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Why Wont My Thai Gf Tell Me Which Political Party She Supports?


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The other day I bored my girlfriend for 10 minutes talking about football before I realised I was doing it. She said it was good because we share everything. Today we had a conversation about Thai politics and I asked her which political party she supports. She wouldn't tell me, which is fine, it's her business. However it did get me wondering why..

I know it's not impolite to talk about politics with Thais. In the past I've spoken with Thai friends and they've all said straight out who they support.. I'm not going to press her about it. She's employed as a teacher so I wondered if that had something to do with it. Has anyone got any idea why this might be? Or encountered it yourself?

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As others have said, you might have showed your colors and she doesn't want to argue with you.

If Arnold and Maria could stay married for decades without arguing about politics, then just go on and leave this one alone.

Perhaps she cares less about you than politics. My initial feeling would be If your girlfriend is serious about you, then she would talk and confide in you. Perhaps she wants to keep your relationship superficial or she just isn't ready to share everything. Either be patient and ignore it or use it as a clue to what your future will be like.

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Just tell her that Yingluck is 'good' and Suthep is 'bad' (or vv).

That's what I did with my TGF and got to know her side when she started praising Suthep and denigrating Yingluck.

Before that she was claiming to have no side. I'm 'Thailand' she'd say ...

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"The other day I bored my girlfriend for 10 minutes talking about football before I realised I was doing it."

Then you bored her for another 10 minutes talking about politics...

Maybe after 10 min football she didn't want to take 10 min politics and decided the best thing to shorten it is to not say anything....

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Start wearing red shirts one, yellow shirts the next day, and watch for clues!

But carefully about that....maybe yellow on Monday.....and red on Sunday is a good test.....

Than at least you can claim that it has nothing to do with politics.

Or making some remarks when watching news "at least they help the poor" and check what responds you get.

helmet and safety googles are recommended....

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I figured that a Thai would never (in general) tell people which political party or ''color'' they support. Even when asked. For the Thais, it is easy to see, from the clues, like the clothing, topics of conversation and attitude towards a certain political topic. On thing is for sure, regardless of what political ''color'' they support, they all support the color ''brown''. That is the color of their national 1k bill.

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She likes football more than politics !

Hahaha, great response.

However, to the OP, she either knows who you support and does not share your opinion and wants to avoid confrontation, or she doesn't know who you support and doesn't wish to chance offending you because that might lead to a confrontation. Have you tried paying her to tell you? That should work.

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they dont understand the existance of politics,dont know what the word means.

This is because they were forbidden to think about this in the school,it is (was) seen as unpolite to ask questions to the teacher!

In the classroom only the teacher opens his mouth,children are prepared to be marionets,they learn the everything by memorization

through repitition.They dont understand grammar rules,relation between words......If you miss 1 tone they dont have a clue what you are talking about,

their mind is not flexible,yoo cann reet tis bu tey cant!

It is slowly going to approve, the more thai-farang children in a classroom the quicker it will change.

They speak at least 2 or tree languages when they are 5 y old, they took airplanes ,fast trains ,taxis.....can swimm from 2 y old..wear shoes that cost more than 300 bht ,they saw an other continent ....all things even their teacher never saw nor will see in his life. They talk about it with the friends .....

Later it will be a big bonus to find a good job,perfectly writing and reading and speaking thai ,english and his fathers language (mine is flemish and french)

Never send your children to an english school unless you want them to have the same handicap as you have yourself here in thailand.(unless you can read and write and speak thai perfectly)

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You talk to your girlfriend?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

She probably pretends to understand. Why on earth would you want to talk about politics to your girlfriend? Shouldn't you be discovering the joys of copulation.

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