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The Cheap Charlie experience.


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I'd much rather be called a Cheap Charlie than a walking ATM.

Makes no difference what they call me. I am happy with my self and don't need their approval. That being said when I was growing up and working to get to my golden years I didn't care because it was what I had to do to get where I am now. I most assuredly am not a walking ATM machine all though I do have resources at hand that I can use if I so desire. Also I defiantly am not a Cheap Charlie most of the time.

When you get to be my age comfort counts more than saving for the future. Or impressing the Jones.

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There are cheap people in every country and walk of life. Even a lot of rich people are cheap, while many poor people are not. It's more attitude and style than the amount of money one has.

For sure, frequenting a bar, club, etc. in Thailand where the staff label you as "he cheap Chaarlie" is a stigma that'll hinder or ruin your chances of taking out a hottie.

Not at all the case unless she's looking for a long-term sponsor.

If you offer HER the right price she goes, pay the BF and off you go. She won't care that you weren't throwing your money uselessly all over the place.

But some of them are looking for the longer con, in which case making yourself look like an ignorant sucker may just help. But that definitely increases your overall cost, only worth trying if you really have plenty to throw around.

But all this is stupid IMO, if you can speak Thai and have time to go fishing in better waters what are you doing looking for a girl in the bars anyway.

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I think these labels are loaded.

When I was a yuppie and raking in the dough I spent liberally.

Now I have no choice but to watch the baht because if I didn't there would be no baht.

Does that make a cheap person or a sensible person who is smart enough to live within their means?

Yes there are extremes of frugal behavior but there are also extremes of decadent spending behavior as well.

Jing, for me everyone to their own, its their money, but I think where this crosses the line certainly in the TV context, is the said "Cheap Charlies" start preaching and being all judgmental, ie if someone is spending more money than said "cheap charlies" they start being called people fools, sexpat's, alcoholics and these are the reasons people are spending "too much" money and then get all upset when people start slagging them off....

but I must say the "who can spend the least" threads are very amusing, "cheap charlies" pitting their wits against others over who can spend the least and going to great length's publishing their detailed monthly budgets trying to prove if someone is spending more than THB 20k/m the person concerned is not at one with their Thainess and is a sexpat alcoholic...funny stuff..

Money is always relative. To some people going out for a night and spending 10k on drinks is a total waste. Others its a normal. But not everyone makes or has the same amount. Some people get that and don't give a rats arse who spends what. Others want to make fun and say too cheap or weekend millionaire. So again when it comes to the end of the day is it not their money to do as they see fit?

Here's the problem! I own a restaurant/bar and I can tell you frugal and cheap charlie mean the same thing! Does not matter where you are from. Example ! 2 customers come in the restaurant and order 2 steaks and rave about how good the steak and the service is! When the bill is presented in the area of 7 to 8 hundred baht, not even a baht left! Now where I come from if you have a great experience with the food and the service you leave an average of 15%! If you can't leave that then you have no business being here! These people who serve you live on a mere existence and when you cheap charlies come in it makes me shriek!! Same as man who wants to sit and watch olympics for 3 hour

s with a water and not reorder taking up a table of 5!! Ignorance and cheapness at it's best!! I tip according to service and quality! If you can't do that than you are certainly outclassed and everyone knows who the cheap charlies are!! By the way you know who you are and we do too!

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Well I feel if u get a good service then u should give some tips depend on your budget. If u have a tight budget then don't give a damn if they call u cheap charlie or whatever.

Sometimes in a bar the ladies expect that the moment they talk to u or start playing a game with them u should buy them a drink, and they even ask u, can u buy me a drink? So in that case I never do and they call me cheap charlie and I reply I better be cheap charlie than stupid.

Well the choice is yours, Cheap Charlie (at some points) or Stupid.

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My staff would call anyone especially men who didn't tip them CC.

In other countries where the waiters are actually taxed on what the government thinks the waiters / waitresses should receive in tips per month, I can understand the certain need to tip each time.
But that isn't the case in Thailand, tax on tips isn't an issue here,
it's all under the table, pocket money.

However in my eye the tip is to be based on the service,
and in most cases the service here is as basic as it can possible be,
aside from having to chase the lady down to take an order or bring anything extra to the table.
So I find it unacceptable they should consider themselves as worthy of my money.

