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Grenade kills two in Bangkok as fears mount over political violence


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In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

One unreasonable statement and 11 likeswhistling.gif

In What civilized country the government and the court do not have power over the police and control them???

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/nypd-racial-profiling recent court case controling police in a civilized country.

the court are always asked to rule against the constitutionality of police actions all the time.in many, if not all civilized countries.

As a member of the Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia the Government does not tell the police how to do their job nor do the police wait or ask for instructions from the Government. The courts do not tell the police how to do their job nor do the courts get involved in the running of the police. When the government passes legislation it builds in police powers to enforce that legislation. The police already have permission to enact those laws until that legislations is repealed. The police can use what ever force is necessary to obtain the objective as long as they can justify it in court if need be that it was not excessive.

If the Victorian government tried to tell the police how to operate they would be told to bugger off and mind their own business same goes for the courts. The reason they are separate is it reduces corruption, nepotism and maintains a higher level of ethical standards. It eliminates everyone from judges, politicians and down to the street sweeper from being above the law. Everyone is on a level playing surface when it comes to the police. Courts are different.

Yes the Government provides the budget and they have an Emergency Services Minister who is the go between man/contact in the Government for the Police. Ambulance, Fire, SES, RFB, RAS, Fisheries and many more.

The Government doesn't even appoint the Chief Commissioner of Police it is an independent panel. The Emergency Services Minister may sit on that panel but he has another 5 independents alongside of him.

Doesn't' the government in Australia provide any oversight to make sure the police does not overstep their Authority?

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In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

One unreasonable statement and 11 likeswhistling.gif

In What civilized country the government and the court do not have power over the police and control them???

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/nypd-racial-profiling recent court case controling police in a civilized country.

the court are always asked to rule against the constitutionality of police actions all the time.in many, if not all civilized countries.

As a member of the Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia the Government does not tell the police how to do their job nor do the police wait or ask for instructions from the Government. The courts do not tell the police how to do their job nor do the courts get involved in the running of the police. When the government passes legislation it builds in police powers to enforce that legislation. The police already have permission to enact those laws until that legislations is repealed. The police can use what ever force is necessary to obtain the objective as long as they can justify it in court if need be that it was not excessive.

If the Victorian government tried to tell the police how to operate they would be told to bugger off and mind their own business same goes for the courts. The reason they are separate is it reduces corruption, nepotism and maintains a higher level of ethical standards. It eliminates everyone from judges, politicians and down to the street sweeper from being above the law. Everyone is on a level playing surface when it comes to the police. Courts are different.

Yes the Government provides the budget and they have an Emergency Services Minister who is the go between man/contact in the Government for the Police. Ambulance, Fire, SES, RFB, RAS, Fisheries and many more.

The Government doesn't even appoint the Chief Commissioner of Police it is an independent panel. The Emergency Services Minister may sit on that panel but he has another 5 independents alongside of him.

In other words pretty much anathema to that of Thailand, whereby the police report to Thaksin, rampant corruption persists, blatant nepotism abounds and they are the tool of the red PTP (in power or otherwise).

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In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

One unreasonable statement and 11 likeswhistling.gif

In What civilized country the government and the court do not have power over the police and control them???

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/nypd-racial-profiling recent court case controling police in a civilized country.

the court are always asked to rule against the constitutionality of police actions all the time.in many, if not all civilized countries.

As a member of the Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia the Government does not tell the police how to do their job nor do the police wait or ask for instructions from the Government. The courts do not tell the police how to do their job nor do the courts get involved in the running of the police. When the government passes legislation it builds in police powers to enforce that legislation. The police already have permission to enact those laws until that legislations is repealed. The police can use what ever force is necessary to obtain the objective as long as they can justify it in court if need be that it was not excessive.

If the Victorian government tried to tell the police how to operate they would be told to bugger off and mind their own business same goes for the courts. The reason they are separate is it reduces corruption, nepotism and maintains a higher level of ethical standards. It eliminates everyone from judges, politicians and down to the street sweeper from being above the law. Everyone is on a level playing surface when it comes to the police. Courts are different.

