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Protest leader Suthep rejects negotiations with govt


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I wonder how many of the TV red shirts are married and living in north and northeast Thailand, vrs the TV Yellow shirts living in central and southern Thailand.

We should conduct a survey.

Actually i think the correlation and causation is more in IQ and education. With the red shirts on the lower part of the IQ tree. With a few exceptions of course.

That is pure guesswork.

While I think, that the red shirt supporterrs don't see, where their own advantage lies I have to point out, that IQ has no correlation to the location of the pople within a certain radius and within basically the same culture. You might make a difference between Thais and people, who live some totally other place, but that's not the point here.

Problem with the red shirts (at least here at TV) is, that they perfer to believe a power-hungry (in Thai: bah amnart) criminal more than their own past education, which once taught them, that substance comes before looks/packaging and to think analytical and not stick to Thai style rote learning...

People like Dab Daeng are a totally different thing.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Not sure you are on the same planet as Suthep... he is one of the least Democratic people in this whole mess... follow his past read his history... far from "ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. " way far away from it... he uses the "D" word as a slogan...nothing more.....

Least democratic. Compared to who? If it is compared to the current PTP then he shines above them all. I won't continually repeat the principles of democracy that the PTP abused during their tenure. The list is too long and exhaustive. Suffice to say when I ask the UDD / PTP supporters what the principles of democracy are I get no reply. No reply on that anyway. I do get a reply about something completely unrelated that involves demonizing Suthep. But nothing on democracy. I am sure you will be they same? I ask you what the principles of democracy are? What you purport the PTP represent.

So I look forward to an example of Suthep using the "D" word as a slogan?

Look forward to hearing what the principles of democracy are that the PTP are fighting for. AND no, I already know about elections. I mean the others.

How about the right of elected officials to finish their terms in office unless removed by the courts in accordance with the law?

I can understand your being tired of hearing about elections, because the fact remains that the Thai people keep choosing parties affiliated with Thaksin. The Democrats and Suthep have no answer for that other than to seize power by undemocratic means.

I'm all for reforming government and the constitution, and I'm all for getting the Shinawatra's out of politics in a legal manner. However I don't support the methods promoted by Suthep or the Democrats, and I'm not in favor of a military coup. Democracy and the courts (flawed though both are) are the correct tools for improving government in Thailand. Any other approach is a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

Final thought: If Suthep wins the Thai people that keep electing Thaksin affiliated governments will conclude that elections don't work and street mobs do. Do you think that will be good for Thailand?

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if the army is really here to protect the country then they need to step in and remove Suthep immediately. he is only interested in anarchy and starting a civil war. if he is allowed to continue then i see no way for this to be decided peacefully. we are approaching sad sad times for Thai people. My wife and I are contemplating our departure from her home for our safety.

Oh my, if you are really so scared, maybe you better watch from the outside.

OTOH this is not an unusual situation, what we have here now,- only the latest and lasting longer than normal.

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I wonder how many of the TV red shirts are married and living in north and northeast Thailand, vrs the TV Yellow shirts living in central and southern Thailand.

We should conduct a survey.

Actually i think the correlation and causation is more in IQ and education. With the red shirts on the lower part of the IQ tree. With a few exceptions of course.

You seem to have a prejudice, and unless you can provide evidence to support your views it qualifies as an ignorant prejudice. "IQ tree" is a new term for me, but I would put people with ignorant prejudices on the lower branches.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

You are allowed an opinion

but Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility have seen Yingluck has no say in the matter and as the real leader will not be their the who thing is a sham

The same can be said for Suthep. Christ! You can just not help it can you?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Please correct me if I a wrong so your now saying that Suthep is not the mad hysterical leader who want to run the country, like all the Taskin supporters have been writing for the last 2 months

And like Yingluck he is only doing what he is told

At last we both agree with each other

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Mad... delusional, a fine line. However I very much doubt that Suthep could manage these kinds of costs alone. In case you haven't noticed, every loud mouthed politician is just that for a reason, they are covered.

The only reason Suthep can roam free and spew his hypocritical slur is because he is backed by the ammart.