I too work in Thailand, and everyday is a work day for my family and I.
We never get a tip for our work, so why should others expect something from us?
We do all that we can in our line of work to see that our customers/clients are satisfied with our service.
We have to travel to our clientele, and be ready for them on a moments notice.
Our reward is their continued business, plan & simple.

Now a days there's a service charge in most places we dine at,
so there's no need to consider a tip, yet the staff often provide small change,
when it's not necessary to do so, but they are still in hopes of an easy score.

Because at the end of the day, that's exactly what it is... an easy score,
to draw peoples money out of their pocket and into the locals pocket.

What used to get under my skin was when some body would be sitting near the cashier station,
and see someone pick up all their change from the bill... they would have to try to make themselves look better,
by jumping into someones business, about leaving a small tip for the staff.
After a while it came to be clear it was the owners of the place,
in most cases, and they needed the customers to leave a tip to help them compensate the staff for the owners low wages paid.

I find this totally unacceptable.
The staff should not have to rely on customers to pay them for working.
That's the owners responsibility, yes?

I used to wonder why the bars couldn't or wouldn't pay each girl a base salary?
After all without the girls at the bar, the bar wouldn't have customers, yes?
It was explained to me, that the girls get 30bht of every drink their customers buy,
and 100 bht of the bar fine.
It still seems like the bars would have better girls applying if they could count on a base salary, yes?
After all the bars are charging upwards of 80bht for a beer that only cost 30bht at the store,
so giving the girls 30bht a beer seems fare, yes?
But only if they have a customer.
It's makes the bar experience uncomfortable for the customers who just want to sit, relax and enjoy a their drinks,
when someone is almost forcing them to order more, or even worse, is forcing themselves into the customers space.

The point here is...in most of the cases I came across, the owners were the ones cheating their staff,
and in return the staff were trying to make up the shortcomings, from the customers.

So Cc is all in the eyes of the owners first & foremost,
and they in turn sell the concept to the staff,
so they will work the guilt onto the customers.
This is why most people expect a tip for any work they do,
in Thailand.
We see the tip cups everywhere,
in hopes of getting our lose change.

Walking into Black Canyon the other day,
I stood at the counter, order a smoothie,
and waited for it to be served,
paid the bill,
and again was given smaller changed than necessary.
Then one of the waitresses standing there, chatting away the whole time I waited,
to the lady making the smoothie, says to me, TIP?

This is a drink to go, and I've stood here waiting for it, there was no service involved,
other the the process of making it.
She says, yes TIP for making it.
Just shook my head in disbelief,
that people should expect to be TIPPED for doing their job.
Black Canyon certainly pays their staff a base salary, yes?

Everyone should have the right to spend their hard earned money how they see fit,
tipping people should never be a requirement IMO.

"I used to wonder why the bars couldn't or wouldn't pay each girl a base salary?" Actually the girls are paid a base salary - then of course get a share of the drink price. My definition of a Cheap Charlie is one who sits at the bar on one or two drinks all night looking at the girls incessantly and never buying just one of them one drink. There is no such thing as a free look.

Cheap Charlie is a common term in many Asia countries. I first heard it in Hong Kong about 40 years ago and it referred then to British and Australian Sailors who were considered mean compared with the Americans on R&R. A bit unfair considering the differences in pay.

I certainly agree with all of this.

The bars I visited were informing me differently,


It played on my guilt, so I just choose to not visit and be hounded,

or asked the same stupid question over & over again...

while I was trying to relax.

I would consider it rude to sit with a lady,

and not accommodate her with a beverage for her conversation,

and great smile.

I would also see no reason to just come and stare,

while nursing only a few drinks.

If I enjoy the view,

and the scenery keeps me around,

or engaged, then I of course feel I should consume reasonably,

and not horde the space from someone else able to have a good time.

I'm personally glad the bar strips are behind me,

and I also feel that its best to visit areas,

when I want service, that kindly charge me a service charge,

so I can enjoy the meal & the service without having to think about the tip for it.

It's automatically included.

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The girls are definitely paid a pittance base salary, but that shouldn't incite you to throw money around needlessly.

If you are buying a drink every half-hour or so you have the right to sit there and watch as long as you like without spending any further money.

