from the beginning of the dem's and its pdrc/pcad protests, their objective was to seize power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State. Even before the insurrection activities of the dem and its pdrc/pcad, speeches made from the stage of other protest events were seditious and inciting people and the military to seize power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State.

The Dem demanded that the government dissolve parliament and its pdrc/pcad accused that the government has lost legitimacy to government, in response to that, the government returned power to the people for a new mandate. This resulted in a Royal decree to call for a 2 Feb election and a caretaker government with PM YS and her cabinet members as caretakers to continue the administration of the country with legitimate power.

However, IMO, the administration through peaceful means have now been obstructed by EC and judiciary and especially by the insurrection activities of the dem's pdrc/pcad.

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This tactic of throwing grenades reminds me of the time, when teh yellow shirts occupied the the office of the government a couple of years ago. At least once a week some coward would lob a M-79 grenade at the demonstrators sitting there.

Seems this is the same kind of action now again. And this is especially true, if you got no real reason to support your oppinion. Sorry to say, but this seems to be a typical thing in Thailand: If you don't know how to save your face, become violent.

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we can see the mentality of the red supporters in here in full sight. While those supporting the protesters argue that their is fault on both sides the reds simply call for more killings by their scummy "mates" and blame everyone else. We all know there are hot heads involved on bith sides but when one side deliberately mows down women and children because they are the wrong colour we should all start to question the ethics involved. Defending themselves against the other side is expected but not deliberately attacking all and sundry. If the red supporters in here think that their side has the right to simply kill anyone that disagrees with their views then they are beneath contempt. Any sane person would condemn what has happened, not try to cover it up, this is no longer about what you believe in, its whether or not you are able to distinguish between right and wrong. It is one thing to air your support for what you believe in but another to openly support the murder of children as deserved because they are not reds or not in their "area". I know if the protesters started killing innocent kids I would ridicule and denounce them, not make excuses, doesnt seem to apply to the reds though.

which side is mowing down women and children? I didn't see that bit in the news.

to me throwing grenades into a crowd with women and children in it then opening fire with automatic weapons and shotguns does it, especially when we read about the dead and injured kids, maybe for you the names and ages are needed.

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we can see the mentality of the red supporters in here in full sight. While those supporting the protesters argue that their is fault on both sides the reds simply call for more killings by their scummy "mates" and blame everyone else. We all know there are hot heads involved on bith sides but when one side deliberately mows down women and children because they are the wrong colour we should all start to question the ethics involved. Defending themselves against the other side is expected but not deliberately attacking all and sundry. If the red supporters in here think that their side has the right to simply kill anyone that disagrees with their views then they are beneath contempt. Any sane person would condemn what has happened, not try to cover it up, this is no longer about what you believe in, its whether or not you are able to distinguish between right and wrong. It is one thing to air your support for what you believe in but another to openly support the murder of children as deserved because they are not reds or not in their "area". I know if the protesters started killing innocent kids I would ridicule and denounce them, not make excuses, doesnt seem to apply to the reds though.

which side is mowing down women and children? I didn't see that bit in the news.

to me throwing grenades into a crowd with women and children in it then opening fire with automatic weapons and shotguns does it, especially when we read about the dead and injured kids, maybe for you the names and ages are needed.

I my question was which side was mowing down women and children. Whoever they are I hope they catch them. This is where the death penalty should apply.

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Another attack at Trat last night 2 dead and at least 40 injured including an 8 yr old boy shot in the head in critical condition.

Where are you Tarit, Chalerm ?

That Yingluck and PTP hasn´t condemned the many attacks speaks wolumes.

Exactly right.. that sickens me the most, as it is implicit that she secretly condones any act that will allow her to remain in power. She has shown her true nature and it is one of pure poison. A truly foul creature that certainly does not deserve to be a standing prime minister!

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Yea all the supporters of red democracy are silent, no pm no cmpo.

I wonder if such a terrorist attack happened in a western country would their officials remain quiet?

Come on kikoman, enlighten me with your view.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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