Yes the Government provides the budget and they have an Emergency Services Minister who is the go between man/contact in the Government for the Police. Ambulance, Fire, SES, RFB, RAS, Fisheries and many more.

The Government doesn't even appoint the Chief Commissioner of Police it is an independent panel. The Emergency Services Minister may sit on that panel but he has another 5 independents alongside of him.

In other words pretty much anathema to that of Thailand, whereby the police report to Thaksin, rampant corruption persists, blatant nepotism abounds and they are the tool of the red PTP (in power or otherwise).

That may very much be so and shows the difference in Policing in other parts of the world. I can't argue with you on that as I don't know if they report to him.

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The explosion did not happen away from the protest site but INSIDE the site where the police are persona non grata. Furthermore, it seems that the grenade was launched from quite a distance away with a grenade launcher and even if the police were on the spot, they would not have been able to prevent it.

This is not correct. The grenade landed about outside Big C which is about 400 meters from the entrance to the protest site. I was there just 1/2 hour after it happened.

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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


Who gives a rats arse about your time your honour...

A forum without opinions - now that's a novel thing!!!

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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


Who gives a rats arse about your time your honour...

A forum without opinions - now that's a novel thing!!!

It would just be um <deleted> I don't know, a nothing?. We don't always get along on here but without our opinions George would just be another farang beggar on the streets of Thailand. No offence Georgesmile.png


/ˈnʌθthinsp.pngɪŋ/ Show Spelled [nuhth-ing] Show IPA

no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.
no part, share, or trace (usually followed by of ): The house showed nothing of its former magnificence.
something that is nonexistent.
nonexistence; nothingness: The sound faded to nothing.
something or someone of no importance or significance:
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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


I'll leave the sources out then if it will get rid of you. It's amusing that you denounce the Nation and Bangkok Post, but copy scraps from them when you think they will support your twisted arguments.

But why are you reading those Mouthpieces of Fascism? Are you sure your loyalties are in order? Report to the Political Officer of your Red Village for counseling.

Because I have a RIGHT to read whatever I please, Sometimes I listen to Fox news, it neither fair or balanced,

Hey Crushy, why should I care what you do, , But you could do, with some intellectual awakening , your mind is a sad thing to waste, read a book without pictures.


The right? The Politbureau finds your lack of faith disturbing. The glorious red guards will escort you to the reeducation camp for some attitude correction in the early hours of the morning. Don't forget your toothbrush.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The court has hog tied the police and made them void all they are allowed to do now is sit back and watch.

In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

I thought is was the function of the courts to interpret laws, decide guilt or innocence, and appropriate punishment.

For a self proclaimed former officer of the law, our chook does have a strange take on how the police work anywhere.

Anyway, Suthep's numbers are seriously down and some people in his disparate (desperate?) band of right-wing loonies may have watched how quickly things turned in Ukraine after the blatant sniper activity against totally unarmed anti-government protesters in Maidan just a few days ago. I seriously doubt that anyone but the most rabid and blinkered anti-Thaksin will see these violent acts as being directed from the 'high command' in Dubai or wherever he hangs his hat.

Sorry, but you're out of your mind. While I, a strong supporter of the protesters, will agree that Suthep now needs to think seriously and earnestly about how to wind this thing down -- and may have to accept something less than "absolute surrender" from the Yingluck government (the courts will take care of that in any case) -- there is only one person capable of hiring vicious brutes to fire bullets and grenades into crowds of humanity: the cold-blooded and now extremely desperate and therefore dangerous mastermind of the 2003 murders of 2,500+ "drug dealers" along with the wild, semi-random / semi-targeted violence of spring 2010. (Recall this map:

https://maps.google.co.th/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=116480606892254086046.0004817fafbb87b0951c0&ll=13.743137,100.543184&spn=0.057444,0.077162&z=14 )