If a girl sits down next to you, and you're not going to buy a lady drink just politely and pleasantly tell her so, so you don't waste her time.

Giving her the price of the drink directly as a tip gives her a lot more than her commission, but she won't be able to sit with you for long.

Places that charge for service included are generally much more expensive than regular ones, what's the problem with leaving 20 or even 60 baht? There's nothing wrong with leaving small change in Thailand, no one expects American style percentages of the bill.

But of course they like it if you do, just don't feel you have to.

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Reading this thread just confirms my suspicions about many of the "westerners" who choose to visit or live in Thailand .

Which is why I am pleased to spend my time with my (Thai) wife and our friends.

I have no wish to spend any time with degenerates.

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my views and experiences are that "cheap charlie" is a an old term used only by aged sex tourists and sex workers from a bygone era.

i cannot think of once in the last 15 years that i have heard it come up in conversation and would be unaware of the term m yself but for the bar called cheap charlies on soi 11

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i think the ATM and OUT OF ORDER t shirt was brilliant, i have the means to print t shirts, i am going to print one before my visit in April and also maybe a "CHEAP CHARLIE" one, my mate is "cheap charlie" walks aroung with 4 grand in his pocket and wont even buy me a CHANG, we have separate bills , i was amazed new years eve i was with a "lady" and he bought us both a drink, nearlt fell of my7 dam stool lol !!

He is probably sick of you sponging drinks off him

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think these labels are loaded.

When I was a yuppie and raking in the dough I spent liberally.

Now I have no choice but to watch the baht because if I didn't there would be no baht.

Does that make a cheap person or a sensible person who is smart enough to live within their means?

Yes there are extremes of frugal behavior but there are also extremes of decadent spending behavior as well.

Jing, for me everyone to their own, its their money, but I think where this crosses the line certainly in the TV context, is the said "Cheap Charlies" start preaching and being all judgmental, ie if someone is spending more money than said "cheap charlies" they start being called people fools, sexpat's, alcoholics and these are the reasons people are spending "too much" money and then get all upset when people start slagging them off....

but I must say the "who can spend the least" threads are very amusing, "cheap charlies" pitting their wits against others over who can spend the least and going to great length's publishing their detailed monthly budgets trying to prove if someone is spending more than THB 20k/m the person concerned is not at one with their Thainess and is a sexpat alcoholic...funny stuff..

Money is always relative. To some people going out for a night and spending 10k on drinks is a total waste. Others its a normal. But not everyone makes or has the same amount. Some people get that and don't give a rats arse who spends what. Others want to make fun and say too cheap or weekend millionaire. So again when it comes to the end of the day is it not their money to do as they see fit?

Here's the problem! I own a restaurant/bar and I can tell you frugal and cheap charlie mean the same thing! Does not matter where you are from. Example ! 2 customers come in the restaurant and order 2 steaks and rave about how good the steak and the service is! When the bill is presented in the area of 7 to 8 hundred baht, not even a baht left! Now where I come from if you have a great experience with the food and the service you leave an average of 15%! If you can't leave that then you have no business being here! These people who serve you live on a mere existence and when you cheap charlies come in it makes me shriek!! Same as man who wants to sit and watch olympics for 3 hour

s with a water and not reorder taking up a table of 5!! Ignorance and cheapness at it's best!! I tip according to service and quality! If you can't do that than you are certainly outclassed and everyone knows who the cheap charlies are!! By the way you know who you are and we do too!

Well said indeed,

and yes, there are some exemplary CCs here to be kind, they revel in their cheapness and are so exquisite in their rational for not tipping, well, being a bit of a bull shi.... myself, sometimes I just have to sit back and listen to an expert.

True story, a group were finishing dinner, most leave a tip, they depart in separate directions, one tipper returns to pull his tip off the table then proceeds on his way,

Edited by cobra
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I think these labels are loaded.

When I was a yuppie and raking in the dough I spent liberally.

Now I have no choice but to watch the baht because if I didn't there would be no baht.

Does that make a cheap person or a sensible person who is smart enough to live within their means?

Yes there are extremes of frugal behavior but there are also extremes of decadent spending behavior as well.

