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NSC says Armed Forces may cite Rajaprasong bomb attack to impose martial law


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Many here seem to be confusing Martial Law with a Coup.

The imposition of Martial Law does not mean that the Military takes over Government.

The Government would impose Martial Law as a response to the the failure of civilian authority

Normally the Military would take control of security, such as protecting Government property, essential services, maintaining law and order etc..

The OP seems to imply that it would be the Militarys ultimate decision to impose Martial Law though, which is no doubt the case in Thailand.

Even so, the current Government would still be functioning if I read this correctly.

That said if there was to be a Coup then undoubtedly Martial Law would be imposed.

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Many here seem to be confusing Martial Law with a Coup.

The imposition of Martial Law does not mean that the Military takes over Government.

The Government would impose Martial Law as a response to the the failure of civilian authority

Normally the Military would take control of security, such as protecting Government property, essential services, maintaining law and order etc..

The OP seems to imply that it would be the Militarys ultimate decision to impose Martial Law though, which is no doubt the case in Thailand.

Even so, the current Government would still be functioning if I read this correctly.

That said if there was to be a Coup then undoubtedly Martial Law would be imposed.

Can you provide a link to the legal basis of it.

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Blah blah army blah blah coup blah blah martial law blah blah.

Every time these stupid quasi politicians are stirring the pot with unfounded bullshit .. it really is beyond belief.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The NSC chief admitted that this latest bomb attack at Rajaprasong might be used as a reason by the military to impose martial law.

But he insisted that the current situation did not yet reach serious level.

Yep, it's nothing serious, when innocent children die at the cost of so called democratic hold on power, ... nothing serious indeed, Mr. NSC-Chief.... facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif Just another set of cheap victims, aight???? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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If the army does impose martial law, would it be imposed just in Bangkok, Bangkok and selected areas where there are or have been protests outside of Bangkok, or would it be nation wide? Any thoughts by anyone who has a good idea on this issue?

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It's getting to the point where a coup, although far from ideal, may be the only way to go in the short term.

Of course it would damage Thailand's reputation or what's left of it, but at least it would put a stop to Suthep's rantings and the government's incompetence. It would be an opportunity to take a time out, establish some order so people can get on with theirt day to day living again and during which time both parties can take stock and offload their unwanted baggage (you know who they are) and start afresh.

Might be worth a try.

Until the army have to give in and allow another election, and the merry go round starts again. Whilst Thailand may not know it but world opinion and Europe and America's pro Decrocy stance would leave the army General out there on his own unless he wants to side up with China.

Any normal place the police would have had this sorted weeks ago.

ANy normal place, the police and the government they answer to would not be threatened with massive court cases should they be so bold as to reclaim Bangkok from the occupation by the southern Guards. Any normal place the army does not interpret its role as being to defend avowed insurrectionists from the duty of the police to maintain open access to all parts of the city.

In the past, Prayuth has implied that there are two reasons for the army avoiding an all out coup- first, is world opinion. The last one was an expensive bit of silliness that accomplished nothing.

Also- and he has suggested this too- the reds are much better organized now and less likely to accept a coup.

Thailand is proud of its history of bloodless coups- this too often indicates a bloodless population that meekly accepts military dictatorships. Those days are gone.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

If you remember, the police is not allowed by civil court to do their job. Any move by the police will be seen as trying to limit/break up Sutheps peacefull protests. This is why SOE was called. Its not just to stop protests, it is also to protect the public against fringe elements taking advantage of the situation to spread chaos.

Give SOE a real chance before declaring martial law.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.

Not a single case elucidated.

Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

If you remember, the police is not allowed by civil court to do their job. Any move by the police will be seen as trying to limit/break up Sutheps peacefull protests. This is why SOE was called. Its not just to stop protests, it is also to protect the public against fringe elements taking advantage of the situation to spread chaos.

Give SOE a real chance before declaring martial law.

The civil court only ruled on the SoE on 19th Feb. It had already been in place since January 21st.. Did the police catch ANY of the people bombing and shooting the anti government protesters! No

The civil court ruling only affects the SOE it doesn't impair the Police from doing their job within the framework of Thailand's laws.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Martial law, and then?

Finish the last elections, or hold new elections, then respect the voter's choice? The Democrats don't want that.

Put government in the hands of Suthep's "People's Counsels"? No one but the Democrats want that.

Write a new constitution? The last time the military did that it led to the current situation.

Let the military run the government? We need only look to Burma to see how well that works.

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Extremists blamed for weekend attacks on protesters
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Feb 24 – A senior security official today ruled out speculation that foreign forces were involved in a series of fatal attacks against anti-government protesters in Bangkok and upcountry.