Just two weeks ago, the TV Thaksinistas were arguing that the fact most of the bullets fired and grenades tossed in earlier incidents seemed to be aimed away from the largest concentrations of protesters "proved" they were ordered by Suthep, who was claimed to be trying to elicit public sympathy and encourage Army intervention. Well, you can't have the argument both ways, folks. Now the terrorists are shooting and bombing with the intent to kill the protesters and their kids. There is only one man vicious, angry, and desperate enough to escalate to this level of violence, and we all know who he is: Thaksin. Suthep, in contrast, is not in the least desperate because everything is going his way, slowly but surely. It is Thaksin who is losing, and this time he may be on the verge of losing everything -- including the chance ever to return to Thailand to pursue his thinly-disguised, megalomaniacal ambitions. Possibly even his family will be driven out of the country. Thaksin would kill as many innocent people as "necessary" to prevent these developments from occurring. And I get the feeling he would enjoy watching the carnage unfold on TV from his grotesquely expensive hotel suite, surrounded by his staff of fawning servants.

What makes me even more certain Thaksin ordered this new escalation is that no more than a few minutes after each of the two most recent brazen acts of murder were reported, this TV forum was flooded with posts trying to divert attention and shift the blame to Suthep. A bit too coincidental for my tastes.

In short, the argument of the TV Thaksinistas is not only preposterous garbage; it is obscene. And I suspect that deep down inside they know it. At least I hope they do.

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look back at the black clad mercenaries in the war on drugs. The same group. It was watered down and no investigation took place. Hence the cover up by Thaksin. We saw them again boldly with the reds in 2010 and now again. as long as this country doesn't deal with that from the very root, war on drugs, it will be cursed forever by the paid mercenaries.

Once again, who covered it up from the very beginning? - Here you go ...

The UN and international communities must get active now or else it won't stop. A desperate attempt to get photo ops with the demonstrators was exposed as well.

Thaksin needs and WILL stand trial in The Hague for genocide.

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Reading a few of these post just makes me sad. For example, the courts did not take away the police's power. They took away Chalerm's power to order the police from removing the protester with force. If the police claim to not be able to work with the on going protest, they should just take a leave and not be paid. Doing thing is condoning these incidents. As for the prime minister, its nice that she had some good things to say about the victims, reguardless of the fact that these incidents were done in her name. Then you have government officials at red shirt protest rallies saying things about personal defense with fire arms and the time is nearing to act. What kind of government is in charge here. The worst is people complaining of not being able to use the road and how life is so inconvient, farmers are dead because of government policy. The country is in debt because of mass corruption, people are asking for a change. They are demandingba change, an election isn't going to fix the problem, it's just going to sweep things away for a short time. Reform is what they are asking for, a reform with the influence of former politicians. The first step is the remove the old corrupt ways.

Well written and said

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""In Bangkok, we are keeping a close eye on every protest site to provide safety for the people, although the court does not allow us to do anything," he said."

"The anti-government movement seized on Saturday's drive-by attack in Trat as an example of authorities failing to protect rally-goers."

Maybe the police are unable to adequately protect the public from random acts of violence, and it may be unrealistic to expect total security without the full cooperation of the army.

But the Royal Thai Police does seem to have a thoroughly lamentable record in detection and prosecution of the attackers in so many cases. A national and international disgrace.

The court has hog tied the police and made them void all they are allowed to do now is sit back and watch.

In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

I come from the same state as you and indeed the government controls the police.

Been part of them for a long time and can assure that the government does not control the police. The run separate from the government. The chief Commissioner who is selected by a non government body controls the police. The government has no say in the operation.

Yet they have a minister of police.

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So things are getting uglier then. It is escalating as anyone with a brain said it would over 2 months ago. Both sides don't deliver any substance apart from trying to blame each other for the mayhem. Suthep making jokes and threats about sending popcorn shooters and a red shirt gathering where people cheer upon hearing about death and injuries. People on Valentine's day getting attacked for wearing red clothing for the occasion. PDRC supporters with their kids attacked at a noodle stand. It all makes me sick to my stomach. The social media and forums are alive with Thai people (and some farangs) sharing and spreading propaganda and half facts to justify their side of the story whilst people including children are dying on a weekly basis. They don't realize that they are part of the problem, and they are not aware they only contribute to its escalation rather than to a solution.