Jing, for me everyone to their own, its their money, but I think where this crosses the line certainly in the TV context, is the said "Cheap Charlies" start preaching and being all judgmental, ie if someone is spending more money than said "cheap charlies" they start being called people fools, sexpat's, alcoholics and these are the reasons people are spending "too much" money and then get all upset when people start slagging them off....

but I must say the "who can spend the least" threads are very amusing, "cheap charlies" pitting their wits against others over who can spend the least and going to great length's publishing their detailed monthly budgets trying to prove if someone is spending more than THB 20k/m the person concerned is not at one with their Thainess and is a sexpat alcoholic...funny stuff..

Money is always relative. To some people going out for a night and spending 10k on drinks is a total waste. Others its a normal. But not everyone makes or has the same amount. Some people get that and don't give a rats arse who spends what. Others want to make fun and say too cheap or weekend millionaire. So again when it comes to the end of the day is it not their money to do as they see fit?

Here's the problem! I own a restaurant/bar and I can tell you frugal and cheap charlie mean the same thing! Does not matter where you are from. Example ! 2 customers come in the restaurant and order 2 steaks and rave about how good the steak and the service is! When the bill is presented in the area of 7 to 8 hundred baht, not even a baht left! Now where I come from if you have a great experience with the food and the service you leave an average of 15%! If you can't leave that then you have no business being here! These people who serve you live on a mere existence and when you cheap charlies come in it makes me shriek!! Same as man who wants to sit and watch olympics for 3 hour

s with a water and not reorder taking up a table of 5!! Ignorance and cheapness at it's best!! I tip according to service and quality! If you can't do that than you are certainly outclassed and everyone knows who the cheap charlies are!! By the way you know who you are and we do too!

Pay them more then!!

Add another 15% to your listed prices.

Pathertic. Remind us who you are, so I can avoid you.

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Ahh, the memories. Vietnam and Saigon tea (in Thailand, lady drinks). On topic as it shows the historical background of the phrase. The Aussie vets may recognize this one. smile.png

Wow Tywais. That certainly did bring back some (ancient) memories. rolleyes.gif

Thank you.

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I think its a phrase used by a childish and petulant Thai woman whose immediate demand(usually money) hasn't been met, regardless of the dictates of reality. Best ignored as to respond to it only encourages this stupidity.

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Oops seem to have touched a nerve!

Only mentioned it as extended family seem to youse it to get money from my wife and she will not tell them no!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In my experience,

<There is no way to touch a nerve of a 'hard-core' Cheap Charlie...

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I think these labels are loaded.

When I was a yuppie and raking in the dough I spent liberally.

Now I have no choice but to watch the baht because if I didn't there would be no baht.

Does that make a cheap person or a sensible person who is smart enough to live within their means?

Yes there are extremes of frugal behavior but there are also extremes of decadent spending behavior as well.

Jing, for me everyone to their own, its their money, but I think where this crosses the line certainly in the TV context, is the said "Cheap Charlies" start preaching and being all judgmental, ie if someone is spending more money than said "cheap charlies" they start being called people fools, sexpat's, alcoholics and these are the reasons people are spending "too much" money and then get all upset when people start slagging them off....

but I must say the "who can spend the least" threads are very amusing, "cheap charlies" pitting their wits against others over who can spend the least and going to great length's publishing their detailed monthly budgets trying to prove if someone is spending more than THB 20k/m the person concerned is not at one with their Thainess and is a sexpat alcoholic...funny stuff..

Money is always relative. To some people going out for a night and spending 10k on drinks is a total waste. Others its a normal. But not everyone makes or has the same amount. Some people get that and don't give a rats arse who spends what. Others want to make fun and say too cheap or weekend millionaire. So again when it comes to the end of the day is it not their money to do as they see fit?
Here's the problem! I own a restaurant/bar and I can tell you frugal and cheap charlie mean the same thing! Does not matter where you are from. Example ! 2 customers come in the restaurant and order 2 steaks and rave about how good the steak and the service is! When the bill is presented in the area of 7 to 8 hundred baht, not even a baht left! Now where I come from if you have a great experience with the food and the service you leave an average of 15%! If you can't leave that then you have no business being here! These people who serve you live on a mere existence and when you cheap charlies come in it makes me shriek!! Same as man who wants to sit and watch olympics for 3 hour

s with a water and not reorder taking up a table of 5!! Ignorance and cheapness at it's best!! I tip according to service and quality! If you can't do that than you are certainly outclassed and everyone knows who the cheap charlies are!! By the way you know who you are and we do too!

so customers who don't tip your staff are cheap charlies but you as the owner who pay your employees "a mere existence" are

not cheap? got it.