Paradorn Pattanatabut, secretary general of the National Security Council (NSC), was referring to a claim by Naval Security Warfare commander Vinai Klom-in and said the violent incidents were triggered by extremists feigning to be supporters of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) at rallies.

He said the extremists’ objectives were to pressure for a change in the country’s administration and create misunderstanding among the public.

The shooting in Trat province on Friday night and the bombing at Ratchprasong rally site yesterday were related, he said, pointing out that rally areas and venues where PDRC protesters would move to were all risk zones with escalating violence.

“I can assure you that the government and pro-government groups were not involved in the violent incidents,” said Lt Gen Paradorn.

He said the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order will today appeal the Civil Court ruling which restricted the authorities’ power in dealing with protesters, citing limitations in the ability of existing laws to handle the political unrest.

PDRC spokesman Akanat Promphan called on caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to take serious responsibility for the fatal attacks in Trat and Ratchprasong rather than expressing her opinions on her Facebook page.

He said Ms Yingluck was creating rifts in the country and putting the blame on political factions in her Facebook statement which says the violent incidents were terrorist acts done for political gain.

The PDRC spokesman called on the prime minister to delete the statement which could deepen differences and conflicts, adding that the authorities’ failure to arrest culprits in the attacks could worsen the violence.

PDRC protesters from four rally venues in Bangkok were split into 19 groups for their mobile demonstrations at various government agencies and business buildings related to the Shinawatra family today to urge civil servants to join the anti-government movement and disturb the Shinawatra businesses. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-24

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Another attack like this will give the military all they need to establish martial law. While I"m no fan of martial law, I think this just might be a case where it is needed to regain peace and stop, or at lease decrease, the violence by all sides.

You don't think that it could actually INCREASE violence by those that might regard such an imposition as intended to protect the protesters 'right' to evict the legitimately elected government?

I'm sure the military has considered this- it's not like the reds have been mum about their attitude towards any military intervention.

(For some strange reason, they seem to think that the military is aligned with the protesters).

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Old Marcus stuff. Paradon should be sent into exile for this BS of martial law. This is a sure sign of desperation on the part of this government. Won't be long now to the end.

Unsurprising that Thaksin's "brother" Paradorn would make this sort of speculative incitement.

"Thaksin loyalists including Paradorn Pattanathabutr, who was made secretary-general of the country's National Security Council and this month said Thaksin was "like a brother"."


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Paradorn Patthanathabutr said today that the lethal grenade attack at Rajaprasong might be used as an excuse by the military to impose martial law in the capital.

I find the above statement very interesting until I read this. That article does open ones eyes to the underlying currents of servitude that drips off our dear friend parador's statement.

In summary when thaksin moved the pieces in his cabinet reshuffle (yes, yes yingluck is the PM) he placed strategic pawns, if you will, in places that will serve his interests in the future. One of which was putting our thaksin loyalist friend in the position of NSC chief. Heaven forbid right that the NSC makes decisions that are not thaksin agenda driven. They would then be classified as a neutral entity and the UDD would have a 5 prong attack instead of their current 4 prong attack which would incorporate the downfall of the NCC as well. In this same month pardon actually called thaksin his brother. WOW. That is a friendship made in political heaven.

​So when you read the statement at the top rest assured it is rumor mongering by a puppet of an unelectable accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive that is trying to achieve an agenda of disinformation over the gullible masses to bread contempt and mistrust in, you guessed it, the PDRC and the military both of which have beeb targeted by the UDD as entities to "zero in on"

This is just rhetorical noise equivalent in the decibel range of someone screaming from Dubai while the listen is in Bangkok. Hardly noticeable and only trying desperately to further demonize anyone that opposes the PTP through imaginary fallacies.

In a sense he is "substituting feelings for facts". Facts are there is no evidence to reinforce anything he is saying. It is his opinion, but the feelings are running strong in the UDD camp so this clouds judgements and makes one look past the facts to vindicate what the dear leaders brother says is in fact just that FACTS.

Rest assured the majority of Thai's are are not fooled by these simple demagogue tricks anymore. You need to wake up early to pull an old propaganda argument over the majorities eyes now. (And that is with the Dubai time difference)

Can't blame thaksin though (yes yes yingluck is PM). He must be frustrated by his sister unable to push his amnesty through. If only for the pesky majority that didn't want it.

Edited by djjamie
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Extremists blamed for weekend attacks on protesters

By Digital Content


Paradorn Pattanatabut, secretary general of the National Security Council (NSC), was referring to a claim by Naval Security Warfare commander Vinai Klom-in and said the violent incidents were triggered by extremists feigning to be supporters of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) at rallies.