Someone has to do what should have happened a long time ago; take charge. Either the government cleans up the streets or the army moves in for a coup. Unless the attitudes of people change - and what hope in hell do we have really - this will only go downhill from here.

I have said this all along.The Army are the only authority to stop this.They must be in for 5 years with civilian public servants to help them.This merrygoround must stop.People will whinge and moan but it's gotta be better than what we got now.

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I don't think they are mercenaries at all. I think they are navy special forces. it explains to much. The grenades that points out the big clue and this article.

" The Navy reaffirmed yesterday that the three armed Navy officers who were detained by police last week were part of a special drug crackdown, its secretary Rear Admiral Kan Diubon said.

They were part of a 10-member team officially working undercover to gather intelligence and information about the smuggling of drugs from the east to the capital.

Police arrested and detained the three Navy officers at a road checkpoint last Wednesday after weapons including guns were found in their vehicle. The search

also revealed security cards of the Students Network. Kan said after the incident, all officers were ordered to return to their office to prevent further misunderstanding

or possible conflicts at the demonstration. Referring to the security guard's cards, the general said it was necessary for the men to have them to facilitate their

investigation at rally sites. The vehicle and weapons were officially registered for use on the mission, he said.

the grenades are a Russian and sold in Cambodia and defiantly a prohibited import. I do work on the east cost of thailand/cambodia and do wiriness all types of corruptions but i can not see grenades being brought across so easy unless the navy patrolling the northern parts of the golf and have unlimited access to most of the border when ever they feel the need. it would explain Trat being organised quickly. the ability to drive past checkpoints and to disappear in to thin air.

It is just a conspiracy but all aspects seem to fit.

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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All the innocent deaths going on, and you have the nerve to come on and steer in to: suthep this and suthep that, and change the subject to preposterous charges of murder perpetrated against him for the political gain of PTP to have no opponents, thus a dictatorship.

Why not address how PTP and red shirts can motivate their supporters not to inflict violence against peaceful demonstrators who oppose fiefdom of oligarchies???????!


You really are not familiar with what is transpiring in Thailand over the last (4) months! you only notice innocent deaths that happens to protesters, open you eyes and your mind there is much more violence going on!

Suthep is the cause of all the violence that is happening today, Tell me why Suthep has been yelling Corruption and many Billions of baht missing, and the NACC changed Yingluck with "Negligence in failing to stop Corruption" The NACC states they have been investigating her involvement in the Rice scheme for over a year, and that the only change they could come up with!!!

Could it be that Your fearless leader Suthep is a spreader of Untruths, could it be that he has fed all of the gullible a line of B/S and they fell for it hook line and sinker.

I have the nerve to state what I believe in, because that is my right, who are you to attempt to say I don't.

What is Suthep grand plan for his Citizens Counsel, how is he going to find the neutral people to run it in this climate of hate he has incited!


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In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

One unreasonable statement and 11 likeswhistling.gif

In What civilized country the government and the court do not have power over the police and control them???

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/nypd-racial-profiling recent court case controling police in a civilized country.

the court are always asked to rule against the constitutionality of police actions all the time.in many, if not all civilized countries.

As a member of the Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia the Government does not tell the police how to do their job nor do the police wait or ask for instructions from the Government. The courts do not tell the police how to do their job nor do the courts get involved in the running of the police. When the government passes legislation it builds in police powers to enforce that legislation. The police already have permission to enact those laws until that legislations is repealed. The police can use what ever force is necessary to obtain the objective as long as they can justify it in court if need be that it was not excessive.