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am i a cheap charlie,i bought house for wife and told her thats it you furnish it you pay all bills pertaining to the house,also i refuse to pay falang price and i don't tip.tipping is not natural to my nationality. i might also add that most of this is through necessity as i am not a rich man. also like the video[uc dah loi]

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Tip is for USA people. In Europe we do not tip since 1977 anymore.

It was a tax problem for everybody.

Here people call me "sticky rice", what does it mean?

As I m not spending too much(I don't receive pension from any nany state, I m on my own ) , people look at me with respect, someone who can live under his means and who has no debt.

Have a gf who has a normal job and we share for years, her friends respect me. These losers can not find a normal lady. You can spot them at 11 am in bars in front of a beer. They barely started the day and are already drunk.

Guys, get a life... Go fishing instead or recycle trash!

I would think we are all glad we read your post of enlightenment.......rolleyes.gif

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Tip is for USA people. In Europe we do not tip since 1977 anymore.

It was a tax problem for everybody.

Here people call me "sticky rice", what does it mean?

As I m not spending too much(I don't receive pension from any nany state, I m on my own ) , people look at me with respect, someone who can live under his means and who has no debt.

Have a gf who has a normal job and we share for years, her friends respect me. These losers can not find a normal lady. You can spot them at 11 am in bars in front of a beer. They barely started the day and are already drunk.

Guys, get a life... Go fishing instead or recycle trash!

i think you will find they are calling you sticky shit,not sticky rice,kee neow= sticky shit,cow neow= stick rice, kee neow means you are a tight arse[no pun intended] with money,or vis a vis a cheap charlie.

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normally people that call someone a cheap charlie are cheap charlies themselves as they obvious are using this phrase to get something out of you by intimidation.

If people want money and you don't give that is your choice. God forbid that the person who calls you that should go out and earn their own money and not expect hand outs.

The moment i get called a cheap charlie i walk away. Sometimes my anger boils over into fist cuffs as if people are good with me then i am good with them but i hate scourgers.

If on the other hand i noticed that someone was begin a cheap charlie when for example that person was already getting a great deal and still pushing for lower and lower price then there is a line.

Normally that same person who is pushing for the cheapest price possible is the one who would call someone a cheap charlie

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funny thing i was just looking at hotels in patong and i found this review

Terrible rude reception very bad

swimming pool, clean room, nice security guards
Terrible due to one person and there stupid policies with security We booked under wife name did not know there was a trick on agora as normally 1 room is 2 guests. Which this option of 1 room 1 guest we had to pay an extra 1200 baht more which was discounted after a big argument they wanted 800 baht a night more. If i clicked on 2 guests then the price would have been the same. A cheap trick. Then the staff called us cheap char lies in Thai which my husband was very offended about in a 4 star hotel. Then we asked for 2 room key cards which were not aloud to have. Some rubbish about security reasons. I have never never seen this anywhere in Thailand If you are paying for room with 2 people then you should have a key card each. Instead i had to wake my baby up every time i wanted to go to my room or i would have to wait for a staff member to open the door. Wifi was down and they could not tell us when it would be back on. Yet the reception's wifi was working fine as they showed me their computer with agora bookings and other people in the hotel were using it. The security guards were very nice and polite. Other staff round the hotel sympathised with my problem and did not know why i could not have 2 key cards. The man in reception i have his name and if the services was nicer and that man loses his job then the hotel would have been ok but to be called a cheap charlie should not be tolerated as having a job in a 4 star hotel in a reception is a great repeatable job in Thailand. If they don't want to keep the job then there are many enuthsiasic Thai people who would jump in his place
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From your condescending remarks above it does sound like the circles in which you run are a bit 'different,' zeichen. But they would do, wouldn't they? I don't run in circles. People who do are stupid to me [sic].

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There is a difference between frugal or poor or tight with money and being the type of guy who is the first to eat and last to pay... or whatever other analogy you want to bring up. It is the guy whose hand starts shaking every time he goes into his pocket regardless of his bank balance yet is the first in line when someone else is paying.

Edited by farang000999
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