Edited by maxme
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Suthep want the Shins out and the constitution provides for an interim government which I believe the Senate must appoint in early March.

He is hanging on until then and Yingluck is trying all she can to get the elections completed before she is out as caretaker.

If Suthep carries on after she is gone then his role will have changed.

The focus should be on who forms the interim government and the agenda that it sets. In the following months Yingluck will run away just like every rich person does when the threat of prison time looms, of that I am sure.

I hope they can find someone to lead that interim government with honour, good morals and evenhandedness. I also hope they get on with the job quickly and get properly administered elections completed.

There needs to be a cleaning out of bad politicians and ensure they can never again run for office. That includes all parties.

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Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

Surprise, surprise.

Since the beginning, this dispute has been about winner takes all and their taking no prisoners. It appears that without the intervention of a third party, something else with real clout behind it, than this situation will never be resolved peacefully.

How about Khun Suthep agreeing to talk with Ms. Yingluk to discuss all these current issues/problems, but the discussion will be between only the two of them, with a live audience televised live on all TV channels. No substitutes allowed. My guess is she will refuse that invitation and then Khun Suthep can continue with his mission.

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Snig27, on 25 Feb 2014 - 17:42, said:

Protest Leader? He's not the protest leader, he's the front for his bosses.

And one who clearly doesn't care how many innocents die as long as he gets his way.

So you are accusing him of being behind the child killings? Ridiculous, any able minded person knows who is behind this!

Snig, so what, would that be anything akin to YL, the entire PT party and their boss in Dubai? Is all the PT party only a front, my guess is yes.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yingluck will no longer be caretaker on 3rd March.

I think that is when negotiations start.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Suthep has made it clear he will not negotiate with anyone associated with the Pheu Thai party and that means he will only negotiate when the government is overthrown and in the hands of his People's COmmittee. Then he will graciously negotiate with himself.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Suthep has butchered the country in two by inflaming society, he has shown no reasonableness or wisdom, just a madman with his butchers knife hacking the country to pieces. He is up against murder charges, he is cowardly hiding behind props like the Thai flag - thinking he is invincible, and after all that has happened in the last few weeks, this fool still refuses to go to the negotiating table. The fact that there are still some farangs supporting this nutcase is absolutely mind boggling.

Stop dishonestly spouting off about democracy and checks and balances which you either care nothing about or know nothing about. The only thing you lot are interested in is the downfall of Thaksin (a petty, selfish, and increasingly stupid obsession) - so much so that everything else, democracy included... is basically a zero in comparison.

Great post moonao. I cannot understand this obsession with Thaksin. However, if you read foreign news sources and put all the pieces together, Thaksin is just an excuse for this power grab to achieve the "backers" aim. Unfortunately, Thaivisa rules and the laws mean I cannot comment further.

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When the protest was first taking place, I was actually in support of their agendas, but as it drags on, it is becoming more obvious that PDRC's overall objective is to overthrow a democratically elected government, in order to institute a self-appointed government system. This will take Thailand back to the stone age where it was once ruled by military dictators who had supreme authority to govern the country with an iron fist. I am not a supporter of Thaksin, Yingluck, Red-Shirts or Yellow Shirts, but I am a strong believer in freedom and democracy, which Thailand is heading towards the opposite direction given its current state of affairs.

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This guy does not have the mandate for all of Thailand; support is from Bangkok. He won't reveal what his true intentions are. Supports the capture of the elected Prime Minister. Doesn't care about the rice Farmer. Wants reform but was involved in past not best practice while in Govt.

Suthep has a murky past, if I was Thai I wouldn't trust this man.

What he seems to be offering is a brand of socialism that is not clearly explained.

Maybe time to learn the goose step or deny that you have an education. Didn't work for A. Hitler or P. Pot.

Hope they work it out before this guys foot is firmly stuck in the door.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

Did I read this correctly? The armed attacks were from the outside...not the inside. Nothing like throwing confusion into the equation.

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Suthep want the Shins out and the constitution provides for an interim government which I believe the Senate must appoint in early March.