The shooting in Trat province on Friday night and the bombing at Ratchprasong rally site yesterday were related, he said, pointing out that rally areas and venues where PDRC protesters would move to were all risk zones with escalating violence.

“I can assure you that the government and pro-government groups were not involved in the violent incidents,” said Lt Gen Paradorn.


-- TNA 2014-02-24

So is this Muppet suggesting that the PDRC are throwing grenades at themselves again.. how can this person KNOW for sure it wasn't the government supporters. Come to think of it WHY is he even mentioning pro government supporters. Are the UDD the militia of the Phua Thai similar to the IRA and Sinn faen?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

Well last time I personally saw a video of as you say, "Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shooting into crowds. People die and what do the police do? So far, Nothing"

What I saw police were the victims, they were trying to hide behind their riot shield for protection from live ammo and grenade blasts. How can any body blame the police for not solving those crimes given the history of police officers shot, beaten, tied up and blindfolded and interrogated by the militant buddha and then beaten.

The police are still working for all in the country except for the protest areas as the court ordered the police to leave them alone!


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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

I didn't realise they ever did.

I can not believe that somebody can launch grenades in the center of a major city, simply unseen. Over all are CCTV and certainly eye-witnesses.

Why the police do not work with all forces to arrest this killers? The passivity of the so-called police authorities is really worrying.

Until now, also no statement from the government police (DSI, CMPO, CAPO).

Would you really expect anything concrete by way of action or statement from police, Chalerm and his merry band of thugs or the part-time government - all too busy covering their own <deleted> and looking for the next scam.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

YL has said to police to have restraint and to limit any use of force as much as possible, kinda tuff to do when being pelted with rocks, bolts, bullets and bombs, yeah. Do you not recall that courts have told police that the protester's are peaceful and no weapons are used, and police are so heavily shackled they would be criticized for stopping anyone on a skateboard, just how do you propose they do their job of enforcing the law and not come under attract???

Next it will be charging all police for neglecting their duty,,,

BUT WIAT there's more, when Suthep and mark were in charge what happened? orders given and many many more death.

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Paradorn Patthanathabutr said today that the lethal grenade attack at Rajaprasong might be used as an excuse by the military to impose martial law in the capital.

I find the above statement very interesting until I read this. That article does open ones eyes to the underlying currents of servitude that drips off our dear friend parador's statement.

In summary when thaksin moved the pieces in his cabinet reshuffle (yes, yes yingluck is the PM) he placed strategic pawns, if you will, in places that will serve his interests in the future. One of which was putting our thaksin loyalist friend in the position of NSC chief. Heaven forbid right that the NSC makes decisions that are not thaksin agenda driven. They would then be classified as a neutral entity and the UDD would have a 5 prong attack instead of their current 4 prong attack which would incorporate the downfall of the NCC as well. In this same month pardon actually called thaksin his brother. WOW. That is a friendship made in political heaven.

​So when you read the statement at the top rest assured it is rumor mongering by a puppet of an unelectable accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive that is trying to achieve an agenda of disinformation over the gullible masses to bread contempt and mistrust in, you guessed it, the PDRC and the military both of which have beeb targeted by the UDD as entities to "zero in on"

This is just rhetorical noise equivalent in the decibel range of someone screaming from Dubai while the listen is in Bangkok. Hardly noticeable and only trying desperately to further demonize anyone that opposes the PTP through imaginary fallacies.

In a sense he is "substituting feelings for facts". Facts are there is no evidence to reinforce anything he is saying. It is his opinion, but the feelings are running strong in the UDD camp so this clouds judgements and makes one look past the facts to vindicate what the dear leaders brother says is in fact just that FACTS.

Rest assured the majority of Thai's are are not fooled by these simple demagogue tricks anymore. You need to wake up early to pull an old propaganda argument over the majorities eyes now. (And that is with the Dubai time difference)

Can't blame thaksin though (yes yes yingluck is PM). He must be frustrated by his sister unable to push his amnesty through. If only for the pesky majority that didn't want it.

If what you state is factual,

"Rest assured the majority of Thai's are are not fooled by these simple demagogue trick's anymore"

Why isn't a election held and let that majority pick whom ever that majority wants to lead the country, I also believe that the majority of Thai's, will elect those persons they believe will lead the country effectively, what ever side wins an election, all should accept, repeat "What ever side wins"

Is that not so?

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.

Not a single case elucidated.

Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

Well last time I personally saw a video of as you say, "Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shooting into crowds. People die and what do the police do? So far, Nothing"

What I saw police were the victims, they were trying to hide behind their riot shield for protection from live ammo and grenade blasts. How can any body blame the police for not solving those crimes given the history of police officers shot, beaten, tied up and blindfolded and interrogated by the militant buddha and then beaten.

The police are still working for all in the country except for the protest areas as the court ordered the police to leave them alone!


Firstly. Any deaths or injuries are abhorrent.


What I saw police were the victims,"

And yet 1 police officer dead. 4 protestors dead. 18 police officers injured. 68 protestors.

First medical team's to tend police grenade victims ... the protestors medical teams.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Many here seem to be confusing Martial Law with a Coup.

The imposition of Martial Law does not mean that the Military takes over Government.

The Government would impose Martial Law as a response to the the failure of civilian authority

Normally the Military would take control of security, such as protecting Government property, essential services, maintaining law and order etc..

The OP seems to imply that it would be the Militarys ultimate decision to impose Martial Law though, which is no doubt the case in Thailand.

Even so, the current Government would still be functioning if I read this correctly.

That said if there was to be a Coup then undoubtedly Martial Law would be imposed.

Can you provide a link to the legal basis of it.

It would appear that the imposition of martial law would ultimately be the choice of the Military.

Although as Caretaker PM and Defence Minister Yingluck would be able to propose this to the Military.

Section 188 of the constitution states In the case where it is necessary to declare the martial law in a certain locality as a matter of urgency, the military authority may do so under the Martial Law.

Also the TRT government declared Marshall Law in the south in 2004 to deal with the insurgency.

Obviously though this was under the 1997 constitution.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

This is why SOE was called. Its not just to stop protests, it is also to protect the public against fringe elements taking advantage of the situation to spread chaos.

Give SOE a real chance before declaring martial law.

Thus far, the government has failed miserably at protecting the peaceful protesters. It's been a while since the first bombing. The government has had their chance.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.
Not a single case elucidated.
Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

Well last time I personally saw a video of as you say, "Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shooting into crowds. People die and what do the police do? So far, Nothing"

What I saw police were the victims, they were trying to hide behind their riot shield for protection from live ammo and grenade blasts. How can any body blame the police for not solving those crimes given the history of police officers shot, beaten, tied up and blindfolded and interrogated by the militant buddha and then beaten.

The police are still working for all in the country except for the protest areas as the court ordered the police to leave them alone!


If the police were working for all in the country, they would be facing *away* from the peaceful protesters, instead of towards them.

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You can't blame the police for failing to protect the protestors when the PDRC security agents wouldn't let a police officer near a protest site. The PDRC doesn't trust the police but won't even allow them to try to provide protection. The police and the army are viewed on different ends of the political spectrum just as most every other agency, court, etc.

As for the imposition of martial law, it would ordinarily be a decision of the executive when it is felt that the level of violence or lawlessness is beyond the control of the usual law enforcement agencies. In this situation, the courts have gutted the ability of the police to deal with controlling the protestors by the limits imposed on actions under the SOE. It more or less opens the door for the military to impose martial law as the courts would not contest such a move in the same way as the SOE. And the PDRC would not question the role of the military -- again because of politics. The PDRC would surely welcome such a move and view as a prelude to a coup.

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Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shotings into crowds.

People die and what do the police?

So far, nothing.

Not a single case elucidated.

Have the police stopped to work for the people in this country?

Well last time I personally saw a video of as you say, "Grenades are fired, detonated bombs and shooting into crowds. People die and what do the police do? So far, Nothing"

What I saw police were the victims, they were trying to hide behind their riot shield for protection from live ammo and grenade blasts. How can any body blame the police for not solving those crimes given the history of police officers shot, beaten, tied up and blindfolded and interrogated by the militant buddha and then beaten.

The police are still working for all in the country except for the protest areas as the court ordered the police to leave them alone!


Firstly. Any deaths or injuries are abhorrent.


What I saw police were the victims,"

And yet 1 police officer dead. 4 protestors dead. 18 police officers injured. 68 protestors.

First medical team's to tend police grenade victims ... the protestors medical teams.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As the international news stated the police were attacked, by live ammo and grenades, the whole world saw that. I believe the police used only tear gas and rubber bullets, as they stated, as the CNN video I saw about 6-8 policeman armed with shot guns returned heavy fire in response to the protesters deadly force, if the police officers that came under fire from live ammunitions where armed why did they not fire those weapons when their lives were threatened.

Look at the Video "Just type in the following link!"


"What I saw the police were the victims" The protesters where most likely the victims of "friendly fire" if the died from rubber bullets, the police were responsible, if they died from live ammo, friendly fire.


Edited by kikoman
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