If the Victorian government tried to tell the police how to operate they would be told to bugger off and mind their own business same goes for the courts. The reason they are separate is it reduces corruption, nepotism and maintains a higher level of ethical standards. It eliminates everyone from judges, politicians and down to the street sweeper from being above the law. Everyone is on a level playing surface when it comes to the police. Courts are different.

Yes the Government provides the budget and they have an Emergency Services Minister who is the go between man/contact in the Government for the Police. Ambulance, Fire, SES, RFB, RAS, Fisheries and many more.

The Government doesn't even appoint the Chief Commissioner of Police it is an independent panel. The Emergency Services Minister may sit on that panel but he has another 5 independents alongside of him.

I think you will find that this applies to ALL states in Australia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great minds discuss ideas:

Average minds discuss events:

Small minds discuss people:

Eleanor Roosevelt

Very true. Thaksin makes a convenient scapegoat for those who refuse to accept, or are ignorant of, the real issues behind Thailand's problems.

are you guys talking about the great ideas of rice scams, car scams, tablet scams and so many more? Or then ones that discussed the death toll targeted in the war on drugs to make mainly the reds dance? Or the ones that provide sattelite phones for T with VOIP tunneling so that it can't be traced or tracked? Show me great minds out of that? p l e a s e ...

Edited by wealth
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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


Who gives a rats arse about your time your honour...

Keep your arse, I don't want it,

Thats your best!

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Great minds discuss ideas:

Average minds discuss events:

Small minds discuss people:

Eleanor Roosevelt

Very true. Thaksin makes a convenient scapegoat for those who refuse to accept, or are ignorant of, the real issues behind Thailand's problems.

are you guys talking about the great ideas of rice scams, car scams, tablet scams and so many more? Or then ones that discussed the death toll targeted in the war on drugs to make mainly the reds dance? Or the ones that provide sattelite phones for T with VOIP tunneling so that it can't be traced or tracked? Show me great minds out of that? p l e a s e ...

The Unelected people counsel scams, pop-corn warriors scams, the billions of baht missing scam., The biggest scams of all Suthep!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. it a Duck donald.

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All the innocent deaths going on, and you have the nerve to come on and steer in to: suthep this and suthep that, and change the subject to preposterous charges of murder perpetrated against him for the political gain of PTP to have no opponents, thus a dictatorship.

Why not address how PTP and red shirts can motivate their supporters not to inflict violence against peaceful demonstrators who oppose fiefdom of oligarchies???????!


You really are not familiar with what is transpiring in Thailand over the last (4) months! you only notice innocent deaths that happens to protesters, open you eyes and your mind there is much more violence going on!

Suthep is the cause of all the violence that is happening today, Tell me why Suthep has been yelling Corruption and many Billions of baht missing, and the NACC changed Yingluck with "Negligence in failing to stop Corruption" The NACC states they have been investigating her involvement in the Rice scheme for over a year, and that the only change they could come up with!!!

Could it be that Your fearless leader Suthep is a spreader of Untruths, could it be that he has fed all of the gullible a line of B/S and they fell for it hook line and sinker.

I have the nerve to state what I believe in, because that is my right, who are you to attempt to say I don't.

What is Suthep grand plan for his Citizens Counsel, how is he going to find the neutral people to run it in this climate of hate he has incited!


Right, you need outstanding citizens like jatuporn, and now Dab Daeng....... to run the country.... ? Spreading untruths ?? Where is the money for the farmers ? Oh, guess that "budget" was meant for other purposes ! Only fools and horses can't see what PT has done to the country !

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Great minds discuss ideas:

Average minds discuss events:

Small minds discuss people:

Eleanor Roosevelt

Very true. Thaksin makes a convenient scapegoat for those who refuse to accept, or are ignorant of, the real issues behind Thailand's problems.

are you guys talking about the great ideas of rice scams, car scams, tablet scams and so many more? Or then ones that discussed the death toll targeted in the war on drugs to make mainly the reds dance? Or the ones that provide sattelite phones for T with VOIP tunneling so that it can't be traced or tracked? Show me great minds out of that? p l e a s e ...