He is hanging on until then and Yingluck is trying all she can to get the elections completed before she is out as caretaker.

If Suthep carries on after she is gone then his role will have changed.

The focus should be on who forms the interim government and the agenda that it sets. In the following months Yingluck will run away just like every rich person does when the threat of prison time looms, of that I am sure.

I hope they can find someone to lead that interim government with honour, good morals and evenhandedness. I also hope they get on with the job quickly and get properly administered elections completed.

There needs to be a cleaning out of bad politicians and ensure they can never again run for office. That includes all parties.

Utopia is but a dream, unfortunately until the education system has been improved and we get actual educated ministers, Thailand has to stick with the lesser evils.

Hmm, speaking of running away, Suthep hit the streets pretty quick after his land deal was discovered. He broke the law and the agreement he had with the poor yet he cried foul and ran out to the streets to gather his very own little pity party.

Do I think Yingluck is a bright PM? Not really, but whenever did Thailand have that? Like it or not, she was elected by the people.

Democrats screwed up and tried to make a pointless rebuttal to the international media as nobody is buying it.

Incompetence and corruption are existent in all the lower and higher branches of the political party tree here in Thailand. Thaksin used the transitional period to his advantage to better the lives for the poor, which the Democrats failed to do. Is he better than them? Doubtful, he just got there first.

So by disbanding one party because on the sole reason that it is the root of all evil, is extremely naive as you will just replace it with another just as corrupt. Let democracy have its way and instead push the government on educational reforms or vote them off or any until there is one who actually has the courage to do the necessary, no matter the cost.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Think I would rather replace a party that is openly grossly corrupt and have at least a chance however slim that the replacement might be less corrupt than just lie down an accept the same lot back in again. Otherwise I would on the whole agree with you

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What a surprise. He's leading a lawless mob trying to topple and elected government, what can he negotiate?

It is unbelievable how just a handful of people can hold a Nation hostage with the right back-up.

Like Yingluck, Suthep is just a puppet.

His backer has not shown his/her face yet.

Go ask Sondhi Lim.

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Suthep's unwillingness to negotiate is a clear unmistakeable signal that he does not have a clue about what democracy is about, and how it works. His fear of letting voters decide by blocking election sites and not running candidates should have been a clue he is just using word "democracy", but by no means wants it. Drop the words "democratic" and "absolute democracy". Both sides have legit grievances, concerns, and valid points of view. Negotiations are the peaceful way to bring those into something resembling reality.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The era of backroom deals is over. The Thai people are justifiable nauseated with everything that happens behind closed doors. What has been particularly educational during this period is that the extra intense spotlight on the Yingluck administration through the NACC, aided by their present - and perpetual - caretaker status - has been nothing less than shocking. And yet that is how Pheu Thai have governed from the beginning. And they've done it all behind closed doors.

At the end of the day, this will not be about Yingluck or Suthep. It will not be about Pheu Thai or the PDRC. It will be about three elements that have been at play long before this drama began - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies, and it is through all three that the path forward will be forged. The constitution is already hard at work. On March 5, Yingluck will be constitutionally required to step down in lieu of a parliamentary quorum. The present caretaker status of the Yingluck administration will be history. The constitutional provisions for what follows are also clear mapped out in the constitution - which it is to be emphasized - is the basis of all laws in the country. The courts have a myriad of impeachment cases to proceed with. None look promising for Yingluck nor many other administration officials. The independent agencies will continue under the new constitutionally sanctioned interim administration to do their work, not only in providing evidence regarding what will at that point be referred to as the former Yingluck administration - but also to the interim administration itself and all subsequent administrations that ensue from future national elections. All three elements of the rule of law - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies - must be protected and unimpeded.

A period of reform awaits the country, and people from all walks of life will be involved. That is the hope at the end of the tunnel. And the path forward.

Great post, lets all pray and hope that this is what unfolds...

Dream on. Nothing is going to change when the corruption in Thailand is as bad at the bottom as it is at the top. Suthep is just a corrupt as anyone in the PTP. Yingluck might go but the next government will be just a s corrupt. It's just a way of life in Thailand. Offering money for favors is just the way it is done in Asia, not only in Thailand.

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I want to know what reforms Suthep has in mind?

If they are genuine reforms designed to cut down corruption and government monopoly then I will support it.

But Suthep refuses to divulge the nature of the reforms until after he has taken power!

That is a very dangerous thing to accept and the reason why I cannot support such a movement.

I fear one of the reforms is cutting the voting rights of poor and less educated citizens.

It is a shame but the problem is that you can not really, efficently, freely support anything.....well in your bedroom with your wife perhaps...but i guess you are a farang so you are just allowed to bring money here, spend it where ever in thailand...and please shut the f..k up.....deportation is around the corner in case....of...??? !!!

they don't care about you , me or us and they don't want to ear or read our farang incomprehensible and disturbing funny democratic ideas who are always disturbing this incredible and subliminal thainess.

good day and good night


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It looks llike he is playing a game of cards and believes he is the only one having an ace up his sleeve. He will not negotiate for he has been told sit down and play the game at the end of the day you will win heaps in commission for you to peacefully retire just keep going.

Puppets can play cards but cannot take chances at bridge for skill outweighs luck.

There has to be a compromise but that will be only if the military back the government and bring him to the table otherwise the reds will be driving the tanks

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The era of backroom deals is over. The Thai people are justifiable nauseated with everything that happens behind closed doors. What has been particularly educational during this period is that the extra intense spotlight on the Yingluck administration through the NACC, aided by their present - and perpetual - caretaker status - has been nothing less than shocking. And yet that is how Pheu Thai have governed from the beginning. And they've done it all behind closed doors.

At the end of the day, this will not be about Yingluck or Suthep. It will not be about Pheu Thai or the PDRC. It will be about three elements that have been at play long before this drama began - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies, and it is through all three that the path forward will be forged. The constitution is already hard at work. On March 5, Yingluck will be constitutionally required to step down in lieu of a parliamentary quorum. The present caretaker status of the Yingluck administration will be history. The constitutional provisions for what follows are also clear mapped out in the constitution - which it is to be emphasized - is the basis of all laws in the country. The courts have a myriad of impeachment cases to proceed with. None look promising for Yingluck nor many other administration officials. The independent agencies will continue under the new constitutionally sanctioned interim administration to do their work, not only in providing evidence regarding what will at that point be referred to as the former Yingluck administration - but also to the interim administration itself and all subsequent administrations that ensue from future national elections. All three elements of the rule of law - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies - must be protected and unimpeded.

A period of reform awaits the country, and people from all walks of life will be involved. That is the hope at the end of the tunnel. And the path forward.

What a load of old codswallop!

PeuThai have been elected three times in fair electeions.

the past two times they have been prevented from governing, the first by a military coup after the yellowshirts occupied the airport and the second by the same people (different face this time).

This is a Bangkok elite issue, they dont get any crumbs from the table when Peu Thai is in power.

They want back in the trough again.

They are totally cynical and ruthless, Suthep is their puppet.

They just don't get it.

Outside of Bangkok there are 55 million people, the majority don't support the Democrat party. They have long memories of the decades of corruption that Dems presided over. The rural poor couldn't get a whiff of the country's wealth, it all went to the old families who control Suthep.

Do you think they'll just patiently allow these facists to take over again?

Dream on!

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Could't agree more. Tell YL, her brother and all the rest of PT to pound sand.

Pound sand...&lt;deleted&gt; does that mean?

Are you telling them to put a couple of quid on the sand? or get a hammer each and "pound sand" at say Pattaya beach?

God you read some dribble on this forum bah.gif

possibly your not bright enough to understand the post thumbsup.gif

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Protest Leader? He's not the protest leader, he's the front for his bosses.

And one who clearly doesn't care how many innocents die as long as he gets his way.

Name Suthep's bosses?

Because we all know Thaksin Shinawatra is the local boss of the totalitarian, kleptocratic, trans-national corporatists running the show for the last dozen years.

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