The Unelected people counsel scams, pop-corn warriors scams, the billions of baht missing scam., The biggest scams of all Suthep!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. it a Duck donald.

Billions of baht missing !! You must be talking PT government then ?

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In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

One unreasonable statement and 11 likeswhistling.gif

In What civilized country the government and the court do not have power over the police and control them???

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/nypd-racial-profiling recent court case controling police in a civilized country.

the court are always asked to rule against the constitutionality of police actions all the time.in many, if not all civilized countries.

As a member of the Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia the Government does not tell the police how to do their job nor do the police wait or ask for instructions from the Government. The courts do not tell the police how to do their job nor do the courts get involved in the running of the police. When the government passes legislation it builds in police powers to enforce that legislation. The police already have permission to enact those laws until that legislations is repealed. The police can use what ever force is necessary to obtain the objective as long as they can justify it in court if need be that it was not excessive.

If the Victorian government tried to tell the police how to operate they would be told to bugger off and mind their own business same goes for the courts. The reason they are separate is it reduces corruption, nepotism and maintains a higher level of ethical standards. It eliminates everyone from judges, politicians and down to the street sweeper from being above the law. Everyone is on a level playing surface when it comes to the police. Courts are different.

Yes the Government provides the budget and they have an Emergency Services Minister who is the go between man/contact in the Government for the Police. Ambulance, Fire, SES, RFB, RAS, Fisheries and many more.

The Government doesn't even appoint the Chief Commissioner of Police it is an independent panel. The Emergency Services Minister may sit on that panel but he has another 5 independents alongside of him.


Thank you for the very clear and concise summary of the duties and responsibilities of a respected police force. A functional and effective force is beholden to no one and nothing except for the law of the land. The police must carry out what they think is right and SUBSEQUENT to that, the courts can judge on the legality of their actions.

I would imagine that if the courts in Australia tries to limit the actions of the police force, they (the police) will resign en masse.

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The explosion did not happen away from the protest site but INSIDE the site where the police are persona non grata. Furthermore, it seems that the grenade was launched from quite a distance away with a grenade launcher and even if the police were on the spot, they would not have been able to prevent it.

This is not correct. The grenade landed about outside Big C which is about 400 meters from the entrance to the protest site. I was there just 1/2 hour after it happened.

I am not familiar with the protest site in question, I was merely deferring to some other posters assertions. If indeed you are right, then the attackers must have a very different motive from what has been proposed on the many threads on TV. Could it then be a business issue, Tesco attacking Big C?

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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


Who gives a rats arse about your time your honour...

Keep your arse, I don't want it,

Thats your best!

Dr. Seri might like it though.............

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and here again YS went shopping during these tragedies ... disgusting ...is this her understanding of duty?

Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra plans to work from locations in provinces neighbouring Bangkok to avoid being hounded by anti-government protesters, a Government House source said yesterday.
She and her Cabinet will perform their duties in provinces near Bangkok and return to the capital on a daily basis, but will not reveal their locations due to security concerns," the source said.

The source said the premier and her Cabinet would no longer use the office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence in Muang Thong Thani, as it was seen to be at risk of being besieged by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

Her movements and activities will be kept secret to prevent her being targeted by anti-government protesters, some of who have vowed to capture the premier, the source said.

Yingluck yesterday appeared in public to perform official duties as premier for the first time since the PDRC surrounded her office at the Permanent Secretary for Defence's office last Wednesday.

She inspected the Saraburi One Tambon One Product (Otop) centre in Chalerm Phrakiat district and suggested that more roadside Otop centres be built to improve people's living conditions. She also encountered a small group of PDRC protesters during her visit to the centre.

Yingluck was accompanied by caretaker Transport Minister Chadchart Sittipunt, caretaker Deputy Education Minister Sermsak Pongpanich and caretaker PM's deputy secretary-general Pol Maj-General Tawat Boonfueng.

The premier will chair a Cabinet meeting this morning and a Defence Council meeting in the afternoon. Both meetings will be held at the Royal Thai Air Force Headquarters in Don Muang. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-to-work-outside-Bangkok-to-avoid-proteste-30227695.html
Edited by wealth
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""In Bangkok, we are keeping a close eye on every protest site to provide safety for the people, although the court does not allow us to do anything," he said."

"The anti-government movement seized on Saturday's drive-by attack in Trat as an example of authorities failing to protect rally-goers."

Maybe the police are unable to adequately protect the public from random acts of violence, and it may be unrealistic to expect total security without the full cooperation of the army.

But the Royal Thai Police does seem to have a thoroughly lamentable record in detection and prosecution of the attackers in so many cases. A national and international disgrace.

The court has hog tied the police and made them void all they are allowed to do now is sit back and watch.

In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

And what 'civilised'' countries do you refer: Russia? Venezuela? Etc.? In civilized countries police work for local or national governments, and for all people and citizens they support and protect. The roles of the courts in regards to police are many, including policing the police, when necessary.

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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


I'll leave the sources out then if it will get rid of you. It's amusing that you denounce the Nation and Bangkok Post, but copy scraps from them when you think they will support your twisted arguments.

But why are you reading those Mouthpieces of Fascism? Are you sure your loyalties are in order? Report to the Political Officer of your Red Village for counseling.

Because I have a RIGHT to read whatever I please, Sometimes I listen to Fox news, it neither fair or balanced,

Hey Crushy, why should I care what you do, , But you could do, with some intellectual awakening , your mind is a sad thing to waste, read a book without pictures.


The right? The Politbureau finds your lack of faith disturbing. The glorious red guards will escort you to the reeducation camp for some attitude correction in the early hours of the morning. Don't forget your toothbrush.

Don't worry about the tooth brush, they will make sure you leave your teeth at the door.

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To whom it may concerns,

If someone post ittelligent comments hopefully with a source, I will respond!

To many clue less posters stating opinions, I would could not possibly consider, post with a source, intelligent questions ,no problems, those not worth my time will receive no response!


Who gives a rats arse about your time your honour...

Keep your arse, I don't want it,

Thats your best!

All the time I had for your precious..

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""In Bangkok, we are keeping a close eye on every protest site to provide safety for the people, although the court does not allow us to do anything," he said."

"The anti-government movement seized on Saturday's drive-by attack in Trat as an example of authorities failing to protect rally-goers."

Maybe the police are unable to adequately protect the public from random acts of violence, and it may be unrealistic to expect total security without the full cooperation of the army.

But the Royal Thai Police does seem to have a thoroughly lamentable record in detection and prosecution of the attackers in so many cases. A national and international disgrace.

The court has hog tied the police and made them void all they are allowed to do now is sit back and watch.

In most civilised countries the police are a separate organisation where neither the government or the courts have power over them and control of them.

And what 'civilised'' countries do you refer: Russia? Venezuela? Etc.? In civilized countries police work for local or national governments, and for all people and citizens they support and protect. The roles of the courts in regards to police are many, including policing the police, when necessary.

The courts do not police the police it is not their role, that leads to corruption and nepotism and it will never work. Who is going to police the courts in this theory? I refer to Australia where the government, the police and the courts are separated.

The Government makes the legislations and builds in police powers and as such the police do not have to approach the government for permission to act. The Government also can not tell the police how to do their job.

The legislation already gives that permission until that legislation is repealed. The courts will then judged after the event if the police acted within that legislation and if they did not then the police will be prosecuted by the department of public prosecutions which again is a separated organisation.

harged at me

When I attended I family violence incident a young 22 yr old had stabbed his father numerous times and thankfully after a few months in hospital he survived. This guy then turned his attention to me with two knives raised and that intent look in his eyes charged at me. I had nowhere to go/retreat and I put 5 rounds in his chest killing him. I was crucified in social media and the public with the general rants of how did you know he was going to stab you and how did you know he wanted to hurt you, why didn't I wait to see if he killed me 1st before I reacted and used excessive